My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 417 My specialty is...Magic!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In high school, teachers are looking for students, and each class has a fixed classroom, but when it comes to university, it means students are looking for teachers.

After all, in universities, there are no fixed classrooms for students to study.

Going to class?Yes, but you have to find it according to the classroom on the timetable.

When you didn’t have a class in high school, the teacher might find you, educate you, talk to you, and ask your parents to urge you. But this is basically not the case in universities. In addition to knowing the number of students, the name of most students is I can't remember at all. It doesn't matter if there is no class, can I just deduct points?Find someone?education?Talking?It's nonsense, I can't be too busy with my own affairs, and I still care about others. Everyone is an adult and needs to be responsible for my actions.

But no matter what, everyone is also a teacher and student, and where is the social responsibility...

Because of such conflicts and other weird reasons, the magical profession of counselor has emerged in the university, and all the tasks of the teacher except teaching are all contracted.

"...Everyone must remember, my name is Zhan Yunru, the flying exhibition, the charming rhyme, the wishful Langjun's, let's build a group face to face now." Zhan Yunru is putting school After introducing the precautions of the school, the situation around the school, my work tasks, future work expectations, etc., I put down the manuscript at hand, and his serious expression was a little more relaxed.

"Teacher, you don't have to face to face to build a group, you add me, I just pull you."

"Yes, yes, we already have a group in our class, and Jiang Shouzheng has already pulled it."

"Yes, Jiang Shouzheng has helped us pull a group for the whole class."

"Yes, yes, he is a very good person. Not only did he help us get the military uniform last time, but he also gave gifts this time. Look, teacher, the crystal ball on the podium is your gift."


After Zhan Yunru finished speaking, the girl sitting in the front row became active all of a sudden, chattering, Zhou Quan, who was sitting in the last row, arched Jiang Shouzheng, screamed at him, and said:'I'm sour. .'

At this moment, Lin Qingxian was scratching his hair, looking very upset.


The gifts were given by themselves, and the military uniforms were given by themselves. How did these girls do? Why did they look at Jiang Shouzheng?

Jiang Shouzheng patted Lin Qingxian on the shoulder, raised his hand and said helplessly, "Well, everyone, listen to me."

In order not to repeat what he said a second time, Jiang Shouzheng's voice contained his own mana, which was appropriately transformed into coercion.

The classroom suddenly became quiet. Although the tortoise that was still pulling the pocket with its paws just now had a long life, one was not grasped firmly, and some fell into the bottom of the pocket...

"The military uniform was proposed by my roommate Lin Qingxian, and Lin Qingxian bought the gifts."

"But I just saw that you brought the gift in."

"That's correct, but the reason I took the gift was because Lin Qingxian was in poor health and couldn't carry too many heavy objects."

Damn it!

When everyone's gaze turned into sympathy, Lin Qingxian panicked all of a sudden: "Bah, baah, what makes my health bad? My health is good, especially my kidneys!"

The classroom, which had been a little stiff due to Jiang Shouzheng’s "coercion", suddenly recovered and everyone understood. This is a very stubborn male classmate...

"Thank you, Lin!"

"Thank classmate Lin for the fairy water!"

"Thank you Lin for your lipstick!"

"Thank you Lin for the mask!" 126 Chinese website

Lin Qingxian became happy all of a sudden, and said cheerfully: "Don't be grateful, this is too tacky. If you know any beautiful seniors, just recommend it to me."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the class froze again...

This time, it has nothing to do with Jiang Shouzheng.

Zhou Quan moved a seat aside, and Jiang Shouzheng also moved his ass.

"Okay, okay." Zhan Yun, seeing that the atmosphere is not right, quickly clapped his hands to divert everyone's attention, "Although I am a counselor, I am about the same age as everyone else. We can all be friends. Just now Classmate Lin definitely meant that rabbits don't eat grass around their nests, right."

"Yes, yes! That's what I meant!" Lin Qingxian was a bit forgetful after being thanked in person by so many people.

Like him, he has been dealing with ghosts, corpses, and the underworld since he was a child. There was a lack of communication and sense of identity. When the live broadcast was used before, it was to relieve loneliness. During this time, it was stopped, and finally there were so many people The offline approval made him feel uncomfortable.

Of course, there are some reasons why freshman girls still can't make up.

Zhan Yun is a good counselor.

Seeing the change in Lin Qingxian's eyes, Jiang Shouzheng said kindly:'Xianxian, this teacher, you can't move your mind.'

'Why, did you like it?'Lin Qingxian asked curiously.

'No, you don't want to think about men and women in everything. It's just that this exhibition likes a friend I know, and that friend of mine also has a little ability.'

When Jiang Shouzheng was talking about his skills, he emphasized it. Lin Qingxian understood it all at once. It seems that Jiang Shouzheng’s friend and himself should be the same person, and under Jiang Shouzheng’s assessment, he is probably not just the other person. .

"Anlaanla, I just have a look, and I have no other ideas. I'm here to find true love. I want to exchange my true love for true love. I have only one true heart. When I choose true love, I will only spread the net, but Only one scoop for weak water is three thousand, so it’s not impossible to change this scoop.'Lin Qingxian shrugged and said nonchalantly.

To be honest, he is looking for a girlfriend or his own wife, with more utilitarian and playful thoughts than serious.

After all, the elder in the clan and the dead father urged him to inherit the family from generation to generation and extend the heirs, and the Lin family, especially the Lin family like him, who has the true inheritance, as they grow older, the power of the Yin family in the body will increase... ...Severely affect the activity of that or something, and you can live while you are young, otherwise you will have to test tube.

"Now everyone should have nothing to do. I will start to perform my first job as a counselor. Everyone will go on stage to introduce themselves, write their names on the blackboard, and talk about their specialties. If you have any expectations for the future, get to know each other first."


Jiang Shouzheng listened to the introduction of the classmates, the girls have special long legs, special hair, painting specialties, piano specialties...

What are your strengths?

Elimination?Can you stay up late?Special ability?Special ability to learn?

But it seems that no one talks about the content of learning when they talk about their specialty.

Soon, it was Jiang Shouzheng's turn to take the stage.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jiang Shouzheng, and my specialty is...Magic, I am glad to meet you all, thank you."


"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

The female classmates in the audience began to booze. Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, and leaned his hand in front of him, and a ball of flame rose in his hand.

An old man standing behind the classroom took a look and pulled off a beard.

"Let me go? Learning the law can really become a mage or not? No, no, this kid hasn't learned anything! Yes, yes, this is magic!

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