You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Stop, help..."

A young man waving his hands, standing in the middle of the road, stopped the car driven by Officer Xiao Li.

The car stopped slowly, the door opened, and Police Officer Xiao Li and Master Chen stepped out of the car quickly, and Liu Ming, who got out of the back seat, saw the young man with a thoughtful expression...

This young man is naturally Jiang Shouzheng.

"This little comrade, what's the matter?" Master Chen took the lead and stepped forward to help. Under the shining of the car lights, Jiang Shouzheng's face was unusually pale, and his body was slightly swayed, as if he was about to fall. same.

As soon as Master Chen grabbed Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouzheng's body immediately softened and seemed to have found support.

"Little Ma, what are you doing! Come on up."

"??" Police Officer Xiao Li looked around and pointed at himself.

"Yeah, Xiaoliu Xiaoliu, hurry up, hurry up and support it, you young people are pretty strong now, I can't pull it a bit."

Master Chen desperately dragged Jiang Shouzheng’s right side, and Officer Xiao Li immediately stepped forward and supported Jiang Shouzheng’s left side. At this moment, they both felt a little uncomfortable in their chests at the same time. Something got in, and it looked like...

Master Chen: Why do you feel that your salary has been cut in half?

Officer Xiao Li: Why is there a feeling that dad came back and was scolded by him again?

However, this feeling was fleeting, and under Jiang Shouzheng's "Eh yo" voice, they did not continue to care.

"Help me, help me, help!..."

Jiang Shouzheng fell to the ground, and even squatted down with the two of them. He broke away from Officer Xiao Li's hand and desperately grasped Master Chen: "Police officer, officer, save me, take me away, isn't it right? If you have a colleague of mine, please save him too. Go and save him.

"Little comrade, speak slowly, don't worry." Master Chen patted Jiang Shouzheng on the back and said slowly.

These words seemed to have some magical power, and Jiang Shouzheng's emotions quickly stabilized. He looked at Officer Xiao Li with some admiration.

On weekdays, only when he comforts such an unstable person, Officer Xiao Li thinks Master Chen is a professional police officer...

"Before, there was someone just now, no, not a human, but a monster. They knocked on someone when they came in and brought a fire. Hurry up and take someone to save the person. My colleague was knocked out, maybe dead, just ahead."

There are wounded!

Master Chen and Officer Xiao Li looked at each other, and their bodies became tense in an instant.

Master Chen said solemnly: "How many people are there?"

"One, just one." Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand and made a "1". As if afraid that Master Chen would not be able to understand the general, he "pushed" his hand forward.


"Ahead, it's the rabbit meat breeding base where you turn right at the intersection ahead and drive on. Come on, come on.

"Xiao Liu, you follow me, Xiao Zhao, you are here with this little comrade."

Taking into account that there are still people who might need to be rescued, Master Chen immediately made the assignment, leaving the inexperienced comrades to take care of the others, and bringing the experienced Liu Ming with him.

Police Officer Xiaoli narrowed his mouth. This time, Police Officer Xiaoli didn't want to tell Master Chen by his surname. What is your favorite name?

But what he really wants to say is-he is the "partner" with Master Chen, even if Liu Ming is his idol, he shouldn't come to compete with him!

Now it seems that this task is very exciting, and there may really be credit for it!

Although Master Chen's desire to strive for credit was "refuted" by Master Chen, how could this mood be easily suppressed by a single sentence?

He is not convinced!

In the eyes of the person concerned, he can be called the perpetrator of a monster...there is a second victim...the person's mood is anxious and panic...

This is a big deal properly!

Liu Ming seemed to feel the emotions of Officer Xiao Li, and he said: "Master Chen, this is not the scope of my responsibility. If I intervene without authorization, it would be bad."

"If there is anything good or not, just do something!"

"But Officer Xiao Li is your partner in this operation."

Liu Ming is very insistent on this. Master Chen doesn't think there is any time delay now. He shook his hand a little irritably: "Everyone is not a human being, just being a fox, chirps, chirps! I bother you like this. That's it!"

As Master Chen said, he looked at Officer Xiao Li and said: "What to see, follow me, hurry up, listen to my arrangements later, don't do it alone!"


After the car galloped away, Liu Ming looked at Jiang Shouzheng and asked in a serious tone: "What did you do to the two of them just now? You should know that even if it is a strange person, you must follow the rules and treat ordinary people without authorization. Start, do you want someone to provoke order? Why did you ask me to stay? What's the purpose? You stayed in school most of the night, why did you come to this place?..."

"Stop! Can you ask questions one by one? If you ask like this, I don't know which one to answer first."

Jiang Shouzheng's "horrified" expression converged, and he recovered calmly. He stood up and responded, "You let me speak slowly."



"Master Chen, what are you doing? Do you want reinforcements with the top leaders?"

"What kind of shit reinforcement, I'm just sending a message with my good brother... By the way, have you prepared a suicide note for your family?" Jushuku

Obviously he was talking about this case, why did Master Chen suddenly turn to the "suicide note".

Although Officer Xiao Li did not understand, he still answered the question honestly.

"I've been preparing for it a long time ago. If I sacrificed, I wouldn't look too abrupt. However, I guess, they shouldn't be too sad. is very busy. thing."

"Yes, Not Bad."


Sure enough, I and Master Chen were a bit offended, what do you mean by "not bad"?

Officer Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief, stepped on the accelerator pedal to the maximum, and asked: "...Well, Master Chen, based on your years of experience as a police officer, do you think there will be any credit this time? The kind of commendation is also counted. ."

"Do you really think what big things will happen next to Kyoto? In this place, it is the robbers who rushed to commit crimes. Also, don't always think about the merits. You have forgotten what you said to you on the road just now. You have to fight for something like credit, but you should fight for it after the fact, and fight for it after the matter has been finalized. Otherwise, big problems will arise."

The old and the young were chatting in the car, but their emotions were gradually aroused. According to Master Chen's words, "the kidneys have already filled the whole body."

During the entire chat, Master Chen didn't lift his head, poking the screen with his finger:

'Where is the scheduled delivery?'

'Oh oh oh, here, I want to send a message to Lao Zhou. Where is Lao Zhou's contact information?'

'Lao Zhou is a rich man, Lao Zhou is a rich man, oh, here, really, must have such a tacky name.'

Master Chen set the email sending time, but in order to ensure that the content he sent has no typos and fits the current context, Master Chen clicked in and changed the content a bit to something like what he wrote at this time:

""Suicide Note"

Lao Zhou, this is Xiao Chen. It's been a long time.

Now, you can call Lao Chen.

If you receive this email, it means that I am dead, the kind of bird in the sky.

I blame you for the inexplicable death of my brothers back then. You said that you want to bring it all back, but the result?You came back alone, and you said a lot of nonsense.

I decided at that time that I won't have any contact with you in my life.

However, I am not reconciled. After retiring from the army, I assume that what you said is true. Investigate and guess what?

What the fuck you said seems to be true!

There seem to be existences in this world that we cannot understand, some are human beings, and some are not human beings.

What you said, from my current perspective, it is certainly not an illusion.

I'm sorry for what happened in the past and the thing about scolding you.

I'm sorry, I will definitely not say it face to face, I also want face.

By the way, if you are free, just come to my house. The things I have organized over the years are under my bed. I am only worthy to collect information. I cannot avenge my brothers. My ability is limited.

In addition, my family An'an is now a big girl. She is beautiful. Apart from being a bit snobbery and utilitarian like her mother, she doesn't have too many shortcomings. You can help me take care of it.

If I remember correctly, you also have a son named Zhou Quan, right?He seems to be one or two years younger than our family An An. Our family An An is now studying at Kyoto Chemical University. He is in his junior year and he is very good. They can do everything.

As the saying goes, female freshman, holding golden rooster, female sophomore, golden full tank, female junior, holding golden bricks, I remember An An must not be more than three years old than Zhou Quan. If they two are suitable, then let them be together. Pro-plus-pro.

You have to prepare the beauties from my house and be thicker.In this way, An An’s mother will be happy. After showing off, she will return it to your family. At most, I will charge you 10,000 yuan. I’m telling you this. Don’t tell anyone or you. The son and wife said, otherwise someone would say that our family is safe and worthless.

So that’s it, I’m dead, and you are the only one left in the sharp knife camp back then. Stay alive, and you can check it out. Let our old brothers die clearly. If you can’t check it, don’t force me. It feels like the water inside seems a bit deep.

There will be no suicide note left by my family to save them from sadness.

You and I will leave one, anyway, you don’t owe me this suicide note anyway.

——Chen Heping, Jiandaoying.

Remarks: When you give me incense, remember to make it a little bit thicker. I want to be full, but I can’t go hungry."

Master Chen read the contents of his "Suicide Note" once and found that there was no problem. After checking the scheduled sending time, he put the phone back in his pocket.

The place is here.



Inside the pot, the soup bottom is boiling, and from time to time there are pieces of meat floating up with bubbles, smelling very fragrant.

The monkey was already drooling, dripping on the ground, smashing small holes.

"I can't help it, I can't help it."

The monkey pulled out the magic wand that was stuck in the ground, and turned it into a big spoon. He tried to scoop a spoon, and sip:

"It tastes good, but I still lack a little blood."

"Hey! The ingredients are here, and they smell pretty good."

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