My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 403 You go back to the vulgar, I go to pass away. (Two more, please subscribe!)

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"The pure love I'm looking for, it's really going to die before I leave the school, you suddenly cut me off two threads~~"

"Two threads~~~"

Lin Qingxian lay on the straw mat on the ground, resting her hands, and groaning weakly with Erlang's legs tilted.

"Okay, Xiao Xianxian, aren't they just two senior sisters? What's the big deal? Can you still win both of them when they come together?" Chen Yuan couldn't stand it, took off his socks and smashed them at Lin. Leisurely.

"The Book of Life and Death" flew up and patted his socks, Lin Qingxian turned sideways, watching Chen Yuan and said viciously, "If it weren't for you to help me, you already live in "The Book of Life and Death". Up."

The same threat, Chen Yuan would still be afraid of it a little bit in his heart, but now he will not be anymore.

Although Jiang Shouzheng's life-saving grace is counted on Jiang Shouzheng's head, he also has toiled in it. Although the process is a little faster and shorter, how can you deny such hard work?

Lin Qingxian will definitely recognize it!And when he called Lin Qingxian "Xiaoxianxian", Lin Qingxian did not directly object to one of the evidence!

"Let's go, let's go, you have a certain point." Lin Qingxian didn't intend to argue with Chen Yuan. This person's urine sex was found out during this period of time. It is not brilliant to give a bit of sunshine to the snake. Is it a flood, or is it more cheerful and natural to chat with the cutest and purest Zhou Quan in the bedroom, "Zhou Quan, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing?" Zhou Quan sat on the side of the bed and replied without lifting his phone.

"Hey! There must be something, I can feel your joyful breath now!" Lin Qingxian's eyes flashed witty, "The Book of Life and Death" suddenly stepped forward, opened the page of the book and "mouthed" his mobile phone. come.

"Eh eh eh!" Zhou Quan hurriedly got up, but it was too late. Lin Qingxian had already held his mobile phone in his hand...

"Eh, Xiao Xian Xian, don't you want such an expression..."

The anger on Zhou Quan's face became embarrassing after Lin Qingxian looked at the screen of the phone. After Lin Qingxian looked at him "helplessly", Zhou Quan rubbed his hands:

"I don't know what's going on. Just now the senior sister asked my social account inexplicably. You say I won't give it, and it's not very polite, isn't it..."

"Besides, she still talks to me, so it's not good if I don't reply to her? When someone sends me messages, I always have to reply, right?..."

"Don't look at me like that. You and that senior sister didn't make it. If you made it, I would never even look at her. I just talked a little bit as an ordinary stranger..."

Lin Qingxian shook his head "sadly", threw the phone to Zhou Quan, and fixed his eyes on Jiang Shouzheng.

"Don't look at me, I'm registering a takeaway rider now, I'm innocent."

Jiang Shouzheng felt Lin Qingxian's gaze without turning his head. He held up his mobile phone and raised his hand to take a photo of his ID card.

He didn’t intend to get involved in Lin Qingxian’s “events” in which he was looking for pure love in college. Feelings would always be ticked with the word “lust.” There was a knife on his head. He read so many books. Although he has no experience in ending the game, the theoretical foundation is still relatively rich, and as a bystander, he can see clearly!

Besides, emotional problems should be handled by Chen Yuan. A dormitory, except for Chen Yuan, is all law-students. Those who study psychology don’t take action. They count on those who study law-students to comfort them, right?He knows that Chen Yuan also read psychology books and online classes during the summer vacation. It should be a little bit okay to help answer emotional questions, right?


Zhou Quan's phone vibrated again.

Zhou Quan did not reply this time. Instead, he also looked up at Jiang Shouzheng, took a deep breath and said, "Well, Shouzheng, the senior sister asked us if it is not convenient to push your WeChat to her..."

Jiang Shouzheng's body stiffened, and he naturally put his ID card back into his pocket: "I'll go downstairs and ask the dormitory... how to calculate the utility bill."

After the bedroom door was closed, Lin Qingxian's wailing was vaguely heard from the bedroom of 504: Reading for a long time

"The pig is dead!"

"No one is innocent!"


It's half past four in the morning.

Some people are still asleep, some are already awake.

And more people didn't sleep all night...

"Master, is your body still able to eat it?" Tan Xin looked at Master Jinghui's somewhat swaying body and subconsciously wanted to help him.

Master Jinghui waved his hand and refused to talk about the kindness of Xin Xin’s support beside him: "The poor monk is five years younger, let alone staying up late, it doesn’t matter even if it’s all night, now it’s a little older, but some of them are too much to eat It’s not guilty of you to come to help, and... I’m not walking steadily now and staying up all night is not related."

With that, Master Jinghui got back into the commercial car, Tan Xin smiled and shook his head and got into the car, but didn't intend to say anything.

This person is old, whether he is a monk or at home, he will be able to prosper, and it is not a relationship between staying up all night, so why is his footsteps vain!

As the vehicle started, Tan Xin took off his wig and shook his brush, touching his bald head.

I haven't shaved my head in the past two days, and I feel a little bit pierced in the touch. After returning to the temple, when Master Jinghui wakes up, let him help him to shave himself with a knife...

"Put it on." Master Jinghui, who had closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly opened his eyes and said inexplicably.

"Huh?" Tan Xin was stunned, but he reacted quickly and asked, "Mage, do you mean to let me wear a wig?"

"Well, it's good to wear." Master Jinghui saw that Tan Xin didn't move, and took the wig to help Tan Xin wear it carefully, and then lay back without saying anything.

'what happened?'Tan Xin touched the wig, feeling strange, but he believed Master Jinghui would give himself an explanation.

When he arrived at Jinmufa Temple, Master Jinghui got out of the car and Tan Xin followed.

When Tan Xin wanted to step into the gate of the Jinmufa Temple, Master Jinghui turned around inside the Jinmufa Temple, carefully looked at Tanxin, folded his hands and smiled, "Ju...oh no, it's about the donor. You go, don’t give it away, you are disconnected from our temple."

After Tan Xin's footsteps, he didn't understand.

Looking at Tan Xin with a dazed expression, Master Jinghui said seriously: "The poor monk has thought about it. It's better for you to be vulgar and treat you well."

The two stood there, one in the temple and the other in the temple.

After a long silence, Tan Xin said with an ugly face:

"...The mage won't give me an explanation."

"Fate, I can't explain it." After speaking, Master Jinghui left, and his figure quickly sank into the temple.

Tan Xin wanted to catch up, but somehow he couldn't move his legs, so he turned around...

Two hours later, there was a message of @ all members in the internal communication group of Jinmufaji.

"Master Jinghui, passed away."

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