My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 461 I, the old master, my wit is broken! (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Lord, do you really have an impression of this breath?"

Jiang Shouzheng's question was not about questioning, but simply wanted to confirm.

"Yeah! I have an impression, but it's been a long time, and I didn't think about it for the first time." The old Guanzhu's expression turned to affirmation thoughtfully, and he pointed to the last group that was wrapped by Jiang Shouzheng and was not obliterated. Heiqi said, "Back then, my teacher was dismissed because of this power. These guys, possessing the ability to tamper with memory, are synthetic products! This is...Heavenly pressure box bottom baby! Yes! It is the Heavenly Court, they not only abolished my mana at the beginning, but also..."

When I first said it, I was still a little stumbling with the old view, but the more I said it, the smoother it went, as if I recalled it accurately.

Final summary-

"...I can't forget this power in death!" Laoguan master beat his chest heavily, showing sorrow, "Unexpectedly, so many years have passed! All these years have passed, they actually came to the door It’s endless, and it’s too much for people to die! Too much, really too much!"

This voice, this expression, those who hear it are sad, those who see it weep.

Now that the tears and nasal mucus are falling down, it is natural to blow off the two balls of paper on the nostrils!

"Heavenly Court?"

"Has Heavenly Court turned out to be so powerful?"

During this period of time in Kyoto, Jiang Shouzheng felt that Heavenly Court was not so good.

It's just a mouse that hides deeper, a giant that interrupts the backbone. If you dare to dance too much now, you will have to pay the price of your life!


Now it seems that the opponent is hiding under the shadow with a sickle!

That’s right, the last time Guanzhu left, all people’s memories were erased. After Xiao Bai was possessed by this guy, if it weren’t for Guanzhu and Shouhui’s phone call, he wouldn’t be aware of Xiaobai’s body. Duo and awkward, there will be no more soul-extracting scene.

Watching Jiang Shouzheng fell into contemplation, the old master took up the "Life and Death Book" Jiang Shouzheng had placed on the table, thinking and reminiscing in his eyes, but was quickly replaced by doubt:

'It's weird, how can I feel familiar with this book?

Just now I was able to subconsciously manipulate this book to spit out Shou Ji's soul.Could it be...

Is my professor Chu Shouzheng such a child who was mistaken by this book to think that I was very good?

It’s not right to think so, this book shouldn’t have a brain, it’s just a book, even if this book seems a little harder than other books.'

Heart fire ignited in the palm of his hand.

The footer of "The Book of Life and Death" suddenly rolled up.

With a slip of his hand, he smashed The Book of Life and Death on a tile...


The tiles are cracked.

"Huh? Observe, is there anything wrong with this brick?"


With Jiang Shouzheng's thoughts, the broken bricks separated, and a piece of paper fell erraticly into Jiang Shouzheng's hands.

[Heavenly Court is going to do it to you!——I’m Cong Liang’s landlord, Si~]

"It's really a heaven!" Jiang Shouzheng nodded, and nodded to the old master with a slight admiration, "Master has experience!"

"Oh? Yes! That is! I saw that there was a problem with that brick early in the morning, but I just waited until now in order not to be horrified.

Now things are up, and I want to see your performance, but it turns out that you are just a child and lack experience in fighting!

I think back then, when my Shimen and Heavenly Court fought for 300 rounds..."

Speaking of this, the old Guanzhu closed his mouth suddenly, after thinking for a while, shook his head and said, "It's not the time when you should know it. Wait until time to tell you."

(I will tell you after I have compiled the complete story!)


With a warning, the white fox opened his eyes.

Jiang Shouzheng didn't think about continuing to ask for a while, and looked down at the white fox.

Because of waking up, its own breath of silence suddenly came alive.

"Me, I can actually change back? My illness is cured?" Bai Fox, looking at his paws, said excitedly.

Jiang Shouzheng: "?"

When she opened her eyes, Jiang Shouji started to talk nonsense?

Being possessed, being swallowed by soul, directly hurt her spirit and brain?

Bai Fox didn't notice his brother's concern, blinked his eyes, and struggling to jump from Jiang Shouzheng's arms to the ground, once again transformed into a child that Jiang Shouzheng was familiar with, then became a white fox and then a girl , Arctic Fox, Girl, Arctic Fox:

"Oh roar! My illness is cured!"

Jiang Shouzheng: "???"

Immediately afterwards, the white fox licked his paw and said unhappy: "Ah! I didn't grow up successfully? Did I just dream?"

"Dreaming? What dream did you just do?"

Perhaps it is because of the dream that makes it unable to distinguish reality.

Be reminded!

Jiang Shouzheng rubbed the white fox's head, his eyes flashed, and Jiang Shouji saw the previous scene... Follow the book to

The fox's tail, which was flicked and flicked, suddenly stood still, and after a while, clamped its ass...

"It's disgusting! What's in my body!"

The white fox leaped into Jiang Shouzheng's arms, curled up, shaking and shaking, afraid.

"What is it, the Lord has just told me, now I want to ask you, what happened in the process of your transformation?"

"I don't know either, just..."

At this point, the time scale began to shift forward, and the time was probably last night...

In the middle of the night, perhaps in the early morning, Jiang Shouji, who was dragged from the bar back to the room and thrown onto the bed by the old master, woke up, went to the living room in a daze and took a sip of feng shui.

Slightly awake, she looked at herself on the TV screen, expecting Ai Ai.

"Oh! When will I be able to grow up! Obviously I feel fast, I almost lost it!

I still look like a child, I can’t even put on makeup!

There is no way to make-up. What is the use of this face?!"

In a daze, his image on the screen changed, and suddenly he said, "What are you doing as an adult?"

"Huh?" Jiang Shouji, who was still a little drunk, woke up suddenly, looking at herself in the mirror, she was a little surprised. As for the fear, there was nothing, because she didn't feel any threat, "Who are you?"

It was definitely not a spirit creature. If it was, then it should be eaten by his junior brother. Although the junior brother seems to be unable to change back to its original form these days, the instinctive power is still there.

Where he lives, there is no spirit body recognized by him, it is all snacks.

"Who am I? Of course I am you."

Looking at myself in the mirror covering his mouth and laughing, this feeling is really strange.

"Myself?" Jiang Shouji subconsciously wanted to sense the connection between the two parties, but he couldn't feel it.

"Don't feel it, I haven't been so separated from you yet. Unlike the brothers, we are separated. I and you are essentially one, and I will only appear when you are examining yourself."

Jiang Shouji didn't reply. She felt it now. It was not so much that she was speaking in the mirror, but that the voice came from the bottom of her heart naturally, and no one else could listen.

and so......

I am schizophrenic?Insane?

Jiang Shouji looked in a daze, but she in the mirror clutched her belly and laughed. It took a long time to relax, and there was still an unstoppable smile on her face: "Don't worry, I am not mentally ill like you think. It's just an external manifestation of the subconscious. When normal people engage in self-talk in their hearts, the other side of the dialogue is an existence like me."

"Aren't you me? Why do you seem to know more than me?" Jiang Shouji asked suspiciously at herself in the mirror.

"Of course I know more than you! The subconscious mind is a sea, and everyone's subconscious mind can swim in it, and it is interconnected."

The self in the mirror took it for granted: "But we are monsters, and we are much stronger than ordinary people! Their subconscious minds can only talk and chat in the bottom of their hearts, but I can come out to chat! Visually change cognition."

Isn't that chatting yet?

No matter how you say it, you can't change the fact that there is a problem in my mind...

After thinking for a while, Jiang Shouji accepted the term "subconscious sea" and asked:

"Then my subconscious mind, what are you doing out of the sea now? Is there anything to do?"

"Didn't you call me out?"

"I don't even know your existence, why should I call you out?"

"Don't you want to grow up? Your idea of ​​growing up has called me out." The self in the mirror sank into the sofa lazily and yawned, "If you really want to grow up, then I You can try to mobilize the power of the subconscious sea, extract a part of it to feed you back, and promote your growth and development."

As he said, the appearance of himself in the mirror began to change, gradually growing up, mature, and internal.

Jiang Shouji leaned forward with bright eyes: "Will I be like this from now on?"

"Of course..." The young and beautiful girl laughed in the mirror, "I'm just your ideal type. What you look like depends on your development. I've said it. I'm just subconscious, not sure. The guild leader is like this. But when will our fox demon be crippled? Our genes are engraved in our genes to eat with our faces. Why are you worried about it!"

"Then what price do I have to pay?"

"Cost, no, mine is yours, yours is mine, what the price is, you have a reward!... By the way, when you need my help, call me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Shouji's eyes were blurred. Jiang Shouqin didn't know when she stood beside her, and kept pushing her: "Sister, wake up! You can catch cold when you sleep like this, you have to sleep outside, you It turns back to the body."

Jiang Shouji, who had not figured out what was going on, suddenly asked, "Huh?"

"Ah what? Your body has fur to keep you warm!"

His thoughts gradually cleared, and he raised his hand to fight, Jiang Shouqin hurried back to his room, lay down on the bed, and sucked his right index finger...

"There is no way to change the shape, now I have to get up early every morning to drip the juice and clear the fengshui, it is uncomfortable!

But just now, the spirit in the senior sister's sleep was a bit unstable, I had to prepare a powerful lotus seed for her, the thief strong version!

The kind that can sleep for ten days and a half after eating!!!And these days, there will only be the master and sister Yao Qian above me!


When Jiang Shouqin fell into a dream, Jiang Shouji also returned to her room, standing in front of the full-length mirror and looking at herself.

"I want to grow up soon!"

"Then... let's work hard together! Are you ready?"

"I, I'm ready! Junior Brother is in danger now, Senior Brother and the Master are protecting him, and I have to do my best!"

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