My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 352 Two Actresses!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Seeing the black smoke from his mobile phone, Jiang Shouqin still felt as if he was dreaming, without any precautions, there was really no sign!There is no real sense.

When the finger felt a little prickly, he suddenly threw the phone to the ground, and the screen cracked with a click. It was a heartbreaking sound, distressed!!!

When I was digging for gold, I secretly exchanged the money, I thought it was a windfall!After the money is taken away, it will have nothing to do...

In the first few days of taking it away, I was indeed a little frightened, for fear that someone would come to ask for gold nuggets, but over time, this guilt and worries gradually diminished, or was suppressed. ...

But what I never thought was that this would actually be held accountable by the old Guanzhu. He originally wanted to refute a few words like "Does the Guanzhu say that the money belongs to him?", but in the report of the brother Next, the old view master accurately stated the places where the gold is hidden, and that should be correct...

It was originally not own money, now the original owner comes to the door, then pay it back.

He can also accept one loss one or something.

As long as he slightly refunds some of the member's recharge, as long as he tries to get back part of the money rewarded by others, he can eventually make up the money quickly.

But... he was given a routine by the old master. There is no way to fold a piece of A4 size printing paper into tenfold!

This is the use of my own psychological misunderstanding...

But such a complaint can only be thought about in my heart, and it will hurt the feelings if it is spoken.

Who can blame it?

To blame, only himself can be blamed. Who prevents him from studying mathematics?

If you can learn mathematics a little bit better, you will have a little bit of counting in your mind—folding theory or something, he only found out after searching the Internet.


This is of course not what makes his heartache the most. After all, the foundation of heartache is based on "unwillingness"——

"Why let me buy it for you!"

Jiang Shouqin himself has no money now, so he naturally smashed Jiang Shouji's words back.

Even though he still has a few deposits in his current electronic bank, he owes more money!

This feeling of owing money really made Lian feel very uncomfortable, more uncomfortable than sleeping in the toilet on the train.

The thought of spending this time with the old view master day and night, if the old view master mentioned that one or two repayments, so much makes Lian feel embarrassed...

"Whatever you look at, you just won't buy it for you, unless you call me senior, where in this world is there a senior sister who asks seniors to honor me? If you let me be a senior, I can reward you."

Jiang Shouqin flicked his hair and assumed a pose that he thought was handsome.120 novel

His current skin is basically the same as Jiang Shouzheng, because Jiang Shouzheng has never had such an attitude and posture, and it seems to make people feel that there is some violation...

Since it was against the peace, then as Jiang Shouzheng's junior and vixen with inheritance memory, Jiang Shouji believed that she had an obligation to train her junior.

As a elder sister, you can’t just benefit from the benefits of the younger brother, but also give the younger brother benefits so that he knows...

"Still staring at me? Do you want me to buy it? You don't call me brother, why should I buy it for you, the money I earned, which one is not my hard earned? Don't say I don't work hard , I have lived hard for more than seven thousand years, and I have only been able to do this until now. Can I not work hard?! I have the ability to become a'banknote', but I have worked hard. Do you want something for nothing? I do not know......"

When talking about the principle, the one with the dominant position will not only be more publicized in terms of words, but will also be more...unsatisfied, but...

"...Sister Xiaobai, I won't allow you to come and ask me to buy it for you. How can you come to my room and talk about such trivial things?! Since your phone is broken, then shout As soon as I say, I will take the initiative to help you make a selection online! Sister Bai, I ask you, do you want me to buy it for you just after your phone exploded?! Yes, yes! Is it the best and most expensive one? The highest pixel! Okay, I buy it!...'

When Jiang Shouqin said the word "buy", he emphasized a little bit and expressed his decision.

Being a sister and brother, taking care of and supporting each other is what it should mean. In this era of torrential torrents, fighting alone is the way to die. Only when you are in a group can you get warm!

'Well, Sister Xiaobai, I promised you that I want to buy it. Can you put your paws away a little bit? I think this is a little dangerous...We need to be friendly!'

"Are you sure you want to buy it for me?"

"Definitely and definitely!"

"Are you really going to buy it for me?"

"Of course, I, Jiang Shouqin, is here to poison four...If I, Jiang Shouqin, did not buy the best mobile phone for Xiaobai, then I am not a human being!"

Looking at Jiang Shouqin’s pious face, and then at his gestures, Jiang Shouji’s hands shrank back. They were hairy hands, but they returned to the Qianqian appearance, saying, "Although your movements are not standard, although you There are deliberately vaguely vowed four and swears, although you are not a human at all, but as your senior sister, I should still trust you once...When you break the contract, it will not be too late to beat you."

Watching Jiang Shouji squeeze his fist and leave, Jiang Shouqin breathed a sigh of relief. When he heard the door of Jiang Shouji's room closed, Jiang Shouqin flipped his hand and a lotus seed appeared in the palm of his hand, activating the aura contained in it, and then restrained himself Breath, the two maintain a dynamic balance.

When the breath of lotus seeds rose to his usual breath, Jiang Shouqin stepped out with his feet...

He was just threatened by the senior sister!

He is now going to find a senior to give a small report, in formal terms, that is to reflect his grievances to the organization, and let the organization bring justice to himself!

Although the seniors usually tend to favor senior sisters, the seniors will definitely stand on their side in front of the big things.

Jiang Shouqin thought so, and as soon as he took a step outside, he was held by a small hand——

"Yo~ my dear brother, what are you going to do now? Is it so cleverly designed?"

Jiang Shouji turned her head and glanced into the room. Jiang Shouqin had a painful expression on her face. He licked his face and said, "Sister, don't I want you to taste my newest lotus seeds? I want to give you a surprise for making your product taste correct, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t leave. It’s really a shame~"

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