My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 405 What a big bastard!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After sending clothes to the female classmates, Lin Qingxian looked ugly and groaned a little, and Jiang Shouzheng felt that this anger was directed at him.

"Xianxian, did I make you angry just now?" Jiang Shouzheng asked with a puzzled expression.

"No, no." Lin Qingxian pursed his lips.

"He's incompetent and furious." As a bystander, Zhou Quan could see clearly and plainly, "Shouzheng, is it true that the only one who came downstairs to get the clothes was the representative of the dormitory of our class girl's dormitory? ."

"Yeah." It was true at the beginning. This way of receiving items is the most efficient and convenient way.

"And did all the girls in our class come downstairs to get the clothes?" Zhou Quan raised the corner of his mouth and the thief smiled.

"Yeah." Later, it was indeed the same. These girls felt that it was not good for the representative to take all the clothes before they were fully familiar with it. It would be good to be able to be considerate of going downstairs.

"Then you now take out your phone and look at it to see how many people have added you to your social account."

Jiang Shouzheng took out his mobile phone and counted: "47."

There are 50 students in a law class. Jiang Shouzheng has three boys, Jiang Shouzheng, Zhou Quan, and Lin Qingxian.

It seems that after everyone passed, the classmates were all added.

The classmates are still very friendly. When adding people, they all note their names, so it is convenient to note after adding...

Lin Qingxian glanced at Jiang Shouzheng's phone screen, and looked at the only three new friends among his contacts...


"Let's go drink mung bean soup, it's green and lowers the fire." Chen Yuan, who had just handed out military uniforms to their female classmates, waved goodbye and ran over.

"Yes, I also feel a little hot." Jiang Shouzheng nodded, drinking some mung bean soup would indeed make it a little more comfortable.

"Shouzheng, why don't you take our military uniform back first, and I and the two of them will go to the cafeteria to buy mung bean soup for you to take back?"

After Lin Qingxian asked, before Jiang Shouzheng could respond, he threw the formal attire in Chen Yuan's hand to Jiang Shouzheng, then put up the shoulders of Chen Yuan and Zhou Quan and dragged them away.

Jiang Shouzheng returned to the bedroom with four sets of military uniforms.

"Old tortoise, ask you a question." After turning on the air conditioner, Jiang Shouzheng dragged a chair to sit in front of the fish tank and asked.

The only male tortoise in the fish tank said, "You can ask."

"You have been a demon for so many years, have you ever caught a cold?"

(*´*)"...Jiang Shouzheng, are you making my turtle live? As a demon, do I have dignity? I’m all a demon, and I still have a cold Up? Do you think it's possible???"

Although Shou Shou fluttered his paws quickly, he "leaped" out from the bottom of the fish tank, landed on the table, and tried to open his eyes, using his mung bean eyes to kick Jiang Shouzheng fiercely to show his anger.

Jiang Shouzheng's temperament, although the tortoise can still get along well with his longevity, this kind of interaction should help shorten the distance between the two sides and enhance friendship.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Shouzheng smiled awkwardly, and explained, "I just received a call from the master and said that it was my junior brother Jiang Shouqin, who came to you the last time you are a prudent guy. He just sneezed. Keep going."

"Sneezing constantly? He... shouldn't..." Although the turtle Shou Shou is not very clear about what Jiang Shouqin's body is, as a turtle, he is especially good at getting auspicious. The tortoise who avoids evil and divination, he naturally knows that Jiang Shouqin is an order of magnitude higher than himself.

After chanting a few times, Turtle Shou Shou retracted his tortoise shell, and then said to Jiang Shouzheng: "Jiang Shouzheng, turn me over, and then use your mana to flick my tortoise shell in the air. Be gentle. , Don’t damage my turtle shell."

The tortoise asked to turn himself over. This request was quite new.

Jiang Shouzheng did not ask the reason. After turning the tortoise Shou Shou on the table and flicking it for a while, the tortoise Shou Shou began to "autobiography" "at high speed" on the spot, like a... Spinning top.

And the turtle's body grew bigger as the number of rotations increased. When the table was almost unable to accommodate its body, Jiang Shouzheng clearly saw the tortoise sticking out its tail and "bounce" itself to the ground.

"Whirring whirring......"

When the turtle's body was the size of a grinding plate, the speed slowed down, but the cracking wind sound became much louder, and the turtle's head, limbs and tail also stretched out.

"Oh~ Leave me alone! Ouch~~~"

Although Turtle Shou was vomiting, Jiang Shouzheng, who was about to intervene, stopped his movements abruptly, and he didn't know how he could help.I had to put the yellow and white things it spit out into the trash can for Nian Yu.

After vomiting for a long time, there is nothing to vomit, and the speed slows down slightly.Tiantian Book Bar




After the tortoise's life came to a complete stop, its entire tortoise's face was full of pain, and then said in horror: "Quick, help me turn it back again."

A cloud of mist converged in the bedroom for no reason, and condensed into a cloud on the turtle’s "belly" at a speed visible to the naked eye. The rumbling thunder blew in the bedroom, and an aura that made Jiang Shouzheng feel a little threatening. Brewing within.

Taking advantage of this threatening aura before it reached its peak, Jiang Shouzheng slapped the cloud...

Then, I turned over the turtle life.

"What were you doing just now?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"Damn! Jieyun was shot to pieces?" Turtle Shou cursed.

Both spoke at the same time, Jiang Shouzheng opened his mouth and repeated: "Jie Yun?"

"Yes, Jie Yun! That's Jie Yun!" Turtle said after taking a long breath, "I am good at divination. I just used your power to help you figure out why your junior sneezed. , This is very abnormal for us monsters. You guys said well, "If something goes wrong, there must be a monster." Then the monsters are abnormal, then it must be the monster among the monsters. It is absolutely abnormal! No! Thinking of fortune-telling for your junior brother, he would actually summon Jieyun! To die, if I had known this, I would never do it! But fortunately, I have your strength to support, otherwise I will belch when I tell the fortune! After finally getting through to the end and getting the answer, that Jieyun just scared me to death..."

Although Turtle Shou was upside down when he spoke, Jiang Shouzheng was still able to clarify what he meant.

These words made Jiang Shouzheng's heart tense. He squatted down, patted the turtle's back, and used his mana to clear the chaotic breath of the turtle's life. Watching the turtle's life, he said seriously:

"Then since you survived, can you tell me the result you calculated for my junior?"

"Big murder..."

Another group of Jieyun Setsuna gathered on Turtle Shoushou's head, and this time Jieyun's edge also covered Jiang Shouzheng.

"Fuck you." Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand and shot Jieyun away.

"...Your junior is likely to die, someone is eyeing him!"

After saying this, although the tortoise felt his heart was throbbing, it was originally a cold-blooded animal, but it actually had a feeling of blood boiling.

Jieyun, it's really twice.

One time was better than one time, and he was not dead yet. After leaking the content of the divination, there was no backlash.

The tortoise is dead, the tortoise is dead!Better than a cow!Which bull demon can compare to my uncle tortoise.

"That's it?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"That's it." Although the tortoise shook his head still a little dizzy, "I can count these, it's already very good, if you continue to count, I will definitely die, you look at my turtle shell."

I don't know when, silver-white lines appeared on the turtle shell of Turtle Shoushou.


"It is a blessing and a curse, but staying by your side is absolutely profitable and harmless to my uncle tortoise. You only need to give me more dried fish that your mana infiltrates, hahahaha~~"

At this moment, Turtle Shou felt that he had reached the pinnacle of tortoise life!

This is the gift of the fate, youth edition!

Because it was spent by "unconventional means", this kind of gift is corrosive, but Jiang Shouzheng's mana that is secretly stored in the week can be neutralized.


The door opened.

The minds of one person and one turtle in the dormitory were relatively loose just now, and they didn't notice anyone approaching.

Ever since-

"Nani? Such a big bastard?" Chen Yuan saw the tortoise in the bedroom had a longevity, and was so scared that the mung bean soup in his hands fell to the ground.

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