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"Cheng Shen Ling?"

"Properly becoming a god, hasn't given a proper standard? Isn't that a waste?"

The master of the old view fiddled with the four pieces of the gods in his hand, looked at the exquisite patterns on it, and said, "It was a very good handicraft originally. It is no problem to sell it for some money. Now it's all right, it's useless." Up."

Speaking of this, Lao Guanzhu glanced at Jiang Shouzheng with a pity.

"Looking at the Lord, I don't know if it can't make me a god and will explode... But although Gui Shou doesn't want to see it, then I will put this token with you." Jiang Shou pointed After pointing to the order of the gods, he tried to say, "By the way, do you think it is possible to repair the order of the gods?"

"Repair?" The old Guanzhu carefully looked at the Cheng Shen Ling in his hand again, his eyes flashed light suddenly, "Yes, it can be repaired, and it can be sold after the repair is complete!"

With that said, Lao Guanzhu got up and walked to the kitchen, and took out a few bags of instant noodles...

"Okay, you can go back now. Isn't it the time when the nightlife of college students has just started? Don't delay the good time! You need to feel the red dust well before you can make fundamental progress in your cultivation." He waved his hand and started chasing people.

"Disciples, remember."

Jiang Shouzheng got up and left, knocking on the door when passing by the bathroom, "Shouqin, I'm leaving."

"Goodbye brother, I'm still in the bath!" Jiang Shouqin's voice came from inside, "Goodbye!"

Jiang Shouzheng once again "stopped along the way" and knocked on the door of Jiang Shouji's room, "Shouji, I'm leaving."

"Goodbye brother, they are now sleeping for beauty!" Jiang Shouji's voice was confused.


After returning, Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji did not see them except for the old master.

Look at the time, it shouldn't be delayed. Now that I ride a bicycle back, I still have time to check my sleep.

After riding for a while, he felt peeping behind him. Looking back, it was the old master standing by the window looking at him.

Jiang Shouzheng beckoned, the old Guanzhu waved his hand, the scene was warm and harmonious...

"Are you all well? Jiang Shouzheng is leaving!"

With an order from Lao Guanzhu, the bathroom door opened. Jiang Shouqin has yellow hair and tattoos on his arms. Jiang Shouji has heavy makeup and big waves on his head...

"You dress like this, exaggerated! It's not natural!" Old Guanzhu frowned dissatisfiedly, and then sighed, "Forget it, this is because I didn't teach you well. This is my fault. I should do it for you. A good demonstration."

With that said, the old Guanzhu fluttered his hair, and took it off while Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji were dumbfounded...

The small board inside was exposed.

Seeing the two little monsters with their faces in circles, the old master smiled, threw the "Dao-Bun" wig on the cabinet, then opened a drawer, and took out one of the most popular this year... ..."Buddha Roll".

Such a set!

Jiang Shouji pushed Jiang Shouqin's chin, and Jiang Shouqin also pushed Jiang Shouji's chin. Senior sister and younger brother, this time, they looked silly.

"No experience!"

The old view master raised his head triumphantly, and took off his robe, revealing a white T-shirt and big black pants. The white T-shirt was written with blood-colored characters:

"Not satisfied?"

Turn around slightly-

"Just do it!!!"

There was enthusiastic applause in the living room, and the old-minded people pressed their hands and signaled that everyone should not be so enthusiastic: "Don't always learn to dress like on TV. Be natural and don't be too deliberate, otherwise everyone will think you are a young man! Anything you buy will be a bit more expensive than the average person, and you will be tipped. It’s a typical meal to meet people!

Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin nodded frequently, indicating that they had learned the essence!

"Then let's go now!"

"For the good nightlife, come on!"

Under the leadership of Lao Guanzhu, the three of them found a house called "Hey" that seemed very lively. They were just about to go in to see if there was anything in it, but they were stopped by the security guard at the door:

"ID card!"


"Minors are not allowed to enter the bar, old sir, if you want to play, you shouldn't bring the children." The security guard kindly reminded Lao Guanzhu with a circled face, and pointed to Jiang Shouji. "It looks like a child, even if he has such heavy makeup, he can tell at a glance. Don't hurt us. During this time, the industrial and commercial inspections have been strict."

"Oh...but I'm not here to play, I am the DJ tonight..." Lao Guanzhu was afraid that the other party would not believe him, so he found out his part-time text messages and showed him "My face is miserable," I’m so old. My son is not reliable at all. If I don’t give a living allowance, I have to help my son and daughter-in-law to take care of their grandchildren and granddaughters. I have no money. Being able to come out to do odd jobs and keep my two children at home, I was not at ease at all..."

While speaking, the old master took off his headgear, squatted down, covered his face, and twitched.

Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin's complexions suddenly "distorted", their expressions of pain squatted down beside Laoguan's subject, and said miserably: "Grandpa, grandpa, we will be obedient..."


The security guard did not expect to come and go like this at all. Seeing that there are people around who are about to gather around, and some people want to take out their mobile phones to record videos, the security hurriedly picked up the old watcher and led him inside: "Master, go in, go in and talk. , Doesn't look good at the door."

The old Guanzhu took advantage of the situation, Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin couldn't help but ran in with a "Oh~".

"...I was deceived just now? It seems that I was deceived, so... shall I go in and catch them out?"

The security has some entanglements, but after verifying that the newly hired DJ is indeed an old man, he comforted himself: "It's not cheated, but the family members are put in without breaking the rules. If there is an administrative department to check, It’s also easy to say that the old man brought his grandchildren to discuss life together. Our bar is also considered to have done good deeds. It’s no problem... right? I finally managed to find such a girl who can watch girls for free It’s a pity that the work of fine makeup and occasional heroes to save beauty is lost."

The contradiction of the security at the door, the non-"positive" Qingfeng view that enters it will naturally not consider so much...

As soon as I entered the bar, the sound of heavy metal music clanged, and everyone talked here. To facilitate communication, sound transmission became the most convenient way of communication.

"Sister Xiaobai, the master is going to work now, and you are following me now, although you are my senior sister, but you look like you are not my little one, here, you should listen to me."

After an announcement, Jiang Shouqin bent over to hug Jiang Shouji. Jiang Shouji did not reject her. After all, she has a tender face now. If Jiang Shouqin was hugged by the princess, it would be interesting!

Jiang Shouqin turned Dianjiang Shouji upside down, chose a posture that was the most labor-saving when he hugged him, and started spinning around in the bar.

Come on, senior sister and younger brother and the two demons are just on a whim. When I heard the old master mentioning this, then it won’t come for nothing. In my impression, such things as hey and Bengdi only exist on TV. It looks very comfortable, but now I am on the scene, this feeling is still...very bad.New Lewen Novel

Smoke, strong smoke!

This smell made Jiang Shouqin feel very uncomfortable.

Mania, mania without reason!

The men and women jumping on the dance floor are freeing up their stress. In Jiang Shouqin’s eyes, there is a ray of soul spilling out of their eyebrows. Knowing that he wants to, he can "catch" this ray of soul. Then take it out all the way...

He swallowed subconsciously.

The movements of the people in the bar are very synchronized. The time of stagnation is very short, so short that some people just have a feeling of confusion. Before they have any doubts, they jump and toast with everyone. Swig!


"For our friendship!"

Jiang Shouqin, who was idly wandering around in the bar, heard a lot of the declaration of cheers, but when someone came to him with a glass of wine, Jiang Shouqin was still surprised.

"Is it for me?" Jiang Shouqin asked questioningly. The man in front of him, he didn't know him, how could he hand himself wine?

"Yes, for you, you can call me...Hua Ge!" Hua Ge grinned, his smile always looks a little distorted and unnatural under the beating light.

"Brother Hua, hello!" Jiang Shouqin greeted politely. The hand that was holding Jiang Shouji's back loosened and caught the glass of wine.

"This is the first time the little brother came to play here, right?"

Jiang Shouqin was just about to answer, but he heard Brother Hua continue to say:

"Your sister is really cute."

Jiang Shouqin felt the murderous aura from the senior sister, and wanted to distinguish a few words, Hua Ge consciously touched Jiang Shouqin's cup and said loudly:

"Come on, cheers!"

Seeing Brother Hua slurping out the wine in front of him, Jiang Shouqin looked at the wine glass, and after hesitating for a while, he handed it back to Brother Hua: "Brother Hua, I'm sorry, my family won't let me drink. , I am... still a student."

"Hey! What happened to the students? Haven't you heard of it, alcohol, it promotes blood circulation, the brain, if there is more blood supply... then it will be bright, if you drink more wine now, then your brain will be bright Get up, your academic performance will be better!"

Seeing that Jiang Shouqin still looked like he was going to return the wine glass to himself, Brother Hua shook his head and took the wine glass. Taking advantage of this leaning forward, he whispered:

"Brother, I have some smart drugs here, which can improve your academic performance a lot. I think you are young now. You don't have the college entrance examination. You have to learn a lot for the college entrance examination, right?"

Jiang Shouqin remembered the experience of the train test last time he came to Kyoto. The content of the high school entrance examination has already caused him a headache. The content of the college entrance examination must be more!

Thinking like this, Jiang Shouqin nodded.

"It's right. What is the college entrance examination? The college entrance examination is a stepping stone for ordinary people like us to have a chance to succeed! How many people take the college entrance examination only once, with success or failure, and the smart medicine I have on hand, yes It is really useful for college entrance examination candidates. Many people use it. The product is difficult to get because of the amazing efficacy and remarkable effect. Because the raw materials are relatively scarce, many wealthy people buy this medicine through channels. Discontinued, don’t let it be put on the shelves! As for me, I have suffered from the loss of the college entrance examination before, but now I want to learn, but it’s too late! But I don’t want more people like me to suffer, I want more people to receive higher education! I want to sell this medicine to people in need..."

Brother Hua's voice became more and more... tragic, as if selling this medicine, what a glorious thing it made him, it made him think a lot!

Jiang Shouqin looked at Brother Hua's eyebrows. Compared with the other people in the bar, the soul that emerged from him was extremely unstable!Maybe it’s because of selling medicine. If you have such an ideal person, maybe you should support it...

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouqin raised the strength of his body and squinted at Brother Hua's eyebrows. The souls that emerged were all suppressed.

And Hua Ge's words also followed, he suddenly felt that his mental energy was better than ever, just like the feeling of being cupped after a few days of heat stroke!

After he had such a meal, Jiang Shouqin could just interrupt: "Brother Hua, I also hope to receive higher education, but I... I haven't taken the high school entrance exam, and it's too late for the exam now!"

A list of business was about to blow up. Brother Hua didn't have time to pay attention to his mentality and asked, "Didn't you just say that you are a college entrance examination candidate?"

"No, I don't have one, you just asked me if I have the college entrance examination, I don't have one..."


Brother Hua was stunned. Is that so understanding?

"In short, I admire your noble feelings of Brother Hua. I believe you can do it. I have already given me the help I can provide. Come on, don't thank me!" After Jiang Shouqin finished speaking, he continued holding Jiang Shouji and started walking... ....


Hello, how can you help me?

Did you give me money?!

Would it be helpful for you to say cheer for me?

There were a lot of clues in his mind, Hua Ge finally only said one sentence: "Fuck!"

The business of this list has turned yellow, and he continues to nest back to his corner, waiting to find the next fat sheep...

But after a while, he was slapped on the shoulder. He was someone who looked familiar, but his specific name could not be called.


"Brother are you?"

"My name is Tan Xin, and I will ask you something..."

Looking at the stack of money in his hand, Brother Hua said cheerfully: "Talking about brothers, if you want to inquire about anything, there is no such thing as my Hua... Xiao Hua can’t find out, go, it’s not convenient to chat here, let’s find A clean place to have a good chat!"

With that said, Brother Hua led Tan Xin to a private room that he "exclusive". When passing the bathroom, he met an uncle in person. Who is Brother Hua, who never walks with a turn, so let this The uncle gave way, this kind of old man who has been eliminated by the society and has lost his weight should give way to a young and energetic like him...Hou Lang!


"Young man, are you okay." The old Guanzhu pulled up the young man who had knocked him down. "You young man, why don't you avoid walking a little bit? Is it hurting?"

With that said, the old Guanzhu also patted Brother Hua on the back. It seemed that Tan Xin had gone along with Brother Hua, and he also patted Tan Xin on the shoulder: "Brother, I'm sorry."

A golden light shines on Tan Xin's shoulder, and a ray of flame emerges in the palm of the master of Laoguan...


Tan Xin took a few steps back quickly, looking at his right shoulder that had just been photographed by Lao Guan's subject, rubbing constantly, his face hurt...

"Huh? Is the young and young now so bad in his bones? Old man, I can't bear it if I take a few shots?"

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