My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 358 Too fast, the experience will be poor. (For subscription)

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After learning that the "luminous" and "enlightened" Buddhist beads he bought had no effect, Zhou Xin completed the above operations in a familiar manner.

Fortunately, there is now an online platform as a guarantee, otherwise, how many profiteers would have!

Customers who buy consecrated Buddhist beads are in demand...

Receiving fakes that do not meet the demand for use is terrible!

Zhou Xin thought of Jiang Shouzheng's warning just now, Niang Xipi, the disaster of blood and light!

"This time, even if the merchant gave me money to delete the bad review, I won't delete it!!!" Zhou Xin murmured.

At this moment, Zhou Xin still held the Buddha beads tightly in his hands.

Buddhist beads...have no function of exorcising ghosts, but they can bring him more or less psychological comfort...

If the Buddha felt that his attitude of holding the Buddha beads was sincere, and brought blessings to himself, that would be an inaccurate thing...

Sitting on the small sofa, Zhang Kang pulled his sleeves with his hands to cool himself a little bit.

Even if the temperature of the central air conditioner is 20 degrees, he still feels hot.

Damn, ghost!

Who doesn't sweat when he hears this news?

Anxiety is normal, but watching Jiang Shouzheng sitting cross-legged on the bed, he feels a little at ease.

He had tasted Jiang Shouzheng's methods just now. Others have real skills, not a street vendor.

However, there is still something absurd in his heart.

College entrance examination champion = master ghost hunter?!

Who will believe this damn thing...

In the quiet room, Zhang Kang tightened the garlic in his hand. If something really came out later, he would give the other party a draw. Jiang Shouzheng said, this fresh garlic is still useful!

Mr. Zhou just changed the garlic in his hand on the grounds of "not having the hotel take responsibility", but he refused without thinking.

What's the joke, the hotel is tainted, he is just a senior manager, come here to see if he is for work, he can't do things that give his life for work, he is not a fool.

But if he can solve the problem with a green onion, he will naturally notify the kitchen to send another cart of garlic.

Some are complete, some are cut, some are broken...

Now these garlics are placed in the room, and the taste is slightly bigger.

"Nan Wu, Drink La Da Na..."

The sudden sound made Zhang Kang's heart miss a beat. He looked at the sound and found that his eyes were a little harsh: "What are you doing?"

Zhou Xin swallowed, and said with a guilty conscience: "It's too quiet, I'm a little scared, let's play "The Great Compassion Mantra" to listen."

"The scriptures played by this music player are useless."

Jiang Shouzheng's voice rang in their ears.

Although Zhang Kang looked at Zhou Xin, he still followed Jiang Shouzheng's direction. Jiang Shouzheng didn't open his mouth just now.

"Is this ventriloquism?" Zhang Kang asked tentatively.

"No, this is the sound transmission. Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Jiang Shouzheng closed his eyes tightly and did not open his mouth.

Zhang Kang and Zhou Xin are in awe of showing a hand like this.

Zhou Xin turned off the Great Compassion Mantra, and tentatively asked: "Little Master, I want to listen to the song now. It's too quiet, I'm so nervous. Can you recommend me to listen to some scriptures to relax me a bit? ?"

"If you have to listen to anything, listen to... "The Pure Land of Bliss"."

Jiang Shouzheng didn't have much research on "The Pure Land of Bliss" or something, but the old view master highly praised it, should it be a better Buddhist scripture?

"The Pure Land of Bliss?!"

Zhou Xin was puzzled, but didn't say much, the little master said everything, then listen to it, although this song seems to be unsuitable under this situation...186 Chinese website www.186zw. com

Jiang Shouzheng who heard "The Pure Land of Bliss" for the first time...was blinded.

What about the good Buddhist scriptures?It is said that it needs serious research?Old Master...Uh...

There were many thoughts in Jiang Shouzheng's heart, which made him want to check with the old master, but now is not the time.

It has been brewing for so long, the legs are numb, and the styling has been for so long. Isn't it a failure to leave now?

——Only by giving customers a satisfying experience, can we charge higher fees!


"I'm older, I have a bad appetite."

Old Guanzhu ate the takeaway delivered to the door, and put it down after eating a few chopsticks.

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji also let go, with a look of disgust.

"Hey, it's normal for me to be an old man who can't eat. Why don't you two young people stop eating?" Old Guan wondered.

"It's terrible!" Jiang Shouqin disgusted unabashedly.

"Lord, that...a little bit unappetizing." Jiang Shouji replied with consideration.

Old Guanzhu thought for a while and said, " seems we have to wait for Jiang Shouzheng to come back to toss these dishes a few times, or else we won't be able to eat them at all."

The old Guanzhu made a decision, and the two disciples were relieved. Fortunately, the Guanzhu did not let them eat on the excuse of "saving food, the disc is glorious"...

"But, why don't you eat at this point now?"

The old master walked to the window and looked out. There were still very few people outside. You don't have to go out to know that it will be very hot.

It's still comfortable to stay in the air-conditioned room!

In the past, Qingfengguan didn't have the conditions to install air conditioners, that is, year after year.

Since installing the air conditioner in Qingfengguan, he found that the air conditioner is really a good thing.

It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but difficult to change from luxury to frugality!

How about playing with mobile phones?

Thinking of this, he glanced at Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, and he gave up the idea again.

The game operations of these two little guys are obviously smoother than him. In front of the juniors, he still needs to maintain his image. It is naturally cool to charge up money to play games, but the image still needs to be maintained a little bit.

So...what is the playing time?

The old master thought for a while, greeted Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin and said, "Let’s come together to fight and fight."

I clicked on the sports bracelet on my wrist, just to see how many calories can be burned in a set of punches...


Ghost hunting is divided into actual moves and false moves.

The real move is to greet the ghost, and the false move is to show the customer.

Jiang Shou, who had been sitting cross-legged for several hours, was about to feel no sense in his lower body, and waited until Zhou Xin's ghost appeared again.

"Sky Eye, open!"

Opening his eyes, he fluently made the complicated gestures given to him by Professor Laoguanzhu...

Zhou Xin glanced at Zhang Kang:'Is it Naruto?'

Zhang Kang blinked:'It seems so, but it doesn't seem to be.'

The eye contact between the two of them was not too long, because their attention was completely attracted by the bloody mist that suddenly appeared in the air.

The glass in the bathroom couldn't block their sight at all. Under their gaze, a humanoid without skin was pacing inside.

Before I had time to take a closer look, and the mood had not risen, all the scenes suddenly disappeared!

'Guanzhu punches again?'Jiang Shouzheng smashed his mouth and began to think about how to round out the story.' It's too fast, and the customer has no sense of experience.'

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