My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 445 Fist is justice! Others...... (eight thousand more, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Whether it's the people on the main road being thoroughly drenched, or the principal damages public property...

These were not important things for Lin Qingxian, who was paralyzed on the ground at the moment and pumped.

"It's careless! It's careless!"

"I should have known so long ago!"

"The safest place is the most dangerous place!"

"I just said why this weather is so strange, feelings... Jiang Shouzheng brought it in. If I knew it, I just went to the toilet to stay!"

Lin Qingxian felt that the power in her body was madly dissipating under the action of thunder and lightning. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of "The Book of Life and Death", which was also thinning at the speed of naked eyes...

After its power is almost wiped out, it should soon become an ordinary-looking book, and then stained with some dust——

Treasures are filthy.

This time it was really planted!

Never thought of it!

Who can think of it!

Lei ran into the bedroom to hack someone!Is this nonsense?

But this really happened in the dormitory of Kyoto Chemical University 504...

Everything has become an established fact.

This is all right, and years of practice have been ruined.

Lin Qingxian felt a little bit, and according to the current progress of destroying power, within ten minutes, he would become an ordinary person.

All the meridians of cultivation were destroyed, even if the injury healed this time, he would not have the opportunity to practice again.

No chance at all, myself, it's gone.

Listening to the voices of Zhou Quan and Chen Yuan at the door, Lin Qing twitched his mouth.

After ten minutes, his strength will be completely wiped out, and then even they will be inferior.

'Going to school there is your chance!...'

This is why Lin Qingxian came to Kyoto!

'...Similarly, there are also huge risks.'

This is what he subconsciously abandoned behind his head. How can he face huge risks if he has money and strength, and lives in such a harmonious society?

I know now.

This risk lies in my own chance...

However, what is worse than himself is that Turtleshoushou!

Although the tortoise that fell from Jiang Shouzheng’s bed was longevity, it was hitting Lin Qingxian’s stomach at this moment. According to his feelings, although the tortoise has been cracked, all the turtle shells have been cracked. , This shell is gone!

Naked, bald...

It feels a little funny.

Lin Qingxian tried to divert his attention as much as possible, and didn't want to let his attention be focused on himself!

Watching their own power drain, this feeling is more worrying than stockholders watching the stock go down!

The stock will fall by the limit, but his power is directly down to "bankruptcy"!

It seems to be a distraction, but...

Not reconciled!

The power that came from childhood!I am the hope of the whole Lin family!

Now, no more.

Lin Qingxian's body twitched, unwilling, angry, helpless, sad...

In the end they all turned into hollows.

Is Jiang Shouzheng to blame?

Don't blame him, he was struck by lightning.

Blame the thunder?

It should be blamed, but is it useful to blame it?

Lin Qingxian slowly closed her eyes, slowly feeling that her body became weak...


"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

Beside the ear, there was a wild laugh of Turtle Sushou.

Is this... crazy?

However, it is understandable that he has only lost his strength for nearly twenty years, and although the tortoise is a demon, it has lost even more!

Would you be crazy if you were yourself?

Thinking about it in another way, what happened to me is not that difficult to accept.

This is like losing a million for starting a business yourself, losing it all, dying uncomfortably, and then discovering that the guy next door who started the business just like you lost 10 million...

Of course, don't consider whether 10 million is all the other party's possessions at this time!

Just be happy for now!


Hearing the sound dull, it should be Jiang Shou jumping barefoot from the bed to the ground.


The bedroom door is closed!

Suddenly the bedroom lit up as if it had been attacked, and now it should be avoided.


The cracking wind sounded in the bedroom, and a gentle breeze brushed Lin Qingxian's cheeks.

Slightly numb.

"Hahahaha, I rubbed against Jieyun, I actually rubbed against such a big Jieyun."

"Although my tortoise has developed a long life, my monster body can be reshaped! My power is going to a new level! I'm going to be reborn!"

"Um~~~ah~~~ so cool, so cool, so cool~~~~"

Although Gui Shou's voice became more and more "soft," Lin Qingxian also felt a burst of vitality pouring into his body, numb.

The broken meridians are connected and become stronger and more transparent.

The thunder and lightning that keeps destroying one's own body, under the envelope of this power, is re-transformed into the power that belongs to oneself...

However, this new power is still a bit different from the original power. What's the specific difference? Lin Qingxian felt it a little bit, and then he was trapped.

My power is extremely yin, and the attribute of lightning is Zhongzheng. Now, there is lightning in my power?The two forces that were originally contradictory were merged abruptly, and they seemed to be indistinguishable from each other.

This is... Yin Thunder?

This energy full of vitality, said it was not too much, said it was not too much, and after Lin Qingxian's body was repaired and the strength was pulled up for a period, it would consume almost the same amount.

There is still a little left, which was wrapped and stored by Lin Qingxian with power. This power can be used to save lives when it is critical. Now it is used to improve power, and it is not necessary.

By the way, "Life and Death Book"!

Lin Qingxian suddenly opened his eyes and looked at The Book of Life and Death. It... is thicker, and it continues to thicken... 77 eBook

With a sigh of relief in his heart, Lin Qingxian caught a glimpse of Jiang Shouzheng and watched as the silver-white ball was "smelting" out of his palm.

Lin Qingxian sensed for the first time that this was a force that had just penetrated into his body.

Hmm... how do you put it?Jiang Shouzheng looked like he wanted to be a bit disgusted...

There is only a small amount of power in his body that can be used to save lives, but the ball in Jiang Shouzheng's palm is very heavy... I really want to play it in his hand!

Jiang Shouzheng watched Lin Qingxian looking at him, raised the silver ball in his hand, and asked, "This seems to help you a bit, do you want it?"

"Don't you need this?"

"This power doesn't seem to be of any use to me. I just broke up the cloud, and this power inexplicably drilled into my body, but this power is like an impurity to my mana, affecting There is no way for me to circulate my mana, so I have to extract him, just like the black and white power at the entrance of the law school."

"...If you don't want it, just give it to me."

Lin Qingxian subconsciously wanted to take it, but now is not the time to be humble, he can clearly feel that if he refuses now, then Guishou will not be polite.

Jiang Shouzheng threw the silver ball to Lin Qingxian, Lin Qingxian took it steadily, and then Jiang Shouzheng's palm began to silver balls.

Just after I smashed that cloud, there were a lot of impurities in my body, and there was no way to stop it, all I had to go to my body.

Fortunately, his original power is turquoise, and this power is silvery white with obvious chromatic aberration. After looking inside, just remove it a little bit.

Give the bulk to Lin Qingxian, and share the rest for Zhou Quan, Chen Yuan and Gui Shishou.

"It's really a disaster!"

While earnestly removing impurities from his body, Jiang Shouzheng recalled the feeling of just defeating Thunder Cloud...

"Actually help me recognize that god's protector? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Although I made the order to become a god, the god senses that the power of faith is the direction I gave, but just recognizes me as a protector. Isn't this too sloppy?"

"It was unintentional that I made the order of becoming a god, and I pointed out the direction unintentionally. This day of robbery... is too result-oriented, and it slipped onto my head without a breath of breath. Too much!"

"Fortunately, there is Lin Qingxian's reminder, otherwise I will be hit directly in the forehead, even if I am not seriously injured, I will also be at great risk of becoming the Mediterranean!"

Impurities were quickly removed.

After removing the last trace of impurities from his body, Jiang Shouzheng curled up at the door to the ground humming and humming Zhou Quan and Chen Yuan to Nianyu back to their bed...

The silver ball in the palm was divided into three, and the two each fell into their mouths, and the rest was naturally thrown to the eagerly looking forward to the tortoise's life.

The tortoise raised his head and swallowed it directly.

"Hey, thanks Shouzheng."

"You're welcome, but shouldn't it be better for you to get off Lin Qingxian's body now, you already have it, don't you need to rub him?"

"Ha? Hahahaha, wherever, I just feel that his belly is softer. I rubbed his power. It's definitely a mistake!"

Although the tortoise had a longevity, haha, and jumped into the fish tank. Lin Qingxian opened his eyes, glanced at the tortoise, and raised his eyebrows and silently said, "Transformed?"

Although the tortoise who wanted to say something had lived, it calmed down.

Black history, black history, originally thought that Lin Qingxian didn't know, but now it's all right, he also knows!And he just rubbed his power, this guy is not a big-minded person, he will definitely keep smashing himself!

I sensed my purer demon power and the activity in it...Forget it, I was recognized by Yan, anyway, the advantage was taken, and it would be fine for him to say a few words.

Jiang Shouzheng didn't think deeply about the thoughts of Gui Shishou and Lin Qingxian. He only cares about one question now. Who on earth did he help with thunder?

The easiest way to deal with this problem is to call and ask the old Guanzhu, who on earth has the enchantment order given, and how can the broken enchantment order still be useful?

As soon as the phone was connected, Yao Qian answered the phone.

"Hey~ Shouzheng, are you looking for Grandpa Guanzhu?"

"Well, is the subject matter?"

"He has just been struck by lightning, and now he is a bit numb, stand on the roof to relieve him."


So, I was struck by lightning, and the viewer was struck by lightning. Then, has that god been struck by lightning?

But it would be unfair if it was not hacked!

"Well, you help me ask, who has become a god?"

"Become a god?" Yao Qian repeated. Although she didn't understand the meaning of this question, she just relayed the question. If the old master understands it, she will naturally know the answer, "It is a growth. God of the gods?"

"Yes..." Jiang Shouzheng replied, but the next moment, there was a...Fuwa in front of him, bending over at him in a naive manner, "Forget it, you don't have to Asked, God has come, I will hang up first."

After cutting off the phone, Jiang Shouzheng looked at Fuwa in front of him, feeling that it was similar to God Gu Deng, but had a fundamentally different power, and asked: "Excuse me?"

"You can call me... Wisdom Kyoto, I just became a god, please take care of me. If there is something wrong, I hope you can criticize and correct me. I will definitely accept any comments and suggestions you give me. Suggest."

As Fuwa said, she smiled naively, looking very cute.

"Well, can you explain the ins and outs to me? Although I saw you for the first time, I always feel that your breath is a bit familiar...Have we met?" Jiang Shouzheng looked at Fuwa for a long time , Finally couldn't help asking.

"No, this is the first time I have met with you. You see me familiar, you should be familiar with my current image?" Wisdom Kyoto started talking about the whole story while Jiang Shouzheng spoke again... ...


After listening to Lao Guanzhu’s "Making a God Matters", Yao Qian nodded suddenly, although she didn’t hear it very clearly, she saw it in the weather just now. In short, becoming a God is a very powerful thing. !

With this understanding, it is almost the same.

Compared to other people, or other beings who become gods, Yao Qian doesn’t care much. What she cares about is the old view of the Lord. At such an age, even if she has the ability to be struck by lightning, she should There will be some problems.

Others, at the age of the old Guanzhu, may need to go to the hospital to lie down for a few days if they take the stairs and fall asleep!

"Grandpa Guanzhu, are you really healthy now? You just got struck by lightning. Do you need to go to the hospital for a physical examination?"

"I don't need a physical examination, I'm the observer of Qingfeng View, but I was struck by thunder...."

The old master shook his Taoist robe, showing his superior demeanor, and by the way, he covered his trembling hand with his sleeve...


"Of course it's true, why did I lie to you?"

Yao Qian stared at Old Guanzhu's face, seeing that his relaxed expression didn't seem to be fake, and the heart that had been held by the old Guanzhu just now after being struck by lightning, let go a little.

Thinking of the thick thunder just now!

Yao Qian looked at the old Guanzhu with some admiration, found a book, and handed it to the old Guanzhu:

"Grandpa Guanzhu, you help me sign a name?"

"...I won’t sign my autograph anymore. I’m not a celebrity. Besides, we don’t see what we see when we look down every day. What can I do to sign?"

"Eh eh eh! Grandpa Guanzhu, it's so late, where are you going?"

"I have something tonight, so I found a part-time job because the task of becoming a god of wisdom in Kyoto has delayed me. Now I have to go back and do things well, beginning and ending!

At night, letting an old man go out is always worried.

Although the old Guanzhu has repeatedly said that the place is safe, Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin are both there, there is no big problem, but Yao Qian can't worry...

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji both call her sister!So no matter how hard their fists are, when something happens, the one in front should be their own!They don't understand human society, they don't know that there are routines everywhere in the world, if they are framed!It is necessary to go there by yourself!

Besides that late, Jiang Shouzheng is not here. As his high school classmate, good friend and...the landlord, he has the responsibility and obligation to take care of his tenants!

When entering the bar, Yao Qian watched the old Guanzhu put on the DJ costume, she was dumbfounded...

What made her even more deceived was that a Fuwa appeared in front of the old Guanzhu and began to engage in music...


Inside the Shangqingmen, the head brother and the closed disciples chatted:

"A new god was born?"

"The power of this god is pretty good. It should be recorded. I'll take a book..."

While talking, they all looked at the gatekeeper...

The janitor leaning against the door rolled his eyes and said, "I only fight with my fists. Others are fancy."

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