My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 440 Mouse (Nine thousand more, please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!If you don't care about the cobwebs in the corner and the cardboard boxes stacked in the corner, this place is still a better negotiation room.

The waiter wore more...expensive clothes, put a mention of wine on the table, dropped a screwdriver, and left with a twist.

Brother Hua got up from the sofa, took out two bottles from a mention of wine and put them in the ice basin. He sat upright and asked, "Mr. Tan, Mr. Tan, before you inquire about things, you should understand. Regular."

"Every message is ten yuan, and the money for drinks, private rooms, and snacks is mine." Tan Xin nodded in response.

Brother Hua is a mouse, a frequent visitor to the game, not a good person.

In the early years, I was stained with things that shouldn't be stained. Later I wanted to quit, but I couldn't quit.

On weekdays, there is no serious business. In addition to the income from sideballs, he also does some job selling news. Who told him to come and go every day are places where there are more sources of information. He listens and understands a lot. , There is not much to follow, and the words spoken are still slightly objective. Although there are often some exaggerated elements, in general, some of the gossips obtained here are still very good——

It can be regarded as good quality and low price.

"Give you a message for free. The owner of this bar likes to cook. He was originally a cook, but he was not good at cooking. After years of tossing, he closed down the restaurant he opened. After closing, he opened this A bar! In the bar, there are fewer people ordering food. It is expensive to hire a chef. So most of the cooked food in this bar is cooked by the owner himself. As I just said, he opened the restaurant and closed down. His own income is a bit self-aware, and the value he does not intend to make money from selling food, so other things in this bar are expensive, this dish is still good and cheap! Not to mention, in the past few years, his cooking skills There is still growth!" Throwing the half-burned chicken rice flower into the mouth, Hua Ge grinned, showing his big yellow teeth, "I haven't eaten dinner today, don't you mind if I eat and drink first? Time, say it later."

"...Don't mind, you eat first, we will talk slowly after eating, don't worry."

After finishing talking, Tan Xin pursed his mouth and slandered: You, the donor is not honest, you have already eaten it, and I told the poor monk about this topic...Ah, leave the Golden Eye Temple, The habit of speaking must be changed!

After receiving Tan Xin's accurate affirmation, Brother Hua picked up the whole plate of chicken rice crackers and pulled it into his mouth without any kind of politeness.

Although this chicken rice flower is a little burnt, it still uses a lot of oil. It tastes... it is full. After eating this meal, I don’t know where to eat the next meal. Some eat it. Eat more.

Brother Hua was eating, and Tan Xin couldn't sit still. He pulled his collar and revealed his right shoulder.

"'s no wonder it hurts so much, it's all swollen! That old benefactor...the old man also made too much effort?"

Looking at the handprints floating on his right shoulder, Tan Xin felt speechless for a while. Is the uncle in Kyoto already at this level?

But apart from the handprints, other places are fine. There shouldn't be any big problems. It can't be like in a martial arts novel. After being slapped by an uncle, he still got internal injuries?

Brother Hua swallowed the last bite of the chicken rice flower, picked up the fruit and cucumber from the fruit plate and prepared to be refreshing. He also happened to see the print on Tan Xin's shoulder, and was surprised: "Tan, the uncle just took it?"

"Yeah." Tan Xin pulled up the collar, and was staring at his shoulder by a big man, always feeling a little awkward.


Brother Hua took a bite of the cucumber and said, "What news do you want now, ask, I know everything I can say."

"Are you not going to eat any more?" Tan Xin asked, pointing to other food on the table.

"It's okay, we can talk and eat." Aishuwu

"Okay, I'm like to ask two things today. One is about the host of Kinmehoji Temple. Do you have any news, whether it's his parents or something else."

"What about the other one?"

"The other is about whether there are any special existences among the freshmen at Kyoto Chemical University, such as...the kind with a long history of family learning."

Brother Hua showed his thoughts, and then said: "The second one, I have to inquire. The new students are still in military training and have not yet come out to play. The news I can hear outside is also limited, but for the first one, I have some The news, you can still talk about it, but before you say it, let’s be clear. I only talk about my own, which may not guarantee that the news is accurate!"

"To understanding."

"The host of the Jinmu Dharma Temple, everyone said that he was the reincarnation of a living Buddha. When he was born, he was born with lightning and thunder and colorful clouds floating..."


"It's almost my turn!"

In the background, the old watcher listened to the current DJ's beat, his body moved with it, and he became a little excited.

Linjiang, there is no such a big place to play for him. Similarly, there are not so many people playing in the bar. There are not many young people in a small place. They all come to a big city like Kyoto to work hard, and they are in small places. The pace of life and interpersonal relationships are often relatively simple and will not cause too much pressure.

A place like Kyoto that costs money to breathe is indeed a place where young people need to vent their pressure.

"Master, can you really? This is a young man's job." The hotel manager beside him asked.

"Of course, I have a lot of experience, don’t look at my age, but my mentality is still very young, I... there are many young boys in my family, they are all with me Play, if it doesn’t work..." Lao Guanzhu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened his game interface, "Look, I’m the King of Glory, and there are not many people in the district. Stronger, I still said that, my body may be old, but my mentality is absolutely young!"

The manager took a close look at the ranking of the old master...

"Is this really your own game account?"

"Of course, I have charged 15,431 yuan in it. Isn't it my own account?!"

Lao Guanzhu glanced at the manager, put the phone back in his pocket and said, "And now it's my turn. It's not appropriate for you to not let me go now!"

That's right, the music of this festival is about to come to an end.

"Then go on!"

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem."

The old-minded subject patted his chest, and the word "unacceptable" was particularly prominent.


The phone that I just put back in my pocket rang, it was Yao Qian's phone.

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