My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 494: How Could There Be Such a Person in the World? At a glance it looks like a fairy! (4.2k

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Brother, sorry, I was wrong."

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng picking up the "green ball" that trembles occasionally, Jiang Shouhui apologized guiltily.

He had never thought that this is actually a fake, this is really awkward!

It makes no sense!

Obviously there are two when you go in, and two when you come out. Why are they both fake?

How can this be done?

Was the place where I felt wrong before?!

By the way, there was originally Hou Lei who always liked tossing the ball!When I came out, I didn't toss it, and I haven't seen Hou Lei running the ball in the monitoring until now!

Jiang Shouhui began to think and analyze, and then: "Brother, Hou Lei may have...four now."

"Don't talk about this now. The other party must have escaped now, and there is no time to chase them. It is still miscalculated. What we have to do now is to send the two police officers away first."

Jiang Shouzheng said, looked at Liu Ming and asked, "Is there any problem with their bodies?"

As soon as he entered, Liu Ming, in order to ensure the safety of Master Chen and Police Officer Xiao Li, as soon as he came up, he gave them both...signal pulse!

The number is almost the same now, indeed...Although it looks like he is vomiting blood, his physical condition seems to be better than ever before. The current physique is almost the same as when he first started practicing and practiced for a while.

"Even if the result is good, your behavior just now is wrong. You should not use other people's lives to test the monster!"

Liu Ming stood up and stopped Jiang Shouzheng: "I dare not let you touch my colleague again! What if I cheat my colleague again?"

"You are a mortal, know what a fart! Do you know how much power the brother put on them in order to protect them? These powers are enough for them to die a hundred times, don't you understand! Their lives are fundamental You won’t be threatened, okay! Brother is very sure to let them come in for a try. Brother did this for the sake of Master. He was doing it for safety. What’s wrong with you. Also, now you say that my brother is wrong again. It's tossing your colleague's life. Why didn't you stop them just now and let them come in. I can't understand your face like a villain. You beep carefully and be careful about me..."

Jiang Shouzheng patted an angry face, and Jiang Shouhui, whose mouth speed was "three times", apologized to Liu Ming: "If there is another next time, I won't find someone else. This time I owe it to my selfishness. "

Liu Ming opened his mouth, and under Jiang Shouhui's fierce gaze, it only turned into: "You know it."

With that said, Liu Ming held one in his hand and "supported" the two of them to the back seat of the car. Sitting in the driving position, he blew two horns at Jiang Shouzheng.

Jiang Shouzheng walked out of the car window, Liu Ming pressed down the car window and snarled Jiang Shouhui who was sitting on Jiang Shouzheng's shoulders, and said to Jiang Shouzheng:

"I hope you restrain him, no matter whether there is a cause or not, I, we, don’t want this god to interfere too much with the original laws of human life. That [Xia Ji Eight Calculations] can be kept, other times, don’t Intervene in human life."

When Liu Ming watched this, Jiang Shouhui suddenly exploded her hair: "Hey, hey, surname Liu, what do you mean? Do you think it is wrong for me to intervene in human life! If it's not for brother, let me control What about them! I have saved a lot of people anyway. You released those dangerous people into society. You almost caused much harm last time, do you know!"

"That's our human business, and you... the gods don’t have much to do with you. I still hope you..." Seeing Jiang Shouhui’s unhappy expression, it’s time for Liu Ming to change his words, "I still hope. You do your duty as a god and don’t care about human affairs. This is my advice and a warning from the power behind me. If you perform miracles recklessly, then someone will take action. Human affairs should Solving it in a human way, the gods intervening between humans, is already an old calendar."

Speaking of Liu Ming and drove away, Jiang Shouhui pointed at the bottom of the car and "wrongly" said to Jiang Shouzheng: "Brother, did he just say...If I was nosy, then someone should kill me? Kill me? I have provoke anyone, I haven't been... a month old? How come the heavens want to eat me, and the organization behind this person will also kill me! I am a god, is it easy for me! "

Jiang Shouzheng looked at the direction Liu Ming was leaving and rubbed Jiang Shouhui's head. He didn't say anything, but thought of what Liu Ming said to him earlier:

"...All the gods, based on the analysis of our existing data and field investigations, although they were born in the faith of mankind, their feelings towards mankind are like offering eggs to themselves. The hen does not pay too much attention to...

"...The gods have a certain tendency to self-destruct, and in their eyes, there is no good and evil, let alone right and wrong. The standard for their behavior is to make themselves happy, or to say'close to the Tao', As long as things don’t violate the laws of nature excessively, they do whatever they want. This unconstrained power is too big and too much to exist in the world...

"...When there is no way to control power, sealing and destroying is a very simple and direct way. This is not the best way, but it is the safest and safest at present. I don't know what method you use to make This god obeys you, but... can you ensure that his power is always restrained? You may be able to restrain him for ten or twenty years, but one hundred, two hundred years!..."

When Jiang Shouzheng was thinking about it, Jiang Shouhui, who was sitting on his shoulders, called out "Yeah", and suddenly attracted Jiang Shouzheng's attention.

Brilliantly flowing, Jiang Shouzheng appeared in front of a white board constructed by supernatural power with a suicide note engraved on it...

It was just sent from Master Chen Chen Heping's cell phone, and it happened to be seen by Jiang Shouhui.

"Brother, is this letter addressed to your roommate Zhou Quan's father? From this point of view, there seems to be a little other problem in Zhou Quan's father's lap!"

Jiang Shouzheng restrained his mind, and after reading it carefully, he nodded and said: "This matter, let Zhou Quan decide by himself, we can't interfere."

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng took out his mobile phone and prepared to call a car.

"Brother, don't I need to call for you?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

"...Brother, are you afraid of Liu Ming just now? Are there any other special offices? Don't be afraid! What kind of threats are they? If they really want to come, we are afraid we can't do them?!"

"Okay, don't bluff all day long! You are also a god, don't move, you have to think about fighting with people, no, be peaceful... I am not afraid of them, but... more is worse than less For one thing, we already have an opponent of Heavenly Court. There is no need to provoke another one for no reason. Moreover, what he just said may not necessarily be what the Special Office really meant to treat the gods..."


Five minutes after Jiang Shou was placing the order, he finally called for a car. This place is really too biased!

Soon after he got in the car, a security guard curled up on the floor of the table woke up leisurely and raised his head—


"Hey hey, it hurts!"

"Huh? It smells so sweet, so sweet."

The security guard followed the smell and came to the base, looking at the boiling pot and the people standing next to it...

"Hey, who are you!"

The security guard yelled hard from a distance, and the figure standing by the pot immediately strayed away. He chased him appropriately, "really" he couldn't catch up, and just ran to the pot.

"It's so fragrant, so fragrant, so fragrant, it's a waste to put it here, let me eat it."




"personal I.D!"

After sending Master Chen and Police Officer Xiao Li back to the police station, Liu Ming went around and came outside a compound. After submitting his own materials to the staff responsible for verifying the identity certificate and verifying the iris, Liu Ming stepped into it. .

Fog, there is a very thick fog in the compound.Miao Bi Ge Novel

Visibility is very low.

Under these mists, Liu Ming's power seemed to have increased a bit.

Liu Ming knew that this was an "illusion." After leaving here, how much power he should have is how much power he still has.

"Little Liu, how come you come to the old man at so late?"

When Liu Ming just crossed an arched door, an uncle wearing a military coat and holding a hookah appeared in front of him.

"Grandpa Ge, good evening."

Liu Ming bowed his hands to the uncle, showing respect.

"Hey hey, you kid, it's really meaningless. Haven't we seen each other for a long time? Is it necessary to do so? No need to arch your hands, no need to arch your hands, just be natural."

"Grandpa Ge, I..." Faced with the impatience and complaints of the old man in front of him, Liu Ming said that he was at a loss.

None of the "retired" old people staying in this place is easy to provoke. Some people's age is no longer verifiable, and it is not that he can offend at will.

For everyone staying here, the identity information is strictly confidential.

Moreover, there is no way to determine how many people are in this compound!

However, there will always be a few particularly lively, "younger" old guys, such as the uncle in front of me, who is a very lively temper. Every time Liu Ming comes here, this uncle will be here. Appeared in the thick fog, come and chat with him.

Because the two sides have relatively more exchanges, Liu Ming knows a little more about this uncle Ge. This uncle used to be a young man riding an eagle, that is, a shaman, who has a sweet and happy love... ....

However, this is what the uncle himself said, and it is not very clear whether it is true or not.

Before Liu Ming could say an apology, he heard someone smile heartily in the thick fog: "Old Ge, don't move and make it difficult for young people to do it! People call you Grandpa Ge, which gives you affection and face. Are you still ignorant? Do you want people to call your grandson unsuccessful?"

"Will you call me grandpa and lose him?"

"People call you grandpa, is there still a profit?"

Faced with such a problem, the old man surnamed Ge took a sip of the hookah, and after making a long string of "grumbling" sounds in the pipe, the old man surnamed Ge fumbled in his pocket for a while and took out a piece of golden yellow. Eagle Feather: "Boy, I won't let you call me grandpa for nothing. This is a gift for you, a magic weapon. Although it has not been refined, it is also a magic weapon!"

"Don't dare." Liu Ming wanted to shirk, he could tell at a glance, this eagle feather is a magic weapon, and it is also a magic weapon of the defensive nature, which is very rare.

These years, where is the magic weapon so easy to find!

"The elder's gift is inescapable. If you dare not, he has given it to you. Can you still not make it?" The people who had just been in the thick fog have now walked by their side. The beard, eyebrows, etc. were all white, but at first glance, they still looked awkward.

"Inspector General."

When Liu Ming saw the old man, he hurriedly bowed his hands.

As soon as Uncle Ge saw this person coming, he would take the eagle feather from his hand.

"You old Ge, you're not honest. If you give what you've gone, there is a reason to take it back. It's impolite to know." With that, the old man called the inspector-general by Liu Ming pinched Ying Yu. At the end, Ying Yu was pulled out of the old man named Ge.

Uncle Ge wanted to take it back, but the inspector drew away when he flashed.

Uncle Ge doesn't seem to have to grab it back...

"Tsk tusk tusk, not bad, Lao Ge, this eagle feather, no matter the material used or the way of warming, is the best, you bother."

With that said, the inspector general played with the eagle feather a little bit. Liu Ming lowered his head and arched his hands. He was very respectful. Without raising his head, he naturally didn’t see it. When the inspector general played with the eagle feather, the eagle feather floated out. Some golden aerosol, after these golden aerosols drifted for a while, it melted into the mist and disappeared, and this golden eagle feather became more dazzling.

"Take it, this is also Lao Ge's heart anyway."

Liu Ming took Yingyu with both hands and said respectfully: "Thank you, inspector general."

"You should thank Lao Ge."

"Thank you Grandpa Ge."

"Huh~" Uncle Ge took another sip of waterpipe, sprayed it at Liu Ming's face, and stepped into the thick fog.

"Let's go, Lao Ge is back to his room. Come with me now." The inspector general said, leading Liu Ming away.

After a while, he came to a place similar to the nave.

"Come, sit down, what do you want to tell me this time." The inspector picked up the tea cup that I didn't know when it was placed next to the main seat, and lifted the lid. "Huh" said.

"It turns out that there is a friend here. The old man has clumsy eyes and didn't see it. I'm sorry, sorry.

Before Liu Ming could ask a question, the inspector general got up and bowed his hand at Liu Ming...

Liu Ming has some doubts, but he feels that his eyes are dark, and the whole person is groggy and muddled...

"Hello, it's the inspector general, right? I'm sorry, I don't want to come like this either, just want to ask a few questions."

"You say."

"But before asking the question, can I ask where is this place?"

"This is my office location. According to the current parlance, it is called the focus of supervision and management of the Special Office..."

"What about the previous statement?"

"The City God Temple, and I am the City God."

The inspector general looked at the turquoise mana condensed from Liu Ming's body, his expression changed from initial surprise to solemnity, and finally a little shocked in his eyes:

"How is it possible! How is it possible! How can there be a character like you alive now?!"

"Three corpses cut? No scumming and flawless?"

"It shouldn't be! Unreasonable!!!"

Before Jiang Shouzheng could say anything, the inspector general was holding the ancient ceremony, bowed and said loudly:

"Little god, see Shangxian!"

"...You, have you admitted the wrong person?"

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