My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 360 The weight of a game is not necessarily an inevitable behavior.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"We will pay the hotel's full payment for this mobile phone, and I personally promise to equip you with a new phone!"

"We will report the problems with our floor tiles as soon as possible with the superior leadership and shareholders, and we will deal with these problems seriously!"

"I believe that the damage caused to you by this damage to your mobile phone is immeasurable. Our hotel will completely waive your accommodation and meals during this period. In the future, if you and your master come to our hotel for dinner and accommodation, we will provide you with eight Discounted internal preferential price service."


As the general manager of the hotel, Zhang Kang put down his posture, made promises, and after repeated apologies, he bowed back and left...

Jiang Shouzheng naturally knows why the other party made such a posture, and he is not the kind of person who relied on a little ability to act nonsense. You must know that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world. If you are proud and complacent because of small achievements, then you are capable The upper limit will be fixed...

These principles were taught to him by Lao Guanzhu. In this regard, Jiang Shouzheng is still studying very seriously, but he has not met any ghost or god in Linjiang that can make him use two tricks. Although he is not proud, it is more or less. There will be some slack in his mentality, but in the days when the old watcher disappeared, he deeply realized his shortcomings...

Linjiang is a small place, and it is still lacking in many aspects. He has a longing and wants to come to Kyoto to experience it, but the first ghost encountered in Kyoto is slightly stronger than the ghosts in Linjiang, but yes Jiang Shouzheng is still very weak.

"Don't worry, Kyoto is so big, I will stay here for four years, and I will definitely meet a strong opponent!"

"Moreover, Tianting and Kyoto seem to be involved. Even if Tu San didn't explain, there is more or less the shadow of Tianting behind him."

"The disappearance of the old view master is inseparable from the heavens. There are definitely people or non-humans stronger than me in that place. I must stand in front of the old view master when he is in danger next time."


Even if you have a lot of pride and hope for the future, you have to deal with the things on your hands first, and the current thing is-after the cold dinner is processed by mana, it is heated in a microwave.

To be human is to eat well.

"Brother, we have been waiting for you for a long time." Jiang Shouqin said.

"Brother, I'm so hungry waiting for you," Jiang Shouji said.

"Shouzheng, we have to eat together when we have time." Old Guanzhu said.

Jiang Shouzheng's heart was full of moving, and he used his mana to warm his dinner more carefully to ensure that every piece of rice was fully infiltrated.

As the leader of the Qingfeng Temple, the Old View Master would naturally not look at it. He snapped his fingers, and a fire of heart appeared in the air, and the bowls, plates, plates were scattered and wrapped...

The meaning and source of cultivation are traced back to the essence of survival. Providing a better living environment for cultivators is the core purpose of every cultivator.

Jiang Shou saw an idle post when he was reviewing the Cultivation World App. It was recorded like this—

Why would there be something similar to supernatural powers like bigu after all cultivation?Because productivity was low in ancient times, there was no way to produce a large amount of food for people to choose from. Many cultivators worked hard to "eat less", and eating less would have a lot of benefits. The most important thing is to save time and save money. Time to eat, save time in toilet...

"So hungry, so hungry, so hungry, I'm so hungry, so hungry, so hungry, so hungry, I'm so hungry..." Jiang Shouqin looked at the table with his chopsticks and beat.uu library

Under the warmth of Jiang Shouzheng's mana, and the warmth of the old view and subjectivity, the room has bursts of attractive fragrance.

Jiang Shouji, who was staying by the microwave and wanted to eat the first bite, naturally took a pair of chopsticks and returned to the table...

"Sister Xiaobai, don't you already have four pairs of chopsticks? Why did you take another pair?" Jiang Shouqin stopped humming, looking at Jiang Shouji and asked strangely.

"You shut up." When Jiang Shouqin asked, Jiang Shouji stepped on Jiang Shouqin's instep and said lightly, "These are public chopsticks. Some dishes are hygienic only if they are clamped with public chopsticks."

Jiang Shouqin's face was blue and white, and he silently retracted his jio, tentatively opened and retracted his toes...Fortunately, it was not broken, otherwise he would have to spend his energy to repair it.

"Senior Sister, this woman is really unreasonable."

Jiang Shouqin thinks that this is not because he speaks too straight, but that this is a fact.

But the situation is better than Lian. It's good to say this from the bottom of my heart. Now Jiang Shouqin doesn't have the guts to speak. If he can't hold back anymore, he will wait until he runs to the toilet after eating...

After a while, the food can be started.

"Guanzhu, what do you think you can do?" This was when the old Guanzhu asked Jiang Shouzheng to leave and go to the front desk. Although the problem has been solved now, Jiang Shouzheng still curiously wants to learn.

Not every time you encounter a problem, the other party will hell.It's always good to have one more way of solving problems.

"The solution is very simple, but before answering this question, I have to ask you a question first."

"Lord, you say."

Jiang Shouzheng put down his chopsticks and looked respectful.

Senior brothers have put down their chopsticks, so as juniors and sisters, they have to put down their chopsticks and listen to them, but the food is so delicious, Jiang Shouqin's face is buried in the bowl...

"In the process of negotiating with anyone, it is a negotiation. Negotiation is nothing more than a bargaining chip. What is our bargaining chip in this matter?"

Jiang Shouzheng frowned and thought about it: "Is it our identity as a customer? As a customer, their hotel needs to provide us with high-quality services?"

"Yes or not..." Lao Guanzhu shook his head, pointed to Jiang Shouzheng, and also pointed to himself, "Our advantage is that we don't have a foothold in Kyoto, and they need to rely on this hotel. money."


"Yes. We have no foot in Kyoto. As long as we can afford it, they will always be afraid of us, afraid that we will make publicity against them. When the rumors are out, they will dispel the rumors. Even if it is clarified afterwards, their The loss will also be great.” The old master took a bite of the meal, looked at Jiang Shouzheng’s somewhat embarrassed expression, and smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m not saying this for you to do this, but for the negotiation and communication. Say, in the end, even if the other party only makes a small concession or denial, we will not do it. This is just a choice, not an inevitable behavior. You know?"

"Disciples, remember." Jiang Shouzheng and Jiang Shouji replied.

"Disciple...huh...remember." Jiang Shouqin sprayed a grain of rice from his nostrils...

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