My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 442 Being struck by lightning is really...handsome and exploded! (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The weather in Kyoto is generally relatively dry, because it is not adjacent to the sea, and it does not rain every month or even a few days a year.

Therefore, the work of the weather forecasting staff is not like other places where you generally have to choose 1 from 3 among "sunny", "cloudy" and "rain", but only choose 1 from 2 among "clear" and "cloudy" The accuracy, in terms of probability, is much higher than elsewhere.


Today, the weather forecast has been wrong again and again.

First, it rained in a small area in the afternoon, which was originally a very common trivial matter, but because many drones were damaged in the rainy area, so by the way, the error of the weather forecast was pulled up and the hot search .

Now it’s even worse. At night, the weather forecast shows that it will not rain, and there will be sunset clouds before the sun sets...thunderstorms.

Many people walked out of their doors and looked up at the sky. The entire Kyoto seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud. The flying thunder snake churns in the cloud, like a human being looking down on the ground with vitality, like ...What are you looking for here!


The thunder, with a shocking coercion, people who originally wanted to watch the lively filming of small videos, under this majesty, instinctively produced some fear and hid themselves where they thought it was safe.. ....Home, hotel, guesthouse, garage...

Hou Lei, who originally cultivated his temperament by listening to piano music in the theater, unconsciously threw the three small red, yellow, and blue balls, attracting people sitting next to him to watch this simplest and most difficult acrobatic performance for free. As soon as thunder rang, they saw a magic trick, three balls, under their eyes, combined into a black ball.

The applause rang out all of a sudden, which drove the audience who lost their heads, nodded, and dozed off. Although they didn't understand what was going on or why they applauded, there was nothing wrong with applauding with everyone!

On the stage, the pianist who had not yet reached the climax felt the audience's approval and played more vigorously!

'It seems that my piano skills have improved now, and I can charge extra for tickets in the future!'

'It seems that I can really become a pianist, and I can make playing the piano my main job!'

The pianist on the stage was full of emotions, and Hou Lei under the stage bowed his chest to the surroundings before leaving the house.

Walking out of the gate of the theater, thunder roared outside, his ears moved, and he heard a voice that ordinary people could not hear:


Heavenly robbery, Thunder Dragon congratulations.

After disasters, give birth to God.

Catastrophe is thunder punishment, thunder punishment is thunder dragon.

Heaven and Earth, for the gods who steal their own power, hate and delight...

Hou Lei smashed his mouth a few times and swallowed, "There is a god in this place in Kyoto? And it is still a god who can trigger the catastrophe as soon as it is born, and the smell of this god is definitely very... Not bad right!"

In this world, in addition to the gods who know more about themselves, those who know them more deeply belong to the heavens. After all, the way the heavens cultivate genius and reserve army is to devour the gods.

Hou Lei is one of the heavenly...a senior executive monkey. He has eaten a few gods. It tastes good and melts in the mouth. It can effectively enhance the potential of the monster body and the activity of the monster. He especially likes it. The gods are struggling, roaring and distorted expressions in front of him...

Thinking of this, Hou Lei's expression became a little horrible, and the people passing by him subconsciously avoided a little.

Hou Lei quickly discovered this problem, and his expression immediately became warm. As a magician, he not only needs to control the sight of others, but also his own expression. In many cases, whether the performance is in place or not, and magic The teacher's expression management still has a lot to do with it.

After trying to control himself not to show his greedy side, he raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The thunder and lightning suddenly lit up. As a beast, he instinctively developed a kind of fear. Under his clothes, golden monkey hair emerged.

"go back!"

The low roar in his throat suppressed the fear in his heart. The bare skin did not produce golden monkey hair. His body was slightly forward, and his raised head was slightly lowered, looking like a frightened person.

"Even if I have the current strength, am I still so weak? I am still so afraid of seeing the thunder catastrophe that is not aimed at me?"

Hou Lei did not force himself to look at the thundercloud, not only because of his instinctive fear, but also because he felt... the thundercloud that jumped up and down in the cloud seemed to have a little bit of wisdom, if he Staring for a long time is likely to be regarded as a provocative behavior.


A bolt of lightning fell straight from the air, without any defense.

Hou Lei glanced at him and exhaled heavily, his eyes flickering:

"It seems that tomorrow's news in Kyoto will promote the thunderstorm weather and try not to go out to take photos, so let alone ordinary people, even those who have just been promoted to gods will be overwhelmed."

"But this god, the area covered by the thunder is really large, and there are so many places to flee. The thunder hasn't landed on him yet, but he is still looking for him. It's interesting. Looking at the area covered by the thunder, it should be all of Kyoto. All places are counted in the category under his control. There should never have been such powerful gods in Kyoto in history? Those gods should all fight for life and death in this place where the spirits gather."

With the passage of time, Leiyun’s pressure on Hou Lei has increased. It seems that he can’t stay any longer, and there are more and more people standing next to him. Let’s go back to the theater. , It’s safer inside.

As for this god... if you have a chance, grab it and eat it. If you don't have a chance, then forget it. A god who can make such a big move is definitely not an easy one. It is still necessary to slowly figure out the power of his belief. After his source, cut off his source, take advantage of his weakness, and kill him. Now is not the time to be tough.

No matter how good the taste of the gods is, they can't bite such a bite without thinking about the consequences...

By the time Hou Lei returned to the theater, the piano was over. Now it is time to sing, and there are not many audiences, but the performing artists on the stage are still performing very seriously, without any perfunctory taste.

When Hou Lei saw it, he felt the seriousness and concentration of the performing artists on stage. He thought he should study, see how dedicated they are, and then take a look at himself. He must not relax and study.

When the passengers were not paying attention, Hou Lei spit out a black ball from his mouth. The black ball was divided into three, red, yellow, and blue.

This black ball is his demon pill...

When Hou Lei spit out the demon pill into three, Zhu Gemeng heard his father very excited:



Two different and emphasized swear words made Zhu Gemeng who was adjusting his internal breath open his eyes and complained: "Father, I am adjusting my own breath, can you be a little quieter, otherwise I It's going to be crazy."

The old man did not respond to Zhu Gemeng, but jumped up from the bed. Before the quilt hit the ground, he flashed to the window and opened the curtains.




One sound, louder than one sound!There was a sense of madness in the voice.

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Hearing this sound, Zhu Gemeng got out of bed in a panic, trot to the side of Daddy, and heard it before he even approached--

"Tick", "Tick"... the sound.

When he walked in, he was bleeding.

Looking down, there was a pool of blood where the old man was standing.

"Father, you are...backlashing." Zhu Gemeng was a little scared. He has grown up so old that he has never been backlashed before, but occasionally vomits blood.69 school bag

Hematemesis, the basic exercise of fortune tellers.

If there is no vomiting blood, it means that the calculation is not true or deep enough.

However, there is still a big difference between backlash and vomiting blood. This may cause mental injury and make fortune-tellers no way to connect with numerology.

"You're bullshit, is it a backlash if you are bleeding?" When the old man spoke, the blood in his mouth suddenly poured out, like...squeezed the ketchup. This made Zhu Gemeng another shock!

"Hey hey hey, are you stupid? Did I raise it? You see that I am already like this. Shouldn't you call a doctor to help me with a blood transfusion?" The old man became a little angry, The blood was already bleeding, and his stupid son was still watching, sighing?

"Father, don't you need me to help you adjust your internal breath?"

"What kind of internal breath can be adjusted for blood transfusion? When you adjust my internal breath, my body will become stiff. Hurry up and help me nurse."

After Zhu Gemeng had just walked a few steps away, his father called him again: "Remember, you must call the nurse with a double ponytail."

Zhu Gemeng pinched a finger and frowned, "Father, that nurse's life style can't ease your current backlash. Isn't it the right thing for me?"

" are so mad at me. I told her to come here, but the nurse looks better, and I look comfortable! Are you a fortune-telling brain watt?"

When the old man finished cursing, he murmured: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I've been backlashed now, if I get angry, I have to belch, don't be angry, don't be angry. . The heart is clear, the cream pudding, the hamburger pops..."

When you are angry, talking about your favorite food can effectively alleviate the increase in blood pressure, especially in the current backlash, it can greatly slow down the rate of bleeding...

When many people in Kyoto were affected by this sudden thundercloud, Yao Qian stood behind the old Guanzhu and finally couldn't help asking:

"Grandpa Guanzhu, does this have anything to do with what you just did?"

The old Guanzhu raised his head and looked at the sky. He felt that this matter really seemed to have something to do with him, but he couldn't tell what it was.

'Why was the Cheng Shen Ling aroused just now?I have no defense at all!'

'I seem to have repaired the Cheng Shen Ling, so this weather should have something to do with me.'

'But you can't speak too much. If it doesn't matter to me, it will be embarrassing to find out afterwards.'

After a lot of thought, the Old View Master said unfathomably: "Don't tell, don't tell."

This answer is vague, but it is of great guiding significance to Yao Qian——

It turns out that Grandpa Guanzhu is so powerful!

Yao Qian didn't actually feel much intuitively about the power of the Old View Master, but felt that since the Old View Master was Jiang Shouzheng's master, he was essentially a little stronger than Jiang Shouzheng, and that was normal.

But looking at the current situation, this is a little bit more serious. Jiang Shouzheng's power seems to be nothing more than a special effect, and it is an effect that can only be achieved by a large-scale production!


This is a secret, you can't tell anyone, but it's uncomfortable to hold back completely...

After pondering for a while, Yao Qian raised her phone to take a photo, and sent a picture to Yao Genmin with text:

"Father, look at the sky in Kyoto, it's interesting."

Yao Genmin, who was in a meeting, got up, saw the news from Yao Qian, and quickly got up and went out.

This girl has lost a lot of news since she went to Kyoto, but now she finally took the initiative to come to the news, she has to go back and talk more!

When I got outside the office, I clicked on the photo to take a look, hey, the weather in it a typhoon?The weather forecast didn't say anything.

But anyway, make a call first.

"Qianqian, what's wrong with you?"

"Let me tell you, the weather here suddenly thundered, it looks terrible."

"Then you have to be careful, don't stare outside."

"I know!"

Yao Qian gave a short exclamation, making Yao Genmin startled: "Qianqian, what's wrong with Qianqian?"

"Dad!" Yao Qian's voice was crying, "I was scared to death..."

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Qianqian, speak up!"

Why did Yao Genmin ask, Yao Qian didn't speak, but kept sobbing... This made him a little anxious, and he wished to fly to Kyoto now!

On the balcony, Yao Qian temporarily lost the ability to reply, or she didn't know how to describe the scene just now.

A flash of lightning struck straight down from the sky, and then Grandpa Watcher waved his robe, and that flash of lightning was... no more...

There was a tingling feeling in the air, letting Yao Qian know that the scene just now was not a dream.

Can Jiang Shouzheng do this?

Looking at the old Guanzhu's back, Yao Qian instinctively thought of Jiang Shouzheng.

Jiang Shouzheng definitely can't, but he can't now. It doesn't mean that he will be at the age of Grandpa Guanzhu in the future.

At that time, I was also an old lady who needed to help him to walk. The sky was struck by thunder, and the handsome old man Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand, the thunder was gone, wow, so handsome, so handsome, I really like it~~

"Qianqian, are you okay? Talk to my dad."

Yao Qian came back to her senses, suffocated her instinctive fear of choking, and said embarrassedly: "Dad, sorry, just a thunder struck me... in front of me, it scared me to death!"

"Why are you embarrassed to say at this time, hurry, hurry home, don't hang around outside, good! Go back and go back!"

"Hmm, I will go back now!"

Yao Qian hung up the phone and looked at the old Guanzhu standing in front of her, weakly asking: "Grandpa Guanzhu, do you want to go back? It seems a bit dangerous outside."

The old view subject stood firmly in front of her, without replying.

"Grandpa Guanzhu, I'm a little scared, I'll stand inside the house first?"

The old Guanzhu still didn't reply, Yao Qian took it as an acquiescence, took a big step back, and stood at the entrance of the rooftop.

At this moment, the old master felt that his whole body was numb and could not move.

"What's the matter? Who am I to provoke? Why did this thunder hit me straight? It doesn't make sense! It shouldn't be! A mess!"

"However, the feeling of being struck by lightning is so familiar."

"Strange, being struck by lightning, how can I feel familiar??"

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