My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 487 I'm a fake person! (10k today, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Shouzheng, we have a rehearsal tonight after our military training is over. Would you like to go and watch it?" Lin Qingxian asked Jiang Shouzheng, seeing the sky was still early.

However, Lin Qingxian did not think that Jiang Shouzheng would agree to his invitation. In the past few days, Jiang Shouzheng would go back to online classes and watch videos whenever he had time, and he was still sorting out a lot of part-time information, so he was very busy.

He Lin Qingxian only greeted Jiang Shouzheng politely. After Jiang Shouzheng rejected him directly, he could propose that he happened to be with one of the female vice-chairpersons of the student union tonight, um, that is a junior. The senior sister hooked up... to get in touch, you need to cheer and see how they arrange the show after the military training tomorrow. From the perspective of the freshman, talk to the senior sister, Jiang Shouzheng Just go back to the bedroom by yourself.


"No? It's okay. Go back to the dormitory. I'll go to see the rehearsal. I am such a handsome and rich guy who was invited by the vice chairman of the student council...Huh? Alright???" Lin Qing said half of the gossip , The expression became a little bit surprised.

"Yes, okay, I'm also very curious. I want to see whether our performance after the military training is good or not." Jiang Shouzheng said, watching Lin Qingxian and said, "I happen to be watching etiquette courses these days. I have also searched for the "rituals" and "hosts" of the current performance platform. After an event, it seems that the money earned is not very small. I want to observe."

If Jiang Shouzheng just wants to watch the excitement, then Lin Qingxian is also going to find some "crappy" reasons to part ways with Jiang Shouzheng. After all, he is going to see if he has the opportunity to go in-depth with others...discuss the stage layout, sequence of performances, etc. For serious matters, there is not much time to spend with Jiang Shouzheng.

But... Jiang Shouzheng wasn't going to join in the fun and people, so he couldn't refuse.

'Make you talk more!'

Lin Qingxian really wanted to slap herself and make herself polite. Now there is no way!

"You don't welcome me to be with you?" Jiang Shouzheng looked at Lin Qingxian and asked in confusion, "Didn't you invite me just now?"

"Where? Where would I not welcome you, I must be welcome! I just didn't expect you to agree so quickly! I thought a lot about how to persuade you to go with me, and you suddenly agreed , It made me feel that all the punches fell on the empty space." Lin Qingxian punched haha, and shook his fist.

Jiang Shouzheng seemed to accept this reason and nodded: "Then go, why are you still standing here?"

After walking for a while, Lin Qingxian finally did not hold back the words in his heart:

"Shouzheng, when you arrive in the auditorium, can you increase the strength of your invisibility-like barrier? I'm afraid... when you go suddenly, you are too present and will attract too many people. Your gaze will bring some trouble to the rehearsal. As you know, the freshmen don’t feel too strong about you, but the seniors and sisters still have a deep impression of you. After all, you were in the summer vacation because I signed up for the University of Chemical Materials and went to the school's official account!"

Now this society, no matter how well-known, no matter how high its status, needs to be propagated.

Take the school as an example. No matter how strong your major is, the employment rate is high, and the scientific research project is well done, then no one knows, then no one will sign up, which will directly lead to problems in the quality of students. Advantages are likely to collapse within a few years.

After the college entrance examination, Jiang Shouzheng signed up for the Kyoto University of Chemical Materials. Why would he not promote this?

Send a signal to all walks of life in society, to parents of college entrance examination candidates and prospective college entrance examination candidates——

Hey, little old girl and little brother, I have chosen me for the national college entrance examination champion. If you come, you will lose if you don’t come~

The news of Jiang Shouzheng's entrance to school, when the public account article was read less than 12 hours, broke 1 million+, which shows its impact.

Of course, why this influence did not radiate to Jiang Shouzheng during the same period-

Hold back and tell me about the college entrance examination!

The college entrance examination is over!

I want to learn to drive!

I want to make money!

I want to lose weight!

I want to be happy!!!

"Yeah, yes." Jiang Shouzheng agreed with Lin Qingxian's request. In places with a large number of people, the power of the barrier itself must be strengthened, otherwise the possibility of being concerned will be better, even the school's official account. He has not been promoted personally...


Lin Qingxian seemed to hesitate, and continued to walk towards the auditorium with Jiang Shouzheng.

After reaching the entrance of the auditorium, Lin Qingxian was stunned:

"What about people? Why do people disappear while talking?"



The large auditorium of Kyoto University of Chemical Industry is full of technological atmosphere. The all-black walls with a bit of starlight highlight the strong sense of design. People can’t help but take a look at it. At this time...More You need to pay attention to safety at your feet, otherwise it is easy to hit people or fall.

Jiang Shouzheng walked in the crowd on his own. After enjoying the "Minimalist School History" on the first floor of the auditorium, he went upstairs. There is time to see other places in the next four years. He doesn't need to visit here. All over.

This time he came here, but he has serious things to do!

As soon as the door of the audience area on the second floor was pushed open, the original noisy microphone sound suddenly expanded several times...

"Light, a bit to the left, yes, just this position, the lighting engineer records, the actor also remembers where he stands now."

"Bring the props, the ball, bring the red ball!"

"Everyone applauds and welcomes the principal Balabala, papa, welcomes the deputy principal Balabala, papa...and our alumni representative, Bharabala, papa, and finally, let us give a warm applause again, thank you all leaders Come here, bang bang bang."

Various sounds penetrated Jiang Shouzheng's ears, and he took a deep breath and adapted.

These meaningless voices will be remembered forever when they are heard. It is really uncomfortable.

But there is no way, it was born like this, I can only endure it.

There are not many people in the audience area on the second floor. In the middle of the front, the person seems to be the so-called lighting engineer.

"Are you lighting up?"

"Yes indeed."

"Do you have to remember every place you need to light?"


"Then you are a bit like me."

"Does your job have a high salary?"


"Can you do a part-time job?"

The lighting engineer frowned. He was the most annoying person who was inexplicably accosting him. Didn't he see that he was doing something right now?

"This classmate, I'm sorry, I have something now, you can go find..."

The lighting engineer looked at the source of the sound, and it was empty.

My heart, what a jump!

"Light up and light up, what are you doing!"

The "Chief Director" downstairs seemed a little angry and shouted at the lighting engineer.

The lighting engineer was clever, and murmured: "It's okay, it's okay, so many people, it's impossible to see ghosts, can't run, absolutely can't run, it's said in the horror movie, the first one ran to death. ....."

Jiang Shouzheng stood next to the lighting engineer, listening to his broken thoughts but adjusting the lights steadily according to the progress, he said in his heart a sorry word, and some admiration, seeing this, he has been professionally trained.

After finding a seat, Jiang Shouzheng sat down, looked at the stage, at the front row on the first floor.

Lin Qingxian fell into his foresight when he opened the eyes of the sky and saw another accidentally...

"Sure enough, what Shouhui said is true. A monkey has come here. Is it really from Heaven?"

"Hey, I accidentally saw Xiao Xianxian again, I... really didn't mean it! This is probably fate!"

When I feel a little guilty of my conscience, what I can do is...convince myself.

But now, the monkey is more important. According to the text message sent by Shouhui, this monkey should be a member of the heavenly court.Yuyu Novel

Lin Qingxian's affairs can be postponed for a while.

Thinking about it, Jiang Shouzheng focused his gaze on the backstage and looked at the monkey surrounded by the thick purple scent. His eyes condensed slightly, and the monkey’s image suddenly blurred, becoming a bead, a blue. Of beads...



"Xianxian, what are you looking at?"

"Ah? An An-senpai, I didn't watch anything, I just... just take a look."

"Then you can watch the show more and give me suggestions when the time comes."

As Lin Qingxian said, withdrawing his gaze, he couldn't tell this senior lady that he was looking for someone, but he had said he had come by himself.

"Senior sister, is this your boyfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is this year's freshman. I thought he was a little clever during the interview. Let him come and have a look."

Lin Qingxian watched this Senior Sister An An easily communicate with everyone and arrange tasks, his eyes gradually changed from appreciation to...boring.

There are many such women in my family business.

As the only living person in the line of the Lin family, he has seen a lot.

When I listen to the year-end report every year, I see more. I used to see this senior sister An An and I also heard it, but now I find that it is not so suitable for me, it is too common.

If you want to find a wife, it should be the kind of thing that makes your eyes shine, this damn familiar feeling~

However, although he is no longer interested, he still has to be with him. After all, he has said that after watching the rehearsal tonight, even if he wants to leave, he still has some patience.

It's just that now, he put more attention from Senior Sister An An on the stage.

By the way, when you see some flaws, write them down and plan to send them to Senior Sister An An later.

He doesn't have much research on stage performance, but he participates more and sees more, and he still has eyesight. Those that seem a little awkward are the areas that need improvement.

Chen Anan, who discovered this scene, flirted with her own hair and couldn't help but smile: "Free, you are really honest!"


"It's nothing?"

Seeing Lin Qingxian's "cute" look, Chen An'an waved his hand, continued to look at the work schedule he was responsible for, and continued to greet people.

'This Lin Qingxian really thought he could make any suggestions?Are the rich second generations so cute now?'

Regarding Lin Qingxian’s background, she did research after "Lin Qingxian’s Raid in the Training Ground". She has not been criticized by the school for such a wave and publicity. She clearly knows after two years of school student experience People definitely have backgrounds. In subsequent contacts and chats, she learned that Lin Qingxian is a person who lacks a sense of identity (like others call him handsome) and likes to show off (often giving red envelopes to his roommates, just to Tell others that he has money in his family)...

At present, it seems that it is purely rich, and it does not show other characteristics.

Regardless of money, it’s good, at least you won’t have too much trouble in the future. In Kyoto, a city in the world separated by a circle or two, rich can really ask for a lot.

Especially when Chen Anan went out for an internship during her sophomore year, and a senior sister told her earnestly--

"An'an, everyone has their own value in this society and has their own position. You must evaluate your own value carefully and don't be like me."

Like senior sister?

Looking for a boyfriend in the same school and in the same class like a senior, married directly after graduation, married to love?

Chen Anan was thinking, and naturally she would turn over a few innocuous mistakes. These mistakes were all resolved after she folded her hands and said a few words, "People are wrong" and "People will definitely pay attention next time." invisible.

"I really will borrow my own strengths. They are almost the same as those strong women in the family business, but at this level, they are still a little bit immature, not particularly skilled and sleek.She was doing pretty well just now, why are there these small problems now?'

"It seems... is focusing on me, huh?Chen Anan, don’t you really think I don’t know anything?There are a lot of my little toys in the school!No, I can't be like her. I can get it with just one finger. Then she will not be single for three years. If I get it, it will be very exciting. Lin Qingxian, Lin Qingxian, you are really cheap. ...'

'But this woman got her hand, then I basically didn’t feel anything. At most, she was holding hands, and she would still score at that time. I don’t know if it is good or not. If it is not good, it will be troublesome. The time I spend looking for a wife and delaying my looking for a wife are the biggest waste of my time!Hey, I found such an important problem!After today, I will block this woman!'

Lin Qingxian figured out a lot of joints in a short moment, and when he figured it out, he must put it into practice.

Get up and sit down in the next seat.

"Quiet, what's the matter?" Chen Anan asked strangely.

"I've been sitting in this seat for a long time, I'm sitting hot, I'll sit in another place, cool~"

After speaking, Lin Qingxian began to look at the stage very seriously.

'So obedient... No, he is alienating me?Is this a routine... or does he not like me?'

Chen Anan looked at Lin Qingxian's profile and decided to write a profile of Lin Qingxian seriously after returning to the dormitory. After he had a certain foundation, talk to him again. Now, no matter what the reason is, sit down with the things on hand first it is good.

Lin Qingxian is just a place she values ​​more now. It is not the only place she needs to care about, but she doesn't need too much attention. Everything is going to be natural and it will be much better.

Everything is too deliberate, so it falls behind.

After understanding the details, Chen Anan set her sights on the stage. The only thing she has to do now is to arrange the party for this time. This time, the party will be live simultaneously online and want to find one. To settle down steadily, whether it is life or work, you must increase your bargaining chips.

"The next show, the magician's performance, everyone should prepare and clarify the content of the interactive session."

"Mr. Hou Lei is now the part of your appearance. You can just come out from the left side at that time and stand in the middle position. You don't need to be in the middle. Stand in... Well, let me see. Yes, stand slightly to the left One point, because at that time you will find someone to cooperate with you in your performance, and you need to have someone watching as a supervisor."

"Is that okay? I've seen your magic show in the past, there is such a link, so we also want to arrange this way, rest assured, will you choose randomly or... randomly, right? , That's good, let me see, the students in our student union have arranged tonight, no one... the classmate, the classmate sitting next to Chen Anan, yes, it's you, you Come up and cooperate with Mr. Hou Lei."

Lin Qingxian, who was originally sitting under the stage recording the loopholes in this stage performance, suddenly became a part of the stage, then...there would be no loopholes.

Stepping on the floor of the stage, it feels pretty good, but there shouldn't be that kind of lifting function, or it is a little flawed. Would you like to donate money to fix it a bit?After all, I have to stay in the University of Chemical Materials for four years, so I shouldn't let my eyes suffer too much...


Lin Qingxian thought about the many faults and problems that he had just recorded. Among them, the most repetitive is that the personnel are not particularly clear about their own job functions. Although it can be regarded as a group, the coordination is still much worse. As for the performers on the stage, no one else except the chairman of the student council who runs around like a monkey on stage will do everything by himself...

In this case, if you donate money, you will still be wasting your money if you don't know how to do it.

Forget it.

Lin Qingxian gave up the thoughts that had just come up. At the same time, standing beside Hou Lei, he felt a little uncomfortable. After analyzing the specific reasons, he discovered...

This magician is actually more scornful than himself?!

Lin Qingxian originally thought that she was wearing a pink suit to control her temperament, and it was already very eye-catching, but this magician Hou Lei not only wore shiny clothes, but also wore a top hat that suddenly became much taller!

It's easy to catch the eye!

'Failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is not knowing where the failure is and not admitting your failure!'

'It seems that I still lack a handsome hat.'

'Come here today, although I deflated the pick-up girl, but there are still gains, let me know the importance of a handsome hat on the stage!'

Lin Qingxian reached out and decided to shake hands with the magician who gave him a lesson. Jiang Shouzheng's words rang in his ears: "Stay away from this magician."

Just as Hou Lei took off his white gloves and was about to shake hands with Lin Qingxian, he saw Lin Qingxian's face changed drastically, and he was holding his stomach in pain:

"Ahhhhhh! Stomach hurts, my stomach hurts, Chairman, you should find someone else first. I'm going to go to the toilet. Who can tell me where there is a toilet? I can't hold it back anymore, it's running thin!"

While speaking, Lin Qingxian walked away, and Hou Lei retracted the transparent needle in his palm with some regret.

'The people of the Lin family, they seem to be devils, they didn't control it, it's a pity.'

'Did someone remind me just now?Is it my illusion?'

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