My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 476: Found You, I'm Angry! (4k, subscription required)

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Watching the ambulance go away, Jiang Shouzheng opened the dormitory door, a tortoise the size of a millpan shook his head, and Chen Yuan sat on the ground clapping repeatedly.

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng coming, he hurriedly greeted: "Shouzheng, Uncle Turtle's lecture hall is starting."

Jiang Shouzheng closed the door with a little tiptoe, and after supplementing the power that had just been seconded by Turtle Shoushou, he sat beside Chen Yuan and clapped like Chen Yuan.

Today, if it weren't for the tortoise's longevity, 504 would have become a "holy house".

"Ahem, everyone sit down and listen to me.

In other words, in this new era of Kyoto, there is a sacred tortoise, who has lived a thousand years, speaks well, and is good at divination. It lives in the 504 bedroom of Huacai University.It's so uncomfortable to live warm and swallow every day.

But today, the god tortoise pinches, coughs, twists, is wrong or not, throws away and counts, has a great spiritual sense, feels bad, this is going to suffer!

But wait and see the source of the crisis, the tortoise secretly thought that he had made a mistake, but would a master of divination like the tortoise really make mistakes?


Sure enough, just now, the tortoise felt an incomprehensible and indescribable force invaded its habitat. When he looked up, a poor human being was affected by the evil force like a reptile!Forcibly lost all the sense of autonomy and became a puppet!

How can a righteous turtle tolerate this happening?

When it is, the tortoise mobilizes all the power and leans forward, good fellow!As soon as this evil power came into contact, it made the turtles feel that there were bursts of chattering in their ears that would make ordinary people hear them crazy, even the gods would be contaminated!

But the tortoise is the tortoise. It instantly cuts that power, and at the same time mobilizes the pure, good, and true power between the heavens and the earth, and hit the puppet holding the sharp weapon with such a fierce shot, which suddenly defeated it. The evil force restored the puppet's free will and returned to the world!


There was a burst of applause. Although Shou Shou grinned, the tortoise's face wrinkled.

As soon as the applause fell, Jiang Shou was facing the tortoise and said: "Old tortoise, the next time you hit someone on the back of the neck, just faint. Other people have fainted, and they beat the woman. The neck was swollen as if it was stuffed with steamed buns. You are going to beat people to death."

Although the turtle smiled sullenly, the sound transmission said: "Being upright, there is no way, I was afraid that it was not good at that time. If it wasn't for your mana to stimulate the power, I would not feel it. I am. Fearing that it would not be enough, and there was still hidden power, I hopped twice on the back of the woman's neck to make sure it was correct before daring to climb down from the woman's neck. If you didn't happen to come back with Chen Yuan, I would still I'm going to give this woman a few head mallets and break her bones to make sure she has no mobility!"


"By the way, Shouzheng, since the guy behind is ready to know your dormitory and has come to provoke you, don't you want to hide your power? While you are hiding your power, you can put it in the bedroom for me to move. The power is really not much. I'm afraid. Although the bad guy in my statement just referred to the description of the Ke family novel, the real situation is not much different."

Jiang Shouzheng scratched the tip of his nose, feeling a little sorry: "I caused you trouble. It had nothing to do with you. Would you like to find a zoo?"

"No! We are friends!" Turtle Shou Chuan went back and added in his heart by the way: I must be remembered, I am going to die if I leave here?

"You are right, the other party has already provoked to the door, there is no reason to play peekaboo anymore."

However, the pure display of power, without purpose and pertinence, looks silly, like hammering the air with a fist...

Jiang Shouzheng had just been talking with Turtle Shou, and suddenly said this, making Chen Yuan who was finishing the sanitary napkins look back.

Really, whispering!

Ignore them, and do a good job of your own business first, and don't make Jiang Shouzheng mess up. When Jiang Shouzheng needs help, you can do your best.

"Shouhui, that woman, is there any news?" Jiang Shouzheng took out his mobile phone and asked.

"Brother, I already have a certain goal here, but it will take a while to complete the analysis report."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouhui began to explain why it is so difficult for her to report:

The analysis report Jiang Shouhui needs to do now is very cumbersome——

First, it is necessary to clarify Zhang Min’s first-level contacts, that is, people with whom Zhang Min has communicated;

Second, it is necessary to clarify Zhang Min's second-level contacts, that is, the communication partners of Zhang Min's first-level contacts;

Third, it is necessary to clarify Zhang Min’s third-level contacts, that is, the communication partners of Zhang Min's second-level contacts;

Fourth, it is necessary to clarify Zhang Min's fourth-level contacts, that is, the communication objects of Zhang Min's third-level contacts and people who pass by Zhang Min within ten meters.

Moreover, the collection of these data is limited. He is a god, but he is not omnipotent.

The information channels that he can access are based on surveillance, but there are blind spots in surveillance. Once some people enter an unmonitored area, such as homes, public toilets, and the like, he can't access them!

Even in a building like Jiang Shouzheng's bedroom, the number and clarity of monitoring are limited.

At the same time, it is also necessary to "hack" into the mobile devices carried by contacts at all levels...a lot of work, especially with a lot of useless information...

Hearing Jiang Shouhui’s statement, Chen Yuan thought for a while, and @ all members in his customer group "Macho’s Choice":

"If someone sees a stranger entering our building, take a photo and send it to the group. After verification, but not a student of the building, the next time you buy it will be 30% off."

As for the face verification work, it was naturally left to Jiang Shouhui.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Shouhui got out of Jiang Shouzheng's mobile phone: "Brother, after my sorting out, there is a 97.6753% possibility that Wang Dazhuang, the host of the Jinmufa Temple, is behind the scenes!"

"Where is he now?"


Jiang Shouhui pointed to the balcony, Jiang Shouzheng looked over...


Small rooftop.

"Mom, look, I found a job in Kyoto now, tutoring a family's children to school, and your son has also been admitted to Kyoto Chemical University. Okay, he also has two hands. No, I just taught. In a few days, the student’s performance has improved significantly, and this money is the bonus that the parent gave me!"

"Don't worry, I have such a good job. How could I still be a soldier? Isn't I just going to university to find a good job and make a lot of money to honor you? If I go to the soldier again, I can't see it. You have been a few times."

"My dad, my dad didn't send me any news. Really, didn't my dad be subdued by your system? Where can he dare to say anything else? The uncle who came to our house to recruit soldiers must be With a little mention of it, there must be no other meaning, stop crying, stop crying, I won't go, really."

"Then do this first. I have to prepare lessons here and have military training tomorrow. Don't dare to waste time. Good night, mother."

After finally hanging up the phone, Zhou Quan let out a long sigh of relief. He bought four game consoles directly online with the money he just earned from Lin Qingxian. There were more than 300 left and ordered a crayfish to the bedroom.

"Have you talked to your mother?" Lin Qingxian's lazy voice came from downstairs.

"Okay, okay." Zhou Quan didn't have Lin Qingxian's ability to control power, and he put his hand on the railing and leaned forward in response.

With that, he turned around and pushed open the door of the small rooftop, and walked downstairs.Girls' short stories

Suddenly, a feeling of heart palpitations rose.

Let his body freeze, and when the feeling subsided, he found that his body was completely wet.

"Is it all right?"

Lin Qingxian appeared beside him after not knowing what.


"Jiang Shouzheng seems to be angry, let's go back and have a look."

Lin Qingxian smiled and patted Zhou Quan on the shoulder, making him feel that he was alive at once.


The principal's room.

Looking at himself in the full-length mirror, Xu Nian pulled out a big smile and said sincerely:

"Shouzheng, our school now has a scale of 10,000 people. I can't put all my energy on you."

"No, it's too hard, it needs to be softer."

"That Zhang Min, oh, that is the woman who was stunned by your hand knife in your dormitory. I just looked into it. Although she is a graduate of Chemical University, she has already graduated. That's an outsider. To focus on an outsider, I have to ensure the safety of teachers and students in school."

"It feels like I have limited abilities, not so good, not so good..."

Xu Nian pulled his hair a little irritably, knowing that he would not let his son "remind" Jiang Shouzheng.

This is great. Just after the reminder, someone was manipulated into Jiang Shouzheng's bedroom to commit suicide. This is a slap in the face!!!

"Crazy, I just came here for a while, not 24 hours yet, come again?!"

The more I thought about it, the more angry I felt, and I felt that I was being teased. Xu Nian squeezed his fist, and there was a faint glow of cash on his bare arm, which was outlined into a dragon.

The left hand is the tail and the right hand is the head.

Xu Liang, who was stuck on the sofa drinking milk tea, slapped his mouth and said: "Dad, you are a gangster, how old are you. Is it really a man until he died in the second grade? If my mother died early, she You will definitely be called a rogue."


Xu Young snorted, what do the children know, if it wasn't for him to "beat the streets and alleys" back then, could there be him?

Although there was a complaint in his heart, the rising momentum was also broken.

It doesn't matter if it is broken, there is no goal to gather momentum, and when the time is to gather and not send, it will only be able to beat the son.

It seems that my son is now very visionary.

Xu Nian shook his hand, allowing the blood that had accumulated on his body to circulate and his internal strength to flow on his own. He looked at Xu Liang, how unpleasant he looked.

Xu Liang is now as fat as a ball, and the table in front of him is full of empty cups of milk tea and empty boxes of fried chicken.

"Can you avoid getting dirty and gain weight and eat something nutritious to accumulate strength?"

Xu Nian's thugs joined together, and the invisible strength compressed the trash on the desktop together, making it solid.

"I don't have money to eat good food, but you give me some."

"Can't you just make money?"

"No, I can clearly chew on Old Fighting Father, as long as I have the strength to hold on to the family business you inherit from me in the future, why should I do other efforts?" Xu Liang sipped the milk tea in his hand and patted it. Take a look at the round belly exposed because of the rapid expansion of the body

"You have power and no brains, how can you be able to hold it?" Seeing his son's unwillingness to make progress, Xu Nian was out of anger.

"It's okay, I think it all. Look at Wang Fei's current aunt is pregnant. Whether it's a man or a woman, his uncle's business basically has nothing to do with him. His father's abacus has failed, but Wang Fei has been all these years The management knowledge I have been forced to learn is practical. I will give Wang Fei some shares in your companies and let him take care of it."

Xu Liang looked like a Zhizhu in his hand, and his chubby face smiled like a living Buddha: "As for me, in the future, I only need to have enough sophisticated equipment and logistic service personnel. I will gather a few people and move to various places. If you can’t do it yourself, contact Jiang Shouzheng and pay a fee for the demon. Some corpses are not easy to deal with. Then I will contact Lin Qingxian. His family’s business is quite good. There are branches in some places and one-stop services are available."

"What kind of person, who can I find you to accompany you in the fight?" Xu Nian said to his son angrily, "Do you think it was the old and Dangerous era?"

"Of course there is, definitely."

"So, are you already a partner?"


Xu Liang's body grew in a circle visible to the naked eye. After a full hiccup, he smiled and said, "Dad, don't say anything to me. I've grown up so I won't get in by your simple routines. ."

If it is said that I have found a few good partners in the club run by Wang Fei, if everyone meets in a daunting manner, Wang Fei's club will definitely not be opened and will be dissolved!

Don’t make sure that those good partners will receive calls from home. For those with background, the family can understand it. If there is no background, the family members will say that they have gone to society!

"If you don't read the book well, you know fighting all day long!"

This is the words that Xu Liang has gathered from a small group of friends to prepare for a "big business" since childhood.

Sometimes it is said by the teacher, sometimes it is said by the parents of the friends, sometimes it is said by the aunt of the neighborhood committee, and sometimes it is said by the police uncle...

And the source of these information leaks is definitely his father!

Although I still don't know who was bought!Although there is no substantial evidence in these years, it can be reasonably inferred!

Suddenly Xu Nian sighed, clutching his chest and sighed: "Hey, my son wants me to die now, what should I do!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? .... Yuan: "Furthermore, you can now possess a golden dragon. How can you die if you die? Don't put a hat on me, I won't eat."

With that, Xu Liang got up, and the sofa made a happy babble.

As soon as he opened the door of the principal's office, his body froze in place, showing horror.

"This is angry."

"Yes, everyone will have a temper when encountering such things."

"If when I was young, who disgusted me so much, I promise to punch out his guts, if he has any."

"But now it's time for me to play with my grandson. I still have to be a little more stable."

Many thoughts flashed through Xu Nian's mind, and the figure appeared in front of Xu Liang, and his index finger tapped Xu Liang's forehead.

"Say, where do you develop your like-minded friends?"

"Wang Fei'"

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