My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 433 Once you get rid of money, your mind is much more noble!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The sun is in the sky.

Even if the sky is gray, it can't stop the sun's heat and glare.

It's half past two in the afternoon, not when the sun is the biggest, but the temperature is high now!

If you want to exercise your iron will, you must stand under the sun at this time and listen to the leaders' speech.

The girls have applied sunscreen, which is a little better, but the boys can't do it. Now they all rely on the body to resist, so it feels so uncomfortable!

After the whole drying process this time, no peeling off!

Chen Yuan, who was in the line, looked left and right. He decided to buy another batch of sunscreen as his merchandise. Good stuff!It must sell well!

In this university, all is money!It is really easy to make money, as long as you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering, there are business opportunities everywhere!

I really don't know what's going on with my brother. Earning a profit can make him lose 40 pounds and make him feel haggard!

Not flexible at all!

Although he was spitting out in his heart, Chen Yuan's mouth still twitched when he thought of his brother.

In life, it feels good to have a person who really cares about yourself, even if that person is not very smart.

There is a saying, even if the other party is his own brother, Chen Yuan will never relent when he should complain.

To be honest, under Chen Yuan's gaze at this moment, all the students under his eyes have become mobile cash drawers. How can he withdraw the money he wants from these cash drawers is the only thing Chen Yuan needs to consider now. problem.

As for the leader’s speech, let him speak. The longer he speaks, the better. Anyway, his body has improved by leaps and bounds after testing the gods and gods. Now this kind of sun gives him 24 hours of exposure, Chen Far away didn't think he would get anything wrong, maybe... it would be darker.

But what's wrong with black?

Boys have darker skin, healthier, more obvious muscle lines, and tan!

Compared to Chen Yuan's resignation to his black skin, Jiang Shouzheng is different...

"What should I do? How can I make myself black?"

This problem is a big problem for Jiang Shouzheng.

Can the sun tan his skin?Of course the answer is no!

After the skin of the students in the same class in the whole school went dark for a while after the military training, there was no change in themselves. Will there be some dazzling?

It must be eye-catching!

Especially when my college entrance examination results are fairly good, there are many people in the school who have been staring at them. For these people, I have to guard against!

What if there are people from heaven!What if someone wants to harm the younger brother!

Jiang Shouzheng was thinking about a solution, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and his skin couldn't be darkened from the crowd, so...what if everyone's skin doesn't become dark?

This is a very good idea.

And it should be easier to implement!

In Linjiang, in addition to the weather's own obedience to the laws of nature, the gods can still intervene in a wave of weather changes.

Since I can find Gu Dengshen in Linjiang for help, I think I can also find the gods in Kyoto?It shouldn’t be difficult for Him to help move a cloud over the school. Rain is not needed, and the consumption of divine power should not be too great...

For Jiang Shouzheng, who can now control the gods, he is still a first glimpse of the power between the gods.

After thinking about the countermeasures, the only problem now is how to find the gods of Kyoto.

According to the information revealed by God Gu Deng in chats with him, not all places have gods, and gods are now, to some extent, less than the national first-level protected animals!Still not protected by the place, it is considered the Four Olds...

Some gods disappeared naturally, some gods were forgotten by humans, some gods were swallowed by the heavens, and some gods hid in a dark corner listening to their own death knell...

Anyway, the leaders are talking passionately on the stage. Will they stop for a while, or try to contact the gods in Kyoto?

Revenge yourself with mana to make the other person's life a little better?

I have been in Kyoto for a few days, and it is justified to say hello to the local gods.

But...what is the name of the god of Kyoto?


Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and found that he did not have the knowledge in this area.It's a bit embarrassing, but this question doesn't matter much, it's harmless!

Calling the gods, sincere is the spirit, just like calling, saying "Hello, hello", is it possible to chat?

"The gods of Kyoto... hello boss, this is Jiang Shouzheng, I want to discuss something with you."

"Boss of the gods? Hello, I am Jiang Shouzheng, a freshman at Chemical University. I want to discuss something with you."

"God head, are you there? Are you still alive? I'm Jiang Shouzheng from Linjiang Qingfengguan who came to Kyoto to go to school. I hope I can discuss something with you. Could you please give me a reply after receiving my prayer?"


The time for a leader to speak has passed, Jiang Shouzheng did not get any response, even if he brought his magic power when praying, no god gave him any reply.

So... are the gods of Kyoto dead?Doesn't exist anymore?

A feeling came out in my heart inexplicably, the gods in the small places like Linjiang still exist, but the gods in Kyoto actually died?

Sure enough, the gun shot the bird, and thunder struck the pointed tree.

But it doesn’t matter, Gu Deng Shen also said:

'Even if our gods are dead, they will still leave their own marks in this world. As long as the time is right, we will wake up again, but we who wake up again are not necessarily the previous us!'

So... even if there is no deity in Kyoto, one can be "created" by awakening the deity brand.

The way to awaken the gods is at least a way to awaken the brand of the god Gu Deng. The god Gu Deng has already taught Jiang Shouzheng. At present, it seems that the gods of Kyoto should have belched, so the dead horse is a living horse. Doctor?

Use the method of awakening Guden God to see if you can awaken the god boss in Kyoto. The power of the newly awakened god is definitely not strong, but it shouldn’t be a problem to make a cloud stably float over the playground of the Chemical University Well, I don’t have enough power. In addition to the rewards of mana, my power can also be used and transformed by the other party...

In the next leadership speech, Jiang Shouzheng mobilized his mana, and slammed into the sky according to the power flow method that Gu Deng gave him.

The wind is surging, the lightning is thunder...

And this cloud, it doesn't seem to be an ordinary cloud, and the robbery cloud condensed in the bedroom last time may, seem, should be the same, right?

So why is the method of awakening the imprint of the gods so lively?

Jiang Shouzheng looked up at the sky, dumbfounded.

Because of the changes in the weather, the entire playground began to become lively.

Lin Qingxian looked at Jiang Shouzheng with a complex expression. He felt clearly and plainly beside Jiang Shouzheng. Jiang Shouzheng's majestic mana was so high in the sky that the weather had changed so much!

Watching Jiang Shouzheng looks very relaxed, his feelings are now in Tongxuan?

I originally thought that the opponent's power would reach the "Emperor's Middle, High-end", and it was almost the same. After all, Jiang Shouzheng's age was placed there, no matter how talented, there is a limit, right?Worry-free Novel Network

Every day, Lin Qingxian blamed Jiang Shouzheng's aura from Jiang Shouzheng's cultivation.

It's alright now. Look at his appearance, at least he is "Tongxuan Middle"?Or is it "Tongxuan... First Class"?

Damn it!

Senior Tongxuan, aren't they already the most powerful people in this era?

Isn’t that nonsense now with yourself as roommates?


Lin Qingxian remembered that the tortoise in the bedroom had lived...

Or is Jiang Shouzheng not a human at all?Is it a monster?If it is a monster, then many questions are justified!

Listening to Chen Yuan's usual boasting in the dormitory, Jiang Shouzheng knew many monsters and was called "adult" by many monsters...

I rely on!

Is my roommate a monster?!

Still a big demon!There are not many great monsters in the world, the great monster who can control the power of heaven and earth at will!

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

Is it possible for normal human beings to get nearly full marks in the college entrance examination?

Can a normal human being able to play around at the door of the law school and play with the two forces of "right" and "evil" in his hands?

Can a normal human much handsomer than himself?

Jiang Shouzheng is a monster!

Then I will visit Jiang Shouzheng's master in a few days, isn't that the monster leader?Old monster?

I don't know if the monsters in their line have ever eaten people?The other party likes to drink, so if you take it to soak yourself, isn’t that bad?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingxian shook his head abruptly and threw this thought out of his mind.

This kind of blasphemous thoughts shouldn’t be there. I heard that respected seniors can perceive thoughts that are related to them. Since seniors have chosen to join the world, they will definitely follow the rules of human society, even if their skin is good, No matter how suitable for taking medicine, seniors will definitely not take themselves to take medicine... right???

After watching the weather for a while, Jiang Shouzheng stopped looking up.

After watching too much, the weather won't change anymore, and it is also impossible for him to take back his mana now.

Since Jieyun had already appeared, it showed that Gu Deng's method of awakening the gods still had a certain effect.

Is it possible that the robbery cloud came out to fight the autumn wind?

It's just that the movement is so loud, I don't know if the thunder is loud, the rain is small, and the gods are not awakened in the end...


It doesn't matter if the gods are not awakened!

After a couple of days, I made a fuss and the weather suddenly darkened. Wouldn't it satisfy my plan to keep everyone from getting dark?

Okay, thinking about it this way, whether or not the gods will appear is not the point, so the change of the weather is completely out of sight in Jiang Shouzheng's view, but Lin Qingxian, who is standing next to him, is very strange. .

Jiang Shouzheng has never seen a person's facial expressions that can be so complicated without any sense of stagnation...

One will frown and think, one will be ecstatic, one will be full of fear, and another will be solemn and admired!

Lin Qingxian, what is thinking in his mind?

Isn't it because of the change of the weather that made him feel "primitive worship", or the ghost door in "The Book of Life and Death" ran out to meet in his body?

Jiang Shouzheng tentatively sent a message to Lin Qingxian, but--

"Ah! The monster is coming!"


Originally, there was an unhappy leader because of the changing weather, and watching the commotion among the students in the audience, the mood was even worse.

How did the planning work and choose such a weather?

Didn’t you read the weather forecast?

By the way, the weather forecast seems to be of no use...

I can't seem to blame...

wrong!It was a matter of planning, not choosing a good time!

It’s not a matter of planning, is it my problem?

I haven't finished my speech yet. It's so uncomfortable. This is the content that I worked so hard to modify in last year's speech. I haven't finished speaking. I have a great time!

Forget it, it's going to rain soon. If you insist on finishing your speech, tomorrow's headlines inside and outside the school will probably be rounded up by yourself.

Good thing, definitely not much!

I still have to cherish my feathers. I am now in a leadership position. In case there is a school selection activity in the future, the number of votes is low, it is embarrassing!

"...Dear classmates, since the weather has changed, then I won't say much. I wish the classmates have something to learn and accomplish in the next four years! Thank you!"

The thunderous applause from the audience covered the thunder in the sky. Among them, Chen Yuan clapped the most vigorously.

"Business is risky. Don't just want to do business when you see it. If this kind of weather comes for a day or two, according to what I just thought, then I have to die!"

"Prudent, prudent, don't be dazzled by money. I came to school to study, not to make money at school."

"This teacher said so well, all of a sudden... I said in my heart. This must be a good teacher. If there are any selection activities in the school in the future, I will definitely vote for this teacher.. ...."

"But, what is the name of this teacher?"

Chen Yuan asked the student next to him this question.

"What do you call this teacher? He won't teach us."

Chen Yuan thinks about it, that's right...It's better to forget each other in the world!The teacher would never care about my vote, I was just an ordinary student.

Tsk tsk, as soon as I got rid of the vulgar money in my thought realm, it suddenly became noble.

After a short while, the rain fell, dispelling the heat.

The crowd began to cheer and withdrew in an orderly manner.

None of them noticed that the monitoring on the podium and the monitoring on the playground poles at the same time turned their directions and aimed at the playground...

Jiang Shouzheng, who had just left the playground, felt that something was wrong. He looked back and found nothing wrong with the exception of the black head.

"I, do you feel wrong?"

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