My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 477: Disrespect the Heaven! Don't kneel the fairy Buddha! Don't respect ghosts and

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the Jinmufa Temple, the part-time masters have already left work one after another.

The beauty of night life makes them need to step into the red dust, to confuse more people who are rolling in the red dust, to look at their palms, look at their faces, and to provide a night of accommodation for those who do not have a fixed residence in Kyoto... ...Or, go home to see your wife and take your kids.

However, full-time workers still need to stay in the Jinmuhouji Temple, and after the final worship of the Buddha, they need to go to sleep.

The presiding officer of Jinmufaji is naturally full-time.

He knelt down under the Buddha statue, chanting scriptures silently and knocking on wooden fish.




Muyu suddenly cracked, and there was a wild laugh in his ear.

"How about it, don't you? Do you still want to live forever or how to drip?"

"The demon that is not stained this time can't be offended, right?"

"You are going to die now!! Hahaha, I finally saw you going to die."

"Monk smelly, if it weren't for you, why would I have killed my partner? Today you are going to die too, I want to watch you die!"


The host opened his eyes, and his eyes revealed calmness: "Donor, you look like this."

"Go to your uncle, it's like a fart. When you are killed and the body is still there, I will eat you. I want you to melt in my stomach little by little. No, you. The body is also pitiful, and it’s useless to eat, and it’s not disgusting to you! It’s disgusting to me, I have to think of a way...think about it..."

"By the way, when you die, I will become Wang Dazhuang's grandfather, wow ha ha ha, I have read a lot of online novels over the years, I will give him a "prodigal son" system, let him take you The temple that was created by one hand was defeated!"


The host shook his head, sighed, got up and bowed to the Buddha statue: "Don’t you understand? My Buddha is everywhere, even if the poor monk does need to suffer disaster today, even the poor monk today There will be no possibility of reincarnation, but the true spirit of the poor monk will definitely exist in this world. The scriptures of the poor monk are destined to circulate in this world, and the poor monk will inevitably wake up again and guide the world."

"The poor monk believes that the demon who brought disaster to the poor monk this time, the poor monk has the opportunity to influence him, let him become the guardian of the poor monk, and let him offer an innocent Buddha body to the poor monk. His heart is The kind people are just temporarily troubled by the mundane world."

The host opened the door and slowly closed it.

"Donor, think about it."

After the door of the main hall was closed, there were waves of iron cladding.

"Don't listen to this monk's nonsense, don't listen to this monk's nonsense, don't give him a chance to speak..."

"By the way, no, it is absolutely impossible to let this close and look at you! Absolutely not!"


"Shouzheng, should I drive this time or you?" Lin Qingxian asked, shaking the key of his new car.

"Come on, if I do, I'm afraid it will drive too fast."

Morihime was impulsive when she was possessed last time. Although there is no record of her own "racing racing" in Kyoto, because there were too many people seen that day, according to Jiang Shouhui's feedback, there are still many people here. Relentlessly seeking the truth...

"Okay, I'll drive." Lin Qingxian nodded, tossed the key of the new car, and then wanted to grab it handsomely...

Chen Yuan looked at the key in his hand and volunteered: "I will drive. I haven't driven since I learned to drive. I'm afraid of being strange. Since Shouzheng is not in a hurry, let me drive slowly."

Seeing Lin Qingxian feeling a little upset and wanting to attack, Chen Yuan added: "A handsome guy needs a driver."

"It makes sense."

[Lin Qingxian agreed with Chen Yuan's point of view, and stepped aside, opening the door to the back seat.

After driving for a while, Chen Yuan looked in the rear mirror and said strangely: "We seem to be being followed."

Behind them, following a car, Jiang Shouzheng looked back and said, "It's okay, don't worry, the principal is behind."

"Yes, it's Xu Liang's father. He may be afraid of something. He should have felt Jiang Shouzheng's power just now." Lin Qingxian added.

"Are you afraid that something will happen to us?" Zhou Quan asked, who had not yet eased from Jiang Shouzheng's pressure.

"How is it possible? Of course, I'm afraid of someone else's accident!"

As a classmate of Jiang Shouzheng High School, Chen Yuan has never seen Jiang Shouzheng suffer a loss!

Even if he borrowed books, his classmates were embarrassed to bargain, so Jiang Shouzheng was bargaining and he also accounted for all his costs. At the end of the day, he was very considerate of him. ——

"You can earn some money at this price, and I won't lose money."

"Since the principal is greatly behind us, let us test the driving level of the principal's driver, and see if my fledgling novice has water products or his driver has the skills."

The speed and passion burned in Chen Yuan's heart, and the feeling that Jiang Shouzheng smashed through the wind last time made him feel very good.


There is a traffic jam.

"Shouzheng, can you move these cars away a bit?"

Chen Yuan wanted to slam a horn, but this place is forbidden. If money is deducted, he must pay for the car he drives.

Moreover, the queue of the team is still quite long, the navigation display is red, and pressing the horn should be useless.

"The principal is following, Jiang Shouzheng uses his abilities at will, even if it is not recorded, shouldn't it be okay?" Zhou Quan said, who was slowing down, "However, if we delay here for too long, will we be caught? That bad guy ran away?"

"Someone in the Jinmufa Temple really fought me head-on with strength. The other party looks a bit rigid, shouldn't he be able to run?" Jiang Shouzheng hesitated.

"That's correct, if you deliberately create an illusion, and then run out of Kyoto, it will be very difficult for Shouhui to find it."

"It makes sense."

Everyone communicated and communicated, and Chen Yuan was left alone in the driving seat.

"Damn, I knew I wouldn't drive!"

Chen Yuan patted the steering wheel depressedly, looking at the traffic dragon in front, irritated.

When he looked in the rearview mirror, the principal also came out of the co-pilot seat and waved to Jiang Shouzheng and his party. Then, the four of them left on the shared bicycle...


"Called Uncle Xu."

"Uncle Xu."

"Let's talk, what's the matter with Uncle Xu?"

"Can you ride a little more steady?"

Jiang Shou was watching Xu Nian crookedly riding his bicycle, so he was really worried.

Xu Nian was a little embarrassed. After all, he hadn't been riding a bicycle for many years. After all, riding a bicycle did not run as fast as him.

When fighting in the past, there was not much monitoring, and inhuman strength and speed broke out. Everyone would only say that you were mixed on the road and had a face.

Later, with a car, who still rides a bicycle?

Riding a bicycle, I bought a bike when I was chasing my wife and learned a little bit.

That was the age of "I love you, because you can afford bicycles and white shirts"~

Now it's rusty and normal.

But for a master like him, he will be stable after a while.

"By the way, Shouzheng, you go to fight this time, cough cough, and ask for an explanation. Is there any rule?" Xu Nian asked.

"Zhangfa?" Jiang Shouzheng hasn't really thought about this question. "I just want to catch people first before talking."

"What to catch? If you want me to say, just disperse the other person's soul and become an idiot?" When Xu Nian asked, Lin Qingxian was not easy to interrupt. After all, he belonged to his elders, who would interrupt at will. Very impolite, "Being upright, our family has an attack method, do you want to learn it? It is the kind that directly disperses the soul after the power is in place and directly leaves the medical field with problems. Hehehehe, listen to my elders. With one punch, the brain will not die and people will not wake up."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Xu Nian coughed and signaled that he was still there, "Young people don’t want to be so violent. Didn’t others cause you substantial harm? Let me say, vomiting blood, hemiplegia, and abolishing strength. It's almost there, killing people, not so good."

Lin Qingxian dissatisfied: "Principal, the other party has been troubled with Shouzheng over and over again. Didn't you see that Jiang Shouzheng’s junior, such a cute little girl, would be able to deal with each other. This time, if it weren’t for Shouzheng’s bedroom, there are some arrangements , The woman named Zhang Min committed suicide directly in the dormitory, she must not spare her!"

"Aren't we breaking the law like this?" Zhou Quan asked weakly.E-bookshop

Oh my god, what they discussed was violent, and they were labeled as idiots and vomiting blood, okay?

Isn't he from the law school?

Although I haven't officially started learning, I still have to keep up with my thoughts and consciousness.

"The method given by the principal is a crime. What is it called? By the way, it is called deliberate injury! The method I gave, hehe, there is no problem at all. I estimate that you will not touch the other party when you are An empty punch can disperse the opponent's soul, who can say that he committed a crime!" Lin Qingxian smiled triumphantly, but Xu Nian's next words made his smile stiff.

"Xiao Lin, Uncle Xu is the inspector-general of the Special Office, what you said, Uncle Xu..."

Inspector General?


The special office, although it belongs to a private non-enterprise organization, but because it absorbs all kinds of strange people, everyone will always lose control of their own strength or be induced by some factors. Next, there will be anti-social behavior...

Before such people cause direct harm to society, the supervision organization of the special office will intervene in advance to educate those people about love...

The monitoring organization of the Special Office is very mysterious, and no one knows who it is.

If you know it, it will be difficult to monitor.

However, the strength of the personnel of the supervision organization is strong, and it can be regarded as "public knowledge." After all, the strange people who have been carefully educated and reformed are all well-behaved.

Those who want to do things have power, and those who do not dare to do things are of course stronger.

This is the underlying logic.

"Uncle Xu, I just made a joke just now, don't take it seriously." Lin Qingxian steadied the front of the car. He almost fell when he heard the monitoring.

"It's okay, I just made a joke." Xu Liang laughed and said with relief.

"Oh oh oh, it turned out to be like this. Uncle is really humorous. I also think this is a joke." Lin Qingxian laughed "relaxedly".

"Xianxian, you just..."

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng's disheartened expression, Lin Qingxian hurriedly responded: "What I just said, I just said casually, Shouzheng, you don't really think that there is such a method, haha, how is it possible? , If it is true, my Lin family is not invincible anymore? Whoever is not obedient, let him become an idiot."

Lin Qingxian said while speaking to Jiang Shouzheng, "I'll give it to you later."

Xu Nian chuckled and said, "What do you give?"

"Huh?" Lin Qingxian felt his scalp numb. Damn, wasn't it the sound transmission just now?Why was it intercepted?

But he is also the kind of witty person, and quickly responded: "It is some of the movies we watched among young people. I am embarrassed to say that we will stay upright...No matter what, we will definitely get revenge. Just watch the film and relax a little."

"It's best to be like this. If... I said yes, if there is something difficult to overcome in the medical profession, then even if I am on your head, I will report it to the supervisory department. "

"Uncle Xu, the supervision department does not have a reporting window, and they all discovered independently."

"Oh... then I will, I will publish in that APP, then they will definitely find out, don't you think?"


Lin Qingxian gave Xu Nian a thumbs up, and Xu Nian smiled and said, "You are polite."

The group of people came to the main entrance of Jinmufa Temple with a grin and a fight of wisdom.

At this time, the surroundings of the Jinmufa Temple had been "cleared", and the host Wang Dazhuang stood at the door. After seeing them, he shouted and said:

"Jiang Shouzheng, the donor of Xu Nian, the donor of Lin Qingxian, the donor of Zhou Quan, the poor monk is polite."

As soon as Zhou Quan heard this, his eyes were blurred--

[Serve as a soldier!Be a soldier!Is it useful to be a soldier?Are you rich?Look at you, apart from injuries and illnesses, what's good about your body? Your retirement payment can only be used by you to see a doctor alone. Is it useful to our sires?Look again, look again and I will throw away all these medals!

[Why are you going, can you go to work as you are now?Stay at home for me, don’t go anywhere, I don’t want you to go out, Zhou Quan, you just stay at home and look after your dad, if he goes out, you just... you just take this and beat him leg!Anyway, the legs are broken, why go out!

[Wife, Dangdangdang, you see, I have made money. I opened a shop online and sold things. I can also support you now. Although not much, it is 5431.45, but I can make money without leaving the house. , I can also cook for your wife, which is also very good.

original sin.

Father's leg disease is the original sin.

Zhou Quan's eyes reddened, and the original "forgotten" memory seemed to suddenly become clear.

With his teary eyes dim, he saw the pure golden light radiating from the monk's eyes, very gentle and warm.

Behind the monk, there seemed to be a tall Buddha figure, majestic and kind.

"Enter my Buddhism, your father's leg disease can be cured."

Zhou Quan didn't even think about it, he instinctively knelt down, as long as he can make his father's legs and feet feel better, what is it to kneel down, and what to enter Buddhism... Now being a monk is not impossible to get married... .

But before he got down on his knees, the monk's golden eyes suddenly emitted white smoke and a sizzling sound, which sounded like... the crayfish was in the pot.

Looks, it hurts.

The urge to kneel was gone.

The monk calmly said: "Donor, good skill."

Jiang Shouzheng clasped his fists in return: "To each other."

Zhou Quan paused, realizing that he just seemed to be talking, and he stood up straight and turned his head to look at Jiang Shouzheng, who was looking unhappy.

Xu Nian was also about to stand upright, Yu Guang caught Zhou Quan's puzzled gaze, his body was slightly stiff, but quickly took a step forward with his right foot, smoothly loosening the shoelace, and then fastened and tied it tightly.

"Are you tying your shoes?"

The white smoke dispersed, and the monk's eyes were hollow, as if he was blind.

However, the monk didn't seem to mind that much, and he didn't look painful. Instead, he tilted his head, "looked" at Lin Qingxian, and asked:

"Donor Jiang doesn't need to kneel because of his amazing power, so why is my little friend?"

"Cut, thief and bald, our Lin family don't respect the heavens! Don't kneel down to the fairy Buddha! Don't respect ghosts and gods! Why do you make me kneel?" When he said this, Lin Qingxian curbed his usual cynicism and made a loud noise, "And, I Why are you making me kneel when I am so rich?"

"Rich?" The monk seemed puzzled.

"Of course, being rich means I have the ability to make money!"

Lin Qingxian, who was just a thief, seems to be an illusion, this is true...

Lin Qingxian was annoyed by the monk's questioning tone. He stepped forward and stood between Jiang Shouzheng and the monk. He bounced on the spot, and a lot of small objects fell out of his body and fell on the ground.

Some are made of jade, some are made of copper, some are made of wood...

"Tongue depressor?"

The monk frowned and took a step back.


The black silk threads of those small objects entangled the monk once, and then "connected" to his head.

[I don’t know if my son has eaten.

[That lady must have gone out to steal the man again.

[I will definitely be the title of the gold list.

[Official, come back soon.


"This is... long hair?" Zhou Quan muttered, looking at the floating silk thread that seemed to be talking.

"This is planting trouble silk." Xu Nian looked at the monk who was unmoved even if he was blind, but now he looked very painful and sighed, "Lin Qingxian, this is a bit vicious, if the trouble is really serious. If it’s planted, then all the monks’ ways and deeds will be destroyed."

Lin Qingxian was a little dissatisfied when he heard this, "Principal, you are pedantic? How do I call this vicious? I just paid for some small objects that I am interested in, and then these small objects were not put away. It accidentally fell out of my body, and then it broke, ah, I feel so distressed, I spent a lot of money to buy it."

He said that he was distressed, but when he saw that the monk was bloodstained in order to pull out the "worry silk", Lin Qingxian laughed freely:

"Let you move my brother!"


ps: I have to adjust my biological clock in the past few days. I have been having nightmares throughout the night. I always feel like a nosebleed when I wake up in the morning orz... First update stably, then burst.

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