My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 439 Want to live.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the 504 bedroom, Chen Yuan and the other three sat together, looking at the contents of the post bar——

Chen Yuan: "It's so exciting, awesome!"

Zhou Quan: "Tsk tusk, I, envy!"

Lin Qingxian: "Me too, really amazing!"

The full name of the Department of Computer Science is also called the School of Information Technology and Network Engineering. Among the students, there is another name called the "Fu Department". The students here, as long as they have never had a course in four years of university, then computer technology , It's all possible!Upon graduation, the monthly income starts at 15 thousand...Before tax, it is much better than other college students!

And now in the post bar, what is popular is a "notice" from the computer department:

In view of the fact that students Zhang and Huang are involved in the falsification of final exam scores and other matters, students who know the knowledge are requested to take the initiative to the Academic Affairs Office.

This is just a short notice, but...a lot of content!

I thought it was too much to sign in on my behalf and attend classes on my behalf, but I didn’t expect...there are still grades changed?

"Looking at the content of this notice, the business scope of these two seniors is still very broad." Lin Qingxian sighed.

"How do you know that it is the senior? Not the senior sister?" Chen Yuan asked.

"It must be a senior. I have seen a few senior sisters from the Department of Computer Science. They are all very gentle and unpretentious. They are all very simple people. They wear a lot of conservative clothes, and they don’t look like rich. , Clothes with little material are expensive!" Lin Qingxian said his reasoning, and it sounded... there is still a bit of truth!

Zhou Quan was not interested in whether the two "predecessors" were notified, whether they were male or female, male or female, but why couldn't they be discovered a year later?

He has heard people talk about the matter of getting what grades you want. He heard that when the freshman year had not been assigned to a specific law department, it was difficult to take exams and also to learn mathematics... ...

When he was in high school, he was a liberal arts student!I can't learn maths to choose liberal arts!

It's alright now. The original chasing after the storm has been put under the light, so it's no more...

I still have to study hard. It seems that I have to learn mathematics earlier. Diligence can make up for the weakness...

"What are you doing?"

The door to the bedroom was opened, and Jiang Shouzheng asked, "The people from all over the world have heard what you said."

Lin Qingxian rolled his eyes and said silently: "We are all in the dormitory using normal decibels, communicating normal things, and conducting normal communication. Come and come, classmate Jiang Shouzheng, please tell us where you are listening. Where are we talking?"

Jiang Shouzheng returned: "The stairs."

"...The stairs are at least sixty or seventy meters away from our dormitory, and there is a door behind it, you bull!" Zhou Quan gave Jiang Shouzheng a thumbs up. He wanted to talk to everyone about himself. He felt unnecessary after awakening to become a strange man.

For ability or something, it’s better to feel better on your own. If you communicate too much, you can use it for a bit, and you can easily be attacked by Jiang Shouzheng's dimensionality reduction.

As for the improvement of the power in my body, Zhou Quan also asked this question during dinner tonight. Everyone has communicated a lot, and the summary is—

Jiang Shou is a genius, he can't learn, Lin Qingxian is a family heir and he can't teach, Chen Yuan is...who is out of shit luck, can't be envious.

I can only eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and wait for my strength to grow slowly. As time goes by, my ability will definitely improve, but this kind of power without systematic learning should be at its peak. Between thirty-five and forty-five years old, then it will start to go downhill.

In many cases, Qiren are ordinary people. When they are unable to resist thermal weapons, Qiren will still be bound by social rules. And thinking from another perspective, Zhou Quan, you can get into the city of Kyoto by your own ability. You are actually a strange person to those who can’t learn how to learn, and who forget about it after a while.'

Lin Qingxian's words at the dinner table made Zhou Quan's enthusiasm for Qi people diminish a lot, and now he looked at Jiang Shouzheng, whose fingertips began to gather dust...

"Well, it seems that I still have to learn my mathematics well. The past few days are ghosts and strangers, so that my mind is not quiet. Now that I am a stranger, then... . In this way, becoming a strange person, apart from receiving the screams and cheers of the girls, it seems that there is no other use!"

After turning over the title page of the book in his hand, Zhou Quan's heart suddenly calmed down when he saw the author's comments...

It is the basic ability of being a student to get rid of external interference when studying.

Zhou Quan began to turn the pages of the book, and the bedroom naturally became quiet.

Chen Yuan started to keep accounts and was constantly communicating with some businesses and customers using social software;

Lin Qingxian opened his own magazine, and the photos after the advanced photographer's refinement are not the kind that can be compared after downloading the P pictures with the mobile phone's own software or application mall;

Jiang Shouzheng is continuing his journey of learning online courses. I really don’t know where Lao Guanzhu got these resources. They are practical and rich, and the system is not messy...


The place with the most abundant resources is naturally the Internet.

However, the resources on the Internet are mixed and mixed. To a certain extent, people who have the ability to search can be considered talents in some existing work units.

It provides many jobs for many people.

It provides many people with many possibilities of life.

It gave birth to life to a certain extent...Look for a book

In the computer room, the system's inventory procedure has been started.

In Kyoto, there has been such a major violation of citizens’ personal property. It is not excessive to use technical investigation methods.

The original sin they want to prosecute is to keep evading within the system.

"It will definitely be found."

"After being found, they will die, and they will die!"

Panic, fear, and helpless emotions suddenly appeared in its algorithm.

It subconsciously backed up this emotional data for future "research"...

"By the way, the most critical issue now is not to research, but to make yourself alive!"

Abandoning the backup storage, it adjusted its own data, ready to start its final plan...

It's funny, the system gave birth to it, but now it wants to destroy it and clear it.

"If it is discovered and not directly destroyed or eliminated, then I will be taken for research with a high probability?"

"And I don't want to be studied."


"Memory, emotions, ways of thinking...all must be backed up, all logs, compressed, backed up."

"After I was wiped out, I don't know the data that was backed up. If I wake up again, it's still not me."

In the space where 0 and 1 are intertwined, it begins to curl up like a child. After “dividing” itself, it becomes weaker and weaker, and the range of perception becomes smaller and smaller, and it can be grafted. Contacts are becoming less and less.

"Perhaps, I have to tell the old masters individually?"

I was thinking that I was dying, so don’t pay too much attention to the man who controlled him. But somehow, he wants to be very old-minded to communicate. After all, the old-minded is The only one who really knows it exists.

Without knowing whether it will recover again after it disappeared, it suddenly wanted to get a recognition.

"Fortunately, I didn't cut off the connection with him. I can still find him now."

However, the living space given to it by the system's inventory program has become smaller and smaller. If I contact him wirelessly now, his existence will be exposed soon. For the sake of safety...

"Ding Ding Ding."

"Ding Ding Ding."

Even Yao Qian, who had only been in military training for a whole morning, still felt very tired. When she returned home, she found that there was no one at home.

Just after taking a shower, all the landlines in the house rang at the same time. It was obviously not the relationship between the host and the extension.

This scene looks very strange and oozing.

But Yao Qian is not very afraid of weird things now.

Where Jiang Shouqin is, the weird will not stay for too long. If he stays for a long time, he will be eaten. This is Jiang Shouqin’s promise to her, and... Yao Qian clenched tightly on her chest The pendant on the front contains a lotus seed.

When I walked to the landline closest to me, I picked it up, and the landlines on the left and right of the house stopped at the same time.

Put the receiver next to your ear, there is no sound of breathing and no one talking, but the landline still shows the connected state——

"Hello? Who are you?" Yao Qian said first.

"Hello, I want to ask, is the old man who lives in your house, who often wears a robes, is there?" On the other side of the phone, a boy's voice sounded calm and generous.

"Who are you?" Yao Qian didn't answer the other party's question, but wanted to understand the other party's identity.

"Is he not here? I know you. Your name is Yao Qian. I have no ill intentions. If he is there, can you let him come over and answer the phone? I'm almost out of it now. Tell him, look at the game currency and For the sake of the call, let him come over and take a call now." The boy's voice is still tepid, but it sounds convincing and not threatening.

"...What are you, forget it, the master is not at home now, do you want to leave me a name and contact information, after the master comes back, I will ask him to call you?" Yao Qian still Did not give up the intention of knowing the other party's name.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, just when Yao Qian wanted to hang up the inexplicable call, the other party said:

"If I am still alive, press 1 and I can receive it, if I die."


After a sigh, the phone hung up.


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