My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 450: Hey? Be a demon under my nose? (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In life, everyone is a trickle of water droplets, which can be scattered or gathered into the sea.

A city is a sea of ​​people.

Every minute and every second, the water droplets are making choices, some choose to leave, and some choose to enter.

The sea is still the sea.

You come, I will not refuse.

You go, I will not stay.

But when some water droplets leave, hope is accompanied by huge waves!

"Kyoto, it's not convenient to stay.

Gotta leave!

But can't leave in a daze!"

Earlier this morning, Hou Lei knew the "truth" before the hot search was exploded.

This will not be a man-made operation, but something done by the gods who successfully became gods last night!

According to the analysis of the existing situation, the newly born gods in Kyoto should be related to the Internet.

If the source of his power of faith is the Internet, it would be difficult for them to cut the connection between him and the power of faith.

Do people quit the Internet?

This is clearly unrealistic!

The Internet is the torrent of the times, even in heaven, it is impossible to go against it unless it is to start a war.

But if the war is started on the premise of "disconnection", Hou Lei is the first objection.

Is the game not fragrant?

Is it not convenient to place an order on a mobile phone?

Or is it unpleasant to watch young ladies in society?...

What does he pursue to become a more powerful demon?Is it raining every day?


Of course, to live longer, better, and more enjoyable!

If you can't live with your own life, that's something a demon without a brain can do.

Not to mention, there are still many such existences in the monsters. The mountains, rocks, grass, trees and the like are refined, and they have no brains, advocating power, and acting voluntarily, referred to as "reckless"!

In the heavenly court, there are these monsters, the main battle group!

No matter what happens this time, after I leave Kyoto, I have to do the ideological work of those guys. If they can't do it, let them come by themselves.

The new god has just attained the position of god, they may feel unstable, and then come... to die?

But anyway, I will remind them that they will come again after the reminder, and if they die, they have no relationship with them and have no psychological burden.

While thinking about it, Hou Lei took off the mobile phone that was turning at his fingertips, and was about to contact the Celestial Outreacher in Kyoto.

Just about to make a call, he stared at the 5G network symbol on the display screen in a daze...


Now I don’t know how much power this god has reached, but looking at the celestial phenomenon last night, it’s definitely not weak. It’s better to be cautious. It should be a good choice to choose offline communication.

After deciding the method of contact, Hou Lei wiped his hand on his face, instantly transforming from the appearance of a young man to the appearance of a middle-aged uncle.

He walked to the mirror and looked at himself, nodded in satisfaction, and opened the door.

And the image information in this room... was faithfully recorded and transmitted by a few pinhole cameras that didn't know who left it.

Once the electronic data in Kyoto is connected to the Internet, it will naturally pass through Jiang Shouhui.

"Is this a folk artist among human beings? This should be a face change!"

Regarding Hou Lei’s personal information resume, Jiang Shouhui quickly retrieved it from her own database. After seeing the identity of the other magician, she was a little emotional--

This human being is still very powerful. Now that he is performing portrait recognition on the video, he has not felt anything inappropriate. If he hadn't seen the process of changing his face, this Hou Lei seemed to have such an old appearance and interesting.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouhui transferred part of her spiritual thoughts to Hou Lei's walk, wanting to see what the traditional artist wanted to do when she changed his face.

Dating or fighting?

Or do you mean to do something unknown?

As for Jiang Shouhui's part of divine thoughts on Hou Lei, the main reason was... idle.

As a god, he now does not need to absorb the power of faith to maintain his power, then, it has nothing to do.

The other gods have absorbed the power of faith to supply themselves, whether it is a conscience, or in order to encourage more power of faith to flow to themselves, they will do some tasks and get a little surrender.

But Jiang Shouhui...not at all.

It is now the source of the power of its beliefs, a little more is fine, and a little less is not indispensable...

[Xia Ji's Eight Calculations] was also made after listening to the analysis of the senior brother, in order to prevent the senior brother from thinking that he had listened.

Now he has forced [Xia Ji’s Eight Calculations] to be online on various forums, directly and rudely bypassing the administrator’s authority to add precision to the top, and the popularity; and in terms of hot searches, he forced a flow of traffic to make those The programmer's difficulty in repairing increased, and gave his [Xia Ji Eight Calculations] a time difference.

When the time is almost there, after the installation package of [Xia Ji Eight Calculations] has been backed up by many people, the enthusiasm falls in love with the top and the bottom, and it does not need to intervene to cover up.

[Xia Ji Eight Calculations]’s main features are:

First, identify the "true and false" characters in photos, videos, and sounds;

Second, after users actively upload photos, videos, and voices, they can freely choose the degree of authenticity of the uploaded information by a third party!

The final effect, after Jiang Shouhui’s deduction, the Internet will still return to the stage where it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, but all income will pass through [Xia Ji Eight Calculations], and every bit of faith will pass [Xia Ji Eight Calculations] Push into your place!

In this way, shouldn't it be against the meaning of brother?

According to my own perception, the current installation package is being installed into an APP at a rapid speed, and my power of belief is stabilizing, and [Xia Ji Eight Calculations] should soon expand out of the Kyoto circle... ....

These "excessive" powers of faith are useless by themselves, but they can be reserved and do not need to be eaten.

There are brothers’ mana to eat, why not eat it?

What is so delicious about the power of faith?

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouhui pulled out a piece of the mana that the senior brother gave him, kneaded it into the shape of a cake, adjusted his "taste bud" feeling to "enjoy dessert", and after a bite, he squinted happily~

The head naturally showed--


The feeling of eating is so good, no wonder so many humans like food!

"Hey, why did Master go to the library?"

"I also bought "How Are Child Prodigies Cultivated", "Traditional Myths and Stories (Flower Arrangement Edition)", "On Teachers' Self-cultivation", "The Years When I was the Boss in Tianshan"?"

"The books I bought are so miscellaneous. There are educational, traditional stories, and... fantasy novels. What does this mean?"

Jiang Shouhui's head frantically appeared [???, but no matter how he analyzes it, he hasn't analyzed one reason, and monitoring his own master should be a wrong thing and will offend him.

In case the brother later remembered that he was the culprit who caused the destruction of his mobile phone, then at least he still has the master covered, but he can't offend the master. You have to make a confession!


"Congratulations on your free ticket!"

"The actual checkout amount of this consumption is 0 yuan, you are welcome to visit next time!"

Seeing such a mobile phone prompt, the old Guanzhu twitched the corners of his mouth and looked around. Although he did not see where the apprentice he had just received last night, he knew clearly that he would not have such luck... ...

"I bought an unrelated book like this, so Shouhui can't analyze it, right?

I went back and showed this best-selling novel first, and then looked at how the child prodigy was raised.It's a pity that there are no books on how to cultivate gods on the market, otherwise I would definitely buy it!

It’s still a little vain to be a god master, but it’s okay. I believe in myself, I can teach uprightness, and I’m afraid I can’t give a god to fool...Is the education done?"

The old Guanzhu put all the books in the sack, and left.

"Did you see the uncle's balance just now? So much money!"

"Otherwise, how can you say that your uncle is your uncle? That old uncle is carrying the latest luxury goods, right?"

"I don't know if the uncle has a son, even grandsons are fine, it doesn't matter if you are a little bit smaller, people can wait!"

The old Guanzhu heard the movement behind him and snorted without saying anything.

"What do these people think!"

"My sons and grandsons don’t have them, but I have a bunch of apprentices, but... only one is a human... and was targeted by Yao Qian’s doll, you guys, I’m afraid There is no chance.” Shuhuang La Bookstore

"But why don't I get married and have a baby?"

Thinking of this question, the old watcher... fell silent.

Why is this?


Living Cafe, Box No. 6.

The fragrance is spraying, adding the scent of cherry blossoms here, which smells strange.

The chandelier above the head is carved with complicated patterns, which is very beautiful.

The leather chair was leaning against, and the air conditioner was blowing loudly,... strangely comfortable.

Human beings are animals that know how to enjoy, which is much better than monsters!

Hou Lei put his feet on the coffee table, closing his eyes and resting.

He has already left a mark on the door of this cafe, the contact person will see it, and he will naturally find it.

If it doesn't show up for 3 hours, then he will have to go to the door to find it by himself, not to mention the trouble, he also has to understand that after he finds what he wants, he will give the result to the contact person, dirty hands.

I hope that the liaison officer has not been dazzled by Huahua World during these years in Kyoto, and I still remember the deterrence of Heaven...

Thinking about this, Hou Lei opened his squinted eyes, raised his wrist and looked at it, then raised the corners of his mouth: "Yes, 57 minutes."

Not long after, the door was knocked.

After a cough came from outside the door, a weak question came: "The king overwhelms the earth?"

"Get sick, come in!"


The code is right.

Looking at the man who came in, nodding and bowing, sweating profusely and coming in with a mask, Hou Lei smiled: "Tu San, right? Okay, stop pretending, you will sweat?"

Tu San awkwardly wiped off the mineral water from his forehead, and sprayed the water on his face so it looked like it, and it took him a while!

The main reason is to let the adult who summoned him see how serious and diligent he was when he rushed over, and how earnestly he performed the summons to the adult. Some adults just eat this kind of thing, but it seems that this time the flattering hits the horse's thigh, and this adult does not eat it. This set!

Fortunately, it doesn't look angry...

Tu San was observing Hou Lei, and Hou Lei was also looking at Tu San. After the two monsters looked at each other for a while, Hou Lei greeted: "Tu San, sit down!"

"Hey, I dare not sit in front of you! It's fine to stand."

"Let you sit, just sit, now it’s not before, and I’m not that old-fashioned."

At Hou Lei's greeting, Tu San cautiously sat on the opposite side of Hou Lei, only half of his ass, and his body was thief!

Those who can leave that kind of mark in the contact area are not easy people, and they will always be careful to accompany them.

Looking at the trembling look of Tu San, Hou Lei looked funny. The heavenly workers at the bottom were still very hard. However, as an organization, there must be a discipline of respect and inferiority, and he is only one of them. Staff, there is no need to correct anything.

If after this correction, the next person who came to Kyoto likes Tu San to behave like Tu San, and Tu San was changed to "presumptuous" by him, then he would kill him.

"You should be clear about what is coming to you this time."

"Little knows."

As Tu San said, he took out a piece of paper from his waist bag, carefully placed it on the table, pushed it forward, put his hands in the air, and signaled that he was harmless.

Hou Lei closed his feet on the coffee table and leaned forward, looking at the analysis report of Tu Sanji.

"Yes, a little more careful than I thought. What do you think is the result of the treasures of heaven and earth?

And this time the guy who became a god, do you think he has a certain power before he becomes a god?How did this reasoning come from?"After Hou Lei quickly read the content on the paper, he flicked it, and a ball of flame ignited at the opposite corner of the paper, and it burned quickly. When the flame was about to reach his fingertips, Hou Lei let go. After the flame burned out the last combustible in the air, it went out.

After hearing Hou Lei's question, Tu San silently counted for five seconds in his heart, no new questions were raised, he opened his mouth and said:

"In response to your lord, let me briefly explain my point of view.

There was an inexplicable thunderstorm in Kyoto University of Chemical Industry yesterday afternoon, and there should be treasures of heaven and earth nearby!

When this god had not yet become a god, he felt the opportunity. Nearly a thousand drones were controlled to go to his playground, probably to seize the treasure, but unfortunately, he did not find the treasure at that time.

It should have been taken away by someone. According to my analysis, it is highly possible that it was taken away by students from Kyoto University of Chemical Industry!

Then I don’t know how, at night, He found the treasure and became a god in one fell swoop!"

Hou Leimo stroked his chin and nodded: "Well, yes, the analysis is as fierce as a tiger, and to no avail."

There is no mention of the main hiding place of the gods or why the gods became gods. Everything else is nonsense.

Taking advantage of Hou Lei's expression of impatience, Tu San hurriedly said: "My lord, I have a guess as to where this god is hiding!"


"There is a bidding project here in Kyoto, and the service project of smart city has been purchased..."

As Tu San told, he showed Hou Lei the original news on his mobile phone.

"Well, it looks a little bit like this, the heaven hasn't cultivated you in vain!"

When Tu San said that the taste was dry, Hou Lei got up, patted him on the shoulder, and motioned him not to continue:

"I haven't figured out the power of this god, so I won't go there.

But what you said about Kyoto Chemical University is a bit interesting. Help me arrange these few days. I'm going to that school. It's best to gather as many students as possible in the square.

If there are students who really get the so-called treasures of heaven and earth, they will definitely have the corresponding breath traction on their body, I will find that when the time comes, the position of the gods cannot be accurately located."

This is the task of scheduling, Tu San hurriedly asked: "My lord, what is your actual status?"


A small group of flames splashed in front of Tu San, and a business card fell from the air.

"Hou Lei."


Tu San soon had an idea in his mind. According to his understanding, after the military training of Kyoto Chemical University, there will be a welcome ceremony for new students, and stars from all walks of life will be invited to perform...

At that time, spend some money to arrange for adults to perform a magic trick or something. There should be no problem, right?

After Tu San thought about it this way, he said his thoughts. Hou Lei nodded after wandering around in the box for a few times:

"Yes, you have a good arrangement. If there is no freshman, I can just wander around the school as a performer..."

"Thank you for the praise!"

This time the purpose of meeting and communication has been completed, and Hou Lei has no idea of ​​dealing with Tu San again.

After Hou Lei left, Tu San bowed from ninety degrees and stood up straight, thinking about the Kyoto Chemical University, and then thinking about the person who wanted to rent in his original house...Master Jiang Shouzheng.


These days, all houses in Kyoto can be sold. Take the money and fly away!

The farther away from Kyoto, the better!

This Lord Hou Lei does not look like Lord Jiang Shouzheng's opponent, and Lord Jiang Shouzheng is a teacher in Kyoto...

Consumption will also consume the Lord Hou Lei!

But before Master Hou Lei died, he still had to be obedient, what if he didn't die?What if Lord Jiang Shouzheng did not attend the welcome ceremony?...

Tu San thought about it, no matter what, the house must be sold!Sell ​​even if you lose a little bit!Get out soon!

While Tu San was thinking about retreating in his heart, Hou Lei sat in the rough car back to the hotel, leaning on the back seat, feeling a strong sense of crisis in his heart...

"It seems that either the Kyoto Chemical University has something to do with this god.

Either this Tu San rebelled and wanted to pit himself to death at Kyoto Chemical University.

No matter what it is, it is interesting. It makes me feel such a big crisis, it will die!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited Hou Lei became, and he opened his mouth and laughed.

"Little brother, what is so happy about?"

"It's nothing, it's just... when I was playing Werewolf Killing just now, I was a werewolf, killing all quarters."

With that said, Hou Lei spit out a black ball. The driver glanced at it and felt a little embarrassed. Hou Lei smiled heartily:

"Uncle, this is magic!"

One pinch, three black balls.

"Whether to choose the red ball? Or the yellow ball? Or this blue ball?"

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