You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In every journey of life, we may walk alone or be accompanied occasionally.

The people you are with may make you resent, hate, make you unhappy, and make you sad at a certain moment. In the end, they may decide to part ways and become strangers. I believe time will gradually smooth the pain and even the memory. ...

But all of a sudden, time deprived Tan Xin of the opportunity to say "goodbye" or even block the contact.

"What a coincidence, Master Jinghui died just as soon as I was driven out of Jinmufa Temple? What a coincidence!"

"There must be a problem, something strange! ... By the way, Master Jinghui said that leaving Jinmu Dharma Temple is good for me!"

"Good to me? Good to me? Why is it good to me?"

The memory that has not yet shown the chaos began to become clear. In the memory, under the plaque of the Jinmu Fa Temple, Master Jinghui's eyes were kind and kind.

"Do you mean that if I go back, I will... pass away???"



"Get me out of my body!"

"Ho ho..."

"This is my body, you are just the magic thought of a poor monk"

"Ho ho ho..."

"What kind of Buddha are you? What kind of reincarnated Buddha are you! You want to kill me, but also kill the soul-devouring Jinglian! What kind of Buddha are you!!! I believe you so much at a loss!"

"Ho ho ho ho..."

"Magic thoughts, the poor monks will reincarnate for several generations, and they will save no less than 10,000 people, and affect people's hearts to be good. The poor monks will not be shaken by your instigation. Don't worry, the poor monks will not If you are cut off, the poor monk will always be alert. By the way, the demon is for the common people in the world, and it does not count as killing evil, Amitabha, demon mind, you quickly retreat."

Under the Buddha, Baoxiang opened his eyes solemnly, the golden light in his eyes was soft and kind, and he looked at the relic on the table in front of him that seemed to be true but not real, and his face was complicated:

"Jinghui, why do you bother?"

The host shook his head and sighed. The young face converged his emotions. After thinking about it, he twisted the relic in his mouth, chewed it carefully and swallowed it.

After a while, the host smiled, seeming to be relieved:

"Look, the poor monk is not enchanted, and your relic is of no use to me."

With that said, the host got up and prepared to leave, now it was time to go back to the incense room to rest.

"Boom boom boom."

"Host, are you there?"

"Yes, when?"

"Inspector Liu Ming Liu came to visit, I hope you can go out of the temple to the police station to probate a few prisoners and let them explain the facts of the crime."

"Okay." The host stood up subconsciously, but slowly sat down cross-legged, and said loudly, "You tell Officer Liu that the poor monk is happy to influence the prisoners and let them put down their butcher swords and convert to my Buddha, but the poor monks need to practice in recent days. Jingxin, it is not convenient to leave the temple. I hope he can bring the prisoner to the incense room of our temple, and I will chant the scriptures by the poor monk myself."


When the footsteps at the door faded away, the host whispered: "Magic mind, don't struggle. In the temple, the thoughts of this skin bag belong to the poor monk, the law of life belongs to the poor monk, the identity is the poor monk, everything Everything belongs to the poor monk, you have no chance."

'Go to your magic, I have a name, he is called Wang!Big!strong!'

When the host heard it, he subconsciously took out the ID card in his pocket, and accidentally touched the sign holder on the table.

The pickpot fell to the ground, rolled so far, and dropped out a lottery.

Don't worry about sorting them out, he doesn't need to sort out such small things personally, the little novices will clean them up.

He took out his ID card, looked at the name on it, and the host smiled happily: "It turns out that your name is deeply rooted in your magical thoughts. Then I will change your name...

'My name, why do you change it, why do you change it, get out of me, get out of me...'

The host rubbed his temples, got up and left the hall. At this point in time, he was going to the incense room to rest.

Doing things that are in line with the rules of my life, the voice of the magic thought becomes more and more low, until it is inaudible...

"Ah, who knocked over the lottery! Isn't this a mess? Master Jinghui was already busy enough after cremation."

"Huh? It's still a lottery, hahaha, the person who overturns the lottery will definitely be unlucky! Oh, I'm sorry Buddha, the little monk didn't mean to curse others, Amitabha, kindness is kindness...hey, every time I say Be kind, I think of Shan Zhai, little monk, let alone, I'm really hungry..."

... Guangxi Biquge

"What a bad luck! You actually want us to move in military uniforms! Jiang Shouzheng, don't you think this is unfair? Why do you want us to move in military uniforms? Shouldn't the boys and girls should be more cherished? They did this to make me so big The sun will lose me soon..." Lin Qingxian carried two large bags of military uniforms, chattering all the way.

"Then you give me a part?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"No, I do things with a beginning and an end, since I picked up these..." Lin Qingxian raised his head with a serious expression.

"Since you have picked up the military uniforms of the girls in the class, then you have the obligation and responsibility to send them all. By the way, before the first class meeting, before the official military training, show all the girls before they are tanned. Do it again! Cough cough cough..." Zhou Quan rolled his eyes and said a long series of unpaused words in one breath, and he was choked by his own saliva.

"You are so bad~ I like it so much~ But don't you know that it is very rude to interrupt someone!" Lin Qingxian smirked, kicked Zhou Quan's ankle, and looked at Jiang Shouzheng. "Shouzheng, do you think I am such a person?"

"Zhou Quan said what I wanted to say."

Jiang Shouzheng replied with a serious face. Just when he was about to say something, the phone rang, and the first sentence after Jiang Shouzheng connected, made Lin Qingxian who wanted to defend himself shut up.

"Master, is there anything?"


"I'm okay now, I don't particularly want to be on duty, what's wrong?"


"Ah? He keeps sneezing. He might have a cold. Would you like to take him to the hospital for an examination? Huh? He doesn't sneeze anymore?"


"Oh oh oh, well, I will go back after the military training is over. I have something to do now. I have to accompany my roommate to deliver the uniforms to the girls' dorm.

After Jiang Shouzheng hung up, Lin Qingxian leaned forward and smiled: "Shouzheng, is your master who called just now?"


"After the military training, let me also visit his old man?"

"Aren't you saying that after military training, you should start looking for your love seriously?"

"Hey! When and when can you not find love? Those who should come will always come, and those who don’t come will find it specially in the middle of the mirror, but it’s different to visit your master. Carry forward the traditional virtues of respecting the elders! For a young man like me, your master is my elder, and it’s meant to be a visit."

"Four young people?" Zhou Quan looked at Lin Qingxian and interrupted in doubt.

"That is, I have a house, a car, a rich, and a good-looking youth. I no longer pursue material things!" Lin Qingxian shook his head and blew his bangs by the way.

"...Is your car a Kyoto license plate?" Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and asked.

"Well, of course, it must be a car with a Kyoto license plate!" Lin Qingxian raised an eyebrow triumphantly, and then asked, "But why are you asking about this?"

"Can you lend me a ride?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"I have vision! I have the latest sports car. I bought it specifically for coming to Kyoto. A license plate cost me 400,000 yuan. To buy this license plate, I also set up a company specially!" Lin Qingxian said of this, some proud.

Kyoto’s license plate is still a bit difficult. You can’t buy a car without a license plate. You can’t transfer a license plate under your own name. You can only transfer license plates under the company’s name between companies.

For this license, Lin Qingxian did spend some time and effort.

"Then... can your sports car have a C1 driver's license?"

"of course can."

"Can the sports car be used for rental?"


Lin Qingxian remembered that Jiang Shou was in the dormitory and talked about opening a rental part-time job when he was in college. He gritted his teeth and nodded in response: "It's not impossible."

"Well, after the military training is over, you and I will go to see the master." Jiang Shouzheng nodded.

"Can I go too?" Zhou Quan asked weakly.

"Yes, call Chen Yuan together at that time." Jiang Shouzheng responded.


Lin Qingxian felt an arrow in her chest. This pain can only be alleviated by going to the girls dormitory and sending out military uniforms to the female students. Others will not have any effect!

It will definitely not work!

"My master likes wine, white wine."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I will definitely buy it!"

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