My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 392 There are always people who want to harm the

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Turtle has a longevity, is there a surname like Turtle?" Lao Guanzhu asked into the phone.


Not long after, he received a text message with a link message...

"Hey, there really is a surname like tortoise! ​​Interesting and interesting."

Lao Guanzhu scrolled through the content of the page, and when he saw part of it, he suddenly said: "No wonder I feel a little familiar. Although it turns out that turtle life is the name of an ancient poem, I will say that Shouzheng must have memorized it before."

The page continued to drop down, and the old Guanzhu increased a lot of knowledge about the "turtle" surname. When he reached the last part, he subconsciously raised his head and looked around.

The old man named Guisansou disappeared.

Look at the phone page again-

"Master, although Turtle Shou is a fake identity, do you need to locate the police?"

The old master thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, I am not really, am I?"

After speaking, the old master took his burden and went out of the station.Before leaving the station a few steps, he was stopped by two tall men in suits.

'Hey?Who would pretend to be for someone who wears a suit so tightly on a hot day?Stop me now, do you mean to fight?'

When the old Guanzhu thought of this, he tightened his fists, and by the way, he carried the burden behind him. Inside, there was the mung bean cake he bought for Jiang Shouzheng, but he couldn't break up because of the fight.

"Hello, are you the master of Qingfeng View?"

The old Guanzhu looked at the two strong men who bowed to him, blinked his eyes and said, "How do you know it is me?"

"We are the courtesy car reserved exclusively for you by Ms. Yao Qian. Please follow us on the car."

After speaking, the two strong men made a gesture and signaled the old master to get into the car.

"Yao Qian?"

"Yes, Miss Yao Qian said let us pick you up."

Old Guanzhu thought for a while and shook his head and said, "I'll take a taxi by myself, I can't increase my stupid disciple's disaster."

Looking at the other party and wanting to stop him, the old view master pulled off the belts of the two strong men with a thunder and steals the bell, and then ran away...

'Interesting, interesting, really interesting~'


"Quickly, quickly, start the throttle!"

The taxi stepped on the accelerator under the urging of Kame Shou Shou, and the street image kept retreating.After staying away from the airport, Kame Shou's mood calmed down a bit.

He was really scared to death on the plane just now. As an excellent cold-blooded animal, when he was sitting next to the master of the old view, he actually felt that his body was steaming hot, his strength was constantly being consumed, and he had to eat a lot of things to supplement. The basic carbohydrate, protein...

Thinking of this terrible journey, although the tortoise stroked his hair, he pulled them down and slammed his face.

It is necessary to wear a wig when going out.

Looks decent in front of people, and can enjoy the coolness behind people.

'Linjiang people, I have lived in Linjiang for so many years, how did I know that there are so many awesome people in Linjiang!?First Jiang Shouzheng, now... Fuck?That old man must be Jiang Shouzheng's master!'

The nerves were tense just now on the plane, but the turtle who relaxed and figured out his joints hurriedly called the driver to stop: "Hey, turn around, let's go back and go to the airport..."

The driver looked helplessly in the rearview mirror and said, "Master, we can't turn around now."

"Okay, then I will go by myself." Turtle Shoushou responded by pulling down the window.

"No... now we are on the road, what is so anxious about, it is the loss of luggage..." The driver continued to move forward with the traffic, but when he glanced at the rearview mirror again At the time, he hurriedly stepped on the brakes and looked back, "I rely on? What about people?"

The back seat was empty, and before the driver had any extra emotions, the car in the back honked a long

At this moment, on this section of the road, a little tortoise ran out of its shadow on the ground with four legs, and rushed towards the airport.

Occasionally, when the tires of a car have to press on it, it will quickly retract its head, limbs and sexy tail into the turtle shell, causing some bumps to the body, and then continue to run forward.

'It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. I came to Kyoto this time to find a small fish. Now when I meet Jiang Shouzheng's master, he can take me to Jiang Shouzheng!'

'You can't miss it!'

But when it came to the exit of the airport, the anxious aura on Laoguan's subject was gone, it only saw two big men who were carrying their pants and making calls.

At this moment, the arms of the sleeves they raised were covered with the word "".

'Buddha's thugs?Why are they here?If I give Laogui a small punch of King Kong, it will be dead.'

Thoughts flashed, the little tortoise suddenly retracted into its shell, turned the bottom of the tortoise's shell 180 degrees, and then reached out its limbs.



"Let's go, go back to the bedroom."

504 The four of them were ready to go back to the bedroom after visiting the library.

It's too hot at noon now, and if you walk outside now, it will cause heat stroke.

Feeling new to the school, I want to go shopping, and I am not in a hurry at this time.

Zhou Quan held up a parasol. Before he greeted him, Lin Qingxian leaned in and Chen Yuan also leaned in.

"Uh...I'm a single umbrella!" Zhou Quan twisted his body, trying to get these two guys out.

"It doesn't matter, the parasol is like a sponge, there will always be room when you squeeze it." Lin Qingxian said.

"I very much agree with what classmate Lin Qingxian said, very standard!" Chen Yuan said.

Zhou Quan curled his lips and looked in the direction of Jiang Shouzheng: "Shouzheng, you have to squeeze..."

Before the word "?" Lin Qingxian said first: "Damn..."

Chen Yuan gave Lin Qingxian a white glance: "Can you not use swear words, be civilized, and get used to it."

At this scene, Chen Yuan, as Jiang Shouzheng's three-year classmate, has long been used to it.

"Classmate...The sun is so big, and my wrist hurts a bit. Can you help me under the umbrella and send me back to the bedroom?"

Different times, different places, different people, but the same request, is this kind of thing rare?

No, not uncommon.

Chen Yuan said that these are basic exercises, and when he spoke, his voice almost synchronized with Jiang Shouzheng——

"Sorry, I like to bask in the sun."

After Jiang Shouzheng finished speaking, he greeted them, "Let's go."

Lin Qingxian secretly scolded "a waste of resources" and hurriedly leaned over to the girl just now and smiled heartily: "Miss Sister, I have very good hands. I can raise an umbrella."

"Obscene, hum~" After the girl cursed secretly, she pressed the switch of the umbrella.


The umbrella surface flew out...

Since he was rejected, Lin Qingxian would naturally not lick his face. He likes to make friends with women, but he also has his own pride.

Stepped forward quickly, picked up the rolling umbrella on the ground, raised it above his head, and said to Zhou Quan and Chen Yuan: "Run!"

"Eh! My umbrella!!!"

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