My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 489 Threatening you, eating you...(5k, subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Tu San, come out!"

"Tu San, come out quickly, you know, the betrayer will not end well."

"Tu San, there is a saying that human beings say so well that it will not harm your family. If you come out, you will only have one life for you today!"

"Tu San, do you really think that Tianting has your own line in Kyoto? I have investigated. This is the rabbit meat breeding base you invested in. You are a rabbit. Isn't it strange that you actually invested in the rabbit meat breeding base!"

"Tu San, you may not know me well now, but if you look at my body, you should know that I don't have much patience to hide and seek with you!"

Tu San seemed to be holding the magic wand in his hand as if he was holding a torch, as if walking into the performance scene.

And all the surveillance cameras on this walkway, like stage lights, are facing him alone, focusing on him.

No, it's not right, it's a demon now.

As he walked, Tu San went from a person holding a torch to a monkey holding a torch and a figure of sixty to seventy centimeters.

"God of Kyoto, don't even think about calling the police. If I receive any wind, then I will definitely set fire here. If there is a fire here, as far as I know, it will not do you much good. After all, you belong to Kyoto. Gods."

This monkey, after walking and stopping, raised his head and grinned at the monitor. The shadows covered its cheeks, looking a bit terrifying...

Now that I have picked out the words clearly, I don’t seem to have to hide it. Jiang Shouhui carefully separated a part of her consciousness. From his perspective, this belongs to the divine consciousness. Through the monitoring of this breeding base, Looking at "Hou Lei," through the monitoring that can transmit voice, he issued a warning:

"I warn you, don't mess around in Kyoto."

The threat made by Hou Lei just now gave him a very bad feeling. It seems that Hou Lei set a fire in Kyoto, which would cause him great harm.

He doesn't know exactly what it is, it's not a good thing anyway.

After hearing this electronically synthesized voice, Hou Lei's final guess was confirmed.

Can be threatened by the words just now, then this god is still traditional and needs to have a strong attachment to the power of human faith.

Relying on the power of human beliefs, naturally need to be considered for humans.

Very good, and there is no such thing as the worst deduced by the high-level Heavenly Court——

[Human society will give birth to a god that no longer needs the power of faith, and that god will destroy the heavens.

After all, deduction is just deduction, and it is impossible to count.

Hou Lei sensed the monitor attached to its right-hand bracket. The supernatural power on it was really fresh. Hou Lei swallowed subconsciously, and when he wanted to observe again, he found that the supernatural power had completely dissipated.

"It's actually still a spiritually awake god. If you want to eat it in the future, it should not be easy to eat."

As a new god, in the face of its provocations, he was able to put his hands down and slip away. This is a very beautiful character.

After all, gods are all born out of the power of "praise" belief.

What is omnipotent, what is omnipotent, what is omniscience and omnipotence...

When people provide the power of faith, they will subconsciously think of the gods they ask for, the more bullish the better.

Being more bullish does not mean that what you ask for is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the gods, and then you have the opportunity to help yourself.

After all, for that super powerful god, it was just a matter of effort!

Under this kind of power of faith, although the gods are new individuals and lives, after their birth, the power of faith is nothing more than a kind of food for him, but under these "boasting" messages, the gods Most of them, especially the newly-born gods, are particularly proud and wanting to save face.

People say I am a cow, am I not a cow?

Of course, these descriptions of the newly-born gods were all made in the "food-eating discussion group" in the heavenly court when there were many gods in the past.

According to Hou Lei's understanding over the years, such a climate-only god was born in Kyoto... Other places, not to mention.

In recent years, especially in the past ten years, after the gods have been eaten up or down, some demons in the heavenly court have spoken out. They appealed and emphasized a concept:

"Artificial cultivation of gods."

Among them, there are two factions. One is the "hunting-forbidden faction". This faction emphasizes not eating gods for a period of time, so that gods can buffer the birth. This concept is similar to that of human beings during the fishing period; "Instant School", the idea of ​​this school is to cultivate new gods among the crowd...

However, according to the current situation, the two factions have almost aborted.

No hunting, dreaming?


In the early years, the big players of the fast-track faction had held a few small "gatherings", and they dedicated themselves to "applause if you understand that the gods can empower you."

The atmosphere is getting hot, but few gods are born.

Later, the big guys felt annoyed, and they reported their place and went to the police station to stay calm and calm.

Maybe if you hold on for a long time, you can give birth to real gods, but there are a few of the monsters who like to farm in nature. Isn't picking peach fragrant?

And as a monkey, Hou Lei can tell everyone through his own experience.

Picking peaches, it's so fragrant!

Oh, by the way, now the focus is not on picking peaches, but since this local god has already withdrawn, then it is its home court and you can do whatever you want.



"My child, you look pretty good with cosmetic contact lenses, but it will hurt your eyes."

Jiang Shou was sitting in the co-pilot seat. He glanced at the driver's master and smiled and said, "Thank you, master, for your concern. Mainly... I wear these cosmetic contact lenses, too. If the master can temporarily borrow the right to use this car If you give it to me, I think I can turn off the cosmetic contact lenses earlier, oh no, take it off."

"You are going to borrow my car. No problem. Take it. Health is more important."

While the vehicle was driving, the master released his hands lying on the steering wheel after speaking, and the radio made a tender sound simultaneously:

"Brother, sit down, I'll drive!"

Next, the mechanical sound of electronic synthesis——

"Smart Kyoto Smart Driving is launched, and we are dedicated to providing you with a better and higher-quality driving experience. It is expected to arrive at the designated location in thirty-eight minutes."

After finishing speaking, the entire body shook. According to the planned route, Jiang Shouhui's program stepped up to control the car to gallop toward the rabbit meat breeding base.

Jiang Shouzheng rolled down the car windows silently, the air-conditioning wind was blowing...not good, but the air outside the car was fresher.

"Brother, did you think that Tu San would really be there? I should have ran away long ago?"

"Brother, look at your phone, I sent you a link, which is the live video."

"Brother, why don't you talk to me?"

Jiang Shouzheng spoke silently, trying to stabilize his voice slightly:

"You will know it when you get to the place, now it's useless."


When Jiang Shouhui was about to ask questions, Jiang Shouzheng interrupted:

"I now need to...gather up and hope for a relatively quiet environment."

Narrative?Reality?Gaining momentum?

Should be gaining momentum?

What does it mean to gain momentum?

After retrieving the noun explanations of many keywords on the Internet, Jiang Shouhui shut up.

The program carefully controls the car body according to its own plan, accelerating, using the fastest speed, decelerating, and using the safest and most economical way... everything is to save time.

Jiang Shouzheng looked at the driver in the driving seat and his expression was a bit wrong, and asked with concern:

"Master, are you all right."

The master nodded first, and then shook his head. Suddenly, his cheeks bulged abruptly. With a somewhat chaotic look in his eyes, he panicked and slammed at a "drawer" in front of Jiang Shouzheng. .

"turn on?"

Jiang Shouzheng understood the meaning of the driver's master, opened this drawer and saw that it was filled with the used garbage bags.

When the driver saw this, he leaned to the side of Jiang Shouzheng, took out a garbage bag from it, and shook:


The driver's master found a paper towel, wiped the corners of his mouth, and muttered, "Isn't you crazy, driving like this?"

Jiang Shouhui was very dissatisfied with the driver's complaint. What do you say?

"Humans, I am a god. This is a program I designed to save time. Time is money. This is the greatest blessing for you humans! You should reflect on it. It is because your body is too fragile. There is a problem with my program. If you look at my brother, he has no response."

Hearing the sound on the radio, the driver's eyes showed a little panic and fear, but after a flash of red light, he calmly said:

"I don't care if you are a god or a neurotic, it is a problem for you to drive like this! The experience you give to the driver will be very poor."

Faced with the question of the driver's master, Jiang Shouhui still said the same sentence: "Look at my brother, it's okay. If you have something to say, it is your own business." TXT Bookstore

After saying it three times in a row, the driver turned his head to look at Jiang Shouzheng, and after careful observation, he gave Jiang Shouzheng a thumbs up, indicating that he was awesome.

Jiang Shouzheng nodded in return, and then continued to lean on the back of the chair hard, trying to get his body "trapped" into the seat...this would feel a little better.

Thirty-seven minutes later.

"The arrival time is one minute earlier than the estimated time. Smart Kyoto Smart Driving successfully completed this service."

The mechanical synthesis heard from the audio that the driver master had no energy to complain this time. After the car stopped, he unfastened his seat belt, got out of the car with the trash bag containing the vomit, and found a trash can. After thrown into it, return to the car.

When he returned to the car, Jiang Shouzheng had already left.

He didn't react, he closed the door on his own, and after holding his hands on the steering wheel, his body trembled slightly, his eyes suddenly became clearer, and he looked at the surrounding environment and felt strange:

"What's the matter, why did I drive here?"

The driver's master blinked and frowned.

Ding Ding Ding~

The mobile phone is connected to the car's Bluetooth, and I looked at the display on the right that says "the top creditor".

He hurriedly answered the phone: "Wife, what's the matter?"

"Why haven't you come back? Your birthday can't be passed yet?"

"After that, I just...took a guest. I will drive back right now. My place is just not far from our house. I will be as soon as possible, ten minutes."

The driver master gave his promise to return, but after he got home, at least twenty minutes passed.

Parked the car in the now rented parking lot of the community, the driver master looked at his watch and sighed:

"It's too early again, next time I want to say it, it must be a little later, who would have thought that there was a traffic accident on the road.

"Let my wife wait for so long, she will definitely be unhappy, she knew to use the wisdom Kyoto car..."

Halfway through the conversation, the driver master felt like his forehead had been shocked, he remembered it, he remembered everything--

His car was invaded by an intelligent navigation system just now!

The door could not be opened, and everything in the car was useless.

The inside of the car is displayed as a no signal zone.

Damn it!He was scared to death just now!

Call the police!

Call the police!

Why did you forget it just now?!

The driver's master panicked on the phone and called the police!I just called the police and my car was "hacked", right? It was "coerced" by hackers!

When the police officer who answered the phone asked about the location, the driver's master drove him to the police station.



"Everything is under control."

Jiang Shouhui received feedback when the driver's master called the police station. He smiled triumphantly, and things did not exceed his expectations.

This is someone else calling the police, not Him.

Since he borrowed the power of Turtle Shoushou, he found that his divine power can not only be used to improve sobriety, but also can be deduced.

In the past, calculations were made from a scientific perspective, but now they rely on metaphysics.

According to his own assessment, in Kyoto, he is more accurate than tortoises, which is a kind of confidence!

After all, although the tortoise has a longevity, most of the fortune-telling only considers the birth date and so on, but it is different. When it comes to fortune-telling, everything is considered...

But out of Kyoto, the tortoise is still alive because it is more mysterious...

But as a god, he will not be discouraged. He is just a beginner in fortune-telling, and he still cannot defeat the tortoise who specializes in eating this bowl of rice, especially the tortoise, which has its own shell.

And Jiang Shouhui only has one supercomputer...

"Are you confirming the alarm?" Jiang Shouzheng asked, leaning on a tree, completely immersed in the shadow.

"Yes, brother, we have finished the alarm work, are we waiting here now?" Jiang Shouzheng's mobile phone screen rippled, and a thumb-sized head came out, not a reduced version of Jiang Shouhui.

Jiang Shouzheng opened his eyes and looked at the direction of the rabbit meat breeding base. Because there was still a little distance, he could not see the demon energy that belonged to Hou Lei.

After watching carefully for a while, Jiang Shouzheng gave up. Since he can't see it, he won't waste his power...

"Let's wait for the people from the police station to come over now." Jiang Shouzheng replied after thinking twice.

If you catch Hou Lei yourself, there will be a direct conflict, but if a police officer catches it, will the effect be different?

When he and Lin Qingxian were chatting about the topic of Tianting, Lin Qingxian said that under normal circumstances, when there is no danger to life, the members of Tianting will not directly conflict with mortals, let alone mortals. Life, they seem to have a special rule.

According to the data, there are staff members of the Heavenly Court who have been seized of the records of the detention center.

This is experience!

Gotta reference!

"Yes." Jiang Shouhui held the screen with her hand, pushed herself out of the screen, then flew up and sat on Jiang Shouzheng's shoulders and asked, "Brother, do you want me to tell you what's inside." "


The enthusiasm just now hasn't been relieved, Jiang Shouzheng doesn't want to look at the phone too much now.

Looked...a bit dizzy.



After yelling for a few times without responding, the monkey became a little impatient.

Based on its own feeling, it walked into a breeding ground and mentioned the only fat and big male rabbit in it. This place, except for this rabbit, was all female.

Feeling the very weak demon power in the rabbit, a cruel smile appeared on the monkey's face.

"Don't blame me, it's your ancestor's fault."

As he said, the monkey slammed his magic wand to the ground. The magic wand was directly pierced into the cement and stood firmly.

Then, the monkey pressed the head of the fat rabbit with his free hand.

The rabbit seemed to feel the crisis and began to struggle frantically, was useless.

It's just a bunny...


After the rabbit was completely silent, the monkey's ears moved, and there was no sound as he wanted, but now it is not in a hurry:

"I see when you can bear it."

According to the information it currently possesses, because Tu San has defects, there is no way to give birth to heirs with humans, and the fertility rate is very low. With Tu San's blood, that...the ability to multiply is also affected.

Therefore, there are not many descendants of Tu San, and he cherishes them all.

"Your offspring will become my food, I see how long you can bear it."

This sentence is like talking to oneself, but also like talking to others...

Then, the monkey pulled out a mobile phone from his body and retrieved the rabbit’s practices online:

"Let me see what rabbits do."

"Hmm... Spicy rabbit, black bean longan rabbit soup, crispy rabbit meat, spicy rabbit diced, soaked leg diced rabbit, double mushroom fresh rabbit, dry pot rabbit..."

While the monkey was talking, he was drenched with snails, and his hands did not stop, pulling out a big black pot, a shelf, a wood, a bucket of lard from the air...

It looks like it is about to cook on the spot.



"Brother, that's it... Now Hou Lei's dish is called Cordyceps Flower Wolfberry Rabbit Broth, which is very healthy."

"It should be forcing Tu San to appear."

"I estimate that when the police station sent someone, the pot of rabbit meat was just cooked."

"Brother, your stomach is screaming, are you hungry?"

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