My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 486 I am a real dog! (5k, subscription required)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!It turns out.

Accidents are temporary, and the eternal topic in life is plain and regular.

After experiencing the previous "accidents" at Kyoto Chemical University, it is finally normal and the training content is on the right track.

There is no sudden rainstorm, only the sun is shining;

There is no case that may cause crime, only peace and joy;

No medical school has lost anything that may cause panic, even because the thing it lost in the previous time was too "exotic". Now the medical school in Kyoto has not lost even a mouse...

In such a peaceful and normal atmosphere, the day's military training ended again.

Zhou Quan felt that his whole body was irritated, soft, and his skin was fiercely sore.

The sun is too hot, there is really no cloud at all.

How can the sky of Kyoto be so blue!

"So tired!" As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Zhou Quan lay on his bed, directly pressing the folded tofu into soft tofu residue...

"What did the man say about being tired? Isn't it just military training?" Lin Qingxian returned to his chair, picked up the fashion magazine on the table, bundled it into a roll, pulled the chair and sat at the public table, knocked and watched Zhou Quan said, "You have just become a strange person and have not been fully familiar with your own strength. Such high-intensity training is a kind of exercise for your physical body. This can effectively allow you to control your strength as soon as possible. Good thing."

Regarding Lin Qingxian's remarks, Zhou Quan only politely propped up his body, leaned against the wall, and rolled his eyes at her!

Damn it!

This is definitely talking cold words!

There are only three boys in their class, and they need to be a pacesetter!

The kind for specialized training!

The girls are not good at physical strength, so instructor Niu naturally focused his attention on the three of them, no... the instructor's eyes were only placed on Lin Qingxian and him because Jiang Shouzheng opened the greatest barrier for him!

Lin Qingxian: "Instructor, I will be a pacesetter, can I get my military training credits back?"

Instructor Niu: "No."

Lin Qingxian: "Instructor, is there any advantage for me to be a pacesetter?"

Instructor Niu: "You can temper your will! Improve your physique!"

Lin Qingxian: "Good instructor, I won't go."

Instructor Niu: "Zhou Quan, there is only you."

Zhou Quan: "...I can."

Instructor Niu: "That's it, I am optimistic about you!"

After such a simple negotiation, Zhou Quan became a model for his class to offer!

"Okay, okay, you two don't roll your eyes at each other anymore, your eyes are about to roll over!" Jiang Shouzheng laughed and flicked a little mana at Zhou Quan. After the mana fell into Zhou Quan's body, Zhou Quan walked away Shang slipped onto the bed again and couldn't help groaning comfortably.


"Xianxian, look at Jiang Shouzheng, and then look at you. Apart from being handsome and rich, what's so great about you! Classmate Jiang Shouzheng, how loving and harmonious it is for our roommates! Look at you I'm ashamed to say you!"

Faced with Zhou Quan's "dislike", Lin Qingxian decided to change his past and threw his magic power towards Zhou Quan.

Jiang Shouzheng played a little bit, he lost a bit!A big tuft!


"Shouzheng, how long do you estimate he will lie there?"

"At least one hour, right?"

"It's been so long, so let's go out for dinner. Chen Yuan just went out to pull the goods of hearing earphones. I don't know when to come back. I'll treat you."

"Okay, then let's go out. I'll treat you today. I can't always treat you, or you won't have dinner with us in the future."

Zhou Quan watched Lin Qingxian and Jiang Shouzheng leave the dormitory "without eyes". Their stomachs wailed because of today's high-intensity training, but such wailing did not win Jiang Shouzheng's sympathy.

He wants to get up!

He is going out!

He wants to eat meat! he can only collapse on the bed. It cannot be said that he can't move at all, but he keeps shaking at a very high frequency...


Although Shou Shou was lying in the fish tank, he glanced at Zhou Quan and lazily vomited a bubble, with a vague envy in his eyes.

"It's great, vitality and death are constantly colliding in the body, destruction, rebirth, vitality occupy most of it, this is reshaping the body.'

"Old tortoise, if I had such a good guide back then, I would have been so yellow, old tortoise, I might have a chance to find a dragon to jump over and become a real dragon!"'

"It's a pity, I'm getting older, I don't have a chance... It's not enough now, it's pretty good, and keep making progress!'

After Turtle Shou looked at Zhou Quan, he closed his eyes when he found that there was nothing good to see.

'To sleep, I borrowed too much power from Wisdom Kyoto last time, and it hurts my vitality. If I sleep for a while, I should be able to integrate the mana Jiang Shouzheng gave me into my own original power.'

Soon after the turtle closed his eyes, Zhou Quan heard the sound of something falling gently outside the door, lightly...


The door opened, and Chen Yuangang was about to bend down and pick up the box again. He happened to see someone lying on the bed in the dormitory. From his angle, only one leg was exposed, swinging constantly, looking like Zhou Quan.

Chen Yuan, who had just carried a box of goods from outside, wiped his hand on his forehead. His hands were sweaty. This is not for moving things. After all, he has some superpowers. It's in the sun outside!

it's too hot!


Chen Yuan greeted, "Zhou Quan, come and help me."

When Zhou Quan heard Chen Yuan's movement, he personally expressed that he wanted to help, but he really had more than enough energy, and happiness and pain were intertwined, so that he could only lie on the bed obediently...

"Come here and do a favor, don't lie down."

Chen Yuan leaned against the door frame and greeted Zhou Quan weakly.


Zhou Quan looks wrong!

Is the frequency of this leg twitching too fast?

Chen Yuan took a look, rushed into the bedroom and watched Zhou Quan lying on the bed. His lips were blue, his face was blue, and his neck was blue. It seemed that everything was blue.

Chen Yuan nervously said, "Damn, what's wrong with you?"

As Chen Yuan said, he leaned forward, trying to help Zhou Quan up first!

Just when Chen Yuan's hand was about to fall on Zhou Quan's shoulder, a sound came from his head:

[Boy, don't touch him, this is his chance.]

The ones who can speak in the bedroom now are Turtle Shou and Rhubarb. If Jiang Shouqin puts his thoughts in the soul-devouring lotus, it is also possible.

Although Turtle Shou was behind him, it was the rhubarb lying on Jiang Shouzheng's bed that was talking now.

In the past few days when Rhubarb arrived in Kyoto, apart from Jiang Shouzheng hitting the rooftops every day to go out to see, he spent the rest of the time lying on Jiang Shouzheng's bed, motionless and closed his eyes, looking like he was sleeping.

When others want to chat with it, Rhubarb raised his head and glanced at him at most, indicating that he heard him talking, and then continued to lie motionless.

Even if Chen Yuan had met him once, Rhubarb had such an attitude and ignored it.

This time I spoke...

"What's the chance?"

Now that the rhubarb has already spoken, Chen Yuan’s hanging heart is slightly let go, but it doesn’t seem like a normal chance, it’s a bit bad, in case the place is also green. How can Zhou Quan live in the future?

"Rhubarb, I don't believe you, I just want to understand more clearly."

Chen Yuan is not familiar with rhubarb either. Although he feels a little relieved, he can't believe it all!

[I don’t think too much like you humans, do you believe me, do whatever you want, no need to explain to me.However, I can't tell you what exactly this opportunity is. Anyway, I feel his own life force is constantly rising, which is definitely good.]

"You don't even know?"

[Of course, I'm just a dog. You can't ask a dog to know too much. You are an individual. You don't know as a person. Why should I ask a dog to know?]


Rhubarb stood up and made a downward dog pose as it was used to...

Now its body is made of sawdust. Originally, such actions would not bring any substantial feedback to it, but after carefully digesting the strength the master gave to itself these days...

Feel it!

[Am I alive?]

Rhubarb jumped from the bed to the table, walked a few steps on it, and shouted at Chen Yuan: [Who, you take your fruit knife and stab me.]000 Literature

"..." Faced with such a weird request, and it was a dog's invitation, Chen Yuan felt a little absurd in every way he looked at it, but no matter how absurd, there is no ridiculous chatting with a dog, he is Chen Yuan, accept A good batch, "Okay, but wait a moment, I will drag in the outside stuff."

When Chen Yuan discovered that Zhou Quan was wrong, he covered it with his mind, and the goods were still outside!

He has invested money in it, and all the money earned from selling sanitary napkins has been invested in it...



"Not bad."

"Not bad."

Two Hou Lei face to face, you look at me, I look at you, talking simultaneously, people can't tell who is who.

It feels the same!

The two of them looked at each other earnestly for a long time. One of them, Hou Lei, took out his mobile phone and called the elders in the family...

On a relatively well-known sky glass plank in an unknown scenic spot...

"Hurry up, don't panic, hurry up and go."

"If you don't go, the sun will go down!"

"Relax, you are wearing a seat belt, and you have already bought insurance, don't be afraid!"


On the transparent glass plank road in the sky, the voices of such words come and go one after another.

People, it’s this kind of species that is obviously scared, but wants to try it, and spend money to find sin...

"Hurry up, there's a monkey ahead."

"This monkey seems a bit old!"

"Wow, where did this monkey come from? It's so cute and its eyes are so brilliant."

Below the sky glass plank road, I don’t know when an old monkey strolled over. The hair on his face was a little white, but it looked very good, very gentle, and like that on TV. The monkeys seen in the video are different, how do you describe it?

It was...very much like the grandfather next door, everyone who looked at him seemed to feel a moment of peace.

"It's a pity, I can't feed him anything here."

"Yes, such a cute monkey, I have never seen it before!"

"Why did he have one? Was he abandoned by the race? Um... so poor."

Because after looking at the old monkey, some female friends spoke out for the old monkey with some sensibility. The monkey seemed to be very spiritual, and climbed up specifically, as if to get closer.

Someone tried to reach out their fingers and touch the glass plank a little--

"Wow! So smart!"

The old monkey also stretched out his fingers and faced them through the glass.

The man was taken aback for a while, and he was overjoyed, and then half a "love", the old monkey paused, as if thinking about what it meant.

"No way?"

Just when everyone felt that the old monkey could not respond--

"Take it! Take it! This is definitely a hot search!"

There was a burst of cheers on the glass plank road, and the crowd boiled. The old monkey seemed to be taken aback by the scene and began to climb down. No matter how everyone shouted, he didn't mean to climb up again.

Soon, the old monkey left under the regretful eyes of everyone...

"Why did you call me?"

The old monkey who was still missed by everyone climbed into a dark cave, its eyes flashed with a dazzling golden light, and the cave was suddenly bright!

It seems to be a place where a person lives.

Beds, tables, chairs, bookshelves, bookshelves are also full of various books, very clean and refreshing.

The old monkey, who had fallen on all fours, stood up, and a gentle aura emerged again. It walked up to the bookshelf, and after reading it for a long time, he took out a copy of Zizhi Tongjian.

This book, except that the cover is a little shabby, under the flip of the old monkey, the new page is brand new except for a little yellowing.

"It's you." The old monkey nodded and said.

He came to the table with the book in his hand, dragged his chair to sit down, sitting like a grandfather, crouching slightly.


The old monkey spit on his fingertips and turned to the first page...the second page...the third page...

It turned quickly, and the eyeballs swept from the first word to the last word in the first line, and then from the first word to the last word in the second line, and then the third line...

It looked very seriously and carefully, showing a thinking expression from time to time, but such thinking did not affect the speed of its eyeballs.

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, you are amazing, five slaps can't stun you..."

There was a singing sound in the cave. Looking along the direction of the sound, there was a mobile phone placed in some dark corners and was grasped by a hand bone. It seemed to be a human hand bone, but because it was slightly dark gold, It's not like it.

Hearing the singing, the old monkey pressed his hand on the page of the book, took a deep breath, and sighed, as if his grandfather who was studying at home was interrupted...

The old monkey got up, walked to the corner, squatted down and took the phone from the dark golden hand bones and connected.


A monkey called "Squeak" from the other end of the phone.

When the old monkey heard it, his eyes widened and became very angry, and he bared his teeth. After responding a few words, it seemed to have calmed down and became a grandfather again, responding squeaky.

Just like this, when you came and I "squeaked" more than half an hour, the old monkey hung up the phone and put the phone back on his hand bone, he stood up and walked a few steps towards the desk, suddenly jumped up. Very excited, then he slapped the ground, like a monkey, no, it was originally a monkey:

"Hou Lei, bastard! He said I was peeping!"

"It's amazing to mix in the human world! I'm much older than you! It's really rude!"

"Don't let me touch you, don't let me kill you, and bite off your hair!"


The old monkey screamed for a long time, then got up again. This time, because it was almost enough to vent, its temperament became gentle again.

But when it came back to the table again, it thought for a moment, kicked the chair away, and the whole monkey jumped onto the table, squatted down, and held up the book.


The old monkey sighed leisurely, very satisfied, and continued to flip the book from the position where he had just finished reading.

Soon, the book was half turned by the old monkey, and golden light burst out of its eyes again. This time, it saw a lot of power of faith surrounding it...

"Hahaha, I finally waited, I don't know any of these words, it's so tiring to read."

As he said, the old monkey's momentum changed, and his gentleness dissipated. Barbed fangs grew from his cheeks. The power of faith paused collectively. It seemed that he had "found the wrong monkey" and was about to leave.

"I've come here, where to go! I am the god you believe in! Roar!"

The old monkey opened his mouth, and the power of these beliefs was swallowed by him, and it was disturbed, as if wailing came from his mouth.

At the same time, the people walking on the glass path collectively felt a little dizzy...

"I'm a little tired."

"Me too, go back soon."

"Yeah, go back early, my low blood sugar seems to have committed again."



After one of the Hou Lei hung up the phone, they both went into the bathroom, one of them picked up the shower, adjusted the water volume to the maximum, and started looking at mirrors, countertops, wall seams, toilet lids, toilet signs, etc. He started to rush, humming while rushing:

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, I'm really amazing..."

After a while, the two Hou Lei came out of the bathroom and Shi Shiran walked to the TV. It seemed that they were a little closer to the TV. The two of them took a step back together, and at the same time they raised their mouths and smiled:

"Hi! God, my performance has officially started~"

He politely bowed to the TV and stroking his chest.

After speaking, the two Hou Lei straightened up, and leaned hard against the TV...

Then the two of them patted their scorched clothes, took them off, put on their dresses, and walked out the door.

One to the left and one to the right.

When Jiang Shouhui got feedback, the whole god was dazed:

"Who is real?"

"What to do, how to do, think, think..."

"Um... ask brother, let him help!"

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