My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 473 The elder's advice.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The night is about to fall, and the afterglow of the sunset is falling hard in the dust, licking the faces of pedestrians. At this moment, it can no longer bring too much light, but it still works hard to bloom...

"It's crazy weather, it's too hot, it's still so big when the sun is on, so you don't need money for sunscreen!"

As soon as a female pilgrim with folded hands stepped out of the hall, she retracted her feet.

Let's go out later, the hall is very cool now, there is no need to rush to this moment.Going out now, I can't even get the money for the incense from entering the door.

After thinking for a while, the female pilgrim returned to the hall and found a quiet corner to sit in.

After sitting for a while, she felt a little tired, thinking about leaning on the pillar and taking a nap--

How do you finish your work? Do you have a brain when you go to work?You don’t have any bonuses this month...what kind of person, let you drink without drinking.

[When can your rent be paid?It has been delayed for three days. If you can’t afford it anymore after two days, I will let the moving company help you vacate the space... It’s really, you still live in this place without money, this place is like you Should people live?

[Sweet, help me, please help me, my rent is really out of money now, and my credit card can’t be used anymore. Hey, I chose this place to live in the beginning, not to say that the company has something to do , Can I run downstairs to work?It's not a dedication either, just want to be worth a little...Huh?You have no money?I... why did it hang up.

[Have you heard that this time the company seems to be laying off some female employees who have not given birth to a child, for fear that they will take maternity leave... But the company lay off female colleagues who are not married. It's a bit too much. People don't even have a husband.

[Stay in Kyoto and chase your dreams by yourself. Now sign a word on the "Divorce Agreement" and press your fingerprints. I will bring your "Marriage Certificate" back here. If you want a "Divorce Certificate", I will give it to you. I sent it...Listen to me, this city has opportunities, but it's too impersonal. Okay, don't put on a bad face. It's better to forget each other than to be in the world, right?Come on, sit down and eat. This should be the last time I cook for you. Come on, I have a toast. I wish you a bright future, count the money and get cramps. If you scold you, just say it’s great to have money... ..

wish you a happy wedding?congratulations?Forget it, just give it a thumbs up, the work at hand is not finished yet...what kind of instant noodles should I have today?

[You ask me to borrow money?Did you forget that we are divorced?My money is with my wife. I won’t tell you anymore. My kid is in the playground. I have to watch him.

[I will love you forever, although there is no milk and bread now, but the future can be expected, we are still young, and all will be there!I will work hard with you in Kyoto!Will you marry me?...I do!

[Hello, I am a legal service worker. It is said that you are going to be fired from the company. Do you intend to file a lawsuit with a lawyer?We compared your information. Your average monthly income is now 26,000. After working in this company for 6 or 7 years, you can get a minimum of 100,000 for economic compensation. Love records, tusk tusk, zero and seven, overtime pay must be counted, very high, the guarantee is 200,000, you leave empty-handed, it is better to let the company lose a certain amount of money, the lawyers I meet are all professional... ...Where did you get my time sheet!!!




The bell sounded melodiously, and the fragmented dreams shattered. She opened her eyes, revealing confusion and sadness in her eyes, but she was quickly replaced by numbness and indignation.

"The company has no reason to fire me! I'm going to labor arbitration! Lose money!"

"My seven years of youth, I have all given to the company, they can't fire me directly like this, they have no reason to do this!"

The more I thought about it, the more angry, at this moment, the abbot of Jinmufa Temple appeared in front of her:

"Donor, you have violated the precept."

"Follow me, I can dispel the anger in your heart."


At the same time, Xu Liang hung up his father's call in the restaurant of the University of Chemical Materials, and after hesitating for a while, he said to Jiang Shouzheng:

"Shouzheng, my father has something to tell you."

Jiang Shouzheng put down his chopsticks, sat upright, chewed quickly and swallowed: "Say, I'm listening."

"Ahem, it's like this, my father said, um...Since you have gone to university, then you should do student affairs, study, read, and learn.

When you have a problem, it is not difficult to ask an adult for help. As an adult, it is your responsibility and obligation to provide you with a better environment.

I am your principal. If you have any questions, please contact me in time. It doesn't matter.

You can contact us at the beginning, and you don’t have to wait until the problem is about to happen. Otherwise, sometimes, your own problem may not be yours alone.

Of course, I have to declare again that the words just now are all my father said, I swear!"

After speaking, Xu Liang pointed to the sky three times with a serious face.

The last words of his father had some accusations, Xu Liang hesitated, but he still said it.

To tell the truth, if the principal did not switch to his own father this time, then the lives of the two students would probably be gone.

Someone was potentially facing Jiang Shouzheng in the dark, but they used chips that did not belong to the TA.

Saying this is not to blame Jiang Shouzheng, these themselves have nothing to do with Jiang Shouzheng, but if Jiang Shouzheng can communicate in time, such risks may be slightly less.

This is like when you are passing a traffic light, taking a moment to contact the traffic police, if you are not sure, you can reduce traffic accidents.But if there is a traffic accident, you can't blame the passerby.

Just hope.

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and nodded: "Next time there is a problem, I will contact the principal in advance." LeTV Novel

The content of the principal is also reasonable. I can't find the person behind the scenes now. I really need more help. Some problems seem to be difficult by myself.

Self-reliance and self-reliance since childhood and the cultivation of old-mindedness made him habitually relying on himself.

Hearing this, there was no dissatisfaction looking at Jiang Shouzheng. Xu Liang's heart was a little relieved. He sighed a little and smiled: "If you call my father Uncle Xu, he should be more willing to help you. of."


Xu Liang’s mobile phone reminded that the alarm clock rang, he put down his chopsticks, swiped the phone screen, and apologized:

"It's time for me to squat, I'm going back to prepare now, I won't be with you anymore."

"Go, go, you've been with me for so long today, I will trouble you."

"You're welcome, we are not only friends, but I can also be regarded as your senior. Helping the younger brother is my obligation as a senior."

After Xu Liang proudly said something, he swept the food on the plate three times, then picked up the plate and got up...

Lin Qingxian, who had a good salad early, pushed his plate towards Xu Liang: "Senior, help me pour it together."

"Who is your senior? I just entered school this year just like you."

Said and left.


"Cut! Double standards." Lin Qingxian snorted coldly and said to Jiang Shouzheng, "Shouzheng, have you seen his true face clearly? That is Erpi Lian, now you are better than him, plus you can now fight His father said that if he wants to go abroad in the future, he may even ask you to help him. If he asks you, he respects you. I can understand him."

Speaking of this, Lin Qingxian slapped him with a punch, annoyed: "When I was asked to dissect the witch, I helped him find out how many witchcraft bags, but now I don’t even want to pour a plate for me. Is my strength not as strong as him? This attitude!"

Jiang Shouzheng slightly estimated the strength in his body and the strength in Xu Liang, and said, "If Xu Liang is still practicing at this pace, he will not have a chance to surpass me, and his attitude towards me should not be the same. Same to you."

Lin Qingxian shut up when he heard this.

Then, even more depressed.

Lin Qingxian said in his heart:'If I can't practice too fast, can I tolerate him?Humph.'

Chen Yuan, who was sitting opposite him, pushed his mobile phone to Lin Qingxian, and said with relief: "How can you be depressed if you are so handsome? But when you are depressed now, you still have a different kind of handsomeness, which will definitely attract a lot of people. Potentially suitable for marriage partners."

Lin Qingxian's sincere look to Chen Yuan and the truth he said will still be somewhat useful, but...

It would be better if Chen Yuan's mobile phone screen was not displaying the payment code.

"how much is it?"

"Fifty dollars."

"Yes, say more nice things and praise me."


Listening to Chen Yuan's praise, Lin Qingxian felt that his spirit was greatly satisfied, and closed his eyes comfortably...

When he opened his eyes, he found that Jiang Shouzheng hadn't moved his chopsticks just now.

"Shouzheng, are you full?"

"Xianxian, I just temporarily lose my appetite."

Upon hearing Jiang Shouzheng's words, Zhou Quan, who was now holding the duck's leg torn, said vaguely:

"Can we wonder people still have no appetite?"

After awakening Qiren, Zhou Quan clearly felt that his daily basal metabolism was increasing. He had eaten according to his original appetite, which had caused a serious calorie gap in his body, and his weight had dropped by 7 kg in two days.

"Yes, we shouldn't have a lack of appetite. Although your current strength is strong, but there are problems, you should still seek medical treatment in time." Lin Qingxian said with concern.

"Well, I know that if some people can sit a little farther away from me, I might be able to eat it." Jiang Shouzheng asked Lin Qingxian and Chen Yuan "unintentionally" at Zhou Quan." How can you eat duck legs?"

He promised that if the barrier is open now, no one will focus on them, just because of Chen Yuan’s words and Lin Qingxian’s crooked smile, they are indispensable in a hot search in the school. .

"What can I do if I don't eat duck legs. I am used to their communication. As the most courageous person, I must not only face the fear, but also the most disgusting scene."

As soon as these words came out, dear fellow, Zhou Quan was "framed" out of the restaurant by Chen Yuan and Lin Qingxian, and it seemed that he was going to "beat" someone.

"So... I have to clean up these plates?"

"This time it was caused by Lin Qingxian, so let's deduct the money Lin Qingxian saved with me."

"How much is the appropriate deduction? Do you want to deduct a little more for the big dog..."

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