My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 373 128: Taboo: Heaven and Round Place!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This year, the news of sending flowers, grass, succulents, cats and dogs, rings, shrouds, and endings to people who meet for the first time is common these days, but I haven’t heard of those who give houses for free. Over.

Although Yao Qian didn't know the market situation in Kyoto, she couldn't think of what Tu San had in doing so, especially now that Tu San made it clear that she was a strange person...

She didn't take part in her own business too much. Dad meant to let him study hard, but after so many years of experience, she still knew very well: free is the most expensive!

"Could it be...could it be that... this strange man is a bad person and wants to make me a furnace?!"

Suddenly thought of this possibility, it's all written in the novel!

Although there is no way or channel to find out exactly what kind of state the world of strange people is like, she still reads some Zhiguai novels, especially those of fairy tales...In those novels, female Suddenly being courted by a man, it must be her unknown physique that is very suitable for making a furnace, and then she was taken in!

Yao Qian's heart fluctuated, and her expression became horrified, and she whispered: "Shou Ji."

As soon as the voice fell, a milky white halo appeared on Yao Qian's body, and then gathered on top of her head into a white fox phantom. The eyes of this white fox phantom were originally dull, but they became alive in the blink of an eye.

This white fox is an amulet given to Yao Qian by Jiang Shouji after “inadvertently mistakenly” providing Jiang Shouzheng to enroll in colleges. As long as Yao Qian shouts the export order “Shou Ji”, it will be triggered automatically. The source of this power is Jiang. Keep the magic power left in her body.

"Sister, who is bullying you, let me hammer his chest with my little fist."

"He is bullying me, oh no, I think he might be bullying."

Under Yao Qian's "accurate" expression and "precise" guidance, Bai Fox looked at Tu San.

In the next second, Tu San raised his hands together and said loudly, "Hey, yeah, look at who this is, isn't this Lord Jiang Shouji? Misunderstanding, this is definitely a misunderstanding, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple! I can explain, I can explain everything..."


What you want is always not available.

This sentence entangled many people like a curse, and Zhu Gemeng was also entangled.

In his current state, it seems that his desire to eat hot pot and his psychological development are probably in vain. Now it is a good experience to be able to eat hospital food...

At this moment, he was lying sluggishly on the hospital bed in front of his face, with a pitiful creature...

"Little Zhuge, are you okay?" Wang Fei who was waiting on the side asked quietly.

"It's okay." Zhu Gemeng said laboriously.

"You just vomited blood. Was it the fortune-telling to that woman?" Xu Liang asked.

After Zhu Gemeng finished vomiting blood, his face was pale, but when he heard Xu Liang's question, his face became red and black within a few seconds, and then -


"Doctor! Doctor! He's vomiting blood again! Come on, he's type O, type O blood!"

After another round of rescue and inspection, no problems were found.

"What is the relationship between you two and this patient?" The doctor asked Wang Fei and Xu Liang.

"Good friend." Wang Fei said.

"Brother." Xu Liang replied.118 novel

"Then do you know the contact information of his relatives? We may have to investigate his past medical history or ask if their family has any diseases in this area..." The doctor frowned upon the information from the physical examination just now. Seriously.

"I will contact you right now." Wang Fei quickly took out his cell phone and talked to Zhu Gemeng's sister.

"Sister, Xiao Zhuge just vomited blood and vomited twice."


"Oh oh oh, let me ask, wait a moment." Wang Fei asked the doctor while holding his mobile phone, "Doctor, is my friend's head very hot now, but his face is not red."

"Yes, that's it, it seems you asked, he himself has such a disease?"

"'s not a disease, it's just a little overuse of the brain, I need to vomit blood and calm down..."

The doctor was stunned by what Wang Fei said. He just wanted to reprimand him to stop joking. A wave of strong pajamas rushed to his heart, his eyelids began to fight, and he "reconciled."

"Is it appropriate for you to faint the doctor directly?"

"Why is it inappropriate? My sister just said it. At this time, you need to let Xiao Zhuge calm down! Now you go to the supermarket to buy some ice things, preferably the kind of ice that turns into an iron rod to hit people The water is just fine. I went in and put the nurses and doctors in it to sleep well. They usually work too hard. Take advantage of now to relax and relax. Now that we know the reason, we should not let them work any more... ..."

Wang Fei dragged the doctor back to the ward. At this moment, a piece of the ward was lying all over the place. He struggled to arrange these people, and then dragged a small bench to sit beside Zhu Gemeng——

"If my brother has vomiting blood, his head is hot but his face is pale, then generally speaking, he has overused his brain, and he has calculated something that shouldn't be counted, or even taboo."

"You must calm his mind. Ice is the best. After he wakes up, don't talk to him, let him slow down."

Wang Fei touched Zhu Gemeng's head, remembering Zhu Gemeng's sister's warning: It must be considered that there was a problem with the marriage, how could he casually touch things that are linked to "taboos"?Isn't this cheating?

"Heavenly round place..."

"Heavenly round place..."

"How could it be a round sky?..."

Zhu Gemeng, who was lying on the hospital bed, started to talk nonsense after a twitch.


It turned out not to be a cheating!

After Tu San explained, Yao Qian blushed and bowed and apologized to Tu San in embarrassment.

"No need, I want to sell the house now...Bah, it's a gift, yes, it's for you. You see you are so familiar with Mr. Jiang Shouji. As I said just now, you are still the same table with Mr. Jiang Shouzheng. What a profound fate this is." Tu San avoided Yao Qian's right in front, to please her.

"Mr. Tu San, friendship belongs to friendship, business belongs to business, and the money should be as much as you want. Otherwise, I will definitely feel embarrassed. There is no such thing as taking advantage of you for nothing."

"Then the lowest price, no negotiation!"

If there is no previous misunderstanding, Yao Qian would be happy to accept the lowest price, but when it comes to Jiang Shouzheng, then this cheap can't...

"The requirement I just said is that you have to buy a house and you have to vacate a few rooms for Jiang Shouzheng to live in."

Yao Qian nodded and said, "I think the price you just said is very suitable, I bought it."

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