My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 444 This need to go on a blind date? (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The noisy sky, instantly quiet, made the whole city seem to be quiet all at once.

It was mixed with the thunder and shouted a few words, "Which fellow Taoist is crossing the catastrophe!", "Where is the evildoer!" and the like, free and easy, but now it has become abrupt and... Sand sculptures, cheerful laughter rang everywhere, diluting the horror and low self-esteem under the mighty power of nature.

This person is to learn self-regulation.

When the car was stuck on the road, people tentatively got out of the car and looked up. Everything seemed to have really passed... as if there was nothing terrible, so I hurriedly called the family back and let Don't worry, they are still safe outside.


It doesn't rain if it thunders!

This is the same as squatting in a pit without shit.

But, this thunder, has it really passed?


A mysterious breath emerged on the two mobile phones in front of him, and a white halo circled the phones.

This kind of power Jiang Shouzheng is familiar with, it is the power of faith, and it looks quite "thick".

Opened the eyes of the sky and looked at it for a while, a burst of enlightenment rose in my heart——

It seems that this guy who doesn't know how to get a god order from the master of the old and successfully used it, has already begun to become a god!

Jiang Shouzheng opened his heavenly eyes and looked over, wanting to see what it is like to become a god.

The trajectory of the power of faith revolved in complex patterns under his eyes, which looked complicated.

At first glance, Jiang Shouzheng had a feeling of wanting to vomit. He was dizzy. It felt like he was in a fast car.

After...two seconds, Jiang Shouzheng suppressed his nausea. When he looked closely, he... remembered Gu Yu.

Once when I was chatting with Gu Yu, I asked him if he had lived for so long as a god, was there any time when he had a particularly deep memory? At that time, Gu Yu said without hesitation--

"The process of becoming a god is one of my best memories..."

According to her, at the moment of becoming a god, he saw an extremely interesting thing——

It was a huge hourglass. There were countless little bits of sand in the hourglass. It looked as bright and mysterious as the stars, exuding a bright halo, and it was very beautiful.That kind of beauty is unparalleled, and it instinctively attracted him, an innate god, to keep moving forward, but before he got close to the huge hourglass, everything disappeared.

He wanted to touch, but he stopped before that huge hourglass!

'You don't know, that hourglass is really really beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful thing.'

'That may be your illusion. When you become a god, because of the excessive power pouring into your body, you can't control it quickly. The brain in charge of your thoughts suddenly watts, and the illusion occurs!'

'impossible!impossible!That huge funnel must exist!I am a god!How could I be wrong!'

'But you have been a god for so many years, have you ever seen that funnel again?Maybe when you became a god, you were like those who ate poisonous mushrooms!'

'Humph!Give me a mana ball!No, give me two, or I will be angry!'

Jiang Shouzheng tossed Gu Yu a "extra-large" mana ball, and Gu Yu opened his eyes and smiled: "I am not a caring god, since you sincerely apologized, then I will tell you compassionately.'

'Then you answer one more question for me, depending on the mana ball given to you this time.'

'Go ahead.'

'One of the good memories when you became a god, what about other good memories, can you give me a chestnut?'

Gu Yu floated around Jiang Shouzheng, tilted his head and back and smiled:'Of course it is now...'

Now, Jiang Shou was looking at the halos that circulated little by little. The trajectory of these halos was like a key to unlocking a secret, and he saw a huge funnel.

This is indeed the same as Gu Dengshen said, beautiful, the moment he saw the funnel, the whole person's eyes were attracted by the funnel!

He also instinctively imagined that the funnel was approaching, but he couldn't move at all and could only stand "situ" and watch.

He was a little anxious and wanted to take a closer look, but no matter how he did it, there was nothing he could do!

Even if he mobilized his mana with all his strength, he still could only stand in place and watch the funnel, the star-like sand, slowly sinking in the funnel...

"Be careful!"

Lin Qingxian's exclamation suddenly heard from his ears, and the disillusionment disappeared suddenly.

Lin Qingxian pulled on the armrest beside her bed and shouted anxiously, "Jiang Shouzheng, be careful, on top of your head!"

Jiang Shouzheng raised his head subconsciously and saw a small group of purple-black clouds floating on his forehead, a silver-white "dragon-shaped creature" shuttled through it, horse-headed antlers, tiger-mouthed snake body... ...Looks noble, gorgeous and dangerous.

The funnel just now was because of the cloud on his forehead that made Lin Qingxian "wake up" himself?

So angry!

It was the mana that was already running at high speed, and suddenly there was a channel for catharsis, and it rushed toward the purple-black cloud.


At the moment when Jiang Shouzheng's mana easily crushed the cloud, the whole bedroom lit up like a flash bomb had been thrown. Chen Yuan and Zhou Quan, who had just entered the door and had no defense, called out "Wow" With a cry, she squatted on the ground with her eyes closed...

The people who had just got out of the car were caught off guard, and the rain swept from the sky "smashed" them on themselves. There was no time to hide in the car, and the whole body was soaked.


The raindrops fell on the ground with a cheerful sound.

But for Yao Qian, who doesn't like rainy days, she subconsciously wants to step back, but the old master is still on the rooftop!

Yao Qian stopped abruptly and leaned forward slightly and asked:

"Grandpa Guanzhu, it's raining, do you want to come in?"

"Grandpa Guanzhu, will you catch a cold like this?"

"Grandpa Guanzhu, is it convenient for you to talk to me now?" Huaxia Library

The rain came too fast, too fast, and too much.

Originally, Yao Qian was less than two or three meters away from the old Guanzhu, but now she can't clearly understand the back of the old Guanzhu.

Under such circumstances, she subconsciously shouted.

But the old master still did not respond, as if disappeared into the rain.

Yao Qian thought for a while and pressed the button at the door.

With a beep, the rain curtain began to slowly retreat, and the mechanical roof moved forward.

Yao Qian stepped on the spray and walked around to Lao Guan's body, but she found that Lao Guan's body was not wet by rain at all.

Now he, his eyes closed tightly, his brows furrowed, he seems to be worried about something.

"Grandpa Guanzhu?"

In view of the fact that the old Guanzhu had just shot a thunder, Yao Qian was still a little frightened and called out again tentatively.

The call this time caused the old Guanzhu's eyelids to move, and slowly opened them. An even more majestic aura than when his father had a meeting, Yao Qian shrank her neck subconsciously... .

This majesty comes quickly and goes faster. Before Yao Qian has panicked, she listened to the old views:

"Xiao Qianqian, hurry up, help the old man in. I was numbed by lightning and now I can't move my bones."

Upon hearing this, Yao Qian hurriedly stepped forward to help the old master...

"Slow down, slow down, it's very numb...Forget it, you still don't move me!"

The old Guanzhu's expression was distorted, and he loudly stopped Yao Qian's behavior: "You should let me stand here. After a while, my body should be fine!"


"Okay, isn't it, Xu...Principal, can you hurry up? Now...I have to go back to sleep quickly!"

Xu Liang paced back and forth in the president's office of the University of Chemical Materials, a very restless look, but his voice could not be concealed in a panic.

"You kid, why is your temper so irritable now? Some things can only be resolved with a calm mind. Your current temper is likely to be bad. Don't you just want someone who can enter at will. Is the campus certificate? I will give you my principal card. Even if there is no certificate, you will show it to the security guards and they will let you in. Why do you have to be a student?" Xu Nian looked at the computer , Nodded from time to time, heard his son's urging, not eager, still looks calm and calm.

"I want to study hard now. I want an official student quota. Only after I have an official student quota, I will study hard." Xu Liang stopped and said seriously.

But in response to Xu Liang’s answer, Xu Nian sneered: "You really just want an official student quota as simple as that? Then I will arrange for you to be a freshman in this class, how about?"

"Not very good, but I am the same age as Wang Fei. You made me a freshman in the freshman year. Didn't that make me a senior Wang Fei? I won't do it!" Xu Liang's head shook extremely fast.

"Why do you ask so much?" Xu Nian put down the mouse and turned his attention to his son. "Also, do you really just want to call Wang Fei senior?"

"Of course, I would definitely not call that fellow senior! We are in the same year!" Xu Liang emphasized, adding to his tone.

"Isn't didn't want Jiang Shouzheng to call you a good voice?"


Xu Liang’s expression broke down all of a sudden, and he said with no good air: "Mr. Xu, please don’t hurt each other, okay? You answer me seriously, don’t you want to make Jiang Shouzheng when you become the president of the University of Chemical Materials? What do you mean by the principal?"

"Cut, what's the point of calling me the principal? It's funny that he called me Uncle Xu."

Xu Nian waved his hand to terminate the topic, and then waved at Xu Liang: "These issues are not the focus now. I am the principal now. They are all arranged. The most important issue now is the issue of your blind date. Come, come, come and have a look, these are the little girls that I watched on the blind date website that look pretty good, come and see if there is anything pleasing to the eye, call out to chat, if it is convenient, get married early, early Giving birth..."

Speaking of having children, Xu Nian raised his eyebrows. He had long wanted to be a grandfather.

And if you don't urge Xu Liang to marry now, Xu Liang unable to give birth to children.

During this period of time, Xu Liang didn't know what was going on, his body gave him a feeling of "no omission", maybe it was an adventure.

When asked what he did, he didn't say anything, he always fooled around and didn't mean to be honest.

If this is more won’t make women pregnant!

His Xu family is about to endure!

"Hurry up, come over and see which one is suitable for a blind date. This time I won't help you choose, you choose yourself, I don't force you, I didn't force you..." Seeing Xu Liang still standing in place With an expression of resistance, Xu Nian shrugged, "Anyway, if you don't look at it, don't want to be a serious student in school."

Xu Liang took a deep breath and stepped forward. The photos of a folder were displayed in tiles, and they were all different faces when they were scanned. One glance at the lower left corner, 88.


Xu Liang took a deep breath and clicked on the first chapter picture.

This is a girl dressed in cool, looks like the traditional conservative appearance, very clean and fresh.

However, I don’t know if it was Xu Liang’s illusion. He saw a line of words on the photo——

"The picture is very different from the real person."

When I fixed my eyes, the line of words was gone again...

"Principal Xu, Mr. Xu, Dad..." Xu Liang patted Xu Nian, who bowed his head and "does not interfere" in his "free" choice of blind date. "Look at this picture..."

Xu Nian took a casual look, his pupils shrank suddenly, and subconsciously grabbed Xu Liang's hand and kicked hard. The two rose into the air, far away from the computer.

"Who! Come out!"

"What the hell is playing tricks!"

"I can't come out! Good!"

Xu Nian looked serious, and pulled Xu Liang behind him, twisted the meal card, and flicked it hard. The card was passed directly through the computer display.

"Bah Bah Bah... Boom."

Xu Liang didn't figure out what was going on. He just wanted his father to see if he was dazzled. How could he wipe out the computer display?

"What happened...what? Did I not have to choose a blind date?"

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