My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 488 I was too careful. (5k, subscription required)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Hou Lei? A member of Heavenly Court?"

"This time I have to catch him alive."

"It doesn't look very strong, but Bi Lin Qingxian is much better. He should be a middle-level cadre?"

"If you are really a member of the Heavenly Court, according to the organizational structure I have learned about the Heavenly Court during this period of time, I can move the lines of the Heavenly Court up one level, and look up one layer at a time, there will always be a way to find the upper level of the Heavenly Court. ."

"Let them give my master an explanation!"

Because of Hou Lei's appearance, Jiang Shouzheng got up and put on the guardrail in the audience area on the second floor.

Although this will not make him see more clearly, but... it can be more convenient to take action.

Under Jiang Shouzheng’s careful observation, Hou Lei’s strength seems to be similar to Jiang Shouhui’s in one respect, but there are some slight differences, like... donkey and mule...

Some are similar to the gods, but they are not as pure as the power of the gods.

The structure of power is more unstable and more aggressive.

After watching it carefully for a while, Jiang Shou put his forehand on the railing and jumped off the auditorium on the second floor.

Right now, I was still a bit far away from Hou Lei, at least 50 meters in a straight line. If he was better at speed, he would go downstairs without a trace.

If he catches a hostage, then he will also throw a rat restraint.

It would be better to stay closer and be safe.

Jiang Shouzheng walked onto the stage, standing less than five meters away from Hou Lei, carefully observing...

During this period of observation, Jiang Shouzheng not only understood Hou Lei’s path of gong, but also...learned various magic techniques, and summarized it--

First, hand fast;

Second, we must know how to distract the audience.

After making a summary in his mind, Jiang Shouzheng even took the time to think about whether he could also develop a side job as a magician?Looking at Hou Lei's current performance, it seems that he can do it.

However, the profession of magician does not seem to have much money. The magicians who stand at the top of the pyramid have their money and reputation based on their reputation.

If the magicians of the middle and lower levels cannot accumulate a certain reputation and fans, their living conditions should only be enough to perform some performances or record small videos on the roadside...

This can be seen by seeing fewer and fewer outstanding magicians now...

Of course, if Jiang Shouzheng insists on taking this path, it is not impossible. Let Jiang Shouhui help increase some exposure on the Internet, he can still do it.

But there are still some other drawbacks to doing this, that is, it will make people follow the vine to find the connection between themselves and Jiang Shouhui.

Now on the Internet, many people are looking for Jiang Shouhui. According to Jiang Shouhui, he is now called the "God of the Internet" by them!

Jiang Shouhui herself does not approve of such honorific titles.

'Brother, they really lifted me up, oh hoo hoo hoo, I still have defects in many places, just like I can't invade or even see the app of the cultivation world, I still need to work hard to develop my own strength , Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo~'



Under the light, Hou Lei sweated a little appropriately.

"That classmate, can you get me a piece of paper? I'm a little sweaty."

The member of the school student union who temporarily “matched” Hou Lei was dumbfounded by this question, but he quickly reflected it, took out a pack of paper from his pocket, and handed it to Hou Lei.

Hou Lei smiled gratefully, took the piece of paper from his hand, wiped his forehead, looked around the stage, and asked:

"Where is the trash can."

Everyone in the audience has some questions, isn't it about to perform now?Why is this magician Hou Lei lost the chain like this?

However, the other party is a "guest" and is still playing for free. They can still accept this little inconsistency. After all, Lin Qingxian, who they just invited up, is quite unreliable.

"I have a trash can here."

A student in the audience who arranged to put "Fraud Prevention Tips", "Admission Guide", and "How to Live Your University" in various places in the auditorium, raised his portable trash can high because of the distance Because of the distance, he shouted: "Should I bring it here now?"

Hou Lei took the microphone and said with a smile: "No need, you continue your work, I will throw this rubbish."

After speaking, Hou Lei threw the white paper rolled into a ball into the sky.

Will there be an accident?

Is this a magic show?

A ball of toilet paper rolled into a ball, under the gaze of everyone, after a standard parabola... fell to the front of the stage.


The director also patted the assistant beside him and whispered, "What's the matter with this person?"

The audience booed unanimously.

Standing on the stage, Hou Lei looked a little embarrassed. He took the microphone and said to the audience: "Sorry, I just forgot to give this ball of paper a soul. It has no soul, so naturally I can't throw it that far."

After Hou Lei finished speaking, he blew a kiss in the direction of the white paper landing——

The remaining boos from the audience came to an abrupt end in the next second.

There was a sound of flapping wings, and the source of the sound was the place where the white paper just fell.

"Dove! I rely on it, it's a dove."

"How could it be that he is so far away!"

"How come you are a pigeon?! What just happened?"

Everyone in the audience looked confused, and now Hou Lei’s partner on the stage is not getting there. He is so close now, and the ball of paper is less than two meters away from him. How can he become a dove with wings ?

This time, Hou Lei blew a whistle, and the white pigeon flew towards the student who just said there was a trash can!

Under the gaze of everyone, the white dove quickly hovered on the portable trash can, and then, under the eyes of everyone, it turned into a ball of white paper, doing free fall in the air...

Because of the misalignment, the trash can was not caught.

"That classmate, I'm sorry, I didn't throw it right, can I trouble you to pick up the paper and put it in the trash can? Throw away the trash at will, no good."

The student with the portable trash can nodded and knelt down very excitedly. After groping for a while, he held up a ball of paper: "I picked it up!"

But before he dropped his hand, he said, there was a white dove in his hand. After taking a bite, he flew back to Hou Lei's shoulder and rubbed his ears as soon as he released his palm. Very intimate.

"Sorry, I just used a part of this tissue. The other parts are useless. It's a pity to lose it, so it came back. It quietly told me that I should be green and environmentally friendly. Throw it away."

Hou Lei touched the white pigeon's head. This time, the atmosphere in the audience has been fully mobilized, especially Hou Lei announced: "By the way, I forgot to mention the theme of today's performance-love life."

There was a burst of applause from the audience, and everyone thought in unison: This magician is a bit level!And... very conscious.

And after such a stunning beginning, the original little restraint of the "partner" was also released. For the time being, he was not too worried about the problem of "lying" and cooperating if he discovered something.

After five minutes, what he said most often was:

"What the hell?"

"How can this be!"

"Do it again, I don't believe I can't see the problem!"

Under such astonishment, Hou Lei performed the last "magic" of the current rehearsal stage.

"Dear leaders, teachers and classmates, look at the rose in my hand, it is in bud."

Hou Lei took out a bunch of wrinkled things from his pocket. After spreading it out, it was an artificial flower. Because of the wrinkles, it looked extremely distorted, but he was very careful about it. When the "partner" watched it, he also warned:

"Be careful, its body is very fragile now."

Under such instructions, Hou Lei's "partner" carefully checked the artificial flowers and said to the people in the audience: "This is a fake flower."

Hou Leibai glanced at his "partner" and complained: "I said, it is in bud, how can you say it is a fake flower? You disrespect beautiful things!"

As he said, Hou Lei put the flower on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, as if he was experiencing "beauty".

On the public screen, he could see that his expression became intoxicated, as if he was smelling a real flower, then he "can't help but" squinted his eyes and exhaled like a sigh...

He was intoxicated, the people in the audience and the partner beside him--


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!"

"How is it possible! How is this possible!" Weichang Novel Network

The wrinkled fake flower gradually became gorgeous and full on the public screen. After a while, it... bloomed.

The pink mist visible to the naked eye rose from this flower, and then, the refreshing fragrance filled the entire auditorium!

Inside the auditorium, we were caught in a strange and quiet atmosphere, and all the restlessness, anxiety, worries, and anger were relaxed at this moment.

Even the lighting engineer, who has been in a state of tension, found a moment of peace in his heart in the fragrance.

The chief director, who was already very angry tonight, smelled the smell and let out a sigh of relief, which reminded him of his once-green love and dry wallet——


The director applauded first, breaking the tranquil atmosphere, and then directed to his assistant:

"Hou Lei...Mr.'s magic show is a row forward. If it goes to the back, many people will probably leave the auditorium. If they did not see such a performance, it would be my failure as a director!"

The atmosphere in the venue also reached a climax!

Hou Lei leaned on his chest and bowed to everyone, then grabbed the pigeon standing on his shoulder and wiped his forehead, then the pigeon soared into the sky, and then fell into the portable trash can.

When the student with the trash can picked up a wet tissue from the top of the trash can, the atmosphere reached its peak!

For the atmosphere of the scene to reach such a level, Hou Lei had expectations. Similarly, this is also his self-requirement for his coming this time!

He came to perform for free, but he had a serious purpose, but he came to find clues from the gods.

At present, it seems that I have shown such a hand and have already amazed the "staff" present. They should be able to promote with their friends and classmates after this rehearsal.

He believes that freshmen in the freshman year will come to this venue at that time, which is extremely helpful for him to locate relevant people.

Of course, in his original performance arrangement, there was no "skeletal flower" scene, but in order to determine whether his uneasiness was true, he still spent this rare spirit flower growing in the bones.

The fragrance of this flower will accurately penetrate those souls...

"It seems that I am a little worried, and Mingming Lingjue didn't respond."

"The Lin family happened to leave. It should be a problem of his luck. I'm over-minded, over-minded, and wasted!"

"I have performed this time, so I have to show it in the formal performance."

"But to be on the safe side, I should still go to the toilet to take a look..."

Hou Lei returned to the backstage, went out from the backstage door, and walked towards the nearest bathroom.

In this road, the lights were dim, and the shadow he reflected on the wall seemed to have a long tail.

But this tail is illusory, no one cares.

Of course, there was a real tail behind him.

Jiang Shouzheng was following Hou Lei, and he had basically determined that the other party was a member of the Heavenly Court.

Being so careful, but also to confirm Lin Qingxian's situation, he has an understanding of the members of the Heavenly Court...

However, you can't let him get close to Lin Qingxian.

Jiang Shouzheng walked quickly to Hou Lei, his eyes red...

Hou Lei's footsteps paused, his ears moved, he heard Lin Qingxian's voice, and smelled... a foul smell.

"Well, I'm really worried."

"Forget it, don't go, it's disgusting."

"It's a pity that I didn't control him. If you start now, there may be extra problems."

After a few murmurs, Hou Lei returned to the backstage, and the staff told him that his rehearsal was completely flawless this time. It was just that when the time was mentioned in the formal performance, Hou Lei said he knew it and left first.

The moment Hou Lei stepped out of the school gate, Lin Qingxian, who leaned against the bathroom wall, found a "stinky egg" from himself and smashed it into the toilet, finally waited for another message from Jiang Shouzheng:

[Okay, the crisis is temporarily lifted, you go back to the dormitory earlier, I'm afraid there will be accidents in the dormitory.]

[No problem, don’t worry, even if I can’t, don’t you still have your back in the bedroom?]

After Lin Qingxian replied, the heart he was holding was finally let go.

Jiang Shouzheng didn't let himself help, so he should just go back to the bedroom and stay in his dormitory, so as not to cause him trouble.

People, you have self-knowledge.

After Lin Qingxian sent Chen An'an any questions he had about the stage, he deleted the contact information without waiting for the other party to reply.

Since this woman has no chance to become her own wife, don't continue to have any contact with the other party, so as not to delay the time of choosing a wife.

My own time, but not much.

After choosing his wife, he has to give birth to the crystallization of love quickly, and then take advantage of his still alive, a lot of companionship with the children!

What he needs is to go among thousands of flowers, and choose the one that suits him best, not to provoke the flowers.



Jiang Shouhui, who was in a "standby" state beside the old master, was carefully sorting out another Hou Lei's information that was "passively" fed back through monitoring.

You can’t take the initiative to observe, you will be discovered if you take the initiative to observe.

Although... the other party should know that he is watching him.

Jiang Shouhui hasn't become a god for a few days, and still hasn't been sure of how much energy the heavenly court has, but knowing that they are dedicated to killing gods, it's already very scary and scary, OK!

It's not a few days since he became a god, how long does he want to live?

Can't be killed!

By the way, I have just received the news from Senior Brother. Since Hou Lei in the school is not the deity, it should be the deity who is watching now.

Keep an eye on it, don't let him run, wait for the senior brother to come over, let him catch this... only deity, to torture him!

Seek justice for...Master!

But what is this Hou Lei doing?

Why go around in this farm?

He seems to be looking for something now. Is there anything special here?

While watching, Jiang Shouhui gave the seven-day surveillance video of this farm... nothing special.



Even if the logistics are very convenient now, fresh breeding bases still exist next to Kyoto.

Live birds and beasts have a taste when they eat...

"Sir, no one enters here."

"Sorry, I'm lost, I didn't mean to go inside on purpose."

"There is no best. There is no entry here. This is our production and breeding base. If you are allowed to enter at will, I will be the person in charge. Please step back, otherwise I will call someone."

Looking at the security guard wearing this gray uniform in front of him, Hou Lei shook his magic wand and smiled:

"No need to call someone, I really don't go in, I'm just a little lost, I will leave right away. But before I go, can I show you my magic? I am a magician and I want people to watch To my performance."

The security guard hesitated, working here every day, life is still very boring, if someone performs a magic trick for himself, it should still be very interesting, but still have to make sure whether this person is really capable:

"You show me your hand first?"

Faced with such a request, Hou Lei would naturally not refuse. He took the magic wand in his hand that showed his identity and played a stick flower like a wand.

This is obviously not a magic trick, but the security guard saw it with great taste, until he was knocked on the back of the neck with such a stick, he looked very interested...

Before fainting, he murmured: "Good...extremely..."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Hou Lei stroked his chest, showed humility and politeness to the praise of his audience, and then waved his magic wand fiercely.

At the top of the magic wand, a purple flame lit up.

"Tu San, come out, if you don't come out, I will burn here."

"Burn your race to death!"

"Tutu, it's spicy and delicious."

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