My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 457: Will there be no accidents every day? dream! (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng had only heard of the heart-raising person, but it was the first time he met today.

The whole body was dead, and it seemed that he could not live long.

Qi Ren's visit may be able to make him a little more comfortable in the last journey of his life.

It would cost him too much to prolong his life, and it would not be worthwhile to say that it was utilitarian, but Xu Liang's visit can make him stiff his back slightly, which is very good!

"I have done the task of raising my heart before. When I did the task, it was not because I was too strong and I couldn't control my mood, but because I was touching the corpse every day and I felt that I couldn't bear it. I want to have contact with living people."

Lin Qingxian pretended to glance at Zhou Quan and Chen Yuan unintentionally, and found that they didn't have the disgust that they had imagined, but... a very curious look.

Perhaps, in their subjective impression, Qiren should be dealing with this kind of thing...

However, this made Lin Qingxian a little relieved. It seems that these two friends can really make friends.

"I didn't mean to disrespect the deceased. I just wanted to ask—how does the dead feel to the touch?" Chen Yuan said, touching his slightly erected hair, his eyes slightly excited.

"I, I'm also very curious, but... if it's not convenient to say, it doesn't matter." Zhou Quan swallowed, and then something went on.

"We, maybe we can go to Kyoto Medical College with a learning mentality! I heard that there is a human body museum in there, we can go and see it!" Jiang Shouzheng suddenly said.

Among the students, the Human Body Museum of Kyoto Medical College is a very mysterious existence. For those who have never been, it is a real dumpling——

How can a person who has not taken the initiative to understand his body structure live a good life?

As soon as Zhou Quan mentioned this topic, everyone's focus shifted away from Lin Qingxian.

Jiang Shouzheng said to Lin Qingxian:'You don't need to test them, if they hate you, isn't it you who hurt you?'

Lin Qingxian smiled at Jiang Shouzheng, refused to chat privately, and straightly lifted a pig hind leg from the cutting board beside him, smiled and asked the boss: "Boss, how much is a catty."

"45 yuan a catty, if you have more, 40 is not impossible."

" pork so cheap? Give me this pig hind leg."

"Okay, do you want to cut that? If you want to cut it, I suggest you go over there. The child’s craftsmanship is very good, and the cost is not very high. It costs ten yuan a time. If I cut it, the craftsmanship is not bad. That kid is as delicate as it is, but it’s free.” The chef at the pork stall pointed to Xu Liang and recommended.

Lin Qingxian heard this: "Do you think I am the kind of person who lacks money? Just send it over there for cutting."

The direction of Lin Qingxian's finger was Xu Liang, and Xu Liang also lifted his hand cooperatively, waving his big boning knife.

"Okay, then I will call that good boy and send it over!"

Lin Qingxian directly paid 10,000 yuan from the scan code, and saw the master's a little hesitant appearance, smiled:

"Don't waste time, we have to go shopping elsewhere.

The more money, you can use it as a tip, or you can send all the meat sold at your stall over there to cut, and then say that the craftsmanship over there is better, you pay, and the customer is free!

Meat, I can go there to get it later, tell the classmate, cut into pieces, to cut the same size, or I will beat him!"

Hearing the last sentence, the master laughed. It seemed that they knew each other and the relationship was good.

All good kids!

After changing the stall, Jiang Shouzheng said strangely: "Didn't you and Wang Fei not deal with each other? How come it seems that the relationship with Xu Liang is OK?"

"Xu Liang, the boy, when he went to study abroad, he gave me a lot of good things, such as slim vampires, gorgeous witches, and ever-changing shapeshifters...but it's a pity They are all dead, and we can only learn about the structure of foreign demons, and they cannot develop further."


When I heard the first half of the sentence, everyone still heard it with gusto, but after hearing it...Forget it, we are here to buy vegetables, why should we listen to Lin Qingxian's bragging?

Look at the dishes more, isn’t it?Do you still have hot pot at night?

"I told you, this female corpse..."

When it comes to excitement and professional fields, Lin Qingxian's eyes are shining!

It's rare. It's rare to meet people who are willing to listen to him talk about this aspect. In the past, he could only chat about this aspect with his father, grandfather, grandfather, and grandfather in the ancestral hall.

But there, as a student, but now, in the dormitory circle, he is a teacher!

He believes that even Jiang Shouzheng does not necessarily have his expertise!Xuanshu Literature Network

In his Lin family branch's industry, there are several places that enter the mortuary and crematorium!

Although ordinary people have some taboos in the funeral and interment industry, it has to be said that it has developed rapidly over the years, and has its own place in the market economy——

Office conditions are quite good, living in the suburbs and breathing fresh air;

High wages and benefits, performance statistics are relatively easy;

To be unpleasant and presumptuous, customers are still very sticky...As long as one has been delivered and the service is good, then there will be no possibility of shopping around in the future.

However, there are still relatively few talents in this area.

As the current and living "prince" of the Lin family, he felt that he should help publicize the family business by the way. It was hard to come across those who didn't dislike listening to this content, and they were all strange guys.

If they can be developed into the backbone of their own family business, it is not impossible!

"Shouzheng, can you tell him to shut up?" Chen Yuan wanted to stop Lin Qingxian's mouth, but he was not an opponent at all, he couldn't get close, so he could only ask the number one master in the dormitory.

I'm going back for dinner later, but now I heard Lin Qingxian talked about "bone clamps", "razors", "tweezers", "combs" enthusiastically from the original topic...

Fresh vocabulary is fine, but the words that can be touched in daily life are uncomfortable!

After getting up in the morning and combing my hair, Lin Qingxian must have heard what Lin Qingxian said now: "Don't comb too hard, be gentle, otherwise it will fall off easily, and it will be very troublesome to take it back... ."

Jiang Shouzheng said strangely: "Don't you find this kind of rare knowledge very interesting? And some of it is based on experience, and it may not be available online!"


Chen Yuan handed the hot pot bottoms to Zhou's body. After Zhou Quan subconsciously got the result, Chen Yuan ran away: "I'll go and take a look at the pot first!"

Zhou Quan looked at Jiang Shouzheng, then at Lin Qingxian: "I..."

"As the most courageous classmate Zhou Quan in our dormitory, don't you want to go to see the pot too? Look at the pot, alone is enough." Lin Qingxian said with a smile.

"I... I'm going to see the bowl!" Zhou Quan gave Jiang Shouzheng what he had at hand, and trot away.

"This is all experience, and some masters may not be able to teach land! I tell you, they still don't listen and don't know how to cherish it!"

Lin Qingxian sighed, and had to continue to talk about "what kind of technique can be used to minimize skin damage"...

But the audience is less, so the conversation is not so strong!

When the people in the 504 bedroom were preparing the hot pot tonight, Yao Qian was staying in the kitchen and listening carefully to Jiang Shouhui’s guidance:

"Sister Yao Qian, put a little less sauce, yes, that's it, not too much, a little, otherwise the flavor will be thick."


"Sister Yao Qian, now put the eggs, crack them, and pour them in."


"Sister Yao Qian, then we pour the last dish in."


The old view master sniffed the aroma coming out of the kitchen, and breathed a sigh of relief: "This cooking is a bit more artisan, but it should be able to eat it."

While talking, he shouted: "Shouji, Shouqin, come out to wash your hands and prepare to eat!"

Jiang Shouqin was the first to open the door and ran out violently. After a salute in front of the old master, he ran to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"Shou Ji, come out for dinner."

"time to eat."

The old master knocked on the door, but there was no response inside.

"I'm here!"

Pushing away, the old watcher was shocked--


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