My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 427 I didn't applaud!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The sun is shining, and the lotus in the lotus pond is also blooming.

Jiang Shou was punching by the lotus pond, and the whistling wind continued to sound, accompanied by--

"Brother, can you plant me in another place? It's really uncomfortable for me to stay here at night!"

"At night, someone peeed into the water! Someone changed their saliva on that chair over there! There are so many bugs!!"

"Moreover, the frogs here are too rude. I told them to be quiet and don't bark. They still don't listen, and a lot of them jump on me..."

Jiang Shouzheng has not stopped punching, and Jiang Shouqin's words have not been interrupted. The whole pool of "Jiang Shouqin" is talking to Jiang Shouzheng.

Stand still.


Collect power.

"Didn't you say you are not used to having so many bodies? How come you can control so many bodies at the same time?"

"This is also thanks to the nutrients provided by the little turtle yesterday. After I absorbed some of it, I felt that my control over these bodies suddenly became a lot better."

"Little turtle?"

"That is to say, although the tortoise is long-lived, I will forget it, but my age is much older than it. Why don't you call him the little turtle?"

"What about me, how about you call me Xiaozhengzheng?"

All the blooming lotus flowers all at once combined into...buds.

After Jiang Shouzheng left, he gradually opened up...

"Senior brother is now in college, so how can I say so? I usually have to see what the senior brother is doing in the bedroom?"

Jiang Shouqin thought, an old-minded voice came from "in his ear."

The source of the sound is not beside the lotus pond, but...outside the bathroom.

"On duty, why did you take a bath for so long?"

"Lord, I feel that my body is so dirty, and now I can’t transform into its original form, I have to wash, I have to soak my body in water, and see if I can turn back into my body again. ......"

"Okay, it's up to you, come out early, don't soak for too long and make yourself swollen, you have to punch in the morning, but you can't stop your muscles and bones for a moment!"

Old Guanzhu yawned and rolled his eyes. When passing by the trash can, by the way, a lump of things in his hand was thrown into the trash can. The lump looked like the kind of toothpaste that was squeezed clean.

The filthy body ointment seems to be very effective. It is interesting to make Jiang Shouqin's body a human directly. It is really interesting. The extra memory in my mind seems to be very interesting. It is better than playing games. Interesting!

"Boom boom boom."

The old master knocked on Jiang Shouji's door. Jiang Shouji shouted "coming" in the room and opened the door after a while.

The old Guanzhu stared at Jiang Shouji carefully, and Jiang Shouji looked up at the old Guanzhu...

"You... are you possessed by a ghost?"

With that, the old master ran to the bathroom, he wanted Jiang Shouqin to eat the ghost that was inside Jiang Shouji!

"Lord, what are you running? Didn't I just put on makeup?"

Jiang Shouji wanted to stay, but the old watcher ran faster.


"Running up and running, haven't you eaten?"

"Adjust your breathing, one left and two right, one two one, one two one..."

It was a messy queue, and the running sound began to become uniform under the training of the instructor.

"One two one, one two one, stand! Set!"

"turn right!"

"Stop!" Xiaofei e-book

Nowadays, college students have participated in military training at least twice before participating in the military training at the university. One was in the first year of junior high school and the other was in the first year of high school. If the school conditions permit, some college students may have participated in military training in the sixth grade. Up.

So everyone is quite familiar with military training, and under the basic commands of the instructor, they can still obey relatively well.

"I am an active soldier. Now I am providing training for your students in Class 3 and Class 4 of the law. You don’t need to remember my name. For the next 15 days of military training, you only need to call me an instructor. have you understood?"

"No problem." "Alright." "I know."...

A sparse response came from the queue, and the instructor glanced and said:

"From left to right, the check-in position is out!"

"The third and seventh in the first column, the fifth and seventh in the second column..."

"Those who go out, boys push-ups, 100 push-ups, girls push-ups, fifty, you can add up! If you can't do it, put your hands on the ground until 12 noon, can't hold it, and lie on your stomach!"

Lie on your stomach, what's a joke?

Now in the summer, when the sun comes up, do you want to get familiar with yourself when you lie on the ground?

There was a commotion among the crowd called out, including Zhou Quan. He subconsciously said, "I rely on it?"

"You, two hundred!"

Zhou Quan was pointed at by the instructor, and he was about to speak, but this time he didn't say anything, only his mouth moved.

The instructor said: "Two hundred and five."

During military training, you need to obey orders. At the beginning, it was just a little sloppy, but seeing the instructor's real appearance, everyone also honestly put their hands on the ground and did push-ups.

Don’t do it now, wait for the sun to rise?

Accumulative push-ups and a few more sets can still reach the standard.

"While you do it, shout out the number of times you did it! Push-ups will be doubled if the voice is not loud."

However, after a while, everyone was not doing push-ups anymore, all staring at Zhou Quan:

"one hundred fifty!"

"One hundred and fifty one!"


"One hundred eighty!"

Zhou Quan's arms and forehead were slightly sweaty, but he felt that he...not bad!

Sure enough, after the wind and rain, I saw the rainbow and lived hard to be a master!

Yesterday’s pain, diarrhea almost prolapsed this morning...

This is in exchange for his current "toughness".

When I was in high school, I couldn’t even do ten push-ups in one breath. Now...

"two hundred!"

Lin Qingxian looked at Zhou Quan, and said to Jiang Shouzheng:'Shouzheng, are you helping him?'

"No, I'm just helping him to smooth the power in his body. I have never seen a strange person awakening. This is a very new thing for me. I want to see what his power is like. .'Jiang Shouzheng stood up straight and said without moving his head.

'Okay, I thought you were making Zhou Quan this guy troubled again!He is not familiar with his own power now, and uses it at will, but his body bones are too much for him.'Lin Qingxian smiled, stopped the voice transmission, and continued to watch the excitement.

When Zhou Quan yelled out "Two Hundred and Five", there was thunderous applause and cheers from the audience, and the instructor also clapped and said "Good job."

Then, the instructor looked at the queue and shouted: "The one who just applauded, including me, has a hundred push-ups!"

"All of them."

Jiang Shouzheng immediately shouted: "Report! I didn't applaud!"


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