My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 493: Where's My Medicine? ? ? (7.2k today, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The shadows of the branches falling on the ground are full of shadows, and the searchlights are scanning back and forth regularly, making all the shadows of the trees swing and sway following its movements.

"Master Chen, it should be here."

Officer Xiao Li stopped the car, turned off the engine, and pulled the handbrake.

The old and the young got off the car with serious expressions. When closing the door, they pulled out the batons from their waists and flicked them.

They didn't walk long before they heard...

There was a low, muffled grunt, and a regular hum.

In this environment, occasional breeze blowing, coupled with the sound of this unknown sound, made Officer Xiao Li's hair stand up.

"Xiao Li, I'll go ahead and take a look. You will cover me behind. If something goes wrong, call for support first, don't save me first."

Can gang fight, why do you have to single?

The reason for the birth of personal heroism is that there are too many pig teammates. Instead of waiting for teammates to develop, it is better to go first...

"Okay, Master Chen, be careful."

"rest assured."

Master Chen squeezed the baton in his hand, and walked forward cautiously, with a sinking center of gravity. After walking for a while, the voice got closer.

He thought for a while, took out a... elastic band from his pocket, and tied a knot between his hand and the baton.

This elastic band is engraved on it-I wish my father always young.

This is a gift from his daughter, in order to let him restrain his middle-aged blessing and move a little when he has time.

But... Besides making him look healthy in life, whether this elastic band should be fat or fat is determined by genes, not manpower.

Just like his hair, he sprayed hair lotion and rubbed ginger every day last year, but now these fancy things are not high.

He is at this age, a little fatter, and a little less hair, so he has momentum, is normal, and has a sense of leadership.

Tied it up, try to wave it, the sound of breaking through the air sounded very neatly.

Yes, even if you knock hard later and your hand is loosened, this baton will still not fall.

Following the sound, Master Chen continued to walk forward. After a while, he saw the source of the sound, which was made by a person lying on the ground. He looked like a security guard.

Master Chen tightened the baton in his hand and stepped forward. Before he got close, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

Master Chen's heart tightened, but he still looked around first.

"Comrade, are you okay?"

Master Chen yelled softly, and the security guard lying on the ground remained motionless.

He frowned and stepped forward two steps. He saw the raised bump on the back of the security guard's neck. It looked like he had been knocked out. He tried to poke the security guard with a baton.

But just like that, it was like puncturing a balloon filled with water. The person in front of Master Chen's eyes was instantly dry and blood leaked out from under him.

The original hum and chirping sound disappeared suddenly, and turned into bursts of sour teeth rubbing bones.

Master Chen has lived for so many years, except for seeing such a thing on TV, he has never seen such a thing in reality.

He took a step back subconsciously, and did not allow the blood that penetrated him to get to the soles of his shoes.

And the blood that oozes seems to be staring at him, except that it spreads everywhere at the beginning, and now it has been flowing in his direction without rushing.

After one step came, Master Chen took two steps back.

"Mother, what is it?"

Master Chen was facing the direction of the blood, stepping back step by step.

After all, this blood is limited.

After draining, a skeleton frame stood up from the body of the security guard just now.



Master Chen shouted: "Xiao Li, call reinforcements!"

"Little Li!"

"Little Li!!!"

However, no matter how loud he shouted, Officer Xiao Li just didn't respond. It was obviously not far away. How could there be no response when he shouted.

However, with the current situation, it is not a weird thing to call people no.

Still... acceptable.

Such a scene, according to his conscience, Master Chen is still a bit "expected", which verifies a conjecture in his heart for many years, so his emotions are still...recovered well, except for the faster heartbeat, Aside from trembling hands...not bad.

Haunted Haunted Haunted Haunting, if he hadn't been drugged, then he was really right in front of him!

What Lao Zhou said before is really true. I blamed him wrong!

After the initial panic, Master Chen's eyes glowed: "At the beginning, I was competing with Lao Zhou for the squad leader. Lao Zhou was able to survive that time. I have no reason to get through."

He spit on the palm of his left hand, holding a baton in both hands, Master Chen stared at the skeleton staggering towards him, and roared:

"Little thief, come! It's just a bone frame, I can't beat you yet?"

"Even if I can't beat you, if I die, I won't be worse than you!"


While shouting, Master Chen's body mustered a lot of courage.

However, he clearly knows that one blast, another decline, and three exhaustion.

This skeleton is walking too slowly!

It's like the kind of old lady who needs to be supported to the other side of the road. When it comes over, she doesn't necessarily have the courage to wave a stick at it!

Master Chen thought so, as if he was bewitched, he rushed forward as if flying, stepped on the blood, and every time he stepped on, when he lifted his foot, there was a spot without blood. footprint!

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed.

The skeleton also speeded up, seeming to imitate his movements, and rushed towards him.

It seems that because there is no weapon, he ran, the skeleton tore off his left hand, holding his right hand...

Soon, Master Chen's baton hit the skeleton, and the skeleton's "hand stick" hit Master Chen's body.

There was a dull sound on both sides, Master Chen endured the pain, gritted his teeth, bloodshot eyes.

Although the baton didn't fall off because of the excessive force just now, the mouth of the right hand was very painful, and the left arm was just hit by the skeleton, and it was a little numb.

Swing the club again, the effect should not be as great as the first time.

But the first time I hit it like this, it didn't seem to have much effect on the monster in front of me. If I did it again, it would waste my strength...

Master Chen quickly made a judgment, enduring the discomfort from the bottom of his heart, flew forward and hugged hard.

Head hammer!


The dull voice sounded, and the skeleton spoke: "Master Chen, stop fighting, me, Xiao Li, stop fighting."


Master Chen has closed his eyes because he needs to give the other a head hammer.

But the skeleton came like this, Master Chen couldn't stop,

I twisted my neck...Biquge China

Master Chen opened his eyes in pain and saw that he was not holding Xiao Li.

How is this going?

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Xiao Li said, "Master Chen, can you get off my body first?"

"So, what's the matter?"

Pretending that nothing happened, Master Chen jumped off Xiao Li and looked around. The two of them were still beside the car.

Didn't move at all!

"I don't know. You asked me to look around just now. I haven't walked a few steps. You stabbed me in the back like crazy. I finally got up and you came to me again. With a stick, he threw on me, hugged me, and smashed my head. Who did I provoke?" Officer Xiao Li's voice revealed his grievance.

I took a closer look. It was indeed Police Officer Xiao Li. Master Chen frowned and looked around, and exhorted: "Be careful, this place seems weird. We will call reinforcements now."

"It's useless, when I was stabbed in your back just now, I felt something was wrong. I wanted to call, but there was no signal in this place!"

In order to verify the authenticity of what Xiao Li said, Master Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at——

The signal value is zero.

This is very much like a scene in a horror movie!

Are there any signals in these years?

In the elevator, in the tunnel, there are...2G is good!

"What I said, there is no signal." Xiao Li leaned over to Master Chen and looked at his mobile phone interface.

Maybe Xiao Li got too close, maybe the inexplicable illusion just brought too much shadow to Master Chen, Master Chen didn't want Xiao Li to be too close to him, so he pushed Xiao Li's head aside.

Suddenly, his hand loosened.


Xiao Li looked at Master Chen in pain, and asked, "Master Chen, I'm dizzy, why are you pushing me so hard?"

Master Chen looked at the body standing next to him, still leaning towards him, and then at the police officer Xiao Li who was on the ground looking up at him...

There was some calming heartbeat, but it suddenly accelerated.

He feels his head is a little dizzy, high blood pressure is coming up.

No, you have to take medicine.

No matter how urgent it is now, you have to take medicine, or you will have to faint in a while.

Master Chen took out a small medicine jar from his chest pocket, which contained his antihypertensive medicine.

When I poured it out, I wanted to swallow it in my mouth, but what was it?!

Why is it so sticky???

It seems that the light at Master Chen's place is not good, and the low beam of the car that was originally parked on the road suddenly lights up.

With the help of the light, Master Chen could see clearly, he recognized at a glance, the fish eyes in his hand were fish eyes after another.

He likes fish eyes very much, he likes the taste of fish eyes, but... he likes cooked.

With a flick of his hand, those fish eyes fell to the ground.

Pour again, still.

The medicine jar is empty, all eyes!


The dizziness became more intense, Master Chen's body was a little staggered, and Xiao Li beside him seemed to want to hold him.

Master Chen now, how dare to let him hold him!

Pushing Xiao Li's body as far as he could, Xiao Li's body couldn't stand still, collapsed, and hit his head.


There seemed to be a sound of watermelon breaking, and at this time, Master Chen felt itchy in the palm of his right hand. When he opened his hand, there were densely packed eyes in his palm. Two of them were very large and looked very familiar and special. innocent......

"Master Chen, you hurt me!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Master Chen felt like he was going crazy!

The blood pressure is up!

He kept scratching his palm, kept scratching, scratching out blood, scratching out bones...

Muttered in his mouth: "How is it possible, how is it possible, how is it possible, go away, go away..."



Looking at the two people lying next to their cauldron, they kept twitching and opened their mouths, and blood mist came out of their mouths. Their faces became pale with naked eyes, but they soon became ruddy and energetic.

"Yes, is this a favor? There is still such a strong vitality, and there is no feeling of injury."

"The power of this new god seems to be good, let these two people come in to test me, and give such strong protection measures? Really willing, how much power has to be wasted!"

"It's okay, it's cheaper for me. It's all mine now. As long as He doesn't come in, I can eat all these!"

Standing by the edge of the pot, the monkey looked down at the two people, very satisfied.

Then, he used his own spoon to stir and stir in the pot, occasionally introducing the blood mist "spit out" from Master Chen and Officer Xiao Li into the pot.

But... this seems a bit slow. The monkey is a little anxious and jumps to the ground, holding a person's arm in one hand.

When it was, Master Chen and Police Officer Xiao Li's eyes suddenly opened, and they "wrapped" up.

The monkey was suddenly suppressed. When the two of them separated, the monkey was already covered by a turquoise net, struggling frantically, but there was no way to leave.

"If you have the ability to trick me, if you have the ability, come out!"

"What a good guy if you don't come out! Come out if you have the ability!"

"Let me out, you let me go, you caught the wrong monkey! I am not Hou Lei!"

No matter how the monkey struggles, the net is getting tighter and tighter. Soon, the monkey slumped on the ground, his body flashed light and turned into a yellow bead, trying to get out of the net.

However, the net has also become smaller...



"Master Chen? Master Chen? Wake up, don't sleep."

"Um...Master Chen, don't go to sleep, you're off work, remember to check in later, otherwise the overtime pay will be gone."

Master Chen patted his forehead, feeling a little bored.

"Master Chen, are you awake? You may be a little tired these few days. On the way there, you fell asleep."

"But don't worry, I've seen it around, no problem."

Seeing the young man who was about to stick to his face, Master Chen felt a little familiar. However, the sticking was too close. He was not used to someone talking to him like this, and he reached out and prepared to push away.

As soon as he raised his hand, his body felt like a meal, and a sense of fear rising from the bottom of his heart made him unable to move.

"Master Chen, what's the matter with you? Has Sleeping gone?"

The young man straightened up, looked at Master Chen, and said strangely: "Master Chen, do you need me to call a doctor for you now?"

", help me get the medicine in my chest pocket."

"Don't... I don't take medicine, let me slow down."

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