My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 359: Too Cheap! (Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Why did Jiang Shouzheng choose to remove spirits at night in Linjiang?

Was he unable to find the hiding place of the ghost?

Is he hoping to stay up late?

Does he want to show customers that he has no credit and hard work?

The answer to the first two questions is of course no, the last question...speaking of conscience is a little consideration. After all, the starting point of exterminating spirits is to make money. He doesn't want to have someone else Ask him to refund the money.

But the most important thing is that the old view master can't... punch at this point in time.

Every time the old Guanzhu punches, it will seriously affect Jiang Shouzheng's performance, especially in this situation.

"Little Master, what's the situation now?" Zhou Xin leaned to Jiang Shouzheng's side, holding garlic in his hand and also in his mouth, so he spoke quickly and vaguely...

Zhang Kang recovered from the scene he had just seen, his back was already wet, and he silently took out his phone and clicked on "The Pure Land of Bliss"... His mood was a little lighter..... .

Classmate Jiang Shouzheng, oh no, it's Master Jiang Shouzheng!

"The master knows that the scriptures of the music player are useless, but will make us nervous, so he recommends us to listen to "Elite Land"?Sure enough, there is practical experience!Know how to calm the mood of ordinary people like us.'

Thinking of this Kang, he is not so nervous. He believes that the current situation must be under the control of Master Jiang Shouzheng. After this incident, Zhang Kang decided to respond to the above. The bathroom...should not be by the door. Yes, now he can't even run if he wants to.

"Little Master, you are talking, what's the situation now, was that a ghost just now?"

Zhou Xin felt that maybe he hadn't said clearly just now, and the little master didn't reply to him. Now he has swallowed all the intentions in his mouth...

Jiang Shouzheng still did not reply, but instead "rolled his eyes" and his body trembled unconsciously.


Zhou Xin fell to the ground and rolled to the window, and came to Zhang Kang.

Zhou Xin doesn't like this general manager who is familiar with Ximu, but now only by his side can Zhou Xin have a little comfort.

"What should I do now?" Zhou Xin's voice trembled.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the little master is now fighting the unclean thing just now!

"I don't know." Zhang Kang's face turned pale, and he put the phone's megaphone to his ear.

"Or... shall we run away now?" Zhou Xin thought for a while and asked.

"You first?"

"No, you first."

"I think we should trust Master Jiang Shouzheng! He is a capable person. If he can't figure it out, do you think that a person like us who sees...the whole body can live?"

Zhang Kang's words made Zhou Xin nod in agreement.

It's impossible to run, but now it's impossible to just sit here and wait for death.

Apart from listening to "The Pure Land of Bliss", there is always something to do.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xin looked at a cart of garlic.


Acting is not Jiang Shouzheng's strong suit, but in order to survive, he can only act.

The other party's demand is to "eliminate the spirit", and the result now is "the spirit has been eliminated."

If the performance is too relaxed, the price behind will be difficult to negotiate.

How can high fees be paid for things with a small amount of effort?

Only after arduous efforts, can the other party willingly open the wallet.

When he felt that he was about to roll his eyes, Jiang Shouzheng closed his eyes, controlled his body to restore calm, took a long breath, and let out a faint breath.

In order to enhance the effect of the performance, the gas he exhaled carries dots of "Martian".

This is his real fire... a good novel

Wiping the sweat suffocated by mana, Jiang Shouzheng got up from the bed. Although his lower body was completely numb, his mana worked and everything returned to normal.

"Fortunately not insulted."

Jiang Shouzheng arched his hands at Zhou Xin with a pale face. When he heard this, Zhou Xin collapsed to the ground, and then "Bah, baah"...

Zhang Kang wiped the corners of his mouth silently and smiled heartily.

It seemed that nothing happened just now, but I felt like I had gone through a ghost gate.

Fortunately, everything has passed!

However, Jiang Shouzheng, who was standing on the bed, collapsed on his seat, causing Zhang Kang to subconsciously want to step forward, but his steps abruptly stopped.

"That...Master Jiang Shouzheng, are you okay?" Zhang Kang asked.

"It's okay, but the mana that I just consumed was a bit too much." Jiang Shouzheng lowered his head, looking very hard.

"Then everything is safe now?" Zhang Kang asked again with some worry. The sight of "opening the sky" just impressed him.

Such a scary thing, look at Jiang Shouzheng's gentle appearance...

"It's safe now, but I have to regain my mana."

Jiang Shouzheng's voice was a bit "dry" and he sat up "working hard", but this time, he didn't sit on the bed anymore.

It's too soft and my legs are numb when sitting.

You won’t have leg numbness even if you meditate on the hard board bed of Qingfeng View.

Jiang Shouzheng got out of bed, Zhang Kang and Zhou Xin backed away.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Jiang Shouzheng finished speaking gently, then meditated for an hour.

During this period, no one disturbed him.

"Um... Manager Zhang, I kind of want to go to the toilet." Zhou Xin twisted unnaturally.

Tensed enough to urinate, relaxed enough to want to relax...

"Well, Mr. Zhou wants to go to the bathroom, just go to the bathroom." Zhang Kang pointed to the bathroom and added, "I will accompany you at the door."

"Well, can you go in and accompany me."

" not suitable."

"If there is anything inappropriate, I don't think it is inappropriate."

"We are both men, it is really not suitable, I think it is very suitable to accompany you at the door, you should not let me do inappropriate things..." Zhang Kang looked at Zhou Xin. What he wanted to say, he added, "I don't know if it's appropriate to go to the bathroom now. How about waiting for Master Jiang Shouzheng to recover his mana and ask him?"

Zhou Xin thought for a while, got up and poured out all the minced garlic in a large bowl on the cart, and asked Zhang Kang in a low voice, "Is it suitable for me to pee into it now?"




Jiang Shouzheng, who had entered Ding, wanted to continue practicing, but the surrounding environment was so bad that he felt that he should immediately collect money and leave.

"Little Master, how much do you think you will charge this time?"

It seems that my performance just now is not bad. Although it is the spirit of obsessiveness, but I have the credit, and I won't lose heart when I get the money.

"Twenty thousand...Do you think it is appropriate?"

Seeing Zhou Xin's expression a little unnatural, Jiang Shouzheng is considering whether to lower it a bit...

"It's too cheap! It's a master indeed! This is all doing good deeds! Master, report your bank account to me, I will transfer it now, I will transfer it immediately!"

Zhou Xin took out his mobile phone and just received a short message of refund——

The refund of "Golden Eye Dharma Temple First Grade Jingxin Liuli Luminous Blessing Orb Supreme Mahayana Buddhism" is successful, please check for 40,000 yuan.

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