My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 391 The tortoise is living in Kyoto.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This was the close contact between the upper row of teeth and the lower row of teeth. Zhou Quan held his mouth and subconsciously held his breath.

Zhou Quan still remembers the content in TV, movies, and novels very clearly. Evil and strange things will follow the breath of living people. To a certain extent, they can be temporarily avoided by holding their breath.

Turn around and walk back to the bed step by step.

He wanted to pull Chen Yuan on the upper bunk, and also wanted to call Lin Qingxian and Jiang Shouzheng, but his throat seemed to be blocked, his mouth was open, and nothing came out.

'It's okay, it's okay, go to bed and lie down, it doesn't matter if you sleep.'

'Everything will pass. If there is a problem, these strange people will definitely feel it, but how can they be indifferent?'

'The only answer to being indifferent is that they don't know that there is that thing at the door, indicating that that thing is better than them, and I can't harm them...'

Zhou Quan was lying on the bed stiffly. Apart from the air-conditioning blow, all he could hear seemed to be the sound of sweeping the floor.

I don't know how long it took, and the sound of sweeping the floor seemed to disappear.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had survived a catastrophe, subconsciously propped up and turned around, looking up in the direction of the door——

On the transom, a head was held with both hands. After seeing Zhou Quan's head, he was very happy:

"Young man, can you help me..."

The other party seemed to be talking, but Zhou Quan did not finish listening.

His fear enveloped him, and his brain automatically protected him. In short, he was dizzy again.

Lin Qingxian heard the movement and sat up: "It seems that our roommates still need to exercise. This is not enough."

"Hehe, I saw the uncle at the door, and I also felt panicked." Chen Yuan's voice came out dullly.

"It seems that Shuye has a specialization." Lin Qingxian got out of bed, picked up the "Life and Death Book" on the table and went behind the door and opened it.

The uncle who was holding his head put his head back, straightened and knelt down to Lin Qingxian.

"Good-hearted people, help!"

Seeing this look, the power Lin Qingxian had raised suddenly dissipated.

If a living person did this, Lin Qingxian might still help him, but if it was a dead person, he was used to it.

Seeing more, I get used to it.

It's all pitiful...

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Qingxian asked.

"I died unclearly. I still have a lot of things I haven't explained to my family. I haven't watched my grandson grow up. I... still have one month's salary." The uncle knelt Lie on the ground, talking in pieces.

Hearing these words, Lin Qingxian looked back at Jiang Shouzheng.

'This guy obviously hasn't been in the first seven months. It's probably the uncle who was deleted after Chen Yuan read it that day.'

'Tsk tusk tusk, it's really incredible, a photo of the power drawn by Jiang Shouzheng's cultivation, can actually have such a clear logic?'

Curiosity and emotion were suppressed by Lin Qingxian, he cleared his throat and said, “It’s useless to say more. No one in this world can help you to repay your yang. Now that you are dead, then the dust will return to the dust. It’s back to the ground, so do whatever you want, don’t come to our bedroom door to sweep the floor and scare people."

After speaking, Lin Qingxian shut the door heavily.

The sound of sweeping outside the door did not come out again until the sun rose.


"Why is it so lively?" Qiqi Chinese Website

A group of 504 people are hanging out in the school with big pie.

Anyway, school has not yet started, and military training has not yet begun. Now there is time.

There are also a lot of students like them on campus. When watching some people feel a little tired from carrying luggage, Chen Yuan will also “help” by the way, not only to exercise his abilities, but also to do good deeds.

"It seems a bit lively in front." Lin Qingxian likes to join in the fun. He put the steamed buns in his mouth into the mouth and subconsciously took out his mobile phone.

After turning on the video recording function of the phone, he suddenly realized that he no longer needed to collect interesting content...

A bit sad, but the abundant power in his body makes him feel that such a "exchange" is still worth it!

"Quick, let's go ahead and see what happened!" Putting the phone back in his pocket, Lin Qingxian strode forward.

Jiang Shouzheng fell behind them and opened his eyes--

Among the many bone racks, several bone racks knelt on the ground and patted the ground with their hands. Several bone racks held a long strip of should be a banner.

After receiving the Heavenly Eyes, Jiang Shouzheng almost knew what had happened.

Then there is no need to get inside, and now it's better to wait outside for them to come out.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng leaned against a ginkgo tree and continued to chew the buns.

The steamed buns in the north are stronger than the steamed buns in the south...



"Brother, do you think this is delicious too? I think too."

"The key is that we have to pay back!"

"That's right, right!"

While Jiang Shou was leaning against the ginkgo tree, at the moment in the first-class cabin of the plane flying to Kyoto, two old men put together a table...

The table is full of food that looks good.

The old Guanzhu patted his stomach after sipping the last drop of Coke, and looked at the unfinished food in front of him with regret: "Little brother, I can't finish it."

The old man sitting beside Lao Guan's subject laughed and put all the food in front of Lao Guan's subject in front of him, and said slowly: "Don't worry, big brother, I can eat all these!"

"That's good, otherwise if my apprentice knew that I was wasting food, then it would be troublesome." The old master smiled and said gratefully.

"Big Brother, who is your apprentice? How can you still care about you? Shouldn't it be you, the master in charge of the apprentice?" The old man raised his eyebrows, feeling interesting.

"Eh, it's hard to explain in a word. What can the apprentice I teach to do? The truth that was once given to him, I always have to do it first..." The old master thought for a while and shook his head .

There was no beginning and no end to this, but the old man sitting beside him understood, but he didn't interrupt.

Everyone only met on the plane. Talking shallowly and deeply is a taboo in interpersonal communication.

In the next journey, the old master watched the old man next to him eat the food piled up in front of him cleanly.

The flight attendants in charge of the first-class cabin were a little frightened, and would come and ask in a few minutes: "Uncle, it doesn't matter if you eat so much, right?"

"It's okay, don't look at me getting older, but my appetite is still very good. If someone can't eat this food, then where do I put my face..."

Fortunately, the plane arrived in Kyoto soon.

Before leaving, Lao Guan focused on the contact information of the other party, unexpectedly knew that the other party was a Linjiang fellow, and knew that he was called "Turtle Shoushou"...

"Turtle is longevity, this name is so familiar..."

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