My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 443 When I became a god...(Wan more, please subscribe)

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"The progress of the Cheng Shen Ling loading 1%...5%...7%...17%...29%...77%...99%."

"The loading progress is 99.99%."

"The loading progress is 99.999%."

The progress bar is stuck.

Under its perception, it is just a little bit worse, infinitely approaching 100%, but it is just a little bit worse, but it is not very clear about the specific difference, which has exceeded its cognitive scope!

Its knowledge storage does not include knowledge related to the Cheng Shen Ling...

From the entity to the "body" along the fiber to drill into it, this has exceeded his cognition.

It’s not very clear what this Cheng Shen Ling is, but it’s a little clearer. If it can load the Cheng Shen Ling and complete it, then the essence of its own life will change!

This is the feeling that the playground of Chemical University gives it!

Urgent jpg.

Eager gif.

Eager avi.

The emotion of the dominant player now is "eager". It is desperately holding its own progress bar, but it is almost meaningless, even if it recycles the data and information it has separated into its body, it is almost meaningless!

But what's the difference!!!

Cheng Shen Ling, you mean it!

If it is not an internal problem, then it is external!

The system is still screening what it left... broilers, but now it doesn’t care so much. At this moment, at that moment, it is directly forced to take over the monitoring associated with the system, even if it caused the alarm in the computer room to sound. Don't hesitate!

All the surveillance in Kyoto related to it are all operating...

Where, where is the last thing to give yourself a boost?

Not on the road, not in the hotel room, not in the office...

Countless pictures passed by in front of it, and it was screening at the fastest speed, but it didn't have what it wanted, nothing could alleviate its current "eager" mood.

It feels that it can feel what it wants, but there is no way to find something that can give it a feeling, not to mention how uncomfortable this feeling is.

Now it knows it. Those young people who spend a day and night in the bed looking for a little resource to see, feel after discovering that all the resources are 404!



In the eager mood, it did not notice that its emotions seemed to have become diversified.

However, not finding it now does not mean that it is really not found.

It saw the old master, that is, the handsome old man was struck by lightning for a while, and its loading progress went up a step.

Thank the handsome old man, the old master, and the master for being struck by lightning, and thank you for being struck.

But now is not the time to thank you. It’s too late to thank you after the load is complete. Now it’s mainly to find that thing...

Hurry up, now some staff have started to walk into the machine room, if they forcibly shut down the machine, then they will be stuffed in the machine!

Hurry up!

Find that feeling!

Ollie give it!


"Jiang Shouzheng, won't you come out and have a look?"

"Lin Qingxian, won't you come out and have a look?"

"Zhou Quan, stop reading, come out and read it soon!"

Although it is time to sleep, even if every freshman in the morning has been miserably trained by the instructor, at this time, who can sleep!

This kind of weather is the real first sight in a century!I have never heard of it before. Looking at the current Moments of Friends and the information on online social media, the whole of Kyoto is under thunderclouds, the wonders of nature!

Do not look at regret for life!

But for such a spectacle, Lin Qingxian didn't want to see at all, he was panicked now.

He has been afraid of thunder since he was a child. After practicing... he is even more afraid. He is extremely gloomy, and thunder is absolutely righteous. It will be fun to give himself a little bit.17 Pen Fun Pavilion

Had it not been for Jiang Shouzheng to protect him with all his strength and pull up the "isolation film" on his whole body and the "Book of Life and Death", he would not be lying in an open place like a bed, but hiding Bathroom...The bathroom is a bit too big, but the toilet is better.

"Shouzheng, thank you very much," Lin Qingxian said lightly.

"You're welcome, we are all classmates." Jiang Shouzheng sat cross-legged on the bed, half calm, and patted Turtle's life on the head by the way.

When Lei first came out, the tortoise, who was pretending to be asleep and fainted, hid in his bed for comfort even though he lived.

It was more panicked than Lin Qingxian. At the same time as it thundered outside, the already dead cloud robbing power on its turtle's back suddenly became alive, making it numb...

"Although the tortoise is longevity, don't panic. The power outside is not aimed at you."

In order to stabilize the tortoise's longevity, Jiang Shouzheng comforted: "I feel that it seems that the enchantment order has been used up. Now this weather, a god was born..."

"..." Although Shou Shou blinked his mouth, he said tentatively, "Shouzheng, I originally felt a little uncomfortable on my back, now listening to you, it's heartbreaking!"

The chance to become a god is gone?

Jiang Shouzheng smiled and shook his head, and continued to practice in a half-darkness. The efficiency of cultivation is not very high now, but when it is time for cultivation, it is time to cultivate well.

Zhou Quan also thought about what time and what to do. Now that it has been arranged, what should be done, but the weather outside seems to be really exciting, or set the current alarm time... a little bit A little bit ahead?

Mathematics is often present, but wonders are not often present.

"Zhou Quan, you are here, hurry up, look at the thunder, do you want to be a dragon, look there, the direction thunder is walking, is it a dragon head, the shadow it left, is it a dragon butt... ..."

"...Can't you use the word dragon tail?"

"It's the same, don't care about the details."

Chen Yuan was taking photos, admiring the weather and sighing the wonders of nature. At the same time, he was also thinking about what commercial value this weather could have...

Write a soft article analyzing this phenomenon on a new media brand?Write it as a hit, and then insert ads to earn advertising fees?

Shooting the video makes it look like someone is cultivating immortals in secret?The background is the background of this thundercloud, incorporating the imagination of the thunder dragon into it?Get a video account?

Every idea was formed in Chen Yuan's mind, and Chen Yuan would not be able to practice them, but he had to think about it and stay active.


Chen Yuan's cell phone vibrated wildly, and it was his grandma's number.

Zhou Quan's cell phone also received a fucking call.

"Hey, milk~"

"Hey, mom~"

When the phone was connected, the tone of the two people's speech became a little honest without consciously, and brought a trace of the local dialect.

"Trouble, please let Jiang Shouzheng answer the phone!"

"Who are you?"*2

"Trouble, please let Jiang Shouzheng answer the phone!", "Trouble, please let Jiang Shouzheng answer the phone!"...

Because the two are relatively close, although they didn't use the hands-free, everyone is now...a strange person, and their ears are better. Naturally, they find that the voice in their mobile phone is the same as the other's.

Glancing at each other, he subconsciously prepared to hang up the phone, but before he had time to press the hang up button, his hand felt pricked at the same time. To be precise, the phone was touched and the phone fell to the ground.

"Trouble, please let Jiang Shouzheng answer the phone!", "Trouble, please let Jiang Shouzheng answer the phone!"...

The phone that hit the ground still stubbornly did not turn off, repeating the words just now, Jiang Shouzheng, who was sitting on the bed, heard it, feeling a little strange, and recruited it into his own hands after blessing the two phones with invisible barriers.

"Who are you, why are you looking for me?"

The two mobile phones spoke at the same time: "I used the order to become a god. I am now a quasi god. Do you know how to become a real god? My feelings guide me to find you!"

"Look for me?" Jiang Shouzheng frowned subconsciously. He didn't know how to make the "appropriate" god after he got the god order, let alone instruct a quasi god, even if the god order was made by him. Yes, although he doesn't know the relationship between this quasi-god and the old view master, Jiang Shouzheng can still hear the other's urgency. Regarding the other's identity, he did not rush to dig out the identity of the other party and responded, "I don't know."

"Excuse me, please think about it, think about it, I can feel that you and the gods are in communication. Among the gods in your communication, do they have any common characteristics?"


Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and responded: "They all seem to have their own beliefs. This is their only characteristic."

Without faith, what kind of god?

Hearing Jiang Shouzheng’s words, its "scope" suddenly changed. Through monitoring, it "sees" various powers of faith, and chooses one as its main source of faith, then it can Are you a god?

Seeing it was too late, it was about to be unplugged, it chose the most powerful one!


Thunder blasts!

It got dark.

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