My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 495 I really didn't hold back...(4.2k, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Shang Xian, you are finally here, I am waiting for you so hard!"


After the Chief Inspector finished his salute, the expression of the whole person suddenly changed from serious...especially like Chen Yuan's handsome guy named Lin Qingxian, Jiang Shouzheng felt very unnatural...

'Don't look at me like this, look at me like this, I... won't pay.'

Jiang Shouzheng's condensed mana took a step back, avoiding the inspector general who wanted to jump forward and grab his hand:

"Well, did you admit the wrong person? I'm not a god."

"No, you are an immortal! Whether you are a human or an immortal, I can tell at a glance!"

"I am a human being, not a god."

"No, you are not human!"


When a person (regardless of whether he is human or not) is constantly, firmly and surely saying that you are not human, what kind of experience is it?

"No, no, you have admitted the wrong person. My name is Jiang Shouzheng. I am a registered Taoist priest of Qingfengguan and a freshman at Kyoto University of Chemical Materials."

Faced with such a warm greeting from the inspector general, Jiang Shouzheng felt a little bit overwhelmed.

"No, you are not a human, you are a god, how can you be a human?"


Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, and he condensed his... ID card with his force, and handed it to the inspector general: "This is my ID card. You have contact with the special office. You should be able to find it. I am a person. , It’s not a god."

"No, you are a god!" The inspector general didn't even look at his ID card. He still looked at Jiang Shouzheng eagerly, his eyes shining, it was really shining, and a light blue halo revealed in his eyes. , With a starry sky.


Why doesn't it make sense?

Jiang Shouzheng made a pause gesture and said, "Let's skip this topic first, can we?"

"Yes, the gods must obey the orders of the gods."

"That I came here without notice, just to ask..."

Before Jiang Shouzheng said half of his words, the inspector general walked to the upper seat and bent over, looking like he wanted to lift the chair.

But just as he mentioned it, Jiang Shouzheng felt an obvious shock, as if the earth was shaking.

"Huh? What are you doing?!"

"If you go back to Shangxian, how can you stand up? The little god is to help you get a chair."

"This chair..."

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng pointing at the chair he was holding underneath him, the inspector general said with some pride: "Shang Xian, don't look at this chair as ordinary and unremarkable, but this chair coincides with the veins of Kyoto. Sitting here On the chair, you can clearly perceive the changes in the ground veins of Kyoto... However, the ground veins of Kyoto have not changed much over the years."


After some tossing, Jiang Shouzheng took the first place.

But can't let the inspector-general, who seems to be so excited, do things on his own, if something goes wrong, it will be very troublesome.

Jiang Shouzheng stroked the current situation...without a clue.

Forget it, continue to ask questions according to the original plan.

"Well, I want to ask, are you clear about the special office?"

"Return to the immortal, I know all the big and small things of the special office, and I have everything you want to know!"

Seeing the inspector-general so determined, Jiang Shouzheng then asked:

"Then I would like to ask, why is the appearance of gods not allowed now, or why does the Special Office acquiesce in the heavens to suppress gods?"

In Jiang Shouzheng's view, the gods are still very good.

Whether it is the God of Gudeng, the God of Testament in Linjiang, or the God of Wisdom Kyoto achieved by Jiang Shouhui, the gods Jiang Shouzheng has come into contact with have good personalities.

"Shangxian asked this question, is it because of a god who wants to be a servant?"

"...No, I just want to understand why, because Liu Ming just told me about the policies of the Special Office, and it doesn't seem to be particularly friendly to the gods."

"Did Xiao Liu say something to you?"

After Jiang Shouzheng relayed what Liu Ming said to him, the inspector general's expression was no longer so Chen Yuan, frowning and thinking, his body naturally showed the aura of a superior, but when he nodded in response, his work broke again. What to do, what to do:

"Yes, Shangxian, this is basically the attitude of the Special Office. What Xiao Liu said is no problem. I agreed to this policy. If the Shangxian is not satisfied with this policy, he will talk to me. Just say it here, it has nothing to do with Xiao Liu."

After the inspector general set a tone for the "contact between Liu Ming and Jiang Shouzheng", he lowered his head and lifted his hands upwards. A bundle of scrolls appeared in his hands. "There is a certain reason for this policy. This is a mind map that was refined when the attitude toward gods was originally formulated. Shangxian can look at it first. After reading it, the little god will show the PPT to Shangxian to facilitate the understanding of Shangxian.

On a simple and delicate scroll, there is a mind map drawn;

In the old and elegant nave, a projection screen TV appeared...

No matter how you look at it, I feel that there is some violation!

Jiang Shouzheng felt a little confused.

However, let's take a look at the mind map first, and ask if you have any questions.

It's like a class... first preview, then ask questions...

In the middle hall, I don't know when a plant of incense was lit, and the white smoke intertwined in the air, gradually turning into the appearance of a phoenix.

"Shang Xian~ Fortunately, the little god has a way to tell who you are, otherwise you have really deceived you.'

When the inspector general saw this scene, his heart was slightly suspended, and it really fell to the ground at this moment.

He had previously discerned that Jiang Shou was the Shangxian. It was based on the fact that after he had counted a life for himself, his numerology told him that Shangxian could enter his god's realm silently.

Isn't Jiang Shouzheng's way of playing just now in line with his own numerology?

As for the current [Xunxianyan], this is his collection, or rather, the collection of his previous life——

'You who were born on my god body, you must remember that if the smoke of Xunxianyan looks like a phoenix in the air, then there is an immortal nearby.

'You must use it carefully. The Xunxian Cigarette has only one such one. Its main purpose is to worship the immortal. If the phoenix formed is enjoyed by the immortal, then the immortal feels good to you. ..Eh.

'I also found a fairy at the beginning, and used a cigarette to find the fairy, but the god was not satisfied with me. With a wave of my hand, the smoke was dissipated. I have been thinking about what I did wrong in the first place. , After my careful analysis, it was because I was too arrogant.

'You must remember that if you encounter immortals again, you must be humble, otherwise you, we, will be trapped in endless, endless rebirth... you cannot die or live.'

Bai Yanfeng fluttered his wings in the air, circled and circled Jiang Shouzheng, then his body collapsed and disappeared without a trace...

'Where is this?'

Looking at Bai Yanfeng who disappeared, the inspector general muttered in his heart.

However, this should be better than my previous life, right?After all, Bai Yanfeng was not blown out by a wave.



"Come, help me fill up the wine!"

"Yo yo yo, it's not bad, it looks good and punctual."

"Good brothers, five chiefs, six six, six six, a little bit..."

"Please be quiet, ladies, I want to read."

In his sleep, the old observer who had originally felt a little hazy, suddenly became sober.

And when he was awake, he knew... he was dreaming now.

In his dream, he saw many fragments intertwined in his dream. Those fragments seemed to be the lives of one person after another. There were scholars with robes, majestic judges, butchers with knives, and boys who went up the mountain to gather medicine. , There are beggars who sell themselves to beg for food...

Fragments, thousands!

These people are all his looks, but they seem to be relatively young.

While the old view master was looking at them, they also stopped the "progress" and looked at the old view master from those fragments.

From the center of their eyebrows, strands of white smoke came out, and they gathered into a palm-sized white phoenix bird. After a cry, it flew towards the old master.

"You are like this, I am under a lot of pressure!"

I always feel subjectively and emotionally. It's you, a phoenix bird, that makes me sleepless.

After throwing a punch, the phoenix wailed and dissipated...

Dreamland, once again returned to the muddle.

"It's so...comfortable. It's the most tiring to have lucid dreams."



"Little brother, life is still long. Don't do things that will make you and your family regret it."

"...Master, you may have misunderstood, I didn't come out to commit suicide."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I've been talking too much, but no matter what you are doing when you come out so late, at this point in time, if a boy is going out at night, he must pay attention to safety. The people nowadays have changed. It's gone bad, you boy go out alone, that's very dangerous. Jie Cai is okay, if it's something else... tut tut."


"Don’t look at me like this. I think you look good. That’s why I told you that. If you don’t look good, I won’t tell you this. These are all good words. You have to listen. Now, you have not suffered a loss yet, but when you have suffered a loss, it will be too late."

Jiang Shouzheng was talking about the master next to him. He nodded from time to time to show that he knew it, while Jiang Shouhui, who was sitting on Jiang Shouzheng's shoulders, kept laughing.

This master is really interesting. If you have time in the future, you should pay more attention to it. Even Jiang Shouhui knows the temperament of this kind of old man, absolutely rare species!

"See you are going to Kyoto Chemical University, right?"


"Then you should be regarded as my younger brother. I told you that you must be serious when studying at Kyoto Chemical University. Don't fail to study seriously. Don't spend too much time on dating, waiting for you. When I’m my age, you’ll find that all things like love need soil. What is soil, money, and no money to grow the fruits of love? That’s all bullshit. I go to work during the day and drive at night. Not..."

Jiang Shouzheng listened to the chatter of the driver beside him, and then listened to the identity information Jiang Shouhui had just retrieved...

"It's really hey."

This senior came out to drive to supplement his family. He is now a family of three. According to Jiang Shouhui’s feedback, there is no extra money every year...

"You must study hard!"

"When I talked about these things in other places before, others asked me to give me money. If you feel uncomfortable after listening, then you can send me a red envelope."


This is a good word from the senior, you have to listen carefully, there is no embarrassment.

After listening to the senior's "A Miserable City for Life", Jiang Shouzheng arrived at the place, got off the car, thanked the senior, and left.

The car was parked in front of the school for a long time, and did not receive the "red envelope" prompted by the system. The master sighed in frustration. He just talked about so many dry goods. This student didn’t buy it. It seems that he is not so simple. .

Continue to start the throttle to find the list...

I don’t know if I can find a good list. I hope it’s a college student. If I speak well and work hard, I still have a chance to get a "reward" from the passengers, regardless of whether the content I speak is reasonable or not, whether it can be put into practice ...

After receiving Jiang Shouhui's feedback, Jiang Shouzheng laughed and said, this senior, a bit interesting.

It turned out to be rented out, can you still make money in this way?

Learned and learned.

But this senior is also miserable. It is possible to provide him with anything by himself, but the money...

Isn't that a joke?

I would not give him an extra dollar for all the mana that I had cultivated in a day.

This is the difference in value perception...

If it was Lin Qingxian, it might not be so.

"Brother, this person is very interesting, I will look at him more in the future, you say, will this cause you trouble?"

"No, you can do whatever you want. You are my junior, don’t do things that hurt the world and reason, then just do it with you. If something goes wrong, I will help you with it. If I can’t do it If the Master is still there, Master will help you solve it."

"Okay! Brother, then Hou Lei who returned to his residence, still watching?"

"Watch it, it's already convicted anyway."

Jiang Shouhui nodded and promised, she dialed the number of the old Guanzhu, and connected to the main body beside the old Guanzhu. This part of the division of spiritual consciousness suddenly went through.

"Brother, (o).zZ"

Looking at the prompt message of the mobile phone text message, Jiang Shouzheng said good night. He knew that Jiang Shouhui could perceive it and didn't need to reply specifically.

Entered the building and said hello to the auntie.

"Class 504, come back early next time, now it's almost locked."

"Hey! Got it~ trouble auntie, I will be earlier next time."

"You're welcome, it's safe and sound."

When Jiang Shouzheng went upstairs, he swiped the screen of his phone in the corridor. After thinking for a while, he took a long screenshot and sent the picture to Zhou Quan.

"I didn't see it deliberately. It was discovered when my junior sifted through the information. See if it has anything to do with you."

This kind of "voyeur" to other people's privacy will still feel embarrassing to confirm in person.

After waiting for a while, before news from Zhou Quan, Jiang Shouzheng knocked on the door of the bedroom...

"Cough cough cough..."

There was a strong cough in the bedroom, Hou Lei's breath flashed in the bedroom!

Jiang Shouzheng "Nian" opened the bedroom door and pushed in. Jiang Shouqin squatted halfway, picked up the...beads on the ground, raised his head, looking at Jiang Shouzheng, a little embarrassed:

"Brother, hi, how are you."

Jiang Shouzheng ignored Jiang Shouqin's greetings, but looked at the beads he picked up in his hands——

"Brother, I didn't eat it casually, I just didn't hold it back all of a sudden and put it in my mouth."

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