You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Huhuhu...ah..."

"No way, no way..."

"Death to me, I would rather lie in the school infirmary with heatstroke..."

Why do we need military training?

Why is military training required at every stage of learning?

This is both to hone the will and to exercise the physique, but the premise for these "benefits" to be absorbed by the students is to obey.

In the army, obedience is a bounden duty.

However, outside the army, the emphasis is on individuality, so when each newcomer joins the army, he will be deliberately "find for faults" and then stumble and establish authority to reshape values.

The iron-fighted battalion soldiers rely on the same faith!

And military training is a simple, first-level entry into the army!Experience military life!


The boys and girls who were so excited for military training in the morning are now exhausted.

And their values ​​have changed to a certain extent in this short half of the morning.

Originally, what they cared about was grades, and what they cared about was scores, but now it's different. In the general environment of military training, under the chant of instructors, and everyone is doing push-ups, everything has changed.

Now, at this moment, the only criterion for judging a person's performance is physical fitness!

The instructors began to establish their authority one after another!

Of course, except for a square matrix of the third and fourth classes of law...

The students in this phalanx didn’t scream like other phalanxes, anyway, they looked around like passersby, did they clap, cheer, shout 666...

Front horizontal support, human flags, one-arm pull-ups...Jejian movements that were originally only visible in short videos and TV, Jiang Shouzheng and the instructor are doing it at the same time!

Feast your eyes!

And every time the action ends, it will attract cheers and applause.

Compared to the happiness of others, Jiang Shouzheng was a little bit depressed. He felt that this instructor seemed to be on a "bar" with him. Didn't he just report the actual situation by the way without applause?

According to the rules just mentioned by the instructor, you don't need to do push-ups without applause, so you don't need to do it!

'You... are very good and obey the discipline, but since everyone has physical training, it is not very good to pull the next one. Otherwise, you don't need to do push-ups, we practice together!'

After practicing with the instructor, Jiang Shouzheng finally realized the feeling that the turtle lived in the turtle garden...

It didn't feel very good. Jiang Shouzheng wanted to give up a little bit, but he was afraid that he gave up too obviously and would make the instructor think he looked down on him!

In the army, you can lose and fight, but you must never give up. You must do your best for everything, even if you only have one hundred points of strength, you have to spend one hundred and twenty points!

This is not what Jiang Shouzheng figured out himself or saw in military novels. It was the feedback Jiang Shouzheng got from the mana he planted in his body when Ke Zhenyuan went to the military academy for military training in advance...

If you continue to persist now, it will be a little troublesome, but if you give up, it will be even more troublesome!

'Damn me?How can students who have just entered university have such good physical fitness?'

'Is this class not law?It's not sports!'

'It's a pit, I don't seem to be able to establish absolute authority!'

The instructor's body fell heavily to the ground. Although he estimated that he would still be able to stand up for ten seconds, the student named Jiang Shouzheng did not appear to be struggling at all, except for a little sweat.

While feeling a little depression in his heart, he also had a slight admiration.v5 novel

The army pays attention to discipline and strength!

Since the other party is better than yourself, it is right to show respect!

By the way, I am not the worst. I heard that a freak came to a certain military academy of the Air Force today. During the first "dismissal of the horse," the squad leader was "flipped". It is said that the surname is "Ke". A rare name, as for other news, not much.

After all, things in the army are passed on by word of mouth, and where there is no mobile phone, who knows what the news can be.

A freshman surnamed Ke's physical and physical qualities are quite high, it may be a rumor.

In the absence of outsiders, bragging may be their only hobby.

Of course, if the new student surnamed Ke really exists, and he has only been suppressed by Jiang Shouzheng for a period of time, the squad leader over there will be suppressed by the new student surnamed Ke for a few years!That situation, thinking about it, feels bad!

"Now I announce that Jiang Shouzheng is the squad leader of your two classes!" The instructor who had given up continuing to compete with Jiang Shouzheng stood up and announced.

Regarding such an announcement, no one in the entire phalanx had objections, even Lin Qingxian, who had spent a lot of money to compete for the position of squad leader.

Now that his goal of running for squad leader has been achieved, then this post is just a title for him, and it doesn't matter whether he is hanging or not.

"Report instructor, I don't want to be a class leader!" Being a class leader is a waste of time, and there are too many girls in the law class, which is not very convenient for communication. Jiang Shouzheng refused without even thinking about it.

"This is an order! There is no refusal!" The instructor scanned the surroundings. With sharp eyes, the students who were watching the excitement all around shrank their necks. After calming down, he said loudly, "All of them, gather. !"

The team was quickly arranged.

Now in the entire phalanx, everyone doesn’t know each other much, so it’s more convenient to find someone to sort.

After finishing the phalanx, Lin Qingxian suddenly remembered something: "...The instructor, do we still need to do push-ups?"

This problem attracted everyone's attention, especially for a few girls, who asked them to do push-ups, and the cumulative number of non-standard movements can be considered as desperate!

"Call a report!" The instructor stared at Lin Qingxian and shouted.

"Report, do we still need to do push-ups!"

"No need, everyone has it, take a rest and stand at attention!"

After the students stood up, the instructor looked at Lin Qingxian and said, "Except you, no one else is needed."

Lin Qingxian: "emmm... instructor you..."

"Shout to report!"

"Instructor, you are so handsome!"


There is no way to get off the horse, but I just showed off my strength just now, which can be regarded as establishing a certain degree of authority. Of course, most of the authority was taken away by Jiang Shouzheng.

But the rafters in their early days still have to be beaten!

The instructor looked at Jiang Shouzheng, who was standing serious and expressionless, and exclaimed in his heart:

Fortunately it is military training, but fortunately it is not the soldier under my is a pity that it is not the soldier under my hand!

Seeing a good embryo, not going to join the army will always feel a little pity.

In the stands.

The principal and dean of the school are there, and the person in charge of the military training team is also there.

This person in charge leads the team every year, and everyone is more or less familiar.

"Old Xu, isn't that square from your law school? That student seems pretty good, do you want him to join the army or something." The soldier with the Chinese character face in military uniform asked the dean of the law school, "the student is here In our army, we can also study further!"

The dean of the law school was stunned when he heard it, then smiled weirdly, and put down his mouth at the principal: "Other students, I can also help you talk to the other person, but that student, I can’t extrapolate. Otherwise the principal will show me good looks!"

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