My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 453 Big Lotus Core Baby! (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After the information was entered, Zhou Quan had a bad feeling in an instant.

But this kind of bad premonition was thrown out of the clouds after seeing the app of the practice world sign the list of polite gifts...

What a fuck, what a fuck...

Even if I am an educated person, after seeing such a sign-in gift, I still want to say damn it!

Check-in and punch-in can actually send money, game consoles, coupons, computers, and travel... After a cursory glance at the rewards for consecutive check-in, he finally knows that punch-in is so comfortable. thing!

Except for not giving away girlfriends, basically there are sending ones here!It's just a matter of the length of time to sign in!

But with these, why do you want a girlfriend?

But... some sign-in gifts are for double use. It seems that you still have to have a girlfriend, otherwise it will be wasted!

While Zhou Quan was immersed in the app of the practice world, Chen Yuan was browsing the various posts in it. Regarding the sign-in rewards, Chen Yuan felt that there was nothing good about it. All the rewards are there, and they won't run away.

With this leisure time, it is better to browse the posts published by Qiren to see what Qiren is like, and to be a qualified Qiren——

#A prize quiz!Guess the measurements based on the photos!#

#Shock!The sow wanted to go to the tree, but failed, and knocked the tree down!#

#Bad news!I was promoted without a little precaution, and I didn't even think about how to seek benefits from my parents!#

Swipe down one by one, if it weren't for some horrible GIF animations interspersed in the middle, he would feel that he had entered a circle of friends with a group of social comrades...

Why do you need to hold one nostril when you breathe fire and spray from the other nostril...

Why does Sound Wave Gong want people to watch and charge in front of the shouting spring of tourist attractions...

Why is the exercise of light work not treading water but eggs?You have to be fined after you step on it...

Looking at it, Chen Yuan felt that he might not be able to become a serious stranger, so he should sell his sanitary napkins.


"I just reported Zhou Quan's information, and someone from the military ordered a collection. He might be looked at."

Wang Fei glanced at the direction of bedroom 504 and said to Jiang Shouzheng.

Jiang Shouzheng had no idea about this, but Lin Qingxian clapped his hands and exclaimed:

"Okay, I was scorned, that means including food, meals, meals, meals and meat! You don't need to be restricted by your mobile phone to check in every day. I am forced to check in every day, and I am tired of it. If you don’t accept people like me, I’ve already signed up to join the army!"

"Why would the military department not want you?" Jiang Shouzheng asked strangely.

Lin Qingxian scratched his head in embarrassment: "They are not afraid of the magic sprites, and the magic sprites can't get close. My abilities are useless by their side..."

"Well, the limitations of Devil's abilities are too great."

"Fart, I just don't have strong abilities right now. When I get stronger, then I will be different!"

Wang Fei looked at Lin Qingxian, who was holding his fist with a serious face, and remembering the legend about the Lin family, he felt a little sympathetic--

According to legend, the Lin family has an extremely powerful magic weapon that can reverse life and death. Before the physical body reaches the limit of the yin energy, they will give birth to children, then give up the human body and become a ghost!

Don't think that Lin Qingxian is the only person in the Lin Family's main line, but the various branches of the Lin Family will definitely not make things difficult for Lin Qingxian...

After all, my own business and luck have to be maintained by my ancestors.

"Hey hey hey, what kind of look are you!" Lin Qingxian rolled his eyes at Wang Fei, a little uncomfortable, and sullen aura.

Wang Fei shuddered: at this level of yin energy, hey, the devil probably hasn't lived a long time ago, and he's angry with the dying person. Even if he and Jiang Shouzheng are roommates, Jiang Shouzheng should not be able to reverse their family's practice. On its own flaws?

Thinking of this, the flames of the old view master appeared in Wang Fei's mind.

If the flame burned Lin Qingxian, others should be able to survive, but the power would be completely useless, right?No.1 Novel



A strong murderous aura came from downstairs, making Wang Fei's complexion drastically changed, and he arched his hands at Jiang Shouzheng and Lin Qingxian:

"Xu Liang's killing intent can't be suppressed again, I have to go now!"

Everyone chatted about Xu Liang's killing intent just now during the meal.

The country was too peaceful, and there was no opportunity (number) to cut (test) demons (in) and divide (big) demons (learn). Xu Liang had to travel overseas to destroy witches, werewolves, and vampires. , The blood hammer ghoul, won a huge reputation while planting a heart demon, and was brought back to the country by his father to cultivate himself.

If there are more demons and demons, it is easy to get diseases similar to "war syndrome". There is no way to control the killing intent, and it is easy to get angry...

"Wait a minute." Jiang Shouzheng called to Wang Fei, went into the bedroom and dug a lotus seed, then came out and stuffed it to Wang Fei, "You can give Xu Liang the lotus seed to lower the fire."

"Thank you!"

Taking the lotus seed, feeling the aura in it, Wang Fei solemnly put it in his pocket.

After going downstairs, I saw Wang Fei following the direction of induction, pushing away from the crowd, and seeing Xu Liang sitting on the ground and sitting on the ground.

The figure that used to be fat at noon has now become a lean look again, the muscles are like sculpted, making the surrounding boys saliva...

As for the girls, they are all on the outside.

"Hey, don't...Jie Jian."

Xu Liang heard Wang Fei’s voice and stood up——

"Wow w(Д)w"

Wang Fei covered his eyes with his hands and said weirdly: "Please, can you wear clothes?"

Then he looked around and waved his hand: "Everyone is scattered, scattered, don't surround yourself, the military training for the military training in the afternoon, the class for the class! Don't waste your precious time!"

But this person has a growing trend...

Xu Lianggang put on his clothes, before his head was exposed, Wang Fei dragged him away...

"I rely on rely on it, slow down, I haven't put my clothes on yet and feed, slow down! I'm going to fall!"

Wang Fei ignored Xu Liang's yelling and didn't care about other people's pointers. He didn't stop until the crowded lotus pond.

Xu Liang poked his head out of his clothes and shook his head: "Did you have..."

Seeing the...lotus core in Wang Fei's hand, Xu Liang swallowed, "Do you have...good stuff, is it for me?"

"Jiang Shouzheng gave it to you."

"(⊙o⊙)... Did he only give a lotus seed core?"

"Yes, because this lotus seed core is enough to reduce fire, it should be able to effectively control your demons and uncontrollable killing intent."

Xu Liang took the letter suspiciously and swallowed it in one bite. Everything around was dull and tasteless...

"Go back for lunch break."

"Are you not practicing boxing?"

"I've said everything, I'm going back for lunch break..."

While talking, Xu Liang walked forward with his legs, and somehow, with a "puff", he fell into the lotus pond...

No wind.

The lotus is swinging.

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