My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 454 I look forward to becoming a comrade in arms with you! (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After sending Wang Fei away, Jiang Shou was sitting in his seat, at the desk, looking like he was drawing on paper.

Lin Qingxian stepped his feet and pretended to look casually. The paper was blank, and that side was full of power. It seemed that Jiang Shou was recording something with his force.

It can only rely on perception, but it is not polite.

Chen Yuan patted Lin Qingxian on the shoulder and motioned him to look at his phone: "Hello~" (super quietly)

[A question for you, is there any urgently needed goods that the Qiren group can sell?]

Lin Qingxian read Chen Yuan’s question, and quickly clicked on the keyboard:

[Yes, and you have all these goods, you have access to them, and you can sell them for a big price!]

After receiving the news from Lin Qingxian, Chen Yuan's eyes lit up, and he looked up at Lin Qingxian's expression. It wasn't the kind of ridicule. He suddenly got a lot of energy:

[What kind of goods I can actually sell for a big price!Tell me about it!]

Lin Qingxian rubbed his fingers, and Chen Yuan's face became stiff:

[Brother Orz, it's not enough, doesn't it mean that you spent too much money on running for monitor?You are so rich, and you have to collect money from poor people like me!]

Lin Qingxian still rubbed his fingers and didn't mean to type a reply. Chen Yuan gritted his teeth and gave Lin Qingxian a 131.4...

[Thanks .gif]

After Lin Qingxian replied with her expression, she did not make Chen Yuan wait too long, and continued:

[In the general environment, most of the strange people are not effective, but everyone still values ​​their strength.]

After sending this sentence, Lin Qingxian continued to rub his fingers.

Chen Yuan: "......"


[TUHAO atmosphere.gif]

[And how to improve the strength?]

Lin Qingxian continued to rub her fingers.

The blue veins on Chen Yuan's forehead jumped wildly, gritting his teeth: 66.6.

[Tuhao I love you.gif]

[Improvement of strength is nothing more than two kinds, one kind of internal strength, finding a cultivation method that is more suitable for one's physique, and one kind of external strength, such as the orator, the pill, the heaven and the blessing.]

Chen Yuan frowned when he received such a reply. He felt as if he was about to grasp something, but this feeling was not very clear, but he had no time to think about it, because...Lin Qingxian rubbed it again. Fingers and gestures, this is the last time.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath and wrapped a "22.3" red envelope to Lin Qingxian.

[My favorite is to be friends with sand sculpture local tyrants.gif]

[Look at our dormitory, they are all the goods you need, because Jiang Shouzheng will introduce a lot of spiritual energy when practicing, which is a blessed place. You can sell your bed or sell the floor. Most of the cultivators are Cross-legged, look at the size of our bedroom and how many people can sit!One covers an area of ​​only one square meter. In order to save space, you can customize a bed similar to that for two people in one place!Everyone charges!]

[Then look at the lotus flower, the spiritual energy is contained in it, the whole body is treasured, you can pluck a leaf or pull off the petals, which are all excellent medicinal materials, and this lotus will become a lotus after night, you You can dig out the lotus seeds, which is a pill!Would you dig it out for me?I'll buy it from you, the price is up to you.]

[Also, our dormitory is now actually blocked by Jiang Shouzheng with his own magic power. The spiritual energy that Jiang Shouzheng cultivates will not run within the dormitory area every night. In the long run, all objects have not been refined. The system has the possibility of becoming a quasi-dharma implement. Although the effect will gradually weaken after being taken out of the bedroom, you can dump it first!Let's talk about it!Someone will buy it!]

[By the way, look at what Jiang Shouzheng is writing on that piece of white paper. This is actually a rough refining technique. After he writes for a long time, this piece of paper will become a magic weapon. After writing this time, it becomes a magic weapon. You can take these things and sell them properly. You see, if you put the sanitary napkins in the corner for a long time, it may become a quasi magic weapon~ ]

Chen Yuan looked at his phone screen silent...silence...silence...

Suddenly I really wanted to smash my phone on Lin Qingxian's face!

Is this guy talking nonsense?

They live in a male dormitory. If they really want to get people to the dormitory as he said, then they must only bring men up. How many people do they have to stay in a small dormitory?!

The male-to-male approach provides everyone with a place to practice. Not to mention the uncomfortable living. Chen Yuan believes that he will definitely be beaten by Jiang Shouzheng!

As for the Soul Eater Clean Lotus... if he breaks at will, Jiang Shouqin will probably plant himself in a fish tank!

As for the artifacts...Who is Chen Yuan, how could he sell inferior products!It is not his original intention to make money to make a fortune and make quick money, but he wants to build a reputation!He wants people to believe that the things he sells are good products as soon as they hear the words Chen Yuan!It's not like letting people hear his name and bury him...

Also, if you sell counterfeit and inferior products to Qiren, you will not be obsolete, and you may be beaten so hard that you don’t want to survive.

When he was browsing the post, he saw the title of a paid post——

#I specially created a beating technique according to the "Standards for Identification of the Degree of Human Injury and Disability", no 998, no 199, only 99!#

Number of purchasers: 3167 people.


Chen Yuan's cell phone rang, and the boy in the dormitory downstairs said that he was sweating too much today and could not lock the water, so Chen Yuan hurriedly delivered the goods.

Chen Yuan glanced at the sanitary napkins in the corner, couldn't help but remember what Lin Qingxian had just said, and then—

"Bold evildoer, Grandpa Chen, I can tell at a glance that you are not human!

Actually attacked with water?

Hahahaha, Grandpa Chen, I have a magic weapon to restrain you!

Go, sanitary napkins, strong water lock!"

Thinking of this... Chen Yuan cleared the chat history with Lin Qingxian.

Look bad!

Without Chen Yuan and him, Lin Qingxian lay down on the bed and practiced, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.

I just watched Zhou Quan, who signed in for the prize, because of the intensity of the military training in the morning. He fell asleep on the table and murmured: "Hehehe, it's all mine! No one can grab it!.. .... My girlfriend will not work either!"

Jiang Shouzheng was still remembering painting, but the blanket on Zhou Quan's bed gently touched Zhou Quan.

In the bedroom, silence was restored again, and outside sounds were isolated.

The lotus in the fish tank swayed.

[Brother, you planted mana in Xu Liang's heart, are you trying to kill him?] I love novel network

[For adults, don't interrupt the child.]

The time for the lunch break is as fast as the time for counting money!

As the 504 dormitory with two monitors, Lin Qingxian and Chen Yuan each carried their class cards to go out early, while roommates Jiang Shouzheng and Zhou Quan followed them.

"You go behind."

"You go behind."

"I'll go ahead!"


Lin Qingxian and Chen Yuan are standing next to each other, you arch me, and I arch you, they walk faster and faster, and then's a hot day, run!

"Shouzheng, why are the two of them so miserable?"

"Maybe it's a mismatch, right?"

Jiang Shouzheng couldn't explain why he could only prevaricate with specious answers.

Zhou Quan thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and felt right.

However, Lin Qingxian, who was running ahead, suddenly turned and ran back. When passing by Zhou Quan and Jiang Shouzheng, he said, "I forgot the belt."

One of the belts used for military training is tied to the trousers and the other is tied to the waist.

The belt that Lin Qingxian tied around his waist was placed on the table...

Opening the bedroom door, Lin Qingxian walked in the direction of Jiang Shouzheng's desk.

"Heavenly Court", "Wonderful People", "Utilization", "Dread", "Less", "Ignore"...

Maybe it was Jiang Shouzheng who didn't deliberately retain the mana written on it, and now they have spread to the ground.

Lin Qingxian felt it "accidentally", smiled embarrassedly, fastened the belt, took a pack of dried fish on Zhou Quan's table, and poured them all into the fish tank.

After he left, Turtle Shou poked his head out, ate clean one by one, and whispered: "Boy, you have eyesight!"

The tortoise that was satisfied with the food came out of the fish tank and turned into a human form, holding the fish tank to the bathroom...change the water, and shower the Soul Eater Jinglian by the way.


[Yes, yes, you still have a lot of eyesight, I won't go to make a small report with my brother, just go up a little bit, and the water should be bigger and the coolest!]

Turtle Sui Shou obeyed the command of the Soul Devouring Jing Lian and took a cold bath for Soul Devouring Jing Lian and placed it in a wash basin filled with water.

Sensing Jiang Shouzheng's spirit leaving, Turtle started to clean the fish tank with bitterness.

It’s better to be at the zoo back then, eat well, sleep well, play well, and someone specializes in cleaning it.Now that it drifts north, its power has grown explosively, but its living conditions have dropped sharply, and now it has become a demon that needs to be cleaned by itself wherever it lives!

Isn't this something the little demon needs to do?

It is already a big demon now!

Although the tortoise murmured and grimaced, but once he felt the abundant demon power in his body and the survival time that he couldn't sense...

"Hehehe, it's all worth it!"

"Even if it is for me to clean the toilet, it is worth it!"

After cleaning the fish tank, he took it to the balcony to dry. Although the tortoise Shou unplugged the air conditioner, he put it on his forehead.

After a while, the tortoise pressed the button of the air conditioner and the cool breeze was blowing. The tortoise stood still, motionless like a sculpture, holding the plug, watching the fish tank gradually dry out!


"All of them!"

"Except Zhou Quan, sit down and rest!"

The tired students sat slumped on the grass, while Zhou Quan was a monk Zhang Er who couldn't figure it out. He didn't offend the instructor. Just now, he was forbidden.

Unexpectedly, then ask——


"It's okay, I'm taking a break, no need to report, Zhou Quan, right?"

"Yes, instructor!"

"Come on, take it easy. Last time you did push-ups, I gave a report to the chief. The chief is very interested in you and would like to ask if you would like to join the army!"

As soon as Zhou Quan heard this, he was stunned. What's the situation?

Zhou Quan subconsciously glanced at Jiang Shouzheng, and the instructor smiled and said, "I am the national champion in the college entrance examination! Our chief thinks too, but your school does not let anyone out!"


Feelings can I be "released"?

My college entrance examination results are not bad, alright!

Of course you can’t join the army.

He trains his physical stamina every day, even if he has become a strange man now, his physical strength can keep up, but his energy can't keep up!Who is going to the army to suffer?

Moreover, I now have the authority of the Cultivation World APP, and I can get gifts every day when I sign in. When I get to the army, my mobile phone will be confiscated. I can’t sign in when I sign in. Isn’t that a big loss?

Besides, you can't play on computers in the army. Who will go!

After four years of study, it’s time for a master’s degree, a job, and this is the life I want...

"Report instructor, I..."

"You don't need to give me the answer right away, just think about it, just give me the answer after the military training is over, I look forward to becoming a comrade-in-arms with you!"

The instructor gave Zhou Quan an expression of "I like you", and then trot away.

Very rhythmic-

One two one, one two one...

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