My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 490 Jiang Shouqin: I really want to eat... (6k, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Kyoto is very small, so it occupies a small area. It is placed on the whole world map, and you have to look carefully...

Kyoto is big and can accommodate anything, people, architecture, dreams, regrets and abyss.

Xiangju Street Police Station, everyone likes to call it "Jiuhuan Police Station". It is located in a remote area. Slip a little further, it is not Kyoto.

At this moment, the police center has assigned the case to the Jiuhuan...Xiangju Street Police Station.

"Master Chen, hurry up, it will be over time for police."

According to the management regulations of the police station, after receiving the report information from the informant, the police must be dispatched within five minutes if they really need to go out to the scene for exploration.

This is a hard and fast rule and must be observed!

Five minutes is a red line.

Once five minutes have passed, fines will be fine, deprivation of honor, and heavy duty transfer!

"The rules are dead, and people are alive. I told them to call out for five minutes. Can I be unclear? My door is clear! Besides, I'm pinching the watch! Do you know why the five-minute rule is given to us? For old comrades like me, sitting here, listening to the siren, mobilize the kidney... kidney hormones in my body, let this hormone fully stimulate the body, so that the body can be excited after the scene, and the efficiency of handling cases will be more efficient. High." The old police officer known as Master Chen screwed the lid of the teacup, put his hands on the armrest of the chair and stood up, "Okay, let's go, time is almost up."

Now, just one minute and thirty seconds have passed since getting the task.

"Master Chen, it's adrenaline," the young man reminded.

"Isn't it renal hormone?" Master Chen asked, putting his hat on.

"I have only heard of adrenaline and hormones, not adrenal hormones." The young man picked up Master Chen's teacup with great eyesight, but the reminder is still to be reminded.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, I just said it, when I just said adrenaline hormones, I always felt a little awkward, adrenaline, hormones! Haha, I remembered, I learned again, I really live to live Learn to grow old." Master Chen clapped his hands with some joy, and then left the office in large strides. Because the pace was too fast, the young man behind him trot to follow...

"Master Chen, you do it well."

The young man lights the fire.

Now, two minutes and thirty-seven seconds have passed since getting the task.

Driven by the young man, Master Chen sat in the co-pilot's seat, back and forth, and listened to the voice recorded by the police call.

While waiting for a traffic light, the young man asked: "Master Chen, you will have to recite these words. Is there anything you don't understand?"

Young people have some dissatisfaction with Master Chen. Staying at the police station these days is of no use. From his point of view, there are trivial things that are handled every day, and there are no major cases at all.

Today, either the employee left the company and was forced by the company to cry for mediation, or the old man of whose family was lost...

These trivial and trivial things, in his opinion, are trivial matters.

These little things are not what he wants to handle at all, but... to go up, you must have experience at the grassroots level. This is inevitable, and when you go to the grassroots level, you need to do something. Evaluation.....

Master Chen glanced at the young man and asked, "Come on, Xiao Liu, tell me what you heard from it."

"Master Chen, my surname is Li, Muzili, my name is..." the young man explained.

"Hold it off, what is your surname or name has nothing to do with me. You are just an intern at the grassroots level from the police academy. You will leave after a while. Why should I remember your name? After remembering your name , I have to figure out why sophomore freshmen can come to the police station during their time in school...experience the qualifications of life, who is your father, who is your mother, so it’s so small for me. For the small area police officer, what a hard work." Master Chen refused to know the name of Officer Xiao Li, and gave him a reason.

These words caused Officer Xiao Li to choke for a long time. After the red light, he adjusted his emotions and said: "Okay, then I will tell you what I heard..."

"That's right, if we handle the case, we just need to think about the case. Other twists and turns are not considered by the big guys. If you perform well, I will naturally give you an excellent result in your evaluation. If your performance is unsatisfactory, I uphold the way of not sinning, and will give me a good, but if you turn the corner to find the family and give me a little pressure, then I am sorry, I will retire and not eat yours It’s pretty good to give a pass evaluation."

After Master Chen’s words were almost threatening, there was silence in the car, and Master Chen gave a haha, "Hey, I was just talking about it for fun. You wouldn’t think it was true. Hey, you guys. This kind of young person really likes to take things seriously and is not flexible at all. I originally wanted to introduce you to my daughter, Chen Anan, who is the vice chairman of the student union of Kyoto Chemical University this year. It's necessary."

For these words of Master Chen, the young man in front of him was unmoved, Chen An'an?A film police father, do you deserve it?

When can a film cop threaten himself?

Kidding, what you just said, is that a joke?

If he really adds a good or a pass in his resume, it will follow him for the rest of his life, and the file will not change, especially now that all the information is entered online and backed up on multiple ports under!

Officer Xiao Li slammed on the brakes, but Master Chen didn't pay attention and moved forward. Fortunately, the seat belt was relatively reliable.

"Master Chen, what did you mean just now?" Officer Xiao Li said in a bad tone.

"It's nothing, it's just a joke. By the way, I was really embarrassed to interrupt you just now. You know, an elderly person like me is just a little bit bad and talkative." Chen The master lowered his head and pulled on the seat belt, and he braked suddenly just now, causing a certain sense of pressure on his chest, which was very uncomfortable.

Officer Xiao Li was just about to speak, when someone knocked on the door of the driver's seat.


Officer Xiao Li turned his head to see, isn't it his idol Liu Ming!

Pulling down the car window, Police Officer Xiao Li had not had time to speak, Liu Ming took the lead and said: "Hello, Master Chen, is this going to go out for work?"

Master Chen did not expect to meet Liu Ming here, but he was still very happy. It has been half a year since I met Liu Ming last time. Even though the police stations of the two places are very close, they are a few times apart. Ring.

"Little Liu, why are you here?"

Liu Ming pointed to the back: "I just drove behind, and the car on your side suddenly stopped. I wanted to come over and see what's going on. I didn't expect to meet you, Master Chen. Fate."

"Haha, it's fate, Xiao Liu, if you have nothing else to do now, stop your car, come in my car and go out with me."

"Good! Give me thirty seconds."

After Liu Ming left, Officer Xiao Li asked with some confusion: "Master Chen, how did you meet Officer Liu Ming?"

"Well, I have been working in the police force for almost 30 years. Although I haven't climbed up, it's okay to know a few people. Just like this Xiao Liu, I used to practice internship like you before. He was a hard-working child, but the name was not well obtained. He happened to collide with a stubborn on the Internet. At that time, he always had friends who came to the police station to find him, and they always asked if the tongs were in this police station. !"

The door in the back seat of the car opened, and Liu Ming sat behind and smiled: "Master Chen, you are saying bad things about me again, but I heard it."

"No, no, you are now a new star in our police circle. I'm just a bad old man. I rushed to say bad things about you. Aren't you going to be poked and scolded by someone!" Master Chen glanced at the rearview mirror. Later, after looking at Liu Ming, he laughed happily, and told Officer Xiao Li, "Um, Xiao... Zhang, drive."

"Master Chen, my last name is Liu, no, no, my last name is Li, Li of Muzili."

"Okay, drive your car. By the way, analyze the information you just received from the police call. It just so happens that Xiao Liu is also here, so you can help me with the staff." Master Chen is still lazy.

Officer Xiao Li’s expression was a bit ugly, Liu Ming also noticed it, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Master Chen is like this. At the beginning, I was working under his hands. After a while, you will know that Master Chen is kind to us, and you will learn real things under Master Chen."

With such relief, Officer Xiao Li can only nod his head to express his understanding, but he still doubts whether he can really learn something.

However, you still have to talk about your own analysis first before it is...

Liu Ming listened and thought of the words Zhu Gemeng had brought him:

'Brother Torch, my father asked me to tell you that if you want to find clues to the newly born god in Kyoto, you can go to your earliest intern teacher. He will have an intersection with that god tonight.'



"Brother, the police officer who is rushing over has one more person. The original Chen Heping and Li Jian have not changed. There is an extra Liu Ming in the car, that is the strange man."

"Liu Ming, you can't let him in directly, you can send him a text message to let him leave."

"...Senior brother, I sent him a text message, but he didn't look at the phone, he should be chatting."

"Then call me when I'm about to arrive, I have to stop him, but I can't let him in, otherwise he will directly conflict with the monkey."

"By the way, brother, are you sure about catching the monkey monster?" Jiang Shouhui wanted to ask this question, especially when the monkey swallowed at him, Jiang Shouhui wanted to ask clearly.

Faced with Jiang Shouhui's question, Jiang Shouzheng said seriously: "Kill it, yes, I have carefully observed that its power is not very strong, but to grasp it, to be honest, I have no confidence in my heart."

According to the analysis of current intelligence, Hou Lei can dispose of Tu San's life at will, so he should have certain management authority in the heavenly court. Since he has the management authority, he will know some secret things more or less... .Right?

Maybe not only can you pull up one layer, maybe it's...two layers?

Think about working in a class in a large company now, to the middle level, there is a small managerial position, all of whom will sign a confidentiality agreement and a non-competition agreement.

Then, an organization like Heavenly Court has no restrictions on the demons in its own organization?

However, when Jiang Shouzheng was observing Hou Lei, he did not find any non-Hou Lei power in his body, without any restriction.

so good?

how is this possible!

Jiang Shouzheng has no way to forget that after the college entrance examination, all the memories of the old master's existence in this world are all erased from the power of the time!

Not only is the memory in my mind erased, including the various qualification certificates in human society, but also simultaneously erased, but also the name on the official business license that has been hung in the Taoist temple is distorted into my own name.

This ability to change the day and the day, if it were not for his own strength, or if it were not for affecting others and the world at the same time, Jiang Shouzheng didn't think he could still remember the old master...

Lucky does not mean success.Love my novel

Moreover, the master's mana was once abolished, and after he was rebuilt, he had his current powerful body, which shows that the master's aptitude must be very strong!

Such a strong watcher, the power has been abolished, and the masters have been destroyed, but they have never said that they will avenge the heaven.

Every time he asks the master about the heavens, the master hesitates and hesitates, unable to say any key and substantive information, and sometimes the content of what he says is inconsistent.

When talking about the destroyed teacher, the master just kept silent.

This is how the subject is protecting himself!

I'm afraid I have ideas about Heaven!

He is the one who has cultivated his own subjectivity since childhood, and he knows himself best. However, if he really has the power to avenge the heavens, or if he adds the real power of the subjectivity is enough, then he can buy pork on his own and then look back and report the price of pork. At that time, the viewer discovered that he had been slaughtered by himself, paid ten yuan more, and directly dragged himself to find a vendor again to reason... Zhongzheng, how could he not go to the heaven?

But now it doesn't!

The observer also deliberately played down the influence.

Then explain...

It's not enough to go to the Heavenly Court alone now.

"Remember, this time it’s just to capture it alive. It’s just to understand the heavens and strengthen your understanding. Don’t be stunned. If you ask the questions that should be asked, then erase Hou Lei’s memory. What is he doing? It never happened."

Jiang Shouzheng once again silently reminded himself in his heart that if he fails, whether it is to let Hou Lei slip away or eliminate Hou Lei, there may be troubles that cannot be foreseen...

This kind of unpredictability is very bad, and there is no way to control anything.




Lao Guanzhu lay on the rocking chair and swayed, Jiang Shouhui stood beside him, helped him to show a display screen in front of him, and let him read the e-book——

This is an excellent light novel called "My Master Really Tells Stories, He Fell Me For So Long". It has double protagonists and group portraits. Simply put, it is a master who has no qualifications and only speaks. There is a very talented but very simple apprentice crazy water daily story...

With the deepening of reading, the old-minded master replaced himself in the role of the master, and was thinking about some questions simultaneously-

What kind of love and hatred do I have to have with Heaven to make Shouzheng believe?

What was the cause of the dispute between himself and the heavenly court?Genius, love and hatred,...retire?

If I have a dispute with the Heavenly Court, should we have a dispute with the lower, middle, or upper levels of the Heavenly Court?


There are many question marks in the mind of the old master. Every time a problem is solved, a new problem will arise.

No wonder some people say that a lie needs to be corrected with more lies.

So tired, I can't tell you one reason at all!

Moreover, I also screamed at a shit teacher, what should happen in this teacher?

The position of this division is very strong, otherwise why would it be destroyed?

Moreover, this teacher has to be detached from the world. If you really want to find the tragedy, there will be some specific report materials in the libraries of various places. It is still very convenient to search for things, especially... ..

The old watcher turned around a few times like to move his eyeballs, and looked at Jiang Shouhui——

If Jiang Shouhui cooperates, then if you say in detail, the more likely it is to be verified as false!

Then, you have to blow up your master, the kind that is not in the world, in other...planes!

Yes, it's this bluff...not in the real world, but it is inextricably related to the real world.

This kind of teacher's door is destroyed, and there is no report, that is normal!

Shouzheng, can he still suspect that what I said is false?

Falsification is always the hardest thing.

It's like proving that there is no white crow in this world...

If you haven't been to a place beyond the world, how can you prove that there is or not this place?

Ahahaha, pseudo-propositions are the best!

After locating his teacher, he started to design the characters. There shouldn’t be more characters, just three or four. If there are more characters, you can talk about them. It’s better not to have any names, otherwise it’s easy to talk. ladle......

The background of the characters should not be too complicated, but there must be a sense of conflict and contradiction in order to have a certain story...

Do you want to arrange a younger sister for yourself? This just makes up for the reason why I have not been married for so many years...

So why am I not married???

Thinking of this, the old Guanzhu suddenly lost interest in making up stories. He decided to think about why he has not been married for so many years!

As for the story, don't worry.

Just ask, don't say, he can make up his mind, smart children have such excellent qualities, so that he is very worry-free as a master.

By the way, why there are always strange memories in my mind during this period of time, I have to think about it...

After a while, Jiang Shouhui regained her power, and the display screen disappeared.

He floated to the room downstairs, grabbed a sheet and gently covered it with the old master.


There is a sense of security that is full of strength when staying next to the old master, but the part of me who is staying with the brother now, but there is not so much sense of security, if the brother deliberately leaked some breath to himself, I felt it at all Not to mention the existence of brother, let alone a sense of security.

Look at the old master, snoring is so powerful!


I seem to be missing something?

But what is missing?

A spinning circle appeared on Jiang Shouhui's head...

He is thinking, He is thinking hard...

While he was thinking, Jiang Shouzheng was squatting on the top floor of the dormitory building with the shadow of a monkey... sticking to the wall, it seemed to be seriously "looking at" the direction of the 504 bedroom.

"Three strange people... a demon, eh? Isn't this the traitor turtle's longevity? It was beaten by the old pig and not dead? No, right, people haven't joined yet. I can't say that they are traitors. Don’t tell me, don’t you think it’s my shit....What is the sawdust monster?...Is the source of the breath really here?...That lotus flower is a bit weird. ....."

"Except that the people who live here are a bit weird, the dormitory is quite ordinary. Would you like to try to get in, maybe you will find something else?"

"Don't go or go... Curiosity kills the cat, and if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I actually feel that there is no layout in this bedroom, so there must be a problem! The bedroom is not right, how can there be no steps! I actually have the idea of ​​taking risks, it's too dangerous, it's too dangerous! Let's leave early."

The shadow of the monkey stood up, walked slowly against the wall, and quickly merged into a shadow, no trace was found, as if it had never appeared...

"I wonder if my two companions will die after tonight?'

'If you die, that would be great. All the power belongs to me. Then I have the power to challenge Hou Lei. He wants to kill us to prove the truth. Why am I?'

'If it succeeds, then I am Hou Lei, and Hou Lei is me. It is really great, great, Zhizhizhi!Great.'

The more I think about it, the more excited!

In the 504 bedroom, Jiang Shouqin sat in the center of the lotus, raised his head and swallowed through the lotus petals.

I really want to eat it, it tastes very good...

But this seems to be alive, not dead, brother won't let me eat...

But the brother is not there now, there should be no problem if I eat it, if I eat it, no one will find out or seek a grievance from the brother...

Oh my God, it’s getting more and more delicious, smelling, getting more and more fragrant, delicious, absolutely top-notch...

If I eat it, my incarnation body may be stronger, and it can withstand the beating of the senior sister...

The more Jiang Shouqin thought about it, the more diligent he became. The tortoise under the lotus flower shrank himself in the shell of the turtle.

"Mother, is this little ancestor going to swallow my soul or something??"

"Shouzheng, come back soon, your junior is out of control!!!"

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