My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 390: Are All Amazing People...?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After confirming that his roommates were strange but normal, Zhou Quan also let go. He had many questions to ask——

"Does the Taishang Laojun, Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor, God, etc. really exist?" Zhou Quan asked Chen Yuandao.

"It exists. The four of them often play mahjong in groups. Occasionally, too much old gentleman does not participate very much. The other three have to fight against the landlords. Satan is responsible for dealing cards..." Chen Yuan thought for a while. , Replied solemnly.

"Ah? Why?" Zhou Quan asked subconsciously.

"Because Taishang Laojun is relatively poor, hahahaha." After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

After hearing the laughter, Zhou Quan also realized that he had been tricked. He raised his hand in shame and wanted to hit, but his hand paused in the air...

'This guy is a strange person, nothing will happen to me, right?'

Lin Qingxian, who was sitting on the desk with Erlang’s legs holding the Book of Life and Death, put down the book, glanced at Chen Yuan, and said, “The Chen in our dormitory has no special skills, but it’s not too much. The heavy things move, in essence, they are not much different from ordinary people."

With that said, Lin Qingxian waved the "Book of Life and Death" towards Zhou Quan. Zhou Quan's body leaned forward subconsciously, as if someone was pushing him from behind. Then, he felt a heat in his lower abdomen. , The whole body is warm and very comfortable.

"I've added a BUFF to you now. Even if you go to Chen Yuan, he will definitely not be your opponent. Who told him to just lie to you." Lin Qingxian smiled narrowly, "Let me say, God It’s the one who doesn’t participate much. After all, except for God, everyone can speak Mandarin~~"

It’s like this when boys are in the dormitory. They don’t have too many taboos when talking. They talk about everything, such as astronomy, geography, official history, and lace news. Big scruples.

Because of this, Zhou Quan felt that he seemed to be part of their circle. When the atmosphere was so warm, Zhou Quan let go of his courage and came behind Jiang Shouzheng, wanting to see what he was doing...

"[College students part-time, earn 500 an hour] Recruiting typists, it takes a minute to type more than 50 characters,..."

"This is a lie." Zhou Quan said after looking at Jiang Shouzheng's computer screen.

"I know it's a lie, but I don't understand why so many people are deceived." Jiang Shouzheng nodded and agreed with Zhou Quan's words.

Now the Internet advocates making quick money. Most of them are fooling, or fooling you to pay, and then he makes money. After he has made the money, he will say that his money-making routine is reproducible, and then you continue to pay.. ....

Many big V and police stations have already pushed content like this on the Internet. Jiang Shouzheng, who reads the news every day, still has a certain understanding of this.

Besides, he is not very short of money now. He just watched it for a while, but it feels very fresh because the first time he received such news, mainly because how did the other party know that he was in college?Today is the first day of the official report...

The answer seems to be figured out, but what is the use of figured out?

After Jiang Shouzheng blacked out the person who had just sent him this message, he carefully closed the computer that he had just bought. Although it has been burned by the heart of the old master, its durability has been greatly improved. , But there is always nothing wrong with careful maintenance.

"By the way, Lin Qingxian and Chen Yuan just used such a serious topic to fool you. I strongly condemn and I hope to tell you the truth." Jiang Shou looked at Zhou Quan with a serious face.

His response made the atmosphere in the dormitory so serious--

Chen Yuan knew Jiang Shouzheng's abilities, and Lin Qingxian could feel Jiang Shouzheng's power. Although Zhou Quan was an ordinary mortal, he still had basic observations and expressions. Jiang Shouzheng might be the most powerful being in the bedroom.

'What Jiang Shouzheng will talk about next may be a secret!'Everyone suddenly raised this idea.

"The four of them are powerful beings, usually..." Jiang Shouzheng made a voice here, and then said, "Playing Monopoly."

After speaking, the bedroom was quiet for a long time, and Jiang Shouzheng felt a crow flying over his head.

"Uh...isn't this funny?" Jiang Shouzheng asked tentatively.Xuefu Novel

Zhou Quan raised his hand and squeezed his fist, as if feeling how powerful his BUFF was...

Chen Yuan laid up his yoga mat and started doing push-ups, one, two, three, four...

Lin Qingxian picked up The Book of Life and Death and began to watch it seriously...

Everyone seemed to have something to do all at once. Jiang Shouzheng thought about it and said to Lin Qingxian, "Your book is taken down."

Lin Qingxian hurriedly flipped the book, but when he fixed his eyes on it, he flipped the book all over, then the book was taken down.

"I know the jokes I'm telling are not very funny now, but you don't need to do this, I'm fine.

Jiang Shouzheng clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention: "I hope to be able to be more relaxed in personality like you in the next four years."

Hearing this, Chen Yuan disdainfully said: "We are different, Yao Qian bought a house in Kyoto for you!"

As soon as these words came out, it was an embarrassing bedroom atmosphere, and suddenly it took on a pink toot...

When the bedroom atmosphere became more and more harmonious, a certain person in a computer room was very distressed.

"Ah...I failed for the third time. What method should I use to give money to the second master Jiang Shouzheng?"

This question is destined to be unanswered, after all, it has no object to answer its question:

"Fortunately, the master will come to Kyoto tomorrow. I can discuss with him at that time to make the life of the second master in Kyoto a little easier."

Thinking of this, its thoughts began to fall silent, and an abnormal data captured by it was classified and archived by itself.


"look forward to."


What a pleasant day, Zhou Quan feels that he is very happy. After everyone talks about it, even if the strange person is also a human, there will be people who like it, and when it is embarrassing, he will also say some jokes that sound not very funny. .....

Everything is so normal.

Everyone went to bed after saying goodnight...turn on the phone.

Except for Jiang Shouzheng, what they need to do now is to swim in the various groups of freshmen, maybe love will germinate in it.

Time was ticking, and after Zhou Quan felt very sleepy, he got up and clarified.

After flushing the water, I heard the sound of sweeping the floor outside the door.

"Who, sweeping the floor at night."

Zhou Quan looked out into the cat's eye and saw an uncle.

How should I put it, this is a very ordinary uncle, the body is also common rickets, but...

How is he transparent???

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