My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 458: Really Touching Porcelain? Fake drag racing? Senior sister is out! ! ! (For subscriptio

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!A group of four people should bring dishes, those who should bring electrical appliances, those who should bring dishes and chopsticks, Lin Qingxian, as the big boss who pays, naturally walked forward with his hands on his back...

"Oh hello? Why are they surrounding my car? The people in Kyoto haven't seen a good car?"

Lin Qingxian saw that his car was surrounded from a distance. Although it was a questioning question, the smell of pride in it couldn't be concealed. He was so terrified: "Look, there are old men and old ladies among those people. There is definitely a granddaughter. If there is a beautiful one, my happy life is just around the corner, and I can get a national certificate!"

Carrying the induction cooker and the cauldron, Chen Yuan rolled his eyes: "Is it great to have money?"

"I like others to despise me with these words!" Lin Qingxian raised her mouth triumphantly, "Wait, wait until I step forward, the grandfathers and aunts want my contact information frantically!"

As a well-off family in the dormitory, he didn't have Zhou Quan to carry out his own sideline, so he couldn't consciously talk about it.

But Jiang Shouzheng was looking at Lin Qingxian, he wanted to say something, thinking that the distance was not far away, he didn't remind him, he would know when he got there.

When he got to the ground, Lin Qingxian squeezed into the crowd and shouted by the way: "Grandpa and aunt, let me give me a hand, I'm going to drive!"

Shouting loudly, the crowd gave way.

This feeling is so good!

When Lin Qingxian walked from the outer circle to the inner circle, an aunt unexpectedly frantically asked Lin Qingxian for her number, but...

"Young man, this matter! Not a half-million, this can't make it through!"

An uncle fell to the ground, lying in front of Lin Qingxian’s shiny bag, foaming at his mouth...

An aunt sat on her knees beside him, tears in her eyes!

It seems that I cried!

"I... fuck!"

Lin Qingxian shook the hand of the car key and stopped.

After looking at the key in his hand, he naturally took the vegetables and meat from Jiang Shouzheng's hand, stuffed the key into Jiang Shouzheng's hand, frowned and said, "You... the owner! This matter needs to be resolved. !"

If it was getting darker and there were fewer people, then Lin Qingxian would not be ashamed of these two people.

But now it is not convenient to perform, so Jiang Shouzheng has to do it for him.


Jiang Shouzheng glanced at Lin Qingxian speechlessly, stepped forward helplessly, squatting and asking: "Auntie, was this car hit?"

"Nonsense! Isn't it your car! Look here and here, they are all the marks hit by you!" The aunt pointed to some stains on the front of the car, "My wife is getting older, so how can I feel the bump? Come on! Lose money!"

"Yes, I should lose money! This is my fault!" Jiang Shouzheng made a serious confession. After groping in his pocket, he took out a card and stuffed it into the aunt's hand, saying sincerely, "Auntie! This! I was wrong this time! I lost money! The password is six six! There is a million in it! The extra money is for the mental loss of this uncle!"

That... is a promotional card.

"Huh! Great!" The aunt kissed the card roll in her hand, then patted the uncle who fell on the ground, and said, "Get up, old man, let's go and eat delicious food, I invite you, I have money !"

The frothy uncle heard this hello, his body stopped shaking, his rolled eyes suddenly revealed black eyeballs, and he got up from the ground, pulled the aunt, and wanted to bow to Jiang Shouzheng.

The aunt slapped his hand and said dissatisfied: "What are you doing!"

"People, give us... money, we have to express our gratitude!" The uncle said seriously to the aunt.

"Yeah! This is a fool! No, it's because we performed so well! I lied to him!" The aunt clapped her hands.

This time, when she was grabbed by the uncle's arm again, she did not struggle, but bowed obediently.

The uncle was taken "submissively" by the aunt, and again nodded at Jiang Shouzheng to thank him, and whispered:

"Boy, thank you."

By the way, he wanted to take something out of his pocket, Jiang Shouzheng pressed down his arm and responded with a smile:

"You're welcome."

The crowd stepped aside and let the arrogant aunt leave!

Then there were sparse applause.

"Old man, you see, they think my acting is very good!"


"Huh, perfunctory! But I have gained something today, so I won't care about you. Tell me, I can take you to eat whatever you want. There is a million in this card!"

The uncle looked at the address on the little card and said with a smile: "Let's go to this one."

"This one?"

"Oh oh oh, sorry, I said something wrong, just go... I will take you there, I will take you, you treat!"


"I'll just say how so many people are pointing when driving over!"

"Relationships are indifferent, indifferent, it doesn't matter to hang up high! Moral decline!"

"Those people are not at ease! No one reminds us!"


Lin Qingxian in the passenger seat was very angry, very angry!If it's not for the crowds, scare that fool to death!

"Okay, don't be angry." Jiang Shouzheng patted the steering wheel, "Didn't you lose anything?"

"That's right, I don't seem! My car was hit!"

"My heart has burned your car, and its robustness is guaranteed!"

"Then...that is that I lost my face!" Biquge Book Bar

Jiang Shouzheng didn't reply. Chen Yuan, who was sitting in the back row, patted Lin Qingxian in the back seat: "Hey! Does this guy still have face?"

"Yeah! I didn't know who said it just now, saying that grandpa and aunt will give their contact information to someone!" Zhou Quan flipped through the phone book and counted. "Shouzheng, there were just 37 grandpas and aunts. I left my contact information. They all said they wanted to meet you. They said that they are not bad rooms in Kyoto. Do you want to make an appointment? See you one a day during military training, and on weekends... Work hard, see two or three, then you can meet these people in less than a month, if it's done, isn't it better than you driving someone's car outside to get an order?"

After speaking, Zhou Quan paused, and then flipped forward from the back of the phone book: "There are sixteen bosses who don’t know what company they say they admire you and want you to go to their company to practice! Someone’s "brushing hair at night" to make money, Kyoto... Tsk tusk tusk!"

Lin Qingxian opened his mouth, pointed to the phone book and said, "This phone book is in my car. These people also want to contact me."

"...Fuck it?" Chen Yuan grabbed the phone book from Zhou Quan's hand, rolled it into a bundle, and leaned forward to interview Lin Qingxian, "Come on, Xiao Xianxian, may I ask, you Is it a strange person who specializes in cultivating skin?"

Compared to Chen Yuan and Lin Qingxian's mischief, Zhou Quan asked Jiang Shouzheng curiously: "Jiang Shouzheng, how do you know that aunt has a problem with his brain?"

Jiang Shouzheng stepped on the accelerator lightly and said:

"I heard, my hearing is still good, and I got a perfect score in the college entrance examination this year.

Before I got close, I heard people around me chatting about the auntie who went crazy and touched porcelain just now. They all said that as long as I lost something, the auntie would leave.

Since Lin Qingxian gave me the decision-making power, I naturally took over and cooperated with the uncle.That uncle is not easy."

Lin Qingxian didn't open Chen Yuan's hand, stretched out his hand, trying to touch the legendary "Shunfeng Er"!

Jiang Shouzheng flicked his head away, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and it seemed to be connected, and a female baby's milky voice came out:

"Brother! Master told you to come back soon! Senior sister is wrong!"

"you are?"

"It's me!" The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly changed, becoming the voice of a male doll, "Brother, I'm Jiang Shouhui!"


Without entanglement, Jiang Shouzheng turned the steering wheel directly, stepped on the accelerator, and injected mana with it!

The car in front "parted" politely, Lin Qingxian leaned against the seat, his expression a little nervous.


Can the road conditions in Kyoto be so good?

This is drag racing?!


"Shouhui! Don't show any video data!"

"Don't worry, brother, promise to complete the task! No one can record your current situation, I am professional!"


The phone hung up.

Lin Qingxian thought for a while and asked, "Shouzheng, are you going to see your master?"

"Well, Guanzhu is with my junior sister."


Lin Qingxian wanted to ask if he wanted to buy a wine, but watching Jiang Shouzheng's stern look, he decided not to ask.

The phone call just now, it seems that Jiang Shouzheng's junior sister had a problem!

Who is that little guy who changes his voice like a doll?I haven't heard Jiang Shouzheng say it!

But it should be a boy, Jiang Shou didn't notice when he was listening to the voice of the girl!

Also, why can no one record the images of Jiang Shouzheng's racing and extensive use of his abilities?Just now Lin Qingxian looked out the car window, and many people pulled down the car window and looked out their mobile phones!

Either take a picture or video!

There is still surveillance on the road!

Is it possible to leave no images?

Will it be a hot search later?It might be on now!

Lin Qingxian took out his phone and found...why the screen went black?

Long press...long press...long press...Finally turned on!

But how did it become the old age model?

After finally tossing to normal, it... black screen again!!!

No, this is not a black screen!

Two dolls appeared on the screen, a man and a woman, arching their hands, and then a line of words popped up behind them——

Wish you a Happy New Year!Everything goes well!Happy family!

This scene also appeared in many surveillance pictures!

But this picture flashed away, like an illusion, but when I looked at the monitor again—


The road conditions seemed a bit messy just now, why are everyone doing so well now?

"Brother, turn right at the intersection ahead! There is a traffic police ahead!"

"Brother, your speed is faster, otherwise you won't be able to keep up with the green light ahead!"

"Senior brother, hurry up, senior sister is out of work!!!"

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