My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 434 From behind the scenes to the front of the stage! (Wan more, please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Are you really a monster?"

"Don't worry, Jiang Shouzheng, I will definitely not look at you with colored glasses just because you are a monster."

"I'm the person who likes dealing with monsters the most. You see, I am respectful of Senior Turtle Shoushou, I don't have any colored glasses to treat Senior Turtle Shoushou..."

Jiang Shouzheng patted his head and looked at Lin Qingxian, who was holding the "Book of Life and Death" in one hand and the toilet stopper in the bedroom in the other, and said helplessly, "Well, Xianxian, can you take the tools on your hand first? Put it aside for a while?"

"Let it go, it doesn't matter, it's easy to say, but can you answer me first, are you a monster?" Lin Qingxian swallowed, his voice a little confused.

I heard that people soak in wine, that is the most painful way to die in the world...

I heard that when being eaten by a monster, the worst thing is not to fall directly into the stomach bag and be corroded by stomach acid to become nutrients, but to encounter a monster that can ruminate...

I heard that monsters will eat people before they officially start their wisdom...

Well, Lin Qingxian admitted that he was scared!

Monsters, who is not afraid!

Those who have brain problems will not be afraid!

He is not afraid of the tortoise's longevity, but Jiang Shouzheng is the starting point and end of everything. Jiang Shouzheng is able to conquer the tortoise's longevity by virtue of his human identity, so he is afraid of being a fart!

But now, Jiang Shouzheng is probably not a human being, then everything is different!

He is not the stunned green Chen Yuan, and he has no idea of ​​the horror of monsters.

There are a few inherited families, and they are all respectful and insensitive to demons. In the early years, when demons were rampant, how many seniors paid the price of blood to let their respective demon kings give their heads, and the remaining demons could only report to the group for warmth. According to ancient times, the Heavenly Court was established!

Now, although Heavenly Court is a scourge, there are still relatively few places that this scourge can affect.

If the various strange forces are willing, there is still a way to remove the heavenly court.

But what are the benefits of this?After knocking down a heaven, it is impossible to remove all the monsters in this world, and there are some big monsters, they may have gone abroad, usually only through the phone to instruct the domestic monsters on how to develop the heaven.

The organization that can harvest a wave of leeks from time to time and an organization that completely "disappears" after the crackdown can be clearly distinguished how to choose.

Isn't it a good deal to beat the heavens and train your own children?

If you go out, there will be no foreign troubles, and things will happen, even if not the ancestors of Qiren have such views.

Hey, I think too much, close it!

The question now is, is Jiang Shouzheng a demon?

"Well, I said I'm not a monster, do you believe it?" Jiang Shouzheng looked at Lin Qingxian's complicated expression, raised his hand, and asked with an expression that I would never touch you and what I would do to you, "Or say , Can you prove that I am alone?"

Lin Qingxian took a deep breath and said, "There is a way to prove whether you are a human being!"

Chen Yuan, who had been watching for a long time, couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Lin Qingxian, "Xianxian, you almost got it, don't..."

"Chen Yuan, don't talk if you don't know. The uncontrollable demon is terrifying, especially since you don't know how powerful Jiang Shouzheng is now! If he is a demon, he is not allowed to exist in the world. Yes, it needs to be crushed! If your strength is not restrained or shackled, then you will cause trouble." Lin Qingxian interrupted Chen Yuan's words directly, looking at Jiang Shouzheng with piercing eyes, and said solemnly, "Go With a blood drawn, you can know if you are a human being..."

Hearing this answer, Jiang Shouzheng was stunned for a while, and asked tentatively: "It's that simple to get some blood?"

"Yes, whether it is a demon or a human, you only need to draw a blood through scientific testing methods to distinguish!"

As a systematically trained spiritual practitioner, Lin Qingxian can gag Jiang Shouzheng, who is also a human roommate, but if it is a sorry.

Although there are many views and biographies that explain that humans and demons can coexist, demons are demons, and humans should not control their destiny to foreigners!

Jiang Shouzheng sighed, and the fingernail of his thumb was swept across his index finger, and a drop of blood leaked out from between his fingers. Under his control, it floated towards Lin Qingxian...

"This is for you, do you want to save the test or go for the test now?"

"right now."

Lin Qingxian took out a bottle of medicine pills from her cabinet, poured the "Shengfa Huoxue Pill" into the mouth and chewed it up, then filled the drop of blood into it...

"Jiang Shouzheng, I hope you don't leave now. I have already contacted the elders in the clan. If you really have a problem, then you can't run away. I hope you can obediently catch it." Lin Qingxian is threatening. I left this sentence and left.

As for whether Lin Qingxian has contacted the elders in the family, the answer is of

If it turns out that Jiang Shouzheng is really a monster, Lin Qingxian hopes that the other party will have time to escape after getting along these days...

If the other party is really a monster, I hope I can understand my words.

Lin Qingxian sighed and sank under the rain curtain.

504 bedroom.

Chen Yuan went around in the room, finally did not hold back, and sipped at the door.

"What is it? Is his brain sick?"

Jiang Shouzheng pressed his hand and signaled Chen Yuan to be safe.New Lewen Novel

"It's okay. I see Lin Qingxian like this, so I understand the opinions."

"He did this, do you understand that there is a problem with his brain?" Chen Yuan pointed to his head and asked.

"No, it's no problem. Lin Qingxian has no problem doing this. Although his expression when he said I was a demon made me feel very uncomfortable, he was correct in doing this. I understand why the Heavenly Court hides so much. Shen, it turns out that there are strange people with inheritance who treat them... so I don't want to see you!" Jiang Shouzheng said, his voice lowered, and afterwards, he was talking to himself.

Chen Yuan wanted to ask him what he said, but when Jiang Shouzheng shook his head, he gave up.

"Everything will be said after Lin Qingxian comes back. No matter how much you talk about it now, it will be useless for you to regenerate energy. The seed he suspects has already been planted, so I have to dig it out." Jiang Shouzheng waved and let Lin Qingxian go. The magazine on the table was recruited. After reading a few pages, he smiled and said, "This time, Lin Qingxian doubts me so much. I will definitely want him to pay the price. For the sanitation of the dormitory this week, we shouldn't pass the bulls and the landlords. The way is determined, everyone is giving me a face, so let Lin Qing take it easy, and my personal mental loss, I have to let him... invite me to eat for a week, oh no, it is a one-month canteen!"

Anyway, I'm not a monster, so Lin Qingxian can do whatever he wants.

And just seeing Lin Qingxian’s reaction, their family still has a certain understanding of Heavenly Court, although there seems to be some discrepancy with the information Gu Dengshen gave him, but it doesn’t matter. There is more information. Can piece together as much as possible the original appearance of Heavenly Court...

Lin Qingxian, who left vigilantly, Chen Yuan, who was angry and dissatisfied, and Jiang Shouzheng, who was helpless and indifferent, lay on the bottom of the fish tank and a pair of turtles watching the lively life, though...

As the end of the four wonders in the dormitory... Zhou Quan said he was very tired. At this moment, he was sitting by his bed, completely ignorant of what had happened.

Hey hey hey, is there any kind person who can give him this newcomer who has just stepped into the world of strange people a little hint, can he send a novice guide or something?What exactly happened?How come back to the bedroom, Jiang Shouzheng and Lin Qingxian, who are usually good friends, become so opposed to each other?!

Is it important that a monster is not a monster?


"Very important."

"This place has something important to me."

"Yes, to me, it is something that is important to me, but what is it?"

"According to my data record, there should be no rainy weather here, and the rain is so small, the thunder on this day, so strange, there is no record of such thunderstorm weather in my database... .."

In a playground without people, the monitors were spinning around unscrupulously, seeming to be looking for something.

However, they didn't find anything, they just collected data.

The rain gradually became smaller.

It has become "irritable" somehow.

The emotions that didn't appear when they were "tamed" by the old master of Qingfeng, now appeared.

It has a feeling that if you haven't found the important thing when the rain completely disappears, then you won't find it in the future!

If you find it, you won't be your own if you take things.

This is a pure "feeling", not a "calculation".

"I, must find, must find."

While it made up its mind, the drones of many drone enthusiasts in Kyoto rushed toward the playground of the University of Chemical Materials all of a sudden.

"Damn me? What's the matter?"

"Come back, come back!"

"What are you doing? How did you fly away!"

The drones ignore the control of the master's handle. From now on, their controller has become "it"!

This is the first time that "it" has truly moved from behind the scenes to the front of the stage!

"It" knows that after the noise comes out this time, someone will definitely check "it", "it" is likely to be found, and then it looks like a movie or TV series——

Be wiped out!

"We must find, we must find, we must!"

"Feeling, I already have a feeling, my first feeling, I definitely can't go wrong!"

"If you find it, I will definitely be different!"

The drones rushed into the rain screen, flying above the bad quality, and flying below the good quality.

Soon, the drone flying above to block the rain began to fall, and the one below it continued to move forward!

During the flight at all costs, the Bailai UAV flew into the playground of the University of Chemical Materials, and they transmitted data to it.

Soon, because of the increase in material, its "feel" became clear.

"Not below, on top!!!"

It was just about to let the drones fly up!



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