My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 372: Do you want a free house?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The beauty of memories is that you can't fully grasp the images that make you throb in the trance.

When Yao Qian came back to her senses, she found that her fortune-telling brother had a nosebleed in front of her, she subconsciously panicked and took two steps back.

"Are you sick?"

"No, just a nosebleed."

Zhu Gemeng grabbed his sleeves and "gently" pulled a piece of cloth off the sleeve, then calmly tore the cloth into two balls, blocking his nostrils...

Seeing the little brother in front of him yielding sideways, signalling that he could leave, Yao Qian took two steps tentatively. After all, she heard the discussion around her, "touching porcelain". This kind of thing is only available on TV and short videos. I have seen it in videos and novels. In real life, she has never seen her before. At most, a few boys will flop when playing basketball...

'Shouzheng, Chen Yuan fell down, nothing will happen, right?'

'No, you see that he just rolled on the ground, and now although his expression is very painful, he definitely hasn't scratched any of his skin.'

'Oh oh oh, then I can rest assured...'

But now it seems that this little brother didn't mean to blackmail her, thinking that she had just asked about the marriage, Yao Qian paused, and asked weakly:

"Well, I want to ask, how did you calculate my marriage just now?"

Fortune-telling, isn't it just to listen to a little auspicious words, to be obedient, and to find excuses and reasons for your next behavior and future life.

To be honest, Yao Qian is in a nervous mood now. She is afraid of hearing something bad. She thought to herself: If... if you say something I don’t like to hear, then I can give you money, If you change your mouth a little, that's okay.

Seeing Yao Qian fixedly looking at herself, the gossip diagram in Zhu Gemeng's mind turned on its own, and then—


"Doctor, where is the doctor!"

"Someone here is vomiting blood! Quickly, doctor!"

The crowd suddenly became lively. Yao Qian, who was originally in the best viewing area, was squeezed behind, but when the person was picked up, the crowd soon dispersed.

The hospital is not anywhere else, everyone comes here more or less for their own business.

It's fine to watch it lively, but there is not much energy and leisure time to follow...

Yao Qian, who was squeezed to the side of the aisle, was embarrassed and confused.

"Did he just vomit blood because he saw me?"

"Or did the question I asked made him vomit blood?"

"Is he the kind of strange person like Jiang Shouzheng? Because Jiang Shouzheng is counted, and then... he vomits blood?"

Yao Qian pursed her mouth, looked around and found that no one was paying attention to her, so she raised her hand and scratched her cheek.

She is a lady, and she can only do such actions when no one is paying attention...

"Perhaps it is true. Ge Daying said that Jiang Shouzheng is very powerful. Although Ge Daying is only a demon in Linjiang, it is also a demon anyway. There should be no difference in the existence of the demon, leading to strength and weakness. Isn't it too big a difference?"

Yao Qian thought for a while, then gave up.

She is very curious about the world of strange people Jiang Shouzheng lives in, but she is not a member of that circle after all. Although she deliberately inquires, how can she think of this special and hidden information under the mainstream culture? You can find out if you inquire.

Asked Jiang Shouzheng, he couldn't say why.

"Forget it, I shouldn't be entangled so much now, let's go to the landlord."

Yao Qian remembered the business of coming to this hospital this time-buying a house.

Buying a house in Kyoto is a very difficult thing. First, it is difficult to find housing, and second, there is no money.Read novels every day

The latter is not a big problem for Yao Qian's family. It's just buying a house. If Yao Genmin has trouble even spending money to buy a house for his daughter over the years, then he will be in vain.

The former is the key.

Especially if it is like buying a house for Yao Qian next to the school, it is even more difficult.

The place cannot be too far away from the school, or the classes are too troublesome; it cannot be too close to the entertainment venues, or the daughter will be troublesome if she breaks down in university;...

In short, there are many issues to consider. Yao Genmin chooses thousands of choices and finally chooses a house. The price is basically negotiated with the landlord. Seeing that his daughter is a little boring at home, he wants to let his daughter go out and relax. Yao Qian came to Kyoto.

'Daughter, you are not a kid anymore. The price is about the same as my dad has negotiated with the landlord. This time you go to Kyoto to chat with the landlord, to increase social experience, then sign the contract and transfer the money. Yes, of course, the contract you signed must be the one you brought over after I printed it out. I’ve checked this contract with the landlord, and the lawyers on both sides have seen it. You will follow the contract when you come. The steps above to transfer money...'

For the first time, Yao Qian felt that her father was so babbling, she couldn't tolerate her saying that she didn't want to go out, so annoying... so annoying...

'... Don't worry, I have already arranged the place to live for you. I have asked our colleagues in the publicity department to make a list for you. These are all you can go to Kyoto to visit. It’s the first time you go out in a place, I’m really worried, but you have grown up, you have really grown up, promise Dad, don’t worry Dad, okay?'

'By the way, I just forgot to ask you, are you going to Kyoto?'

Yao Qian thought for a while, and took off the headphones with no music on: "Go."

According to the guidance of the landlord, Yao Qian came to the sixth floor.

There is a big difference between here and the floor just now, it is quieter, cleaner and less crowded.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Tu San."

"Okay, Mr. Tu San from Room 606 has already made an appointment with us. Is it convenient for you to tell me your name?"

"Yao Qian, female Zhao Yao, Qian Nv's Qian."

"Ms. Yao, Mr. Tu San is waiting for you now, please come with me."

Following the nurse, Yao Qian came to the door of Room 606. The nurse pressed the horn button at the door and said softly, "Mr. Tu San, Ms. Yao Qian has arrived."

"Invite her in."


The door opened.

At the nurse's greeting, Yao Qian entered the room and smelled the fragrance of the whole vegetation before she could observe her surroundings.

"Yao Qian?"

"Eh yeah, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Your dad will really bargain. He chopped down so much price on my good house. Today I have to talk to you about the benefits of my house, if it weren’t for the previous one. My favorite buyers don’t want my house anymore. I don’t want to sell it to most people. Your price must be mentioned to me, and I have to make a request with you, otherwise my house won’t be sold... ..."

The inverted figure on the reclining chair stood up, and started complaining before turning around.

But when he turned around and looked at Yao Qian, he was stunned...

"Mr. Tu San?" Yao Qian asked tentatively.

"Ho ho ho ho ho..." Tu San's body trembled, and he helped the handle of the reclining chair.

"Mr. Tu San, do you want to call a doctor for you?" Yao Qian said, turning to open the door.

"No need to call a doctor, I am in a good state of mind now!"

The next second, Tu San's body appeared at the door.

Yao Qian was stunned, and asked: "You are a strange person."

"Sure enough..." Tu San murmured, his face suddenly hung up with a sincere smile that can no longer be sincere: "I am a strange person, just a little bit excited, I really want to make my house Sell ​​it to you, oh, it’s you. I hope you like my house. The price is whatever you want, free of charge, and I will pay the tax."

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