My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 418 Cost, Routine and Hard-spirited!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng saw the movements of the old man outside the door and smiled apologetically.

"This is...magic."

Now in the public...white lies, Jiang Shouzheng still has some unnaturalness, but this unnaturalness is still very restrained, and it is not easy for ordinary people to find it.

Jiang Shou had his own consideration for using real fire.

During the time he entered the school, Jiang Shouzheng heard a lot of very useful news. For example, most students have to join a student organization during their freshman year, clubs, and student unions. They all have to join, otherwise There will be a credit called "Social Quality Credit" that cannot be obtained. Without this credit, there will be no way to graduate.

And after joining the organization, there is likely to be a situation where you will need to drink. Although you can guarantee that your presence at the wine table remains zero, if you are toasted in a circle, it will still be your turn.

I don’t have enough alcohol, if I drank too much, it would be fun like a banquet at the end of the college entrance examination.

Just in case, set yourself up by yourself first. If something goes wrong, everyone's deep-rooted view is that you can do magic, then the unintentional impact can be minimized!

Seeing that both inside and outside the class were caught in a kind of "shock", Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand, and the real fire in his hand seemed to be extinguished.

"This is my specialty. When I was studying before... it was boring to study, and sometimes I couldn't study, so I just learn magic to pass my time, change my mind, and show my ugliness."

Jiang Shouzheng, following the appearance of a magician on TV, bowed with his hands on his chest.

There was thunderous applause from the audience. Only Lin Qingxian patted his chest, saying: "It's okay, it's okay, I am Jiang Shouzheng's roommate. Although the fire is incompatible with my attributes, he will not attack me. , Not afraid of not afraid.'

Compared to Lin Qingxian’s heart beating wildly, although the tortoise staying in Jiang Shouzheng’s chest pocket fainted altogether, this is a biological self-protection instinct, even if it is a demon, even if it has transformed, even if it is After avoiding Jieyun once, should it faint or faint, not to mention that it is a...turtle.

When Jiang Shouzheng stepped down, it was Lin Qingxian's turn. Lin Qingxian briefly introduced herself. When talking about his specialties, he took out a mirror from his pocket and looked at himself, saying, "I, Lin Qingxian, very handsome. And confident."


The girls in the audience looked at Lin Qingxian, and then at Jiang Shouzheng, and they shared their hearts: "Except that he is a little whiter than Jiang Shouzheng...emmm don’t say anything, this classmate is Big money, in short, he is really confident.'

The expression in Zhan Yunru's eyes is a bit complicated. She likes Wang Fei, too. She especially likes to take out the mirror from her pocket and say "Nima, really handsome".

After Zhou Quan came to power, when he talked about his specialty, he thought for a long time, and said: "I...I am very courageous."

After finishing speaking, before the students in the audience reacted, I trot back to my seat.

His courage is indeed very great, and with the tempering of his roommates these days, he feels that his courage has improved to a certain extent. Although things like Tomb Tou Bengdi are still not daring, they go to some world famous Zhou Quan felt that he could deal with the house of horror or something. Although his heartbeat might be a little faster, he might have seen the world.

If Jiang Shouzheng and Lin Qingxian went with him, then he promised that he would not be afraid at all.

What are you afraid of, let go!TXT Bookstore

As for Chen Yuan, come on, I can see it in the past few days, it's just an addition...

Although he is not a strange person, he is a man, he has eyes, he can see and feel it!

"Everyone knows each other's names now, and they may not be able to be called for the time being, but it doesn't matter. After a while, everyone will get acquainted, then they will definitely understand each other. So... now someone wants to run Are you an off-duty cadre?"

After Zhan Yun has finished speaking, the girls who were a little casual are eager to try. Now that everyone can sit in the same classroom, it proves that the scores of the college entrance examination are not much different. The students with excellent scores are mostly in high school. Class leaders, the teacher likes students with good be moved.

But Lin Qingxian is...inevitable!

He has an advantage. First, he is the only three boys in the class. He has the advantage when running for class cadres, especially the class leader. Second, he gave the class... a gift!

When the classmates in the class are not very familiar with each other, first act first, campaign for the position of monitor, and then add the classmate’s WeChat logically and naturally, and then develop some... Sister or something.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingxian narrowed his eyes thiefly, tapped on the table by the way, and signaled Jiang Shouzheng to look at him.

'Jiang Shouzheng, you said you don't compete for class cadres!'Lin Qingxian reminded the sound transmission.

'Well, I don't compete. What can the class cadres do to compete without giving money.'Jiang Shouzheng shrugged and responded.

'That's fine. If I want you to help me in the future, small things are 1,000 at a time, and big ones will be discussed.'Lin Qingxian promised.


Jiang Shouzheng said...After arriving at university, the way of making money has really changed a lot, and it is more profitable than in Linjiang!

In Linjiang Chuling, some customers will bargain prices and shop around. In Kyoto, it’s different. There are many career directions to choose. There are also big dogs like Lin Qingxian. People who shouldn't arrange their own roommates in their hearts should be called...the generous and generous people, yes, the bold and generous!

Ok?The old man who has been paying attention to me has left?


Law School, Dean’s Office.

"Xu, Jiang Shouzheng, you must give us the Department of Chemistry."

"Elder Tian, ​​choosing a major depends on the love of students. Only if you love it, you can learn. Although Jiang Shou is the top student in the college entrance examination, his learning ability must be good, but if he chooses a major he doesn't like, his learning efficiency We must have a bad balance, so that we violate the university’s educational mission to teach and educate people..."

"Stop, stop, I'm definitely saying that you can't be a lip service. I've seen that kid. He must be a good seedling who studies knowledge, and he also loves chemistry!"

"Yo, Professor Tian, ​​yes, how can you tell it at a glance."

"You... don't give me such a strange yin and yang. When the kid introduced himself on stage, I was watching from the back of the classroom. He performed a magic trick on stage! The flames were released with a squeaky hand Kind of, this is definitely...absolutely...the ability that can only be achieved after deep research on certain materials! Yes, this kid likes chemistry. Anyway, this student, you old Xu Give or give, don’t give...we can break it again."

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