My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 374 A cautious and cautious old-minded master loves disciples eagerly.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The leisurely days are always very fast. Although every day's life is generally the same as yesterday, it makes people feel full.

The changes that occur every minute and every second in this world will not have any impact on the four Qingfengguan masters and apprentices living in the Juxian Building in Kyoto.It's time to play cards, play games, go to bed, go to sleep occasionally when I remember, look at the gray sky and the hurried passers-by.

Everyone here seems to be very busy every day, but for those who are not living in Kyoto, this is just a kind of interesting scenery. Once you have seen it, you will forget it.

"Is this the city where I will stay four years from now?"

Jiang Shouzheng often asked himself this question these few days. He found that if this city has such a rhythm of life, then... he should be very profitable by renting out.

If you modify the order-receiving APP and implant some plug-ins, you can also choose the order of the platform, and there will be more opportunities to make money.

"Shouzheng, don't look at it, it's too hot outside." The old master rubbed his swollen belly and patted Jiang Shouzheng on the shoulder. "Now that I have walked a hundred steps after the meal, let's hurry up. Let's go back."

After that, I flipped through the bracelet on my wrist and adjusted it to the "step" function area: "Look, it's over a hundred. This bracelet is very good. Would you like to buy one as well?"

"Guru, I don’t need my disciple. I will write down what I see, hear, and feel every day. It’s a waste of money to buy some external devices." Jiang Shouzheng pointed to his head, reminding the old Guru of his troubles. forget.

"Yes, eh, your ability is also very good, saving money, good thing." Laoguan nodded in satisfaction, and walked towards Juxian Building with his hands on his back.

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, like worms, followed Laoguan’s subject, bowed their heads and played with the phone seriously, their fingers kept flipping, and the screen kept changing. The rhythmic music released on the phone made their fingers keep touching on the screen. bump......

Jiang Shouzheng imagined what he looked like when he played this game--

Sure enough, I would still take a shot slowly, I always have to think about it before I can make a choice, and playing games is largely a subconscious operation, I really don't have this talent.

There are some regrets, but it doesn’t matter. Jiang Shouzheng has just decided that he should spend more time studying the video of "How to Make a Menu Plug-in" in the online class before doing the practical exercises. You can get started when you arrive in Kyoto. Up.

Although I haven’t got my current driver’s license yet, it should be fast. This time I go back from Kyoto and I will be able to take the test of subjects one to four in a few days. After all, the time to punch in the fingerprint is almost the same. Driving school It won’t be too long to get up there.

For students like him who take advantage of the long summer vacation for the college entrance examination, the driving school generally arranges the examination first.

As for the result of the exam, it will definitely pass.

Regarding the exam itself, Jiang Shouzheng thinks he still has some experience. As long as there are standard answers for the exams from childhood to adulthood, as long as he is prepared, as long as he wants to, then he can do nothing wrong.

This is not self-confidence, let alone self-confidence. For Jiang Shouzheng, this is just a common and ordinary thing.

"Shouzheng, why are you still standing there?"

Jiang Shouzheng raised his head and saw that the old master was standing in front of the revolving door of Juxianlou Hotel and waving his hands.

Oh...I just lost my mind, I have to go there quickly.

Jiang Shouzheng trot over subconsciously--



A small truck slammed into Jiang Shouzheng, and there was no time to brake for such a short distance.

At such a moment, the driver thought that his insurance seemed to have expired and he had not renewed it...

"Ah, that car is going to break down." Jiang Shouqin mourned for the car in his heart.

"Eh, brother won't rub the skin, right?" Jiang Shouji considered like this.

"I go?"

Old Guanzhu cursed secretly, Ka, the stone brick on the ground cracked, and in the next second, his body appeared between the small truck and Jiang Shouzheng.

"Oh, my god, even if I bought insurance this time, I probably can't afford it." Rainbow Literature Network

"I shouldn't be solely responsible..."


This is not because the car crashed into a person, nor was it that the old master gave the car such a punch, but that the car violated the laws of physics and went from a high speed to a standstill. The body of the driver in the car suddenly came forward. a bit.

"Looking at the Lord, my supernatural powers, Nian Yu Wanwu, have grown to be able to fix this car."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? It made me worry, eh, my old arms and legs."

"Lord, are you all right."

"Fortunately, I can't die. It's just a bounce just now. It consumes a lot of money. I have to order a bird's nest to make up for it tonight."

"Lord, do we have to eat swallow's saliva?"

"Then replace it with abalone..."

Ever since they were told that eating at Juxian Pavilion is free, they have always dreamed of eating bird’s nest porridge in the morning, drinking ginseng soup at noon, caviar in the afternoon tea, and chewing deep-sea crab legs in the evening. Unfortunately, these ideas are all there. Jiang Shouzheng's moderate persuasion ended without disease, especially when Jiang Shouzheng said that "I know that the main audience is not the kind of person who will take advantage of his appetite to make general manager Zhang Kang unemployed". He has no way to explain.

It’s okay now. I have just consumed so much. From the hotel entrance to the middle of the road, it consumes a lot of energy in an instant. Now it is normal to take some nutritious supplements...

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Before leaving, he glanced at the driver in the small truck in front of him who was still shaking his forehead and snapped his fingers.

"Huh? It's cool, is this all right?"

Before he was happy for long, a pair of bloody eyes appeared before his eyes——

"You just speeded?"


"You didn't slow down when you just turned the corner?"


"Do you think your behavior was wrong?"

"I take the main responsibility."

"Then I ask you to surrender to the police station, is it wrong?"

"No, what you said is very reasonable!"

After watching Zhang Kang, who was helping the old view master into the hotel, watched them enter the elevator, he silently went to the monitoring room and patted the sleeping security.

"Who, don't bother...I was awake just now, general manager, I'm just a little sleepy, so I squinted a little bit."

"It's okay, understandable, I now want you to call up the monitor at the front entrance of our hotel to show me."

Zhang Kang is not here to conduct a surprise inspection. All he has to do now is to delete the unreasonable places that he has just seen.

He just saw it, and he saw it all!

"Sure enough, a disciple who has successfully practiced will always have an awesome master."

"They definitely don't want to leave the image. I take the initiative to delete it now. According to the old saying, it's a good relationship."

Let the security guard go out and take a break. Zhang Kangtiao watched the surveillance video at the front entrance. The video...broken.

"Shouzheng, I just burned out a lot of surveillance cameras at once. When there is no one at a later time, let's go and connect them all. Take advantage of this time, you learn how to connect the wires."

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