My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 448 The torrent of the times (for subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Hot search exploded!"

"Hot search exploded!"

As Chen Yuan who wants to become a rich man, his favorite thing to do every day is to watch the news...

I heard that rich bosses like to watch the news. Watching the news can let him understand the trends of the country and society, and make business arrangements in advance;

I heard that there are many places to learn in the news, and there are many business tips. People who watch the news more can understand their future industry trends in the early stage of their own entrepreneurial development;

I heard that if you read too much news, you can brag...Bah!Talk to someone with knowledge!Talking about the past and the present!

Anyway, watching the news has many benefits. It can not only enhance your future business prospects, but also promote yourself to hoard your first pot of gold when you are in college and start your own business history!

Originally when he was in Linjiang, Chen Yuan's vision was limited by the local environment. His ideal was to figure out why his parents divorced, and then to find a school to be a counselor. Now he comes to Kyoto and he feels different. Now, what the students communicated with was either not about benefiting the national economy and the people's livelihood, a strong country with science and technology, a country with a strong culture, and a remote education support, or it was a matter of millions up and down.

Teachers in their own college received calls from either the boss or the person in charge, inviting them to do cultural construction within the company...

In such an atmosphere, if Chen Yuan still sets his goal to be a counselor, then he is too young!

He had a dream last night and decided that he wants to hoard a sum of money, develop his own network, make his own network, and when the time is right, he will return to Linjiang to open a private school, and then...become one A psychological counselor.

Wow, the psychological counselor becomes the principal, which is very exciting to think about!

Of course, for Chen Yuan now, this kind of stimulus is nothing but intracranial self-confidence. The current stimulus is--

#, do we still have privacy!!!#

This discussion directly exploded the hot search!

The current hot searches cannot be commented, forwarded, or liked.

It is conceivable that after the data clerk in the background has worked hard to repair the hot search, there must be another wave of heat about programmers sacrificing hair...

Of course, let's leave it alone.

Now, the focus of national attention is screenshots. Those are photos of men, women and women, and some are animated gif pictures.

In the display, everyone's face is marked with a mosaic, but from the perspective of lip shape and face shape, if the mosaic is removed, those people should be handsome and beautiful, in line with everyone's aesthetic standards!

However, in these photos, there is a line of eye-catching words—

"The large-area P picture of this photo reaches 97.7%. There is a gap between me and the photo.

"This person has already maximized his beauty during the live broadcast. Please be cautious when eating."


Chen Yuan was surprised by this information!

It seems that this effect is a kind of "plug-in".

On the Internet, everyone has a certain degree of immunity to handsome men and beautiful women.

Photos are basically cheating. Everyone has some points in their hearts, especially after the development of beauty photography and beauty technology...emmmm...

However, this kind of knowing what to do does not mean that a straightforward "explanation" is needed.

You take your beautiful photos, you are happy to see, I am also happy to watch, hello, me, hello everyone...As long as you don’t swindle love and money, whatever!

This is like everyone sitting at a big round table in a hotel to eat together. The dishes are full of "color" and "fragrant" fixed-line dishes, but the "taste" is a little bit worse, which is not unacceptable.

But now it’s okay. I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know that such a thing has appeared on the Internet. I have "analyzed" every photo and provided an "answer" without any reason. Although the scope of the current spread is limited In the circle of Kyoto.

However, technology is no better than other things. Once mature, as long as you are willing to spend money, as long as you want to expand it, you can't stop it.

This is the torrent of the times!

Lin Qingxian heard Chen Yuan's movement and came out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth. After seeing such a message, he called out strangely. Turning on the phone, he turned to Moments...

In the circle of friends, apart from landscape photos and various soft articles, there is no photo of a beautiful woman.

You know, Lin Qingxian's circle of friends is mostly beautiful girls!

No girl has posted photos in Moments now.

He thought about it for a while, it seems that many girls have their own profile pictures in the circle of friends...

Thinking of this, Lin Qingxian began to pull down his friend list, clicked on an avatar that was his own, and after viewing the big picture, he became a female anime character after the prompt "updated".

I opened a few points one after another, and all the avatars were changed.

After holding the toothbrush for a long time and his mouth sore, after cleaning it, Lin Qingxian tried to send a sentence to a senior sister who usually talks well:

"Senior Sister, I want to invite you out for dinner today. Send me your photos, so I can recognize people."

There was no response for a minute.

Send message again:

"Are you there?"


This senior sister, Lin Qingxian, has seen her looks, and she is still pretty good, right? Isn’t the authenticity of the photo exploded?

As for the response?

And isn't this a good thing for beauties?Otherwise, their photos and appearance are not high, but people who are good at P-pictures are not comparable!

Lin Qingxian couldn't figure it out...just because he sent a message asking for a photo, he was blocked.


Do I, Lin Qingxian, still care about being blackmailed?

At the same time, there are not a few people on the Internet who have Lin Qingxian's ideas. They all believe that such "plug-in" functions are just pulling out the most real situation.

After the photos are sent out, the ones with high true rate should not be more... proud?

After talking about his own ideas, Chen Yuan and Lin Qingxian started arguing.

Zhou Quan, who got up early in the morning and wrote the wrong question that he recorded yesterday, asked them to sit opposite, took out three seats from his closet, and put down the "square" in front of Chen Yuan and the "reverse" in front of Lin Qingxian , Put a "referee" in front of him.

Then clap your hands and announce:

"In response to current affairs hotspots, the 504 Wonder Group, the best of Kyoto University of Chemical Materials, had an intense exchange!

In order to make the communication more efficient and not to scold the street, the official friendly debate will now begin.

Reason, the more you argue, the clearer!

Now we invite Zhou Quan, the most daring and talented judge in the law department, to appear on the stage. Applause welcome everyone!"

With that said, Zhou Quan stood up, raised his hand, and signaled Chen Yuan and Lin Qingxian to applaud himself, but they were confused by this operation and did not react for a while.

Zhou Quan had no choice but to applaud himself, and continued to create the atmosphere:

"First of all, this debate eliminates the issue of whether this plug-in is illegal to install on mobile phones.

On this basis, we welcome the square player Chen Yuan. As a freshman in the Department of Psychology, his point of view is mainly that'the link between the photo and the real appearance is an infringement of privacy, which is inappropriate and an infringement!'.

Then, we welcome the opponent’s players’ photos that others can see, which means that this kind of photos are public and not private. It just adds authenticity, just like adding a watermark, which is slightly wrong, but Not an infringement!'

The two are about to start a fierce confrontation, let us..."

The more Zhou Quan said, the heavier he was, the saliva and stars splashed all over, and his arms waved.

But the moment Lin Qingxian opened the "Book of Life and Death", Zhou Quan curbed his excitement and silently put away the sign...

"Huh?" Lin Qingxian held down Zhou Quan's hand and smiled, "Referee?"

"Hey! Damn it?"

"A genius in the law department?"

"Dare not dare!"

Zhou Quan wanted to withdraw his hand, but he seemed to be pinched by iron tongs!

Lin Qingxian's own power is not strong, and the gift of Jieyun yesterday was used by him to strengthen his physical body, and now it seems that the effect is good.

Then, Zhou Quan felt that Lin Qingxian was holding his hand, so that his body became soft...

This is the effect of the Thunder, weakening the opponent!Lower the opponent's level!And sync him!Love Wenxue

Absolute control technology!

Zhou Quan's eyes began to darken, and he saw Lin Qingxian's surrounding shadows, and an unclear sense of terror spread all over his heart.


Zhou Quan told himself that he was already a strange person. Jiang Shouzheng had said that ordinary monsters would not find him. According to the... TV series, it was that Yang Qi was too strong to be suitable for mouthing.

But looking at it this way, I'm still scared!

"I was wrong." Zhou Quan took the initiative to surrender.

"Oh, what's wrong with the gifted scholar?" Lin Qingxian turned the pages of the book with a smile.

"You should not start the debate without your consent!" Zhou Quan apologized sincerely.

"No, no, no, the gifted scholar is not wrong here." Lin Qingxian shook his head and said, "Think about it again."

"Uh...I'm not wrong except that I was wrong here?" Zhou Quan thought for a while and shook his head, "Or...give me a hint?"

Lin Qingxian controlled Zhou Quan's hand, patted the sign, and said in a loud voice with an unhappy expression:

"Hey hey hey! Why am I the opposing side! Isn't Chen Yuan that the opposing side?!

I can't call a ghost anymore, or you are floating now!"

"this one?"

"this one!"

Zhou Quan looked at Chen Yuan and asked, "Chen Yuan, would you like to be the opponent?"

"Boring, not coming!"

Chen Yuan got up and waved his hand:

"I haven't brushed my teeth in the morning! Go downstairs to eat early!

Military training will be coming soon. Besides, I am not your law student, so what debate!bored!It's boring!

Our psychology is to listen to our hearts, not to argue with others!"

Entering the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Yuan's legs are shaking...

Just now, when Lin Qingxian threatened Zhou Quan, he was also threatening him!

That yin qi made his bones sour now.

He can guarantee that if he said that he won the opponent, Lin Qingxian might not have the big fist of the casserole, but the batches of ghosts are definitely not a problem!

Lin Qingxian relies on this to eat!

And in the past, Lin Qingxian didn't move him very much, because his strength was too weak, and he was not so easy to control.

But with the help of Jiang Shouzheng yesterday, even if Chen Yuan is not very expert in cultivation, he can feel that his strength has increased, and he has definitely reached the standard of "Lin Qingxian can use sandbags"!

"It's boring and boring, things on the Internet, there are woolen yarns that are contending, fighting over and over, do you have money to get it?"

"No money, fight for a fart!"

Chen Yuan mumbled a few words, persuading himself not to think about convincing Lin Qingxian...

This kind of thing is something that the public says that the public is justified and the mother-in-law says that the mother is justified!

How to sell the sanitary napkins you still have now is the real thing!How to sell earphones is the business!...

Chen Yuan brushed his teeth and began to focus his attention on making money, but no matter how he looked in the mirror, he felt that something was amiss. The self in the mirror seemed not so natural.

He thought for a while, and started punching at the mirror...

One round, two rounds, three rounds, four rounds.

In the fifth round, he won.


"Damn! Too much!"

"Lin Qingxian, don't put dirty things in the mirror!"

Lin Qingxian, who was spraying perfume, heard the movement in the bathroom, and when he saw Chen Yuan’s "angry" head emerging from the bathroom, he smiled awkwardly: "...Sorry, I'm used to it, I'm used to it. , I just put my eyes in, no other meaning!"

This is indeed due to habit, and it is an old thing for him to put a ghost in the bathroom mirror, it's just that Chen Yuan only noticed it today.

Sure enough, the benefits Jiang Shouzheng gave Chen Yuan's strength increased a bit, and his eyes were much better!

Collecting the ghosts in the bathroom mirror, Lin Qingxian put away the "ideas" on the window, getting up, in the mirror, and on the computer screen.

These Jiang Shouzheng all know that they dare not and cannot observe Jiang Shouzheng. Now Chen Yuan's eyes are clear, but there is no way to shield the power of these little guys, so it is better to put them away so as not to cause misunderstandings.

Lin Qingxian didn't want to monitor anything, he just wanted to make his place safer.

However, after seeing Jiang Shouzheng’s power of "being struck by thunder and nothing happened" yesterday, his careful thoughts can be put away, no need!

And Zhou Quan shuddered as he watched wisps of gray mist coming back into the "Book of Life and Death" from all over the bedroom. Isn't that special...

The place where 504 strange people live is a haunted house!!!

I should still be more stable and not jump too much. I am still an ordinary person, and my strength in the dormitory is the bottom.

Zhou Quan's eyes were erratic, and he quickly focused on Gui Sushou's body.

Seeing that the tortoise in the fish tank was long-lived, he decided to go to the vegetable market next to the school to buy some dried fish...

It's not a bad thing to please the tortoise boss!

And he awakened the strange man himself, this turtle boss is a witness, this is sentimental!

The three people in the dormitory tossed for a while, and they all washed up and put on military uniforms.

"Jiang Shouzheng, went to military training!"

Considering that Jiang Shouzheng should punch on the roof, Lin Qingxian shouted from the balcony without responding.

If it's called someone else, then choose a ghost to go, but Jiang Shouzheng will not succeed. When Jiang Shouzheng is practicing martial arts, he will...

Forget it, go upstairs and have a look.

The three of them went to the rooftop and looked for it, but Jiang Shouzheng was not there...

"Where is this person?"

Chen Yuan made a call, but no one answered.

Hit again and shut down.

"What's the matter? Does he have something to do?"

A lot of the disappearances of college students have happened in recent years, all without any signs on a certain ordinary day.

But for Jiang Shouzheng...

They are very relieved!

When Zhou Quan and Chen Yuan looked at Lin Qingxian, he shrugged:

"Don't look at me, I don't know, anyway, go to military training first, Jiang Shouzheng should be there on time."

Chen Yuan thought about it, and said according to his understanding of Jiang Shouzheng:

"Military training credits, Jiang Shouzheng will definitely not be willing to lose. If you lose it, he will definitely find it troublesome to rebuild tomorrow. Let's leave him alone. Eat early, go to the playground early, and grab a shady place earlier. "

Squad leader, just need to grab the site...

Lin Qingxian nodded first, then looked at Chen Yuan in surprise: "Nani? Are you the squad leader?"

"Yes, I'm the monitor of the squad!" Chen Yuan said strangely, "have I not told you? I didn't spend a cent as the monitor of the squad, unlike a wealthy dog ​​family."


Lin Qingxian squeezed his fist, Chen Yuan backed up and waved his hand: "The gentleman speaks but does not move his hands."

"Sorry, I am... a devil."

In the corridor.

Chen Yuan: "Ahhhhh...Qiu!!!"

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