My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 462 Alice Fox Sleepwalking in the Uncanny Land! (6.5K, subscription required)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Growing up, maybe just a moment of time.

After Jiang Shouji subconsciously chose to "grow up" in her heart, everything in front of her changed.


Endless black, pure abnormality.

She seemed to be locked into a small black room from her pink room.

She was a little worried and uneasy, and subconsciously aroused "Brother, I'm afraid".

There is no echo.

Darkness swallows everything and magnifies fear.

"are you there?"

Jiang Shouji whispered to her own subconscious, but this time, maybe because there was no mirror image, the subconscious did not come out.

I continued to shout a few times in my heart, but still did not come out.

The longer she stayed in this inexplicable darkness, the quieter she felt. She didn't even know when she could not hear her breathing and heartbeat!

what's up?

Jiang Shouji didn't dare to move, she kept calling for seniors, masters and juniors, but no matter how she shouted, no one responded to her.


"Move forward!"

A magnificent voice rang out in this darkness, and there seemed to be layers of ripples in the air!


"Who is there!"

"who is it?!"

Jiang Shouji cried out in joy, but it was dark, but there was no voice to give her feedback.

"Go forward?"

Jiang Shouji started to walk subconsciously, and while walking, she shouted:

"Are you still there? Talk to me!"

"anyone there?"

"Is anyone here?"

"Squeak some words!"


"It's okay to fart! Anyone?"

Go all the way, shout all the way.

No response, no echo.

Always remember, there will be reverberations?


In this way, she walked without direction.

I don’t know if it’s going forward or backward, if it’s spinning around, I don’t know if there is an end...

Finally, she felt a little tired and wanted to sit on the ground and rest.

As for whether the person underneath is the ground, it doesn't matter, anyway, you can rest.

As soon as she sat back, she seemed to be hitting something on her ass, and she rushed forward without paying attention.


Jiang Shouji turned around and shouted fiercely.

No one responded.

Soon, she realized that there was no one behind her, but when she wanted to rest, this space didn't seem to let her rest.

She wanted to sit down and was pushed to the front;

She wants to lie down, get down, fall, be pushed, dragged, pulled to stand up, and move on;

She wanted to stand and take a sigh of relief, but her back seemed to be hit by someone, so hot and painful!

Finally, she was tired, no matter how to toss her in this space, she didn't have any strength anymore.

Knead whatever you want, my old lady, I won't wait, I'm exhausted.

I was so tired that I was no longer afraid, but I just wanted to have a quiet rest.

The demon power, until now, there is only one lost. At this moment, she is like a smartphone with only 10% of the battery left. If she does not turn on a super power saving mode, she will soon lose consciousness.

She is not going to maintain her human form anymore, and she should be a little more relaxed when she returns to her original form.

In the original form, his legs are relatively short, and there are two more legs, it should be easier to stand up and walk.

However, she found that it couldn't change...


The problem with Junior Brother turned out to be... an infectious disease?

What is your own infection???

Just when she felt self-conscious, the magnificent voice sounded again--

"You, why did you choose to grow up?"

"Why do you choose to grow up?"

"You, why did you choose to grow up???"

Jiang Shouji's heart rose with a trace of understanding, this is the "subconscious sea" that she subconsciously said!!!

If my understanding is correct, is the subconscious sea asking me?

Is this the heartbeat in the novel?

This is......

Do you want to say the important thing three times?

Although Jiang Shouji didn't know who was asking her this question, why did she ask her this question.

However, there is always no loss to answer, there is nothing worse than the current state!

Jiang Shouji cleared her throat, but her mouth was hoarse.

"Growing up means growing up, why are there so many?"

"You, why did you choose to grow up?"

"I've said it, growing up means growing up."

"You, why did you choose to grow up?"

"I said I have already said, I have already answered this question."

"You, why did you choose to grow up?"


Once and again, no matter how Jiang Shouji responded, the voice seemed to only repeat that sentence.

"Hey, my old lady, this violent temper! You have the ability to come out! I will beat you! But, I will let my master, brothers, and disciples beat you!" Finally, Jiang Shouji couldn't help but cursed the street.

But this time, as soon as the voice fell, the dark space before her eyes gradually let out a little light.

Then, she was in the dark, but there was a big light in front of her eyes.

She subconsciously wanted to step forward, but she couldn't move.

"What the hell?"

Jiang Shouji tried again, but found that she really couldn't move.

Ghost press?

Impossible, what ghost can hold her down!

She struggled so hard that she began to struggle, but the darkness entangled her like a swamp.

Even if the corners of her eyes were blue, even if she worked very hard, she still couldn't move, she couldn't move a bit.

The light spots in the light gradually converged into her appearance, looked at her, and smiled:

"Since you have chosen to give up, and you have chosen to stand where you are and stop moving, then just stay where you are. There is no need to toss.

You have just chosen to give up growing up, you choose to stay where you are, and you are already tired, so you can rest well and don't wake up again.

I will grow up for you. I am you. Just rest comfortably."

With that said, the "she" in front of Jiang Shouji began to grow up and become beautiful, with enchanting body and picturesque eyebrows.Read the novel together

There is a great way out of what I imagined on TV, but still beautiful.

"Am I so beautiful?"

"Of course, I am so beautiful. Don't worry, you give up growing up, then I will grow up for you, live for you, you don't need to bear the tiredness of growing up, just so long, so far, without purpose Going forward, you must be very tired. When you grow up, it will be harder than this..."

She said very softly.

Jiang Shouji's eyes began to blur and gradually disappeared.

She wants to have a good rest--


The midfielder was beaten again!


very painful!!!

I want to rest. Does this space still allow me to rest?!

Are you sick?!


Because of being beaten, Jiang Shouji left her place and rushed towards the bright area.

Mana quickly returned to full.


A light from nowhere penetrated through Jiang Shouji’s chest, and bursts of mechanical voices blasted in her ears, dispelling "her"'s nonchalant voice and hypnotic tone--

"If you give up growing up! Your senior is not your senior."

"If you give up growing up! Your master is not your master anymore."

"If you give up growing up! Your junior is not your junior."

"Wake up!"

"Giving up growing up, you have nothing!"

Immediately afterwards, "she" was tightly wrapped, entangled, and shackled by a green silk thread. After the green silk wound her completely, she became the appearance of senior brother "Jiang Shouzheng":

"If you want to rest, take a rest. You are still a child. If you have something, brother is here!"

The brother had just finished speaking, and the brother also came.

Junior brother Jiang Shouqin stepped on... the purple cloud, holding a crystal gun!

"Sister, don't be afraid! I'll protect you! Ahahahahahaha!"

With that said, Jiang Shouqin fired at the darkness, ah chu chu chu...

Muzzle, golden light overflows!

Stacks of banknotes shot forward, occasionally mixed with gold, diamonds, books, food, paintings, mobile phones, computers,...

Everything burst into brilliant light, and the surrounding space was distorted because of this.

Because it was too bright and dazzling, Jiang Shouji closed her eyes subconsciously.

Even if you close your eyes, it still feels bright!

She covered her eyes.

She felt a burning sensation on the back of her hand!!!

Immediately afterwards, except for the eyes, everything hurts so much!

Burning panic!

What is the younger brother doing!

What a fool!

Junior brother is laughing wildly!

Why didn't the brother stop him?

But in the next second, the burning sensation disappeared, and the awkward voice of Junior Brother disappeared.

What's up?

Jiang Shouji kept her fingers away and looked out quietly.

She found herself standing in front of a dilapidated temple, which was a bit like Qingfeng Temple.

It has a large plaque, but it is dilapidated, except for the word "".

"Where is this?"

"Where is Junior Brother?"

"What about brother?"

"Why is everyone gone again?"

Jiang Shouji was bewildered by the changes that happened just now--


The dilapidated Taoist temple opened from the inside, and coughing came from inside.

"Cough cough cough... little girl... have you seen... cough cough cough... my wife?"


What wife?

Wife cake?

Before she could question, her body disappeared in place.

At this moment, a hand appeared on the threshold of the Taoist temple. A skinny man with extremely high cheekbones and sunken eye sockets put his head on the threshold.

Looking at the empty doorway, the flame of hope in his eyes dissipated all at once.

"Cough cough this dog...cough cough...a place like shit, there is no way to adjust yin and yang...cough cough cough... . And, I’m almost dying!!! The closed disciple, you are a stubborn brain! Actually let me down!!!"

Incompetent roar!

no respond.

He closed his eyes in loss, and suddenly, the dilapidated plaque caught fire!

Then, Flame Moment swept across the Taoist temple.

The man was stunned for a moment, and he got up from the ground and plunged into the flames.


Under this raging flame, the plaque faintly emerged——

Go to the door.

However, it didn't take him long, the flame went out all at once!

"Burn me! Come on! Burn me! Scold me! Come out! Inner disciple, burn me, burn me!"

Break the view.


Jiang Shouji who left did not see this scene.


"Brother, it's like this, it's weird like dreaming."

The white fox arched Jiang Shouzheng's stomach and asked pitifully, "Brother, is there any kind of monster in my body? I'm so scared!"

"It's gone now!" Jiang Shouzheng said in a bad mood, "Don't just ignore your strange and inhuman touch-ups! Did you hear that?! Otherwise there will be more!"

"heard it!"

The white fox flicked its tail, pitifully.

Jiang Shouqin leaned forward, pointed the phone screen at the white fox, and asked, "Sister Xiaobai, is this the crystal gun you saw?"

"Huh?! A bit like it!" The white fox looked carefully and nodded.

"Hahaha, then your dream is somewhat based, do you know how much it cost me to draw this crystal gun? Seven thousand! You can't drop a card! Once it is installed, the thief is handsome!"

Jiang Shouqin was triumphant and suddenly felt two murderous auras.

One comes from the brother, the other comes from the master...


Inside the gate of Shangqing, the disciple of the gate patted "Fengshen Bang":

"Look, isn't your husband living well?"

"Extremely strong"

"Fengshen Bang" turned the page, and said angrily: "No, now, I am a husband!"

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