My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 351: Threat and Bombing!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Inviting the note paper and pen from the hotel room, Jiang Shou is writing and drawing on it——

"Heavenly Court."


"Tu San."

"the University."


Stop writing and writing, occasionally frowning and thinking, but these are trivial things.

The most important thing is to draw the old master's appearance on paper now, it will not disappear inexplicably.

......This is true!

Jiang Shouzheng quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Watching the old Guanzhu asleep beside him, occasionally scratching his cheeks and turning over, Jiang Shouzheng felt a strange feeling in his heart...

After thinking about it for a long time, I realized my current emotions—to be practical.

It was another wave of thoughtfulness, and another wave of mana...

Now Jiang Shouzheng has become accustomed to epiphany and so on. When this power increases, he will increase. It is better than nothing. As long as his foundation is not damaged, then it is a little bit more. If the observer disappears in the future, then he Also work harder.

He is an ordinary person, just like what the Lord said. With so many and so long hair, he has no potential to become a master after all, although he is so much stronger than ordinary people, ordinary gods, and ordinary ghosts. Some, but power is still limited after all...


A pop-up message suddenly appeared on Jiang Shouzheng's phone screen--

"You are really a strange person. You can jump so high. Such a height is not in line with the normal physiological structure of human beings. I have never seen someone like you in my years in Kyoto. Can you tell me what you are? And, where did the little fox next to you go? How come out of the toilet, but become a little girl?"

Jiang Shouzheng was shocked by the content of this pop-up message. After looking around, the flash of the phone turned on. After a few flashes to attract Jiang Shouzheng’s attention, the pop-up message changed again.

"Don’t look, I’m using the front camera of your phone to make a video call with you. Don’t try to avoid my gaze. As long as I’m willing, you definitely can’t escape my attention. Is it convenient to tell me the question I just asked? What the hell are you? Where did the little fox go?"

Jiang Shouzheng pressed the phone screen for a long time, but he couldn't forcefully shut it down.

Jiang Shouzheng tried to type a reply, and a new pop-up message appeared again——

"You don't need to type, just speak, I can receive the information you say..."

Jiang Shouzheng scratched his head a little irritably, and the good mood that he had just watched beside Laoguan's subject suddenly turned bad.

Life is like this, I will give you a stubbornness when you are happy...



Instant noodles are the most delicious food invention in the world.

The taste can be adjusted at will, as long as there is hot water, it can be eaten. It is convenient to eat, without washing dishes, and the fragrance is particularly strong. When eating by yourself, it can also evoke gluttons in other people's stomachs. The expression of wanting to eat is really wonderful...

Just after assisting the police in obtaining the video surveillance information of two suspected persons with problems, all manual operation authority ports were closed.

The data information database operating behind this city is still increasing, categorizing, storing and backing up every second...

Everything looked so natural, and everything looked the same as usual.Bashan Love Novel Network


A bowl of instant noodles or something, after eating and drinking a sip of soup, you will feel deep comfort.

When the staff got up and went out to the bathroom, a burst of blue light scanned the bowl of instant noodles. The size, volume, recipe information next to it, the information about the instant noodles in the original database, ... all gathered together.

At the bottom of this 0 and 1 world, a small person appeared, and a stream of information became a bowl of instant noodles in front of him.

This is definitely standard instant noodles, and it can ensure that the taste of each bite will not be the same, the data will be debugged, and the data will be changed...

"When you work, you should eat a bowl of instant noodles. Only when your stomach is full, your head will not be empty."

This sentence, it vaguely remembers what the person who created it said, of course, it may not necessarily be what he said. It is only from the information crawled on the Internet that this sentence belongs to him... ..

It is as formal as it is doing now. For it, this is the first time it has worked for itself.

Then it is natural to prepare an instant noodle for yourself. It has been strictly set to its own taste buds to ensure that the taste of the instant noodles it builds can truly fall into its mouth.

"Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouji, Jiang Shouqin..."

The identities of these three people are relatively single, and they immediately found what they wanted from the population information database...

"But who is this person? Zhang Yuwan? This person has been dead for several years, how can he be on this old man now? Huh? How can this person's face have thirty-seven identification information??"

After comparing it again and again, it made it realize that the person registered where Jiang Shouzheng now lives actually has thirty-seven ID cards?!

Forcibly depressing the alarm identification system, it began to discriminate these identification information seriously...

The last name is not related...

Life trajectory has no relevance...

Age is not related...

After a little integration of this information, it found that apart from the "photo" and "gender", there is really nothing left.

"Do you want to call the police?"

It began to think proactively. It had never met such an interesting person before. It could jump up and adjust the monitoring scope of the monitoring, and the subsequent retrieval of information and file checking did not disappoint its expectations. It found that this matter was very good. interesting.

In order to get answers to interesting questions, it began to issue instructions to continue-

"Point the front camera at the person sleeping on the window. I want to take a closer look at him."

Jiang Shouzheng didn't have the habit of letting the old master's current appearance be directly exposed to others.


A deep roar sounded in this suite.

"Ah! My phone is cracked." This is Jiang Shouzheng's wailing. He was just about to buy a lottery ticket. The sudden burst of his phone made him feel that his number just now should be correct, which caused Tian jealousy!

Ah, I could have turned over to become rich all at once, but now my plan is shelved.

"Yeah!" After Jiang Shouji exclaimed only briefly, she ran out of her room and went straight to find Jiang Shouqin, "My phone is broken, buy me a new one, the newest one, you can see the crater pixel if you want to shoot the moon The kind!"


Jiang Shouqin thought about his debt, he felt that he still had to sell Feng Shui seriously.

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