You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Guru."

The sound of saliva swallowing seemed a bit abrupt in the quiet aisle, which was made by the man surnamed Zhou just now.

On the way upstairs, Jiang Shouzheng knew that the other party’s name was "Zhou Xin". Of course, this was not important, it was just a name. The important thing was that Jiang Shouzheng had convinced the other party to let him experience a "basic package" first. It also stated that "If you want to ensure that there is no hidden danger in 100% of the spirit, you need to enjoy the service of the upgrade package."

Fortunately, Jiang Shouzheng had already missed a small hand just now, and now the problem of carrying on the business is not too big.

"Want to go in?" Zhou Xin's face showed fear.

"Of course, you are being watched by the other party now, and I will definitely protect you." Jiang Shouzheng spoke the truth. Under the observation of the eyes of the sky, the ghost spirit is very weak, which is the normal level of Linjiang.

Although Kyoto is a big city, the quality of the ghosts is only that, and they don't seem to be too powerful. This has dealt a certain blow to his original idea of ​​Kyoto experience.

But at the moment this mood is naturally to be cleaned up, the lion fights the rabbit still needs to use all strength, this Mr. Zhou Xinzhou has not paid yet!Is it possible for him to experience a bad experience when he accepts his own dementing service? What if he doesn't pay?

Moreover, General Manager Zhang Kang just made a promise under the influence of Tianyan that if he can complete the extermination, all the expenses of the old master in the hotel this time will be written off.

Now that the other party has promised so, then the cost of the floor damage should not be compensated.

Let’s not talk about it. It shouldn’t matter if you wait until you’re finished with a good communication. A piece of floor tile is always cheaper than hotel accommodation.

"I'll open the door." Zhang Kang, who was watching from the side, settled, and wanted to use his master card to open the door.

"Wait a minute..." Jiang Shouzheng said softly so that the hearts of the two people next to him squatted. He squatted and looked around. "Expelling spirits is a time-consuming and laborious task. The chief said hello."

Zhou Xin: "..." took out a string of Buddhist beads from his handbag, pressed a button, and the beads began to glow.

Zhang Kang: "..." He took out a green onion from his pocket and held it tightly like a stick... This is the green onion from the kitchen just now, and the leaves are still Possess a little water stain.

Jiang Shouzheng stretched out his hand, and the two of them shrank their hands at the same time. This is their current amulet, which cannot be given to Jiang Shouzheng.

"Which one of you can lend me a cell phone? My cell phone...I didn't bring it."


Decryption games are very popular during this period. They are quieter than collaborative games and are very in line with the social concept of young people.

There are no more than two solutions-

First, perform deductions in accordance with the logic of the game and follow the steps they provide to get the final answer.

This kind of gameplay is the most routine, but most of the content in it is just self-explanatory, not very theoretical and logical, and the result is unique. If someone happens to read the commentary of that game, it will soon Will lose the fun of this game.

Second, according to different choices, there will be different answers. This design mostly appears in plot games, but adding this link to decryption games will greatly increase the playability of this game.

However, this kind of gameplay naturally requires payment.First Literature Network

"I wanted to play this kind of game before, but I have been reluctant to charge up."

The deciphering subject is at a deadlock, and temporarily unable to think of a way to crack it, after three clicks on the screen, a game prompt appears.

"Wow! Watching the Lord, how did you do this? I got stuck in this place when I was playing this game. There is no prompt in the game!" Jiang Shouqin asked in awe.

"Of course I charged up."

When it comes to recharging, there is no taboo.

As a pure renminbi player, Old Guanzhu firmly believes that by filling up money, he can become stronger.

Such an attitude made Jiang Shouqin a bit of envy. He was more or less embarrassed when he recharged. In the mouths of those gamers, "RMB player" is not a good word.

Regarding Jiang Shouqin's "envious" expression, the old Guanzhu proudly said: "Well, do you want to recharge and become stronger?"

"I also think, but I want to make others feel that I have not recharged after I have recharged, so that other players will not keep posting words like'RMB player' and'technical garbage' when interacting with me." Jiang Shouqin considered it. , Under the premise of ensuring that the content of the speech does not detract from the old master, make it clear what you want to express.

Restraining the desire to talk, and not how big a fist threat he has suffered, but that he is now a debtor...

To please your creditors, there is nothing wrong with it!

And Jiang Shouji, who was holding her cheeks to the side, expressed disdain for Jiang Shouqin's attitude, and whispered to the old master:

"Watch the Lord, you must not be deceived by Shouqin's present obedient appearance. This person is a ghost, you must ask him to pay a little more, and it will be regarded as your mental loss! You lost it! At the moment of money, you must be in a very bad mood. When you are in a bad mood, you will feel anger and loneliness. Anger and loneliness will fill your heart, which will more or less affect your lifespan... .."

Jiang Shouqin patted his forehead. Sister, do you think she is deaf?

Jiang Shouqin smiled bitterly in his heart. He was a little bit arrogant to subsidize Jiang Shouji's mind. This feeling made him feel very bad.

Jiang Shouji was the demon who had eaten two lotus seeds. Although she was definitely not better than Jiang Shouqin in using "soul" or "spirit", she was completely uncomfortable when Jiang Shouqin threatened with this aspect.

"Okay, okay, it is understandable for girls to talk more at home, but it is better not to talk about personal issues." Speaking of this, the old man paused, his eyelids drooped for a while, and then he lifted his mobile phone. Put it down, "But what I just said still makes sense. I feel like I'm a little bit older because of this incident. It really hurts my lifespan. Let's drink some black chicken soup to make up for it."

Lao Guanzhu got up and moved his body for a while, and said to his mobile phone: "Turn off all the data in my background and monitor it. If there is an urgent matter, then notify me with a free text message. It must be free. "

After the old Guanzhu finished speaking, he raised his hand and assumed a punching posture on weekdays, but this time he had not had time for his luck, and a strange number came.

"Is it advertising?"


A free text message-


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