My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 474 You have your routine, I have... (seeking subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Your story, I just learned, your anger is not for no reason, but this kind of anger can only hurt you, and it has no effect on others, in order not to hurt the donor. For your own body, the poor monk suggests that you need to find a place where you can truly feel at ease."

"Master, isn't it a peaceful place here? Isn't kneeling before the Buddha a way to make me peaceful?"

"Here is indeed the place of peace of mind, but if you step out of this place, you will return to the red dust. Although my Buddha is everywhere, it is not necessary to deliberately come to the main hall to bow down, but because the world is always busy in the red dust Those who are busy will forget the peace of mind. Our fundamental starting point and end point for building temples is to make people remember the existence of my Buddha, not to build a haven from the world."

"Then... Master, how can I seek inner peace."

"Follow your heart, your heart will tell you the direction, put down your phone, don't turn on the push navigation address, any electronic product will record your daily itinerary, it will get your daily schedule, and then solidify you Life trajectory; but your current life can no longer be the same as before. If you follow the original life trajectory again, you will collapse.

Remember, follow your heart."

The presiding officer of Kinmehoji Temple got up, and the sleeve of his robe accidentally knocked down the sign on the table.

"Look at me accidentally."

After the host erected the lottery, he left without a trace of smoke.

She cast her gaze on the golden letters of the signature--

[Respected benefactor: preside over my Buddha's behalf for the world's doubts, and please in the hall, the donor sincerely offer a stick of incense for my Buddha.——Promulgation of Jinmu Faji Temple

In the lower right corner, there is a price breakdown of each incense.


I heard that the operation of temples has been commercialized, industrialized, and large-scale, and many temples have been listed on the backdoor and entered the capital market...

I heard that many monks use the burning incense to burn the Buddha as their work. They wear them when they go to get off work and take them off when they leave. The only difference between them and other office workers is probably that they need to wear them when they leave work. The last wig...

It is said that the threshold for the profession of monks is very high, and there are many things to learn. Not only need to learn traditional knowledge and say some specious things, but also learn current psychological knowledge, take training, and listen to online classes. ,research......

So, does the host want to answer questions for himself, or to give the temple a share of income, so that he can have a performance?

Or, both.

She has no answer to this question.

But the host just talked about what happened to her, which made her a little more comfortable.

These days, all the bad things seemed to be pressing on him at once.


The strong reminder of the work group shows that the leader @.

Her instinctive adrenaline began to secrete, and the whole person was in a tight state, click on the message to see——

["Notice on Regulating Overtime Behavior"

Dear Comrade Zhang Min:

In accordance with the relevant provisions of national laws and regulations and combined with the actual situation of our company's work, we hereby inform you that you will be regularly attending get off work according to our company's scheduled commuting hours every month.

According to the law, all overtime work needs to be submitted by the employees themselves and approved by the company or superiors before they can be processed as overtime and used to calculate overtime pay.

Hereby inform!

Appendix 1: Working hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-11:30, 13:00-17:30

Appendix 2: "Overtime Application Form and Approval Process"]

Regulate overtime behavior?

Did you send it to me in the working group?

What does it mean?

Looking at the system message, he had already "read", and Zhang Min felt choked.

Next, the leader sent another sentence: "Manager Zhang, please reply when you receive it."

"Roger that."

"Go to your uncle."

After thinking about it, the next sentence was not sent.

Instead, he asked, "Excuse me, how will my salary be settled in the future?"

"According to the standard settlement."


Tell me about the standard now?

So... this means that after this, only basic salary is given to me?

Thinking of this, Zhang Min somehow felt relieved, as if he had figured out some joints at once.

Application: One day off for personal leave

[Reason for leave: I feel unwell and need to stay at home for a day.

If before, the process of applying for personal leave was very slow, and the manpower would still make a call to determine when.

Now, go straight through.

The information in the background shows: Dear Comrade Zhang Min, a kind reminder, the salary is not calculated on the day of the leave~

"Really disgusting."

Zhang Min ignored the news that the colleagues in the same group privately poked herself, whether they were here to test or sincerely cared, now she doesn't even care about it.

Now, it's time to find a place where my heart can truly settle down. If this continues, it will be crazy.

Smelling the sandalwood, scanning the code to jump to the interface, and paying for the incense in the middle of the price list, a lamp in the hall was suddenly lit, and the phone screen also began to display the countdown of the lamp "burning".


There are small prints that keep beating: "Do you want to continue? Dear?"

"Do not."

Now she doesn't have much money to worship Buddha statues and golden bodies, and she is leaving.

Zhang Min got up and left the hall.

Now outside, it’s already getting dark unknowingly, and it doesn’t really matter if it gets dark in Kyoto.

The lights in every place are shining brightly, even if some environmentalists are advocating "light pollution seriously affects life."

But when he heard this, Zhang Min had laughed before.

how?Qishu Novel Network

Is it necessary to turn off the lights, mobile phones, computers, and wages?

But now, Zhang Min left the Jinmufa Temple, found a bicycle, and swept away.


Long press the phone switch to power off.

When stepping on the bike, she was still a little awkward to ride, after all, she hadn't been riding a bike for many days.

When I was in the mountains, I didn't even have a bicycle at home. I finally got the test and I had the opportunity to learn.

The other classmates learned cars after the college entrance examination. She went to Kyoto to learn bicycles.

[Come on, let me teach you, bicycle is still very simple, left foot pedal, right foot relax, right foot pedal, left foot relax, balance the body, continue...]

[Don't worry, I am your senior, can I still harm you?Rest assured, I will never let go.

[Take it slowly, take it slow, relax, just follow the steps I said, it's not difficult, you think about it, then you will be riding a bicycle with a long skirt, it must be beautiful.

"No, riding a bicycle in a long skirt, nine out of ten skirts will be caught by the wheels."

Zhang Min murmured, like a reply to the old days.

At the beginning, I didn't reply to this sentence. Later, in the process of communication, I didn't have the opportunity to reply again. Until marriage, then divorce, and now I can't remember his appearance.

From the school to the hall, what an enviable couple they were in the eyes of the schoolmates at the beginning, how did it become like this?

Why did you divorce in the first place?

She can't remember the specific reasons anymore. It was so good back then, and it's all so good in her own memory now. Why is she staying in Kyoto alone?

She stopped, turned on the phone, and called her "ex-husband":

"Hello, the call you are dialing is in progress, please try again later."

"Hello, the call you are dialing is in progress, please try again later."


So, is this blocking me?

After a while, she received a text message.

"Miss Zhang, my husband is already asleep. Please don't contact him anymore. You have no money. I hope you can solve it by yourself. There are old and young in our family, and we have our own expenses every day. I hope you can Be considerate and stop asking questions that embarrass my husband. Thank you, and stop disturbing our lives."

So, this is a blackout.

My phone makes him embarrassed.

There is still affection, but this affection is destined not to be kept.

Zhang Min clutched his chest, gasped for breath, raised his head, but tears couldn't stop flowing down.

She did not cry, she did not cry, she did not cry.

People passing by all subconsciously avoided.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Kyoto now. Either you have been fired, or you are separated, or your family has not had time to go back when your family passed away...

It's not surprising to see more.

Everyone meets in peace. It doesn't matter who comforts who you cry here. As long as you don't hinder others, everyone will take the initiative to leave you a little "comfortable" space.

Besides, everyone has no time, very busy...

Zhang Min's tears finally dried.

"I must be too dry eyes at work during this time."

Zhang Min wiped his tears, continued to step on the car, and rode up.

She is not in the mood to pay attention to such short-term parental things as "ex-husband and wife pulled herself black", but now she needs to find a place where her heart can settle down a bit.

She is still familiar with the neighborhoods of Kyoto.

She has become the current small management and small leader, and also started from the most basic level. The current low-level business negotiation ability may have been a bit rusty, but the place is still very familiar and familiar.

[Here, I talked about the first customer.

[Here, when a customer toasted me, he said that I would have a business order after drinking it. After I hesitated, I drank it.

[Here, our company conducted a team building, tearing paper with my mouth.

[Here, I brought 30 million orders to my company...]

Every time she sees a familiar area, she can always think of a lot. For her, these were originally what she said when she was training for newcomers and when she was thinking about sweet things. Now, when I think about it, I think about the company. When she sent herself a "Notice on Regulating Overtime Behavior", she felt a wave of nausea.

The leaders of the company have no vision. Old employees like her will be fired. There must be no future for them!

You must protect your legal rights!

We must let those high-level executives know that they are not annoying, not the kind of greeting that comes and goes.

Before you leave, you must let them spit out a sum of money!

Taking advantage of this evening, follow your heart and find a place that can make your soul peaceful!

If you don't try to go to the school, the University of Chemical Materials is your first stop in Kyoto. Wherever you are, your daily life is happy and fulfilling. It might be where your soul is peaceful.

If it is true, after his heart calms down, he will contact the phone in the morning tomorrow morning and ask him to help with the lawyer.

As for how the other party gets his own news, let him go!

The company must lose money!The more you pay, the better!

You don't let me go to work, right? You have your own routine, right?I will definitely contact the lawyer, let that person help me connect with the best lawyer, and let the lawyer sue you!

Don't think that you have a few money to be great!Is it great to be rich?Can you do whatever you want with money?Can I have no feelings if I have money?

How much have I paid for the company!


"Old money, the employee of our company did not surprise you. He immediately asked for personal leave as soon as he received the notice."

"Of course, she definitely wants to ask the lawyer tomorrow about compensation from your company. I will connect with her and ask her to resign voluntarily."

"Then trouble you."

"Small, just the money is in place."

"Old money, old money, you have to make money again! Don't worry, your fifty thousand will not be less, that woman, she is active every day at work, and she doesn’t learn anything. Count the money, if you can handle it well, I will give you a big red envelope in the name of a private person!"

"Then it's settled, less than one thousand is not a big bag, joking, joking, come, come, cheers! I wish the dismissal of employees smoothly in advance."

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