My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 449 Xia Ji's Eight Calculations(eight thousand more, subscription, monthly pass)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng, who was worried about by his roommates, was by the lotus pond at the moment.

"Brother, senior, my body is drunk, and I can't wake up at all now."

"I think it's good for me to stay here now. I can see the sun and the moon as well."

"I really don't need to move the place, really, and if I want to move the place, I will go by myself, can you put down the shovel in your hand?"

The soul-devouring lotus in the lotus pond, one by one, showed Jiang Shouzheng the training consequences of switching his body.

Under their sincere confession, Jiang Shouzheng put down his shovel. Come here today and beat Jiang Shouqin so that he doesn't jump too much. It's just a secondary purpose, and the main purpose is to see his extra junior!

"Wisdom Kyoto, Jiang Shouhui, innate god?"

Jiang Shou is looking at Fuwa, who is floating in front of him and wearing a bellyband. He is familiar with everything he looks at.

"I really think we have seen each other!"

"Brother feels wrong, this is the first time I have seen brother!"

Jiang Shouhui tugged at her belly and lowered her head, looking a little embarrassed.

After understanding and communicating with his brother Jiang Shouqin, and combining with the bills of Jiang Shouzheng he checked, he clearly knew how stupid his brother was...Bah!What a diligent, thrifty, green person!

You know, in order to save electricity bills, people who don't turn on the lights and go to the mall to charge, are rare!

If he knew that he had directly influenced him and destroyed an important property like a mobile phone...

I’m afraid I’m going to burp, right?

"Forget it, I don't want to." Jiang Shouzheng thought for a long time, but he didn't know when Jiang Shouhui and himself met, so he gave up, "Introduce myself, Qingfengguan disciple, Jiang Shouzheng."

"Qingfengguan's youngest junior brother now, Jiang Shouhui pays homage to the senior brother!" Jiang Shouhui arched her body in the air, naive.

"The master said you have something to do with me? What is it?"

"I just became a god, now because of..."

Under Jiang Shouhui's statement, Jiang Shouzheng frowned:

"You mean, the power of your faith comes from people's thoughts about truth and falsehood on the Internet?

Then, in order to stabilize the power of your new god, gain more power of faith, highlight the truth, and explode all the authenticity of the photos.

Now, the power of false belief is unstable?"

Jiang Shouzheng looked at the hot search, and looked at the cute and charming Jiang Shouhui...I really can't tell that this kind of thing is actually done by such a lovely god like him.

Jiang Shouhui nodded frequently, and a supernatural "like" appeared naturally on his head, and it lit up, indicating that Jiang Shouzheng was right.


Jiang Shouzheng stretched out his hand to signal Jiang Shouhui to show her strength and let him feel the power of faith.

This power of faith is pure, but it is also very contradictory. Jiang Shouzheng still understands the power of faith relatively well.

After he felt it for a while, he wondered: "Can't you escape the power of faith now?"

According to Jiang Shouzheng's cognition, the power of belief is that people spend every day thinking about something that is empty of their heads, and then these powers can be used by the gods, and there is not much difference in essence.

The gods are all edible.

The only difference is that the power of faith to become a god will actively converge in the body of the gods. If it is not the same power of faith to become a god, then it is necessary to "run the market" to eat bit by bit...

Logically, the power of faith should not affect the power of the gods.

This has a great influence when the gods are warmed and born.

But after the god was born, he completely broke away from the shackles of the original power of faith and became an independent existence!...

After Jiang Shou was sharing the experience of the gods in Linjiang with Jiang Shouhui, a rotating symbol appeared on Jiang Shouhui's forehead, and a progress bar appeared on the right:

[In self-analysis: 1%......7%......60%......100%]

[The analysis is complete, I am awesome!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shouzheng finally couldn't help covering his head...

"Brother, listening to what you said, I just analyzed myself, my situation should be a bit special, because my power of faith is a bit different from other gods.

I belong to the power of belief of the contradictory type. After this contradiction is broken, I cannot eat this power of belief..."

Jiang Shouhui said anxiously, "It seems that I can only wait for this trend to pass to stabilize my faith and continue to eat."

True and false.

When not exposed to the sun, not many people will care!

According to Jiang Shouhui's analysis, as long as the gust of wind passed, then the source of his power of faith would stabilize again.

Don't worry, it's just that you don't have the power of your original faith to eat during this period, and you have to go outside and eat other powers of faith, which will be very troublesome.

But this kind of trouble can be overcome!

After Jiang Shouhui told Jiang Shouzheng about her plan, Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, shook his head and rejected his idea:

"Now you are the only god in all of Kyoto, and the power is too thin, so it's better not to run around.

Yesterday you became a god with too much movement, people who don’t understand, wisdom thinks this is a natural phenomenon, but as far as I know, there is an organization in this world that specializes in hunting gods to achieve their own achievements. This organization is called heaven.

They must be eyeing you now. If you are alone or weak, I believe they will take action."

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng condensed his mana in his palm, and asked, "Look, can you eat it?"

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng's mana, Jiang Shouhui felt it for a while, and the whole god rushed forward and said happily:

"Is this all mine?"

As he said, a symbol also appeared on his head——

It seems to be edible...

"Well, for you."

I originally wanted to ask the teacher if there is any way to resolve the contradiction in the power of faith, and speed up the power of faith that I can eat, now... it is completely unnecessary.

The mana of the brother is much better than the power of faith.

Jiang Shouhui took a bite and it tasted great and wonderful~~

It's very clean. It's more comfortable than when you have to receive the information contained in the power of faith.

When He eats the power of faith, he hears most of the time:

"Really? Do you want to follow along?"

"Fake? Will it be lost if the money is put in?" Weichang Novel Network

"Really? Someone would like me, and did you transfer money to me?"

"Fake? How can my favorite star cheat?"

When I haven’t eaten, I will hear the sound, so annoying...

He has just become a god and is not used to it yet.

After solving the problem of "eating", Jiang Shouzheng sat down on the chair by the lotus pond, patted the side position, and signaled Jiang Shouhui to sit over:

"If you give you mana every day, you have to stay with me for a long time. It's not convenient. I'm thinking, is there any way to stabilize your original power of faith."

Jiang Shouhui pursed her lips and said, "Brother, I think it's good to eat mana, it's not inconvenient."

There is also a continuous flash of "heart" on my head...

"...I mean I'm not very convenient, and the feeling of being followed by you will be very strange."

It is not difficult for Jiang Shouzheng to imagine how surprised Jiang Shouhui would be if he followed him and occasionally chatted with him, but if he ignored Jiang Shouhui at all, he would be very uncomfortable.

"I was just thinking, your goal now is to make your own contradictory beliefs more powerful, can you control the content a little..."

Under Jiang Shouzheng’s words, Jiang Shouhui’s eyes kept widening, and the "like" on the top of his head kept flashing...

The high-frequency beating has made Jiang Shouzheng unable to complain!

I definitely can't let this Junior Brother follow, otherwise I will continue to chat with him!

This feeling is very similar to the feeling of ordinary people in the water group, showing love and killing dogs and cheating praise...

"That's it, you can try it, it's just my personal opinion.

However, you need to grasp the measure here, and you have to be clear, you are a god."

Jiang Shouzheng exhorted to stand up, he believed Jiang Shouhui should be able to hear it.

"Don't worry, brother! I know that I am a god, and I will definitely ensure that I watch the development of mankind in a neutral manner and absolutely interfere. When I become a god, I will understand this truth.

And if I interfere too much, I will fall into it!My protection is easy and I have truly gained freedom. I don’t have to be liquidated because of being discovered by the system. I won’t do stupid things!"

Compared with ordinary innate gods, Jiang Shouhui is still prematurely wise. He was born under the hotbed of the Internet, as long as it is an online and public matter, even if it is hidden, as long as he wants to, he can know it!

Unlike those other innate gods, the understanding of the world is always “listened” while eating the power of faith!

After getting Jiang Shouhui's affirmative reply, Jiang Shouzheng took out his mobile phone to check the time.

It's almost going to be military training, so I have to go to the playground.

There is already a female classmate in the class @ asked him why he didn't come.

"My roommates didn't remind me, but the female classmates who didn't communicate with each other reminded me. It's really not nice to meet people~"

Jiang Shouzheng muttered to himself jokingly. After dropping a mana ball for Jiang Shouhui again, he trot towards the playground.

After Jiang Shouzheng left, He let out a long sigh of relief:

"No exposure, no exposure..."

After letting go and feeling what is called "tension", he installed "calm" emotions on himself:

"According to Brother's deduction, I now have a bold idea."


Jiang Shouhui's tossing movement is hard to say.

Such a major event has happened to the network system in Kyoto, and it will naturally attract the attention of many people.

For students, the university is an ivory tower that can block out many wind and rain outside.

But as the teachers, research institutes and professors supporting the development of the university, they still have frequent contacts with the outside world. Their knowledge is to solve the hardships in the ups and downs and break them with one stroke!

Kyoto Chemical University, Department of Computer Science, in a computer room.

"What? The'real plugin' disappeared? All disappeared?"

Cui Shi, the dean of the computer department, took a picture of the students in front of the screen. He sat in front of the computer, put on reading glasses, glanced at the screen, and after switching a few interfaces, he found that the plug-in really disappeared.

"Real plug-in" is a kind of maturity of Dean Cui Shicui's technology of identifying people on the Internet!

The plug-in that was still tracing the source, there is no shadow, no trace left!

Of course, no trace was left behind. It is irresponsible to say that, but they can't find out that the other party's technology exceeds them!

"Awesome!" Cui Shi took off his reading glasses and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Cough cough cough, old Cui, this person's behavior is illegal and criminal! You old..." a man in a black suit reminded him with a dry cough.

"I know, I'm just talking about this from a purely technical level. If..." Cui Shi said this, after a pause, gritted his teeth, "The other party can join my research room, then I have For many projects, the progress will be much faster."

He is a pity.

In his opinion, the people who engage in this kind of "real plug-in" should not be very old. He puts this kind of plug-in on the Internet, installs it madly, and spreads it wantonly, which is all playful.

The other party has such skills and wants to do something bad, it is very easy!

Just made a plug-in that automatically recognizes the portrait and prompts, and the person who controls the device can't control it!This is not profitable at all!

Even for Cui Lao, he even came up with a "poorly beautiful" story in his mind——

A child who likes computer technology very much. The Internet is a real world for him. In the online world, he met a very chatty opposite sex. Everyone exchanged photos and met offline. Then, he met him. I found myself cheated.

Maybe the other party just cheated TA's own appearance, or even the sex!

The deceived TA is angry. In order to prevent people from repeating the same mistakes, TA developed this plug-in and spread it!

Because of the heat, TA panicked and frightened, and quickly removed these plug-ins...

The man in the suit thought for a while and said:

"This is beyond my control, but if someone is caught, if the prosecutor's office thinks that it can not prosecute.

Now that you have already spoken, I will send it to you to see if it is something that can be made!"

After speaking, the man in the suit left.

Now that the plug-in disappears and cannot be found, then his task is over.

"Teacher, are you really good to say that?"

"It's okay, I'm just cherishing my talent, there is nothing wrong with it, besides, I am getting older, no one will come to toss me!"

"Then do I have to help me pass the message?"

"No need, you're still young, don't toss about these things! Can you catch people? It's still unscrupulous!"

While they were chatting with their master and apprentice, a software installation package was "on the shelves" in all major forums, and its name was ——

[Xia Ji has eight calculations!

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